Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
This is also awailable on fanfiction dot net
I just posted all these 5 chapters so wait for updates if you liked this. :)
Song used: WET - I dont wanna be your girl
Chapter 5
The students were in their rehearsal of Cantare. Elizabeth was on the stage talking about what songs should they do for ‘'Palace''. Palace is a competition that is held every year. It has three parts. One for North America and in South America, than ten winners from each gather in Florida and there the judges choose three from each and in finals, that are held in New York, the six choirs compete for the first place.
In the first years of Cantare, Elizabeth had to fight big time so Cantare can be the choir to represent California. After competing they managed to get to the second part but then lost.
The last five years were very lucky and they were proud to be called champions. They won five years in a row.
When Rachel left, Elizabeth was very nervous about who's gonna be the next soloist of the choir. When they performed in New York two years ago, Blaine met Heidi. She and her family lived there and decided to watch the performance.
Heidi had a crush on Blaine and she moved to LA, and was accepted as the female soloist of Cantare.
Blaine sat on the left side of the auditorium and he looked at Kurt's direction. Kurt sat very far from Blaine. He was a bit late today, so he couldn't sit as far as he would've wanted. But 29 seats apart from the curly haired boy were enough, right?
Blaine saw Kurt looking at him as well, but the same second, the chestnut haired boy turned his attention back to the stage.
Blaine hated this. Hated. But it was his fault. He deserved it.
Blaine leaned in.
‘'No,'' Kurt said softly, almost whispering but Blaine didn't stop.
‘'Please, stop,'' he continued when Blaine placed his arms possessively around the younger boy's waist.
Kurt placed his hands on Blaine's chest but that didn't stop the man who was only an inch away from those delicious lips he wanted.
Kurt wanted this but couldn't, it would be irresponsible. He didn't know Blaine. He was free for only a little more than two weeks and this was going too fast. He wanted to have someone by his side to protect him and to love him, but jumping into a relationship so quickly could be dangerous.
When their lips were almost touching Kurt pushed Blaine with all he had in him. Blaine stumbled back looking very confused and angry.
‘'Wha-?'' Blaine questioned after getting stable on his feet again.
‘'I said stop!'' Kurt cried out. His eyes were burning but he didn't let tears fall.
‘'Kurt... I-‘' Blaine started to come closer to Kurt again.
‘'No!'' Kurt backed away, ‘'Don't you dare touch me!''
Blaine felt devastated. This was absolutely not how he wanted this to go. Why the hell didn't he stop when Heaven asked him to?
‘'Kurt-‘' he said a bit more firmly, wanting Kurt to hear him out.
‘'No!'' Kurt shook his head, ‘'I-I'll just go. Tina's probably worrying.''
After calming his voice down, Kurt turned around and quickly, almost running, stormed away from the coast, leaving Blaine alone. And angry.
Angry for the hell inside him for going out of control.
‘'Kurt, wait!'' Blaine yelled but didn't move. He couldn't see the beautiful boy anymore.
That night he couldn't sleep. He didn't know if he wanted to sleep. He was sure he would dream of the flawless face. Heaven was more far away now.
Will he forgive me?
Will he want to even listen to me?
What will I say?
Will he quit Cantare? No. It's his dream. He wouldn't.
Sleep didn't come.
He could see that Kurt hadn't slept either. His face was a little red and his hair was more messy than usual. He could see his eyes were puffy. Maybe from crying?!
Blaine hated this. He didn't want to hurt Heaven. He was the one, that's supposed to keep him safe and happy. He didn't want the perfect boy crying. Ever.
‘'Let's take a five, guys,'' Elizabeth sighed, seeing everyone half asleep, ‘'Go, get some coffee. Be back in a half an hour. We need to get ready.''
The students would usually cheer but this time they stood up quietly, some even staying in their seats, not understanding what's going on and where's everyone going.
Blaine hesitated to get up. Maybe Kurt would stay and they would talk.
He saw Kurt stand up and leave, not sending a glance in the hazel eyed boy's way. For some reason, he stayed in his seat.
The hall was pretty empty and Kurt decided to go out for coffee. He started to walk towards the stairs that led to the first floor.
‘'Hey!'' a voice came behind Kurt.
The boy lazily turned around, not recognizing the voice. He saw the ‘dangerous' boy walking towards him. He remembered him from the first practice Kurt had. He was new as well.
Maybe they could be friends.
‘'Hey, fairy!''
Scratch that thought.
‘'Kurt, right?'' the boy looked like he could kill someone. What was his problem?
Kurt didn't move a muscle. This was the first homophobe experience ever and he didn't know how to act and what to do.
‘'I'm talking to you, cock sucker!'' the boy got a lot closer to Kurt. Kurt was shivering. He was so scared he didn't know what to do. Run-?
‘'Ed, what are you doing?'' a familiar voice came from around the corner.
A smiling, beautiful girl was walking fast toward the boys.
Rachel Anderson. Kurt knew her. He'd watched so many videos of her solos he couldn't count. The girl was talented. And a life saver.
‘'I just wanted to say hi to the other new member here,'' Ed said turning back to Kurt after smiling back at his girlfriend.
‘'Oh. Kurt, right?'' Rachel asked.
Kurt just nodded. Words just weren't coming out of his mouth.
‘'Oh, nice! Kurt, B. Andersons slave. Isn't that sweet. Another homo in Cantare. Isn't-‘'
‘'Ed!'' Rachel whispered warningly, pulling her boyfriend away from the scared boy.
‘'Hey!'' a loud, deep voice came from around the corner. Blaine was storming towards them.
He took Edward by the collar and pushed him against the wall, holding his arm firmly on his neck.
‘'What did you just say?'' Blaine's eyes were dark, filled with anger and hate for the guy.
‘'No-noth-hing,'' Edward turned to Kurt, ‘'I'm s-sorry!''
Kurt didn't know what to do. Should he separate them or what?
Before he could do anything, Rachel was running up to the boys.
‘'Blaine, please, don't,'' Rachel took Blaine by his free hand and pulled him away.
Blaine looked at Rachel's face, ‘'What? What is that?'' he pointed at his sister's cheek.
‘'Oh...'' probably didn't put enough concealer.
‘'Did this fucker do this to you?''
When Blaine's grasp on Edward loosened, he pushed Blaine's hand away, ‘'Get you dirty, homo hands off of me. I don't want to get the disease. Tell that to your fairy boy not to touch anyone, too!'' Blaine quickly turned Edward's way and jumped, pushing him to the floor.
‘'Don't you dare say things like that about him,'' he said in between punched, ignoring the screams from his sibling, ‘'And don't touch Rachel again, you got it? Don't even speak to her. I'll know.''
Edward landed a hard punch on Blaine's face and he stumbled back.
‘'BOYS!!!'' Another voice came from around the corner, ‘'Back to the auditorium immediately. Blaine, Rachel – go home! I'll talk to you later!'' Elizabeth said.
Blaine looked at Kurt, locking their glances. Kurt looked so scared, he just wanted to wrap him into his arms and hold him forever.
He probably still needs some space. With that thought he turned and left.
‘'What the hell?'' Blaine screamed at his sister after they were alone in their house, ‘'Why are you still together with him?''
‘'I love him Blaine!''
‘'You cannot love someone like that, Rachel. He fucking hit you! He's a goddamn abuser,'' Blaine ran a hand through his hair, ‘'You deserve a lot better and you know it!''
Rachel didn't say anything. Tears were running down her cheeks. Edward was her first boyfriend and she really thought they would be together for a long time. A thought to question now. Right?
‘'He was drunk. He... He didn't know what he was doing a-and I forgave him!'' Rachel sobbed.
‘'Are you crazy?'' Blaine placed his hands on each side of his sisters shoulders, ‘'You're not safe with him.''
With that statement Rachel started crying harder and Blaine pulled the girl in for a tight hug, kissing her forehead.
‘'Hey, drear. Why are you crying?'' Lydia asked Kurt when she saw the boy in the staircase.
‘'Long story,'' Kurt answered and continued to climb up the stairs.
‘'I have time,'' Kurt turned around, ‘'Maybe you want some tea?''
Kurt looked down and hesitated to answer. ‘'Sure. Why not?''
Kurt realized he's never been in Lydia's apartment. They always met at Kurt's place or in the Bixby park.
It was very homy, antique and very cozy. Kurt liked it. He felt like warmth surrounded him and he was glad he agreed to come. He needed this.
‘'I will head to the kitchen,'' Lydia told him while taking off her shoes, ‘'You can go on a little tour while I prepare the tea.''
Kurt nodded and went further inside.
The living room was spacy. It had a fireplace, old paintings and plants everywhere. It was in warm colors and the furniture was a little old-school and the textiles with flower patterns.
Kurt saw a closed door. Bedroom. He grasped for the door handle but heard foot-steps and looked back.
‘'Not there, sweetie,'' Lydia looked nervous, ‘'There's a big mess in there. Don't have a maid and didn't plan on having guests, you know?''
Kurt found it a bit weird but stepped away from the door and went to sit on the couch to wait for the tea.
‘'I will do it, Blaine!'' Rachel said still sobbing releasing his brother from the hug, ‘'I'll break up with him.'' Eventually.
‘'You do that. Otherwise I'm nervous. I didn't like that guy from the very beginning.''
‘'Does your cheek hurt?'' Rachel lightly caressed her siblings red cheek, ‘'Sorry!'' she said taking her hand back when he winced.
‘'It'll be fine,'' Blaine claimed.
‘'Ok,'' she said sending a warming smile Blaine's way and heading in the direction of the stairs to her room.
Before she could reach her door, she heard a loud noise from inside the room. She took a tennis racket as a weapon from the junk closet next to her room.
She slowly opened the door and peeked inside. A leg was over the window sill.
‘'What the heck are you doing?'' She said loudly almost yelling at the gardener that was trying to climb into the room.
‘'Oh, grilled cheezus!'' Finn shouted a rose falling out from his mouth and falling out of the second floor window himself.
‘'Oh my god!'' Rachel ran to the window and looked out, ‘'Are you ok?''
‘'My butt!'' Hudson stood up and started to wipe the dirt off his jeans, ‘'Don't scare me like that ever again, miss!'' He scolded looking up at the girl.
‘'Sorry,'' she giggled, ‘'Was that rose for me?''
‘'You'd like to know that, wouldn't you?'' Finn smirked and Rachel frowned.
‘'So, what happened?'' the lady asked placing a cup of jasmine tea on the coffee table for Kurt.
Kurt's smile faded, ‘'I just... experienced something I hoped I never would have to experience.''
Lydia felt bad for bringing this up since it got Kurt so sad, ‘'What was it, dear? You know you can tell me anything!''
‘'Yes. I trust you completely. You're like family to me.''
Lydia's heart warmed.
They looked at each other and smiled.
‘'Anyway,'' Kurt continued, after realizing they were staring at each other for more than a minute, ‘'I came across my first bully.''
‘'What do you mean bully?''
‘'Someone who doesn't like who I am,'' Kurt said so quietly Lydia almost didn't hear.
It got to Lydia and she finally understood what this was about.
She felt so much love for the young man. He was the sweetest, kindest and the most helpful person. She missed her family and Kurt reminded her a lot of her own son. She felt like protecting Kurt and being there when he needed someone. She accepted him for who he was.
‘'Oh, sweetie,'' Lydia sat closer to Kurt and wrapped him in her arms.
Kurt felt so secure. He brought his own hands to embrace the woman.
‘'Tell me everything, Kurt. Shake your heart out.''
‘'I was just at the Cantare practice and the other new guy just started saying cruel things to me.''
Lydia shook her head. How could there be such people out in the world?
‘'He started to call me names and...'' Kurt tightened his grip around Lydia, ‘'I guess I'm just upset. I wasn't expecting it. I mean... eventually it would've happened but... at Cantare...''
‘'Did he hurt you?'' Lydia got concerned.
‘'No,'' Kurt reassured, ‘'The ex-soloist came, I guess his girlfriend.''
Lydia nodded.
‘'Than...'' Kurt blushed, ‘'Blaine came after hearing him calling me names and beat him up.''
‘'Beat him up?''
‘'A little,'' Kurt giggled. Kurt was giggling at someone getting hurt? Is it apokalypse?!
‘'Did... Does this boy, Blaine, like you?''
Kurt didn't answer for a minute. His face was probably tomato red. Maybe even beet red. Or some other vegetable red.
‘'Yes. He likes me,'' Lydia smiled, ‘'I like him, too... We just had a fight, so I don't know what's going on now.''
‘'It seems like he cares for you,'' Lydia liked the idea of someone liking Kurt. Of course, she would have to meet the guy and give her approval, but nonetheless, she was glad for Kurt.
The next day was rainy but that didn't mean Elizabeth would cancel a rehearsal of Cantare. Palace was around the corner and they had to finally agree on a song list.
Before the practice, Elizabeth heard a knock on her office door. ‘'Come in!''
Kurt walked in and carefully closet the door. They just looked expensive. Everything did. How did he get in, again?
‘'Can I talk to you, Mrs. Anderson?'' He asked.
‘'Please, call me Elizabeth. And yes, you can.''
‘'I was wondering... Maybe, possibly, you need another pair of handy hands in this place?''
Elizabeth looked interested.
‘'I just need a job,'' Kurt continued, ‘'I just started living on my own and starting an independent life and it's itsy-bitsy expensive.''
‘'I understand. What's on your mind?''
‘'Well...'' Kurt started to play with his fingers but kept his gaze on the woman, ‘'I could do some hairstyles before competitions or before any concerts, or anytime actually.''
‘'Yes, you could. Of course I need to see some of your work first.''
‘'Yes, yes. I have a friend in Cantare and she would gladly be a model. Thank you! Thank you so much!'' Kurt skipped to the woman and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Elizabeth felt a felling in her chest. Indescribable. A good feeling, though. Warm, full with love.
She adored, how the boy's enthusiasm never fainted. He was so ridiculously adorable.
As soon as Kurt was out of the office, he dialed Tina's number.
‘'Hello! Can you meet me at the dressing room in five?''
Blaine stared from the corner as Kurt entered the dressing room.
He knew almost no one was at AMMI yet and he had to talk to Kurt. In private.
‘'Hey!'' Blaine said, entering the dressing room.
Kurt was already gathering some hair combs, elastics and bobby pins to get ready, but jumped a little when he heard a voice. What is it with him jumping lately?
Kurt's breath caught in his throat when he saw a more handsome than ever Blaine, standing by the door. His hair was messy and curly. No hair gel. He was wearing dirty pink jeans, a white t-shirt and a denim shirt over it. He looked hot. When didn't he?
‘'Hi! Erm... Wh-What are you doing here?'' Kurt was partly nervous but excited. Even if he was a tiny tiny bit scared from Blaine now, he wanted to talk to him. Bad.
‘'I wanted to set things right,'' Blaine said more firmly.
‘'Me too,'' Kurt nodded.
‘'Good,'' Blaine kept on a strong, firm voice, ''I wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.''
Kurt nodded and stepped a little closer to Blaine. The hazel eyed boy did the same.
‘'I should've stopped when you asked me to. I'm sorry.''
‘'Don't apologize. I forgive you,'' Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes. They were dark again. Did they really change colors?
‘'I just wanted to kiss you really bad,'' Blaine explained not blushing even a little bit.
How did he do that?
‘'I know we should've gotten to know each other more,'' Blaine continued.
Kurt stepped forward again, ‘'I agree. But I have to admit I wanted that kiss equally as much.''
Blaine was shocked. Oh. My. God. Heaven wanted him.
‘'I'm just scared and inexperienced.''
Blaine smiled. He liked it. He could be Heavens first, ‘'No problem. You can wait until you're rea-‘'
Before Blaine could finish his sentence Kurt's lips were on kiss in a chaste kiss. Blaine didnt hesitate to kiss back. They're eyes were open and Blaine could see the lust and arousal in Kurt's eyes. So, no stopping then.
They both closed their eyes. Blaine placed his palms firmly on Kurt's cheeks, deepening the kiss. When Kurt moaned, Blaine was sure he'd never heard a hotter sound than that. It turned him on impossibly. He pressed Kurt against the wall, moving his hands to Kurt's slim waist, lifting him up. Kurt immediately wrapped his legs around Blaine and tangled his fingers in Blaine's gel-free hair. Blaine tightened the grip on Kurt's waist even more. Kurt gasped, but Blaine swallowed it. He wasn't letting go of Kurt now. Blaine thrust his hips up and Kurt moaned loudly. Why was he enjoying this so much?
‘'Wha-? Kurt?'' The boys were almost knocked off their feet when the door flew open and Tina came in. She blushed herself, seeing Kurt coming down from Blaine's grasp with wide eyes, Blaine with dark, lustful eyes and messed up hair.
‘'Oh – Sorry,'' she apologized smirking.
‘'It's okay,'' Blaine looked at Kurt, ‘'I was just about to leave anyway.''
Blaine grinned when he saw the sad frown on Kurt's face.
‘'See you later, gorgeous,'' Blaine winked at Kurt and left, a big satisfied grin on his face.
When Tina was sure Blaine was gone she turned to Kurt, ‘'Well, well, well. Isn't it the ‘I'm not going to be able to find anyone'?''
Kurt smiled at the girl talk they used to have. Kurt seriously thought he was hopeless.
‘'Oh, shut it!'' Kurt blushed and tried to even out the wrinkles on his shirt, from being pressed against the wall.
‘'Kurt! Why didn't you tell me Anderson had the hots for you, huh?'' Tina asked, placing her hands on her hips.
This wasn't at all, how he imagined his first kiss. He thought it would be sweet, lingering and innocent. Not anything like the kiss he just experienced.
In all honesty, he couldn't enjoy it more. It was perfect, no matter how weird that sounded. Even if it was disturbed by one Tina Cohen-Chang.
When the practice started, Blaine was happily sitting next to Kurt, his arm around the back of Kurt's chair. Kurt wanted to rest his head on the man's shoulder but didn't do so. He didn't need the attention now. Not after yesterday.
‘'I have good news, guys,'' Elizabeth announced excitedly, coming into the auditorium, ‘'We have our ex-soloist back!''
Rachel came into the auditorium and everyone cheered and applauded. Everyone liked Rachel. Her song choices were good and her voice was out of this world beautiful.
‘'I just miss singing so much and I wanted to help you guys out, since your soloist is not here at the moment,'' Rachel said when he reached the middle of the stage.
‘'I actually wanted to sing a song. May I?''
‘'Of course you may, Rachel.'' Elizabeth answered and smiled. She missed her daughter singing.
She looked at Edward in the far corner and shot him a serious look.
This is for you, Ed.
I dont wanna be your girl no more
No more
I just wanna see your face at home
You cant do me right
So I decide that
I dont wanna be your girl no more
No more
I just wanna see you up and out
Out of the door
Im not living right
So I decide that
I dont wanna be your girl no more
No more
I wont hide the ways Ive tried
Its just not right
Its killing me tonight
The whole audience gave a standing ovation. The song was simple but Rachel did it perfectly, hitting every note.
Blaine smiled widely. He knew what this song was about and who was it dedicated to. He was proud of his sister for stepping up for herself.
‘'Fuck this and fuck you!'' the cheers calmed after hearing the shout from Edward.
He stormed out of the auditorium not looking back.
Elizabeth looked confused and shocked, and looked in Rachel's direction.
‘'It's okay, mom. I was expecting something like that. It's fine. I'm fine.'' She hugged her mother and Elizabeth ran her hand across the girls back. She didn't like him anyway.
Chapter 5