Chasing Heaven
Chapter 28 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 28

E - Words: 2,990 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
171 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: Like it? Hate it?

We're getting closer to the end guys!!!



Chapter 28

‘'Mike ?'' Tina asked from the living room. She was relaxing and watching TV with Jeff and Nick when she heard the front door open. She wasn't expecting Mike to be home from work yet and no one answered so she sat up, ready to get up.

When Kurt popped into the room.

‘'Surprise! I'm back!''

All three of them gasped, from being jump-scared and from seeing their long missing friend.

‘'Kurt! Oh my god!'' Tina jumped up from her seat, running to hug him, the other boys doing the same right after.

Kurt felt his eyes burning, his eyes filling with happy tears. He missed everyone so much.

‘'You asshole!'' Jeff slapped his arm after a long, long hug. ‘'You should've called more often, you practically went missing. Why were you away so long?''

Kurt sighed. ‘'I just needed some space. Some time alone. In silence. And Alex had the perfect place.''

‘'So ...where's Alex now?'' Tina asked. ‘'He's at work-‘'

She shut her mouth at Kurt's sad eyes. She knew something wasn't right with Alex. He coughed and fainted too often for it to be normal, had so many headaches. ‘'Oh, Kurt.''

She went in for another hug, Jeff and Nick slowly understanding what was the case. They didn't know Alex as well as Kurt and Tina but they knew he was a good, talented guy.

‘'I-I don't want to talk about it,'' Kurt said, fighting back tears. Now, not from happiness. ‘'I just came back because I need to help Rachel and now I just need distractions. I just need to get back on track.''

Tina nodded, patting Kurt's back.

All three friends helped Kurt set back his things and Kurt charged his phone that was dead for probably over a month. And then he saw several messages and voice mails from so many people. But most of them were from Blaine.

His fingers itched to listen and read each and every one of them but his mind didn't let that happen. So he deleted them all. It hurt too much.

After setting his room as it was before Kurt left, he decided to take a nap. He had had trouble sleeping last night. He didn't really have a choice but to sleep at Alex's house for the last time because it was too late to go back by bus. And after a restless sleep and a lot of cleaning and organizing, and catching up with his friends, he needed sleep.

He woke up a few hours later, it was close to seven in the evening and he took a shower, dressed and decided to visit his grandmother.  He wanted to check on her first when he arrived but he just wanted to rest first so he could spend more time with her.

He nervously knocked on her door. He knew he could just go in. Lydia herself had said that he could. But at the moment, it didn't feel right.

She opened the door and he immediately could tell she wasn't expecting him. At all.

‘'Kurt ? Kurt!'' her face was so surprised mixed with happy, she hugged him quickly and placed a hand on his back to invite him inside. ‘'Oh my, dear, I've missed you so much. I hope that you're well now and will stay. I hope you're not here for just a few hour visit and then leaving again.''

‘'No, no, I'm staying,'' Kurt shook his head and sat on her living room couch, accepting her offered tea as always. ‘'There's not really anywhere to go back to.'' He murmured. Lydia heard that and stared with a confused expression as she handed him his tea cup.

Kurt saw her questioning look and sighed. ‘'I-It's complicated...''

‘'Are you on bad terms with Alex?''

Kurt saddened. He really didn't want to talk about this but he guessed he'd have to do it sooner or later anyway. ‘'Alex...he passed away. He had leukemia.''

Lydia gasped and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. ‘'Are you okay?''

Kurt clenched his teeth. ‘'I'm fine. I'm glad we got to spend so much time together before he passed. But I'd prefer to concentrate on something else, please''

He looked at her with a pleading look. She squeezed her shoulder and nodded lightly. ‘'Of course. I understand. You want to be left alone and distracted. I know how you feel very well.''

Kurt knew. His father was Lydia's son. He had suddenly passed, of course it was more difficult to deal when such a close relative died.

‘'Enough talking about deaths.''

‘'You're right,'' Lydia sat beside him. ‘'I have something very important to tell you.''

After Kurt heard what she had to say, he knew she couldn't be lying. And Anderson's needed to know this.

‘'Let's go. Both together,'' Kurt suggested.

‘'It's okay, Kurt,'' Lydia refused to go together. ‘'I am okay with speaking to Mrs. Anderson alone. You should go help your friend Rachel. You told me she needs you.''

Kurt sighed. ‘'Are you sure you want to talk to her alone?''

‘'Yes, dear,'' Lydia sighed in relief. ‘'I can handle it on my own.''

Kurt nodded. He called Rachel and she said he would come to his place in a few minutes.

Kurt said goodbye to his grandmother who went to the Anderson's and waited for Rachel.


Lydia knocked on the Anderson's front door and Elizabeth opened it a few seconds later.

Her face paled.


‘'Yes,'' she confirmed. It was nice that Elizabeth still recognized her. This was the reason why she wanted for Kurt not to come. Elizabeth would understand. Kurt was her son. She couldn't accept that. She could make an excuse if she was alone.

‘'Come in, I guess,'' Elizabeth said and stepped aside. She was as confused as ever in her life. Since Burt had died, the two of them practically hadn't spoken. They had seen each other randomly in shops or on the street but very rarely, only exchanging polite greetings.

So why could she be visiting her all of a sudden?

She took her offered seat at the kitchen table and Elizabeth sat across her, still a clueless expression on her face. Though from Lydia, she could tell she had something important to tell her.

‘'I don't know if you know this but Kurt and I are very close,'' Lydia started, not wanting to drag this important conversation.

‘'I know,'' Elizabeth said and clasped her hands together, leaning on the table.

‘'He's my neighbor and we've managed to get very close. He's such a nice boy,'' Lydia smiled. ‘'And I also know that Kurt loves Blaine.''

Elizabeth looked at her hands and nodded once. She didn't like their relationship at first but now, seeing what Blaine's become without him, made her realize how important he was, is to Blaine. Still.

She also understood that she was denying her liking towards Kurt for some reason. Especially after she found out Heidi was having Blaine's child.

‘'So Blaine's important to me too,'' she continued, a very serious voice. ‘'Their happiness means a lot to me so I have something urgently important to tell you.''

Elizabeth nodded and looked at her, ready to hear whatever she had to say.

‘'A few days ago, I went for an evening walk. I do this almost every day. And as I walked, I saw Heidi. With another man. And they were close. I'm not saying any details but I can assure you that that wasn't just friendship, that's for sure.''

Elizabeth's eyes widened. She was speechless. So she had no othe option that to continue listening.

‘'On TV shows this would be the part where you'd tell me that it was dark or I'm old or something like that and it wasn't her and that I must've made a mistake. But I'm sure it was her. Kurt's shown me enough pictures. And I've done my research. I know what that woman looks like.''

Elizabeth's throat was dry. She was horrified.

But she wasn't about to deny anything. It possibly was true. Especially because Blaine's been gone and haven't been close to Heidi since she announced she was pregnant so it may be a possibility that she just found another man. Blaine wasn't treating the way a boyfriend would treat his pregnant girlfriend. Which meant they were not together.

Elizabeth knew very well that Blaine loved Kurt still. So she couldn't blame Heidi. Nor accuse her of cheating, really.

Elizabeth still wasn't saying anything, Lydia spoke. ‘'I suggest you do a paternity test. The man...or shall I say boy, didn't look like he came from a wealthy family. I wouldn't be surprised if she would have been using you just for money.''

‘'T-thank you. For coming, telling me this, Lydia,'' Elizabeth finally spoke. ‘'I know you didn't have to do this but I'm thankful you did.''

‘'No worries. You would've found out from Kurt anyway. I had a talk with his a little while ago and we agreed that I'd come and tell you.''

‘'Kurt's back in LA?'' Elizabeth asked, her eyes hopeful. It was good. Maybe Blaine would finally come home for a change. He's just been a wreck ever since he was gone.

‘'Yes . He came back yesterday,'' Lydia confirmed. She got up from her chair. ‘'That's all I had to say. I hope you do the right choices.''

Elizabeth nodded and watched the woman walk away.


Rachel stormed into Kurt's apartment, without knocking, without calling first, just burst right in.

It startled Kurt at first but he immediately got up to hug her. The girl was shaking and tears were streaming down her face. ‘'Kurt, I'm so happy you're back!''

Kurt squeezed her tighter. ‘'Oh, did you miss me that much?'' he teased.

The girl chuckled. ‘'Of course I did. But that's not it. I'm sorry to be putting all my problems on you but I'm just devastated. I can't-‘'

She sobbed and Kurt helped her sit down. ‘'Shh, shh. It's okay. We can have a sleepover and catch up later. What's wrong?''

‘'Blaine...'' Rachel looked up at him through her lashes. She knew it would be a bit weird to impede Kurt with Blaine now but she didn't know what else to do. ‘'He's just...the way he used to be before he met you.''

Kurt gulped. Yes. Blaine and Rachel had told him how he was before. So it really wasn't good.

‘'He's just...out of control. He doesn't let me or mom or dad talk to him, doesn't sleep at home, every time I see him, he's drunk...I'm just so worried. I've been so worried that he-he'd do something stupid, Kurt.''

Kurt went in for another hug and let her curl up by his side. She admired the strong bond Rachel had with Blaine. It was so heart-warming. But it seemed like Blaine was just blinded right now.

‘'I'll help you, don't worry,'' Kurt assured, caressing her hair. ‘'Do you know where he is now?''

Rachel nodded. ‘'He came home this afternoon. He took some stuff, ignored me when I talked to him. And...I just couldn't take it. I followed him.''

Kurt closed his eyes at Blaine's behavior. Couldn't he see how much Rachel adored him? He was her idol, her ‘strong shoulder', her big brother.

‘'He's in a bar called Scandalous. It's a gay bar, I think. I tried going there myself but they didn't let me in,'' Rachel informed.

Kurt kissed her on the forehead and stood up. ‘'Okay. I'll go and talk to him.''

‘'I'm sorry that you have to do this. I just feel like I have no other choice-‘'

‘'It's perfectly fine, Rachel,'' Kurt soothed. ‘'No matter what, I-I still care about Blaine. And you. So don't worry. Will you stay at my place''

She nodded.


It took a while until Kurt got to the club and she scowled at how loud it was inside. He could hear it from his (that is Mike's) car. He didn't really want to go in. It didn't seem like a place he would like to hand around. But he had a purpose. So he just went.

It was too damn loud, there was practically nothing to breathe and it stunk. Like alcohol and sweat and old men. Kurt didn't like it one bit.

He just went through the crowd of dancing bodies, searching for Blaine.

He soon spotted him at the bar. His heart skipped a beat but he kept a straight face.

As he got closer (and more anxious) he could see that Blaine was taking multiple shots. And it was easy to tell from his posture that he was very drunk.

He just gathered all of his mental and physical strength and just casually leaned on the bar counter, facing Blaine.

Blaine glanced his way a few seconds later, a big smile creeping on his face. ‘'Hello, beautiful!'' Kurt's stomach dropped at the nickname. ‘'Haven't seen you in a while.''

Kurt was a little disappointed that Blaine wasn't surprised or happy to see him but he shook the feelings off. He was here to help Rachel.

‘'What do you think you're doing?'' Kurt asked sternly.

Blaine laughed. ‘'Having a time of my life, thank you.''

Kurt clenched his jaw. He wasn't in the mood for an attitude like this. ‘'Why are you doing this to yourself? To your family?''

‘'I'm not doing anything,'' Blaine said without expressions, avoiding Kurt's eyes and taking another shot.

‘'Go home!'' Kurt said. He wanted this to be over sooner. He didn't want to drag Blaine out of here or pay for a hotel room or argue with him. He just wanted to help Rachel feel better.

Blaine opened his mouth, about to say something when a man came next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘'Ready to go, sexy?''

Kurt scowled. Please, no!

Blaine glanced at him, looking a little confused at first. But then he smiled and changed his sitting position so he could place a hand around the stranger. ‘'And here is the man of the night. John-‘'


‘'-Jason here is the lucky one. We're going to go have some fun.''

Kurt was fuming. ‘'You're not going anywhere.'' He yanked Blaine's hand away from John, Jason whatever. ‘'Except home.'' He added, cursing himself for sounding so dorky and awkward.

Blaine just laughed. Kurt shot daggers at the man and he just backed away, disappearing into the crowd.

Kurt then sighed. ‘'Way to ruin the fun, Kurt!'' Blaine tapped the counter, waiting for his next drink.

‘'Please, let's just go home-‘'

‘'Ditch the curly hobbit, come home with me instead.''

Kurt looked to his other side to see who was speaking. It was a man, probably in his thirties, but still pretty attractive.

Kurt felt a tight hand around his waist. When did Blaine stand up

‘'Back off, he's not going anywhere with you!'' Blaine growled.

It looked like the man didn't want to back off so Blaine steered them out of the club.

Kurt was surprised at how sober Blaine suddenly seemed.

‘'You ruined my night's fun so you owe me a ride,'' Blaine said and Kurt just nodded, leading them to his car.

They drove for a few minutes in silence but Kurt could feel Blaine's eyes on him.

‘'Take me to whatever hotel,'' Blaine ordered.

‘'No! I'm taking you home,'' Kurt said with a voice that couldn't be argued against.

‘'You're so hot when you're mad.'' Kurt ignored that comment.

The lights of the Anderson's house were all out which meant that they were either sleeping or gone out somewhere. It was good because he didn't want any audience of him carrying a drunk head.

Kurt sort of helped Blaine get out of the car. He now realized that he wasn't as drunk as he first thought he was, Blaine wasn't lightweight, at all. So he didn't have to carry him but help him up the stairs at least.

They entered Blaine's room and Kurt was about to plop Blaine on the bed and leave when suddenly, he yelped as he was the one being pushed on it.

He felt Blaine's body on top on his and shivered. In pleasure and not doing anything like this in so long. ‘'I missed you.''

Blaine started kissing him all over his jaw and down his neck, grunting and biting. Kurt felt his hands caress his sides and land on his hips, holding him down strongly.

This wasn't supposed to happen!

Kurt pushed him off with all the strength he had, though for a second he really just wanted Blaine to have his ways.

‘'We're not doing this,'' Kurt said with his back facing Blaine. The then turned and gulped. Blaine was looking to sexy with his hair messy, lips shining and eyes dark.

‘'We're not doing this,'' he repeated, a bit more strongly.

Blaine was breathing quickly but wasn't saying anything.

‘'Just...get some sleep. Apologize to Rachel,'' Kurt said calmly. ‘'Tomorrow we need to have a serious talk.''

Blaine watched as Kurt left.



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