Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Here you go. 15 pages.
Keep them coming, please.
P.s. I'm my own beta so I'm sorry for mistakes ;/ Also, on my tumblr, I have a page for ‘Chasing Heaven' where you can see, how the characters look and stuff. I also, posted photos of the house, orphanage, the apartment and the other stuff, so check out if you'd like.
Tumblr: WhiteEleffant dot tumblr dot com
Chapter 3
‘'Hi. I'm Kurt''
Elizabeth shook his hand.
‘'I'm a huge fan. I think your work is great,'' Kurt smiled widely, still shaking the woman's hand, ‘' I-I'm from The Long Beach Orphanage and I wanted to say thank you for inviting us.''
Elizabeth laughed slightly at the young boys enthusiasm. There was something so similar and gentle to the touch of hands. Like a memory.
‘'You're welcome, sweetie. We do these concerts every year and I'm glad we can make your day better.''
Jeff stood there awkwardly and left to go back to Blaine.
‘'I still can't believe I'm here,'' Kurt said. ‘'I know we are in the same part of LA but it never, even occurred to me, we could actually meet.''
‘'Well? What did you find out?'' Blaine asked Jeff, seeing him coming.
‘'He's indeed from The Long Beach Orphanage. He's a big fan. Said our work was great,'' Jeff answered with a shrug.
Blaine was still looking at him expectedly, ‘'Wha-? That's it?''
‘'No, no. I saved the best for last,'' Jeff shook his head, ‘'His name is Kurt.''
Kurt. Blaine thought. Kurt Heaven.
‘'That's it? No surname or something?'' Blaine asked after snapping out of the thoughts about the name Kurt.
‘'Well, no. I mean-‘'
‘'Oh my god, you dork. How am I going to talk to him or find him if I know only his name?'' Blaine threw his hands in his own hair in frustration, ‘'I'm pretty sure he's not the only one with that name in Long Beach.''
‘'Well, sorry. I got cut off by your mother. Besides, orphans don't have surnames,'' Jeff said noticing the mini panic attack Blaine was having, ‘'And he probably doesn't have a phone or anything, so you just have to drop this.''
‘'It was nice talking to you, Kurt,'' Elizabeth told the chestnut haired boy, ‘'but I'm afraid I have to go. We have a celebration for obvious reasons.''
‘'Of course, Mrs. Anderson,'' Kurt assured her. He looked her right in the eyes and felt like home. He could tell, she was sophisticated and loved fashion. She looked gorgeous in the long, lavender colored dress she was wearing, ‘'It was a honor to meet you.''
Kurt moved in for a hug. Elizabeth didn't hesitate. This boy was lovely. What was the reason he was in the orphanage?
When they were chest to chest, both felt so warm, they almost didn't want to let go.
Kurt pulled out first and smiled at her. The woman smiled back at him and turned around, going in to the direction of...
The most gorgeous man ever.
A simple black pants and blazer, with a simple white dress shirt, with a simple black skinny tie, but this man looked irresistible. Kurt looked up from the outfit to the man's face.
It was very well defined. Well shaven. His curly, dark hair was slightly gelled down. He had the most beautiful hazel eyes and long, thick lashes. And his eyebrows looked ridiculous. They reminded Kurt of a half of a toast. Little triangles.
He was sure, his heart skipped a beat.
‘'Wow'' he whispered to himself.
‘'Let's get going, kids!'' Kurt was snapped out from his thoughts by nanny Thabita.
He shot one last glance at the handsome man and turned around to follow the other kids.
It was the day Kurt had to say goodbye. To the nannies, to the kids he's been living with for 18 years. It was a love/hate thing.
He didn't like that he had to leave. He felt accepted and safe there. He didn't know, what to expect from the outside world.
But he was curious to know what's out there. He, now, had an opportunity to live alone. As an individual. An adult.
Saying goodbye was the most difficult thing he had ever done. Some kids even sobbed. Hours went by, but he couldn't seem to leave. He hesitated, not wanting to leave the puppy eyed kids.
The good thing was, the orphanage paid for a hotel, where he would live until he found a job and his own place. He was grateful. The nannies gave him enough money to live without a job for at least two months. He could easily afford a loft or something with the money. At least for rent, maybe.
Kurt hugged everyone and left with lots of good thoughts, ‘'Here I come Long Beach.''
‘'Have you found a job yet?'' Tina asked Kurt, while sitting indian style on the couch of the hotel Kurt currently was living in.
‘'No, I've lived here for only a day. This is my second day out,'' Kurt answered placing a cup of green tea on the coffee table for his best friend, ‘'I thought about looking today. What?''
‘'I have an amazing idea. What about you come work for AAMI?'' Tina took the cup and looked at her friend.
Kurt hasn't processed the question yet. What? AMMI?
‘'I mean, like a week ago, a guy named Troy left for some reason and now we miss a member. AAMI pays pretty good. Really good, actually. And you, my dear, have the best voice I've heard. You should-‘'
‘'Would they even like... accept me?'' Kurt questioned.
‘'Well, we miss a member and I saw how you talked to Mrs. Anderson in the charity concert,'' Tina took a sip from her simple, white mug, ‘'C'mon Kurt, you WANT this job. And if they're not paying you enough for the singing, you can apply for a job there. You're amazing with doing hair, for example. I remember the pieces of art you used to make on my head when we had our sleepovers.'' Tina smirked at the memory.
‘'I guess I could. But you have to talk to her first,'' Kurt tried not to get his hopes too high.
‘'Sure thing.''
‘'I got a phone, Tina. It's so cool. It took some time to understand everything, but it's amazing.'' Tina laughed. Kurt found the most obvious thing in the world so amusing.
‘'Oh, and I found a building I could possibly live in.'' Kurt smiled, ‘'The rent's a bit expensive so I have to get a roommate.''
‘'Is that so?!'' Tina said more to herself, not looking at Kurt.
The next day, Kurt was absolutely free, so he decided to go look at the little apartment he saw on the internet for rent yesterday. He thought that living with a roommate won't be hard. He's lived with so many kids he couldn't count so only one stranger wouldn't be a problem.
For the first time, he actually saw the building. It was white, looked elegant and fragile. Just like Kurt. It had six floors and the available apartment was on the last – sixth floor.
The first floor didn't have apartments. A few clothing shops and a cafe. Kurt thought it was handy, because he could easily get good coffee in the morning. Well, maybe not good. Who knows. He still had to test it out.
He went into the building and inside it looked just like from the outside. Clean, modern but elegant. Kurt already knew, he wanted to live here.
Right by the entrance was a board. It had some commercials, a booklet with the cafe that was of the first floor right around the corner and the offer to rent the apartment he wanted. It indeed was quite expensive but he didn't care.
The blue eyed boy didn't notice a lady watching him from the other end of the hallway, a big, loving smile on her face.
There were 2 knocks on Elizabeth's office door and after yelling the person to come in, she looked up from where she was working on her desk, up to Blaine who was coming inside.
‘'You called me?''
‘'Yes. What took you so long?'' Elizabeth asked looking back at the papers on her desk.
‘'You mean, the closet?'' Elizabeth didn't look up.
Blaine closed his eyes and sighed. I guess everyone knows anyway. Stupid rumors. He thought.
‘'No, mom.''
‘'We need a new member, Blaine,'' she looked up at Blaine, ‘'since Troy's gone, we need to have an audition. Can you organize that? Please?''
‘'Yeah, sure. When?'' Blaine put his hands in his pockets.
‘'Soon enough.''
‘'Ok. Tomorrow it is.''
‘'Not that soon, dear.'' Elizabeth shot daggers with her eyes at the boy.
‘'Fine. The day after tomorrow. Good?''
Elizabeth nodded.
‘'A Grande non-fat mocha, please!''
The black haired barista nodded, ‘'that will be 4.50$''
Kurt placed the money on the counter and waited for his drink.
He took a seat on the table next to the window. Nice view – check. Comfortable seats – check. An-old-lady-staring-at-him-from-two-tables-ahead check?!
The woman was mid-age. She had brown eyes and redish-brown hair. She was dressed nicely, probably in designer clothes.
Kurt didn't even dare to drink his coffee. The woman was staring at him, not taking her eyes off at all. She looked happy. Kurt didn't know if that made it more creepy.
After about five minutes of just staring at each other, the lady got up from her seat, taking the magazine she had on the table with her. She walked right over to Kurt.
‘'Good day! May I take a seat?'' the woman asked placing her palm on the chair.
She took the seat and placed both of her hands on the table, ‘'I saw you looking at the offer on the board. For the apartment?''
Kurt nodded.
‘'You can have it if you want,'' the lady continued. Kurt raised an eyebrow.
‘'I am the owner of the building,'' she smiled, ‘'It hasn't been for rent a long time, but I don't need more of those guys who play their metal music all night long. You look like a nice young man.''
‘'Thank you, Mrs....''
‘'Not important. You can call me Lydia.''
‘'Thank you, Lydia. I was looking at the apartment indeed. I need to find a place,'' Kurt explained, ‘'I've been living in a hotel for a while. Since I came out of the o-‘'
‘'Orphanage?'' Lydia's smile got a little sad.
‘'Y-yeah.'' How did she know that?
‘'I'll lower the rent if you like. I just need someone to move in there and it would seriously save me trouble,'' Lydia acted like she hadn't said anything important before.
‘'No, no. I can handle the full rent of the apartment.'' Kurt finally took a sip from his drink. Dang, this is good.
‘'Are you sure, young man?'' Lydia asked placing a hand on Kurt's.
Kurt looked at her hand on top of his, ‘'Y-yes. I think I may have a roommate.''
‘'I see,'' the woman nodded.
‘'Can I see it? T-the apartment?'' Kurt asked, looking Lydia in the eyes.
‘'Mhmm. Let's go.''
‘'Why did Troy leave anyway?'' Elizabeth asked before Blaine could leave her office, ‘'Did YOU happen to him?''
Blaine closed his eyes and sighed.
‘'Blaine... you can't do that. You took advantage of that kid. He had a crush on you,'' Elizabeth said, ‘'What will you do when Hei-‘'
‘'Heidi comes back?'' Blaine threw his hands up, ‘'I honestly don't know. You know I don't like girls. I came out-‘'
‘'Yes, I know. She just...'' Elizabeth looked at her hands, ''She was a nice girl. You look good together. Or.... used to.''
Blaine stared at his mother for a few more moments and left her office.
After drinking his coffee, Kurt and Lydia went to look at the apartment. They took the elevator to the sixth floor.
It was amazing. Kurt was sure, he wanted to live there.
All the rooms were small but fantastic. All the rooms were white. The kitchen and bathroom already had furniture. Perfect.
The kitchen was tiny but it would be enough space for two people. The counters were white with a grey countertop. The walls were white and on the wall opposite the door, it had a window. There even was a stove and a fridge. Kurt loved it. It missed a little touch of decor but Kurt absolutely didn't mind a little shopping.
The bathroom was also white and it had all the necessities. And hold up! There was a freakin' bath tub. Kurt almost fainted. He hated to admit it, but he's never had a bath. There were only showers in the orphanage.
He definitely had to go to Lush to get some bath salt and stuff like that.
There were two bedrooms which were empty. They weren't big. Enough space for a bed at least. They both were about the same size, so Kurt wouldn't have to worry about fighting with his roommate about who's going to take the biggest room. Kurt would've won anyway.
The one that Kurt actually wanted was the smaller one, because it had the walk-in closet. The bedroom really was gorgeous. The walls were white (surprise, surprise) and it had floor-to-ceiling windows to the view of Long Beach.
Kurt could already imagine his bedroom decorated minimalistically. He loved the look when everything wasn't loaded. It would be simple black and white. He would buy a queen sized bed with a white headboard. He would have two simple nightstands on each side of the bed, with lamps on them.
A few photos on the wall in black frames and white curtains with some navy striped detail. It looked so real in his mind.
The living room also didn't have any furniture. It was unpredictably with white walls. It was the most spacious of all the rooms. Kurt would have to compromise with his roommate about decorating it. Ugh.
When they went back to the kitchen, Lydia clapped her hands together and smiled at Kurt, ‘'What do you think, dear?''
‘'It's perfect. I would really like to rent it, mam!''
‘'Please. Call me Lydia,'' she shrugged, ‘'I would love to have a renter like you, Kurt.''
Kurt smiled.
‘'Would you like to go on a walk with me?'' the lady asked, ‘'I know a park not far from here. I would like to get to know you a little.''
‘'Sure,'' Kurt answered with no hesitation. He wanted to be in a good place with the owner of the building he's going to live in. ‘'I have to start to explore the city anyway. Might as well start with a park.''
They stepped out of the apartment and Lydia locked it. They went down the stairs this time.
Wait? I didn't mention...! How did she know my name?
‘'Tell your friends about the audition. We need a new member,'' Elizabeth shouted to everyone after a Cantare practice.
All the students got up from their seats, took their bags and started to walk out of the big room.
‘'Mrs. Anderson?'' Tina came up to the woman, ‘'I have a friend, who just got out of the.. um... orphanage...and... well... he really needs money, like, a job or something right now.''
Elizabeth nodded, packing her things in her Louis Vuitton bag.
‘'He's a really good singer. I swear,'' Tina continued after getting no reply, ''He has a really rare voice, so I thought we could use it. And... I just wanted to help him out...and...''
Elizabeth smiled at the girl's rambling.
‘'Tina, we'll have auditions-‘'
‘'Yes. I know. I just worry he won't get in.''
‘'If he's as good as you're claiming him to be, than I'm sure he can have the spot.''
‘'Yes. He will get in. I'm sure. He has this unique voice... I-It's just amazing. You'll see,'' Tina told Elizabeth.
‘'I'm sure of it,'' Elizabeth laughed lightly, placing a hand on the girls shoulder, ‘'I'll see your friend there.''
It was late, sunny afternoon and Lydia was showing her favourite get-away place to Kurt.
Kurt found it relaxing. He understood why this could be someone's thinking place. It could probably become his, too.
Kids were running around, playing with each other. Their laughter echoing in the air. The kids were skateboarding, riding their bikes, riding skates and throwing frisbees. It made Kurt's heart ache a little.
Weirdly, Lydia was quickly becoming his friend. She told him about experiences and her husband. It was one of the most heartwarming stories Kurt's ever heard.
She was only 20 and had recently broken up with her boyfriend. She seriously thought it was the end of her life. She claimed, he was the love of her life.
Days, even weeks, went by, not going out with friends. Just sitting alone in her room, reading a book or watching TV. Until her TV broke and she had to call a repairman.
The repairman fixed the TV. They talked for hours. Lydia even thought, he was repairing it slowly on purpose. After she asked for the bill, the repairman said: ‘'You won't have to pay, if you agree to continue this conversation over dinner with me.''
Six months later, they were married. They had a son and lived happily.
Her husband passed away a few years ago, but she had promised him not to sit like a mushroom like when she was 20. She promised to move on and try to find happiness.
Kurt didn't dare to ask about her son. He felt like there was another heartbreaking story.
Instead, Kurt started telling her his story. About, how he's an orphan and doesn't really have a family or a place in this world. She looked very sad throughout the story, avoiding eye contact.
He hesitated about telling he was gay, but he wasn't ashamed of it so he told about that too. Lydia finally made eye contact again and totally supported him.
She was a really good listener.
‘'It's perfect, Kurt,'' Tina came into Kurt's new apartment, hugging him tightly.
‘'What is?''
‘'Well, two things, if I think about it,'' Tina looked around, ‘'This apartment is so cool.''
‘'You're welcome to look around,'' Kurt said gesturing Tina inside and closing the door.
‘'Wow. It's gorgeous,'' Tina stared at the apartment wide eyed, ‘' It screams ‘Kurt'. ‘'
Kurt laughed lightly, ''Thanks. Was that a compliment?!''
‘'But...I didn't come here only to look at your new place,'' Tina turned around to face Kurt, ''I have some good news.'' The girl said in a sing-song voice.
Kurt just blinked at her, waiting for the ‘good news'.
‘'Cantare... IS HAVING AN AUDITION TOMORROW!'' She jumped around Kurt.
Kurt suddenly felt so frozen from joy.
‘'They're having auditions, Kurt!'' She repeated, ‘'It's perfect. It's like you're meant to join. Just when you come out, Cantare loses a member and auditions are held.''
‘'Oh my god, Tina,'' Kurt didn't know what else to say.
‘'I-I have to...to prepare a song and...and to...performance...and the outfit...'' Kurt started to pace around the living room.
‘'Calm down, boy, I think I know what song you should do.''
Kurt stopped and looked at his best friend, biting his lip, carefully listening.
The hall was big. It had beige walls and a big stage with black curtains. A few feet away from the stage was a long black table, where Elizabeth Anderson was sitting.
Behind Elizabeth were many chairs. It was a simple hall/auditorium and Cantare only used it for practices, never for performances in front of people. It was too plain.
In the very back row, Blaine, Jeff and Nick were sitting, waiting for the auditions to start.
In the row in front of them sat Tina and a few other students, who had decided to watch the performances. Tina was babbling with a girl she shared a few classes with, not holding in any of her excitement.
Finally, Elizabeth was calling the first student on the stage.
‘'Cameron Adams''
A boy with short, brown hair came on the stage looking nervous but smiling, showing his white teeth.
He started to sing Grand Knowing You from ‘'She loves me''
Its been grand knowing you
Grand knowing you
Grand being your friend.
Youve been kind, loyal, and so generous
Right down to the end.
Please dont grieve watching me leave
That would be much too painful to stand.
Its been fun
Now I must run
But its been grand, perfectly grand!
Ilona, farewell cherie, be brave.
Chin up, its been sublime.
You mustnt waste a precious moment over me.
You dont have time.
Just remember if you lonely or blue,
Theres a hollow in my pillow for you.
The boy was stopped by a smiling Elizabeth, ‘'Very good. Thank you, Cameron. You'll hear from me.''
The boy waved to someone in the auditorium and some girl, who was sitting two seats away from Tina, waved back.
Tina started to get a bit nervous. It was only the first performance but it was great.
Of course, she knew Kurt was good, but that was some serious competition right there.
‘'Dude, are you okay?'' Nick asked his best friend who seemed very tense.
‘'Yes,'' Blaine answered shaking his head, ‘'just...tired.''
‘'Have you been fooling around before this?'' Nick asked turning more in his seat to face Blaine better.
‘'Actually, Nick,'' Blaine sighed, putting his hands in his hair, ‘'quite the opposite. Haven't had any piece of ass since the charity concert.''
Nicks eyes went wide. He knew his friend pretty well, and holding back wasn't something he did. A day didn't go by without Blaine finding someone. What the hell?
‘'Haven't found anyone attractive since saw one particular human being,'' Blaine continued.
Elizabeth went through at least another 10 performances when it was time.
‘'Kurt,'' Elizabeth was a little taken aback by no surname.
When the word left out his mother's mouth, Blaine's ears perked up. The name stinged memories of the beautiful boy.
Kurt left out a long breath, before going on the stage.
Blaine couldn't believe this. Fucking hell. It was the boy from the charity concert wearing the tightest navy blue pants ever. Fucking sexy.
After taking his eyes off of the jeans, he saw that the boy was wearing a grey sweater with a beige dress shirt underneath. He looked...stunning. And hot.
His eyes followed Kurt all the way to the center of the stage.
When Jeff spotted Kurt, he got up and quietly left the hall.
‘'Hello. My name is Kurt and I'm going to be auditioning for the available space in Cantare.''
Elizabeth smiled when she recognized the man from the concert a few days ago.
She remembered how enthusiastic he was. She was excited to hear the young boy's voice.
Kurt cleared his throat, placed his hands together behind his back and started to sing.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
Elizabeth didn't even bother stopping him in the middle of the song. She enjoyed the performance word by word. All throughout the song she smiled at Kurt. She was pretty sure the blue eyed boy would get in.
‘'Thank you, sweetie. You're going to hear from me,'' she shot on last smile at Kurt when he was finished with the song and wrote something down on the paper.
Kurt said thank you and went off the stage.
Blaine knew he had to do something. He couldn't let him go this time. He got up and stormed out of the hall.
‘'Nice performance! Excited?'' Jeff came up to Kurt in the backstage.
‘'Oh, hey!'' Kurt jumped a little and smiled when he saw Jeff, ‘'Yes, a little... a lot. I told you how much I like you guys.'' Kurt left out a breathy laugh.
‘'Of course,'' Jeff nodded, ‘'Your little fangirling was cute.''
Blaine heard the ‘compliment', entering the backstage, ‘'What's going on, Jeff?''
Kurt jumped again, turning around to see where the voice was coming from. It was so deep and hot.
Kurt's heart stopped for a second when he saw the same man he spotted in the charity concert. He was even more handsome up close. He was wearing light blue jeans, a white dress shirt with a dark blue blazer on top. He looked classy but sexy as heck.
Kurt's breath caught in his throat for a minute. All of a sudden Blaine found confidence.
‘'Hello,'' Blaine said, lovingly looking at Kurt, ‘'My name's Blaine.''
No words left Kurt's mouth. He was stuck. Like someone covered him with super glue. He could just stare.
Blaine put on a charming smile and continued, ‘'I'm Blaine Anderson. Elizabeth's my mother. I'm her assistant.''
Kurt managed to nod.
‘'You were great up there, ''Blaine complimented, ‘'I'm sure my mom will accept you.''
Kurt almost melted from the smile Blaine had on. Blaine...
‘'Thank you. I'm Kurt, by the way,'' Kurt was proud of how his voice was steady. He felt like he would die if his heart would race any faster.
‘'I know,'' Blaine ran his eyes over Kurt's slim body one last time, ‘'See you around, then.''
‘'Y-yeah,'' the corners of Kurt's mouth shot up at the thought of seeing this gorgeous man at every practice. He could get used to that.
Blaine walked past Kurt, taking Jeff by the hand, dragging him away from Kurt.
My roommate should be here any second Kurt thought to himself, checking himself out in the bathroom mirror, fixing his hair a little.
Kurt jumped from happiness and excitement and went to open the door.
‘'Oh my gosh!'' Kurt looked confused.
Tina stood at the doorway, next to an asian man. He was dressed in a red t-shirt, denim shorts and black converse. His black hair was slightly styled upwards and he had a polite smile on.
‘'Looks like you're not happy to see me,'' Tina pouted.
‘'N-no! No, don't take it the wrong way!'' Kurt gestured inside, ‘'I guess I was just expecting some stranger, I even prepared a speech. You know, about the rules and stuff.''
Tina laughed and taking the other man by hand, walking inside. After stepping past Kurt, she turned around to face him.
‘'Mike, this is my best friend Kurt,'' Tina gestured to Kurt while looking at Mike, ‘'Kurt, this is my boyfriend – Mike.'' Tina smiled from one ear to other.
‘'Nice to meet you, Mike,'' they both shook hands, ''Tina... you didn't mention you had a boyfriend.''
Kurt was happy for the girl. She always told him, how she thought she was helpless for some reason. Probably puberty. Hormones.
‘'Well, you know now,'' Tina said. Mike wrapped his hand around the girls' waist, ‘'If you don't mind, I would like to be your roommate.''
‘'Of course, you can.''
‘'Well.... we would like to be your roommates!'' she corrected herself.
‘'Yeah, sure. No problem,'' Kurt shrugged, ‘'I'd love to get to know you, Mike.''
‘'Excuse me!'' Kurt said after his phone started ringing.
‘'Hello? Yes....Oh...Okay, thank you.'' He pocketed his phone and went back to Tina and Mike.
‘'Well?'' the girl asked.
‘'I GOT IN!!!''
Chapter 3