Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
A/N: I think we have one more chapter guys. Are you ready?
Chapter 30
Kurt let out a long stuttering breath as he was pushed down on Blaine's bed. Blaine smirked above him and removed his white dress shirt in a few swift moments, leaving him in only his boxer briefs.
Kurt never knew how Blaine could make shirt removal so freaking sexy. But he did. And e wasn't complaining.
Suddenly, Blaine was straddling him and kissing him lovingly. Kurt whined a bit and ran his hands down Blaine's just naked back, feeling him shiver at the touch, the cold silver dragging along his skin.
‘'I love you, Kurt,'' Blaine said as he kept kissing him tenderly. ‘'You won't regret saying yes. I'm going to be the best I can be for you, Kurt.''
Kurt felt all warm and cuddly inside. He couldn't believe this was happening. After all they've been through they were finally happy. AND ENGAGED!
The ring was beautiful. Very simple yet just how Kurt liked it. It felt weird but similar wearing it. Not used to it but still like it was meant to be there.
Kurt woke up with a shiver, something warm and soft going along the back of his neck and shoulders. He felt like he was going to melt in a puddle of goo from the attention and love Blaine's been giving him.
‘'Good morning, beautiful!'' He heard a low, hot morning voice from behind him.
Kurt smiled and turned to his back. He didn't care about morning breath right now. He kissed Blaine. Maybe longer than he should have but he can't get enough of him.
Just as they parted he noticed that Blaine had made him coffee and made him a big, fancy platter of fruit, creatively arranged. Probably with the help of Rachel.
‘'Have I told you I love you recently?'' Blaine murmured in his ear, his little morning stubble tickling Kurt's cheek.
‘'I don't know...'' he mocked, grinning. ‘'But I wouldn't mind hearing it.''
Blaine smiled with a big smile. ‘'I love you. I love you. I love you.''
They ate the whole platter together, playing with the fruit occasionally and sharing the cup of warm coffee.
When they got dressed after, Kurt was about to head downstairs but Blaine stopped him and gently sat them down on the bed.
‘'Kurt...If your mother found you, what would you do?''
Kurt's smile slowly faded away. ‘'What's with the sudden serious questions?''
‘'Just answer. Would you forgive her?''
‘'Blaine, we've talked this through a long time ago. Why are you bringing this up in such a beautiful morning and...'' Kurt placed his head in his hands in frustration.
‘'I just...want to know,'' Kurt could see Blaine's face was very serious and concerned. But there was no need for that.
‘'I've told you already,'' Blaine could tell from Kurt's voice that he didn't want to talk about this. He was forcing the words out. ‘'No. No, I won't. I don't want to see her. She left me. She let me grow up feeling lonely and scared and...unloved. It's unforgiveable. There's nothing she could change. Nothing she could say to make me change my mind.''
Blaine was looking down at his hands with closed eyes, his heart aching at Kurt's words. ‘'What if she had a good reason? What if it's all a misunderstanding?''
‘'What can be a misunderstanding in leaving a child, Blaine?'' Kurt was almost yelling now. Blaine looked up from his hands and felt his heart break at the sight of tears in Kurt's eyes. ‘'End of discussion, Blaine!''
There was a long silence between them.
‘'I'm going to take a shower.'' Kurt said and left the room.
Blaine growled and punched the bed. He then closed his eyes and counted to ten. He got hold of himself and went downstairs, searching for his mom and finding her leaning against the kitchen counter, looking out the window.
She had told Blaine and James everything.
After a desperate call to her husband to come pick her up from work, they returned home in the middle of the nigh and Blaine was just awake, drinking some water in the kitchen. She immediately knew Kurt was upstairs and it made her knees go weak and she sat down heavily on the bar stool by the counter and let out a shaky breath. Her husband and son knew there was something up. And they were there to listen.
So she told them everything. About how happy she was, about Burt, about Kurt and the accident and all the stress and hurt she has had all these years but had kept it inside, no one knowing.
Her husband was very assuring and calming her. Blaine was standing silent, staring into nothingness.
James saw that the two needed to talk alone so he went to their bedroom, leaving them alone in the kitchen.
It was silent in the room for a moment.
‘'Blaine...'' tears were already streaming down her face.
Blaine's face softened and he went to hug Elizabeth.
‘'I'm so sorry,'' she said. Blaine just caressed her hair and kissed her temple. ‘'Please, could you try to talk to him? I just...can't. Don't say about me, just...''
‘'I understand. I will.''
Blaine sat on his bed, thinking hard. It was such a difficult situation. Every time he tried to make things right, something else came up. Drama after drama.
He heard the door open and as Kurt came in he stood up and basically ran to him. ‘'I'm so sorry, Kurt. I know it's a subject you don't like to talk about. I'm such an ass,'' he said with pleading eyes. ‘'Damn, I feel like I say that every day.''
Kurt laughed and caressed his cheek. ‘'It's okay, Blaine. Let's just not think about it.''
Blaine nodded and kissed Kurt like he hadn't kissed him forever. He just needed reassurance they were fine.
‘'We should rather just invite everyone we love and celebrate our engagement. What do you say?'' Kurt suggested and wrapped his arms around Blaine.
‘'Wonderful,'' Blaine answered simply and placed a single kiss on Kurt's neck.
He later texted Elizabeth to come by.
Not even a few hours later the company was sitting around the coffee talble at Kurt and Tina's apartment, drinking wine and telling random stories.
The only one's refusing to tell anywhere Finn and Rachel, who were sitting in the corner of their couch all cuddly wuddly.
But the rest of them had fun anyway.
‘'Have you guys had anything paranormal happen to you?'' Jeff asked, looking around at everyone expectedly then taking a very long sip of wine from the bottle and starting. ‘'One time I was home alone just watching something in my room-‘'
‘'Porn!'' Finn said in between coughs. Everyone laughed as Jeff turned red.
‘'Shush, you! No. Whatever. I was watching something in my room and then for some reason the laptop in the other room randomly turned on and started playing some Russian cartoon. The laptop was closed, it was so weird.''
‘'Poor little baby scared of Russian cartoons,'' Tina said in a high voice and caressed Jeff's hair. Jeff laughed and hit her arm away.
‘'Oh, I remember once,'' Blaine said. ‘'It was really late and I went grocery shopping and when i was heading to the car I was passing a Victoria's Secret. And, no joke, I heard, like, a weird woman voice calling me, whispering my name from the inside. I was so fuckin creeped out.''
‘'Speaking of Victoria's Secret,'' Rachel spoke up from the couch. ‘'There was this one time I wanted to buy this pretty black and blue lace bra and panties set that-‘'
‘'Rachel c'mon!'' Nick burst out laughing. ‘'We don't want to know this!''
‘'No but it was so pretty and I know the blue would bring out my brown eyes but there was this one blonde rude chick and she literally snapped the set out of my hands-‘'
‘'Wow, Rachel, what a disaster,'' Mike said in a mocking voice and everyone giggled.
‘'You don't even know. She was such a poop, I didn't get my set. So rude.''
‘'Shit, Rachel, not poop. Shit!'' Blaine corrected, after taking a drink from his glass and leaning on his hand by Kurt.
‘'No, I refuse to swear,'' she crossed her arms proudly.
Everyone laughed and they heard the doorbell.
Kurt scrunched his eyebrows and looked at Blaine. ‘'Everyone's here. No one else should be coming.''
He got up and answered the door. He didn't expect to see Elizabeth there.
‘'Uhh...Hi, Mrs.Anderson. I'll go call, Blaine for you, he's in the living room, I told him not to put his phone on silent.''
‘'No, no, Kurt, I came to see you,'' she said hurriedly.
Only now Kurt noticed her sad eyes and overall tired look. ‘'Sure, come in.''
Kurt led her to the kitchen and closed its doors to get some privacy from the celebration still going in the living room.
‘'Kurt, what I have to tell you...'' she said, her voice shaky. ‘'Is very important. You will be shocked and confused but I'll understand. I hope you react well but...any way it goes, I'll have to accept it.''
Now Kurt got worried. What could Elizabeth possibly say? Something about Heidi? Blaine? He didn't get accepted in Cantare? But why? Rachel told him she would love-
‘'Kurt, dear...I'm your biological mother.''
The few seconds of silence stretched like forever. Elizabeth wasn't getting any reaction out of Kurt so she stepped a bit closer as Kurt's face got paler and paler.
But he shook his head. ‘'No, no, don't come close,'' he hated that he felt hot tears pour down his cheeks. ‘'Is this some sick joke? I knew you didn't like me but I didn't know you'd o this far...''
Kurt collapsed on a chair. Elizabeth felt like her heart was cut with a knife at Kurt's words. She hated herself for making him think so badly of her.
‘'No, Kurt, please, let me explain,'' she pleaded, feeling tears run to her eyes. ‘'I would never in this world joke about something like this. Never, Kurt!''
‘'No!'' Kurt yelled. ‘'No, i don't want to hear anything. You left me! I was alone all these years. It hurt me! YOU hurt me! No.''
Kurt was breathing heavily and standing now. He could barely talk right now. He just wanted to fall in a dark hole and never come back. ‘'You don't have to explain anything! Just leave!''
Elizabeth was barely holding her own sobs. ‘'Kurt, please! I'm so sorry! Just let me-‘'
‘'No!'' Kurt wasn't letting her talk. ‘'Just go. Go, please.''
After the words were said, Kurt stormed out of the kitchen and headed straight to his bedroom.
With everyone he loved dearly in the living room, he was having a family drama. Just great.
He sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his knees, letting silent tears fall. He didn't know how to react. What to do now. If he reacted too harsh?
No. She had left him, abandoned him, he didn't want to hear her excuses.
He heard the door open.
He was about to yell ‘get out' as he expected Elizabeth but saw Blaine instead.
Kurt started sobbing loudly and quickly got up, running into Blaine's shoulder, crying loudly in his shoulder, his warm arms soothing him.
They stood like that for several minutes until Kurt's tears lessened. ‘'I'm sorry,'' Kurt said.
‘'What happened?'' Blaine asked but he could already tell.
‘'I...Blaine...Elizabeth...She...She's my mother,'' Kurt basically spit the words out. It didn't feel right saying it.
Kurt observed Blaine's face but didn't see any big reaction. Kurt's hands tightened into fists.
‘'You knew?''
Kurt was crying again. ‘'You knew?''
Blaine clenched his jaw, looking at Kurt with sad eyes, his hands falling by his sides helplessly. ‘'I...''
‘'How long?'' Kurt demanded, suddenly angry. ‘'For how long have you known?''
Before Blaine could answer, Kurt was coming toward him and shoving him. ‘'I don't even want to know.''
Kurt just pushed passed him and exited the apartment.