Chasing Heaven
Chapter 27 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 27

E - Words: 3,122 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
192 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: Thank you for reading this. It wasn't easy to write but I managed. I'm sorry the chapters are so short but it's all I can get out of myself. If I'd write long chapters, there probably wouldn't be an update in months so I hope this is better than nothing.

Also, shameless self-promo. If you enjoy this fic than you probably will enjoy my other one ‘'Evergreen''. Please, check it out if you're interested.

Thanks for sticking with me on this journey. I luv u all!



Chapter 27

Rachel sat on the couch in her living room, glancing at the door every few seconds. She felt like she could break down any minute, from being nervous and anxious for several days now.

Kurt had left three days ago and now, Blaine was nowhere to be seen. He had returned yesterday but left again before Rachel could even say a word to him.

Heidi was freaking out. She wasn't nervous but just angry at him from not being next to her.

Rachel ignored her.

All she wanted was for her brother to return home safe. He knew that Kurt's sudden departure took a big toll on him. She was afraid he'd do something stupid.

It was very late in the evening now, over midnight, but Rachel slept on the couch every day, reading books until her eyes literally fell shut. She kept waiting and didn't want to miss Blaine's arrival.

Her parents were sleeping already and Heidi had gone somewhere few hours prior, without telling anyone anything. She did that often but Rachel didn't mind.

He heard the front door open but she tried not to be hopeful, it could be Heidi coming back. But then she heard male voices and shot up from under her bundle of books, magazines and blankets.

What she saw made her feel very unpleasant. It was Blaine, her heart leaped at that, but he wasn't even close to being sober.

‘'My room is on the second floor,'' Blaine mumbled to the other guy coming in after him while he took off his shoes. ‘'Though we have to be quiet.''

‘'Blaine ?'' Rachel asked worriedly. She didn't want Blaine making some ridiculous mistakes with some stranger because Rachel saw the guy for the first time ever. She didn't want her brother go his old ways. Like before he met Kurt.

‘'Leave me alone, Rachel,'' Blaine growled and stumbled, almost knocking into a wall.

Now Rachel was angry. How could he just blow her off like that? She has been worried all these days, stressing herself out because Blaine was missing but now he didn't even bother to try and explain himself or say sorry? That was unacceptable.

‘'Listen, you ass,'' Rachel was using curse words because she rarely did. Even drunk Blaine knew that. So it got him attention as he beamed at her. ‘'You'll say goodbye to your little friend, take a shower and go to sleep.''

Blaine stood there silent, the alcohol in his swinging his from side to side a little.

Rachel stepped forward, opened the front door and pushed the guy out of their house.

‘'Why'd you do that?'' Blaine growled at her.

‘'How can you ask me that?'' Rachel frowned. ‘'You've been gone without telling us a thing. I was so worried, Blaine-‘'

‘'Shut up, Rachel!'' Blaine almost yelled. Rachel's eyes teared up. He had told her to shut up before but only in a playful way. This hurt. She was just trying to help. ‘'Stay out of my fucking life. I'm an adult. I'll do what I fucking please.''

He stood there, looking almost sober, his anger fuming out of him like waves. After a few seconds he stormed out.

A single tear escaped Rachel's eye. ‘'I'm not giving up on you, Blaine.''


For some reason, living here, in the middle of a forest, made Kurt wake up quickly. Every morning he was up, the sun barely risen. It gave him much time to do whatever he wanted do because he didn't want to wake up Alex.

Usually, just like today, he took a stroll through the forest, he even had several different paths he liked. One even led to a beautiful lake where he sometimes just sat and observed the beautiful day.

Though, this silence gave him a lot of freedom and time to think, which right now, wasn't very nice. He either thought about Lydia, Blaine or Alex.

Alex had pleaded, almost on his knees, to ignore his illness. He said he wanted to live a regular life because it was too late to do anything about his disease now, maybe just take some treatments that would save him a few weeks but those cost astronomic amounts of money.

So there Alex was, just living, never knowing which would be his last day. And it stung Kurt. Very much. Alex was too dear of a friend to lose. And losing another person would be unbearable.

But he tried not to think about that, ignore Alex's sickness as much as he could. Alex just didn't want to be treated like he was dying. He didn't want to be pitied. So Kurt didn't.

He slowly went back home and decided to make some scrambled eggs for breakfast.

It was what he did every morning. And he also made dinner for when Alex would get back.

Alex's sister had told them she would be visiting her mother, together with her boyfriend and would be gone for at least two months. Kurt had been excited to meet her but it was okay. He knew Alex and his sister had different mothers and his sister's mother lived pretty far away so Alex understood that she visited her for a long period of time.

So it was just two of them alone.

A month later

Kurt was very excited because Alex was coming back from work early and promised to take him to a secret place where Kurt would be able to take some pictures as well. Kurt was beyond happy. Alex had promised to teach him some basic photography techniques and finally he would do so.

They had bonded over the last few weeks. Kurt wasn't really counting the time but he wasn't really ready to go home yet. He was having a wonderful time here.

His and Alex's friendship grew very strong. Kurt was happy that not even once did Alex try to be something more. But Kurt could guess why it was one would want to date a dying man.

But that wasn't true. Kurt's heart just simply belonged to Blaine. As much as it hurt to know that the relationship between them was too complicated, his heart was still his.

If he could, he would stay with Alex for about six more months. He just didn't think he'd manage to see Blaine, Heidi and their new baby as a happy family. He wouldn't bear it.

Though he did miss everyone terribly. Rachel, Nick, Jeff, Tina, Mike, Lydia, Finn...Blaine. But he shook his head. He returned to reading his book until Alex would be home. He had asked one time for Alex's phone so he could call Tina. Jeff and Nick had been there too so they all talked for more than two hours, Kurt felt bad but Alex insisted that it was absolutely fine.

The only thing that Kurt disliked about living with Alex was that he could notice him getting worse. Kurt would hear his cough at night, making him almost cry sometimes. Alex wouldn't show it of course, or act like he was feeling bad. He would still be fun, clever, sweet Alex. But Kurt worried about him. He had tried to make him take a break from work so he could rest, maybe get better but Alex strictly refused, leaving nothing to discuss. So Kurt never spoke about that again. He really just wanted to be treated as before.

Kurt heard the door open and he immediately hopped up, excited to go take some photos. When he saw Alex, he gasped a little. He looked exhausted, tired, just plain worn out. But Kurt knew it wasn't because of work.

His face pale, his hair a lot less voluminous than Kurt remembered, eyes tired. But he was still smiling, a wide smile. He waved with his hand.

‘'Come on, Kurt. I left the car running.''

For one second, Kurt wanted to argue. Make Alex stay home somehow, get some rest, drink some tea and miss work tomorrow.

But he remembered that this topic was not up for discussion. So he just went.

They were driving somewhere, Kurt didn't know where, he just sung along to the songs on the radio, glancing all around the beautiful sceneries through the window.

Until suddenly, the car turned off the road and into the grass, then Alex hit the breaks suddenly, rocking Kurt forward violently, though he had a seat belt on.

He looked at Alex, horrified. He was paler than before, holding his head in his hands and coughing again. Kurt almost started panicking but calmed himself, telling that he had to be strong right now, for Alex's sake. He had no one except for Kurt now.

‘'Alex, let's switch seats,'' Kurt suggested, Alex chose not to be his stubborn self and nodded.

Kurt helped him out of the driver's seat and into the passenger one.

‘'Just...take me home, I'll take a nap and-‘' cough ‘'we can go a little later-‘'

‘'Are you crazy?'' Kurt thought he really was. He couldn't just ignore how bad he was now. ‘'I'm taking you to the hospital.''

‘'No, Kurt...I'm fine-‘' Alex said but wasn't convincing Kurt at all. He couldn't even sit straight, falling against the side of the car, his head resting on the window's glass.

‘'I'm taking you to the hospital,'' Kurt said with a strong voice, insisting. ‘'Tell me where to go.''

The ride to the hospital wasn't long, about ten minutes. At first, Kurt was afraid Alex would take him somewhere random, not telling him the real address but he did say correctly. He didn't like when Kurt was mad at him. And right now, it seemed like if he refused to do what Kurt said, he'd snap.

Kurt rushed him inside.

Now came the worst part. Waiting.

Kurt felt sick. Like he could throw up any minute. No one was telling him anything, no one was coming out from the room they took Alex in.

Kurt was trembling and sweating with cold sweat. He didn't have a good feeling about this. Not once until now, Alex had been so bad that he had to be taken to a hospital. Now Kurt didn't know what to expect.

And hour passed.



Time was going slowly, too slowly, and still no one was telling him anything.

He hear the door open and close, a doctor coming out from it. He went to pass Kurt but he stopped him.

‘'Doctor, how is Alexandreus?'' Kurt didn't really want to hear the answer. Especially since the doctor's face saddened as the question was asked.

‘'Are you family?''

‘'No, I'm a very close friend,'' Kurt answered and hoped it wouldn't be a problem.

The doctor sighed. ‘'He's not well. We have been trying to make him take some experimental treatments but he refused all of them. Even the ones insurance was covering,'' the doctor informed. Kurt wanted to cry. Why would Alex to that?

‘'If he'd wanted to help himself, he should've come sooner. I'm afraid it's too late now.''

Kurt swallowed the lump in his throat. ‘'It...does it mean he's...he's...'' He couldn't say it.

‘'Dying I'm sorry but yes.''

Kurt felt his eyes burning with tears but he kept them at bay. ‘'H-how much time he has?''

The doctor sighed, hating to deliver bad news. ‘'I'm afraid he won't make the night.''

Kurt bit the inside of his cheek. He felt like his insides were burning and that he's throw up. This couldn't be happening.

He took a deep breath. ‘'Can I go see him?''

The doctor nodded. ‘'Sure. We gave him some pain relieving medicine. Just...don't tell him. Tell him he's got more time. Like, two months.''

Kurt looked down and nodded slightly. The man placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly, as if that would help Kurt in any way.

Kurt turned and went to the door. He opened it and saw Alex sleeping in a bed with a hospital robe on, though he could see his clothes nearby on a chair. He was still pale, still smiling and examining the ceiling. When he heard the door open, Kurt swore his whole face lit up when he saw Kurt.

‘'Hi,'' he greeted. After a few seconds when Kurt didn't answer he pouted.

Kurt felt like he couldn't hold his tears anymore. They were threatening to fall. Seeing Alex, hearing his was too much.

Alex saw Kurt's lips tremble, his face full of pity and sadness. ‘'They lied to me, didn't they?'' He whispered.

At Kurt's silence, he glanced back at the ceiling. ‘'I'm dying.''

He closed his eyes, tears still trailing down his colorless cheeks. He took a deep breath but he still sobbed. ‘'I don't want to die here.''

Kurt sat beside him, taking Alex's hand, squeezing it tightly. ‘'I don't want to die here, miserably, in these four walls. I don't want to.''

He was full on crying now, Kurt's own ability to holding back tears failing.

‘'I don't want to die here,'' Alex continued through sobs. ‘'I want to see the sea. Breathe fresh in the nature. I don't want to die in a box, strange bed...''

Kurt wiped his tears. Who was he to deny a dying man's last wish?

He stood up, smiled a little at Alex, his nose and cheeks red from crying. ‘'Can you dress quickly''

Alex looked at him confused.

‘'I'm taking you to the sea. We're running away,'' Kurt said and smiled wider. Alex wanted to smile too but he had no strength. But he managed to get up and pull on his pants, shirt and shoes on bare foot while Kurt set up his wheelchair.

‘'If anyone asks – I'm just waking you for a walk,'' Kurt said, mostly to himself.

Alex sat in his wheel chair, Kurt placed a blanket on him and wheeled him out of the hospital room.

They lucked out – no one noticed them and Alex's room had been relatively close to the exit.

Kurt stopped by a gas station, buying some cheap champagne and plastic cups. Thankfully he knew where the sea was. He had gone there with Alex once, it was about two weeks ago though. But he had no trouble finding the way.

There was no one at the sea. Partially because Kurt drove a little out of the small town just in case, plus, the evening was too cold for anyone to go swimming or sunbathing.

They found a nice spot, between dunes, placing several blankets on the ground and just sitting there.

Kurt struggled with opening the bottle, Alex laughed a bit, weak laugh but Kurt managed, it popped open, a few drops dripping out from it. He poured the drink halfway in each glass and handed one to Alex.

Alex was wrapped around in a blanket, his cup in hand, resting against Kurt's side for balance. If Kurt wouldn't be there for support, mental and physical, he wouldn't know what to do.

Kurt wrapped his free arm around Alex's warm, blanketed shoulder, rubbing his upper arm a few times.

‘'I'm so thankful you came into my life,'' Kurt said. ''You've been such a good friend, I couldn't wish for any better.''

Alex sat silent, a very small smile on his lips, that used to be pretty pink, now plain, almost white.

‘'I've always loved your positive attitude,'' Kurt said silently. Both men looking at the sunset, a slight breeze blowing, ‘'You're such an amazing role model. Always so supportive and purposeful and creative.''

There was literally not one single cloud in the sky. It allowed to view the amazing scenery the sun provided. The horizon bright pink, fading into lighter pink and then mixing with purples and oranges. The beautiful colors mixed with the calming sound of the waves were so relaxing.

‘'I always will have pleasant memories I will forever cherish,'' Kurt said, almost whispering.

He looked to the side, a little down, and saw Alex with closed eyes, his belly under all the blankets not rising and falling anymore.

Kurt bit the inside of his cheek but tears fell anyway. His breathing was shaky but he kept calm.

He hugged Alex for the last time.


He arrived back at Alex's place. He had barely made the way back from the beach after 911 had arrived to take his friend's body.

He glanced in the mirror, his hair messy, face puffed and eyes red. He had given the doctor's his sister's number but kept the phone to himself.

It wasn't like he was going to call everyone he knew and tell that his friend had passed away. He wasn't going to complain to anyone. He just wanted to return back to his grandmother, to his best friend and mourn in peace. He was glad he was able to spend the time he did before Alex had passed.

He spent the rest of the evening by the lake, alone with his thoughts and memories. Tears still falling here and there as he nibbled random peaces of grass.

The next day, he dialed Rachel's number.

‘'Hello ?'' she sounded clueless at the unknown number.

‘'Hi, Rachel, it's Kurt,'' Kurt said.

‘'Ahh! Kurt!'' she squealed but it wasn't a happy squeal, more like a gasp. ‘'I'm so glad you called.''

‘'I'm glad to hear your voice.''

‘'I'm too, Kurt...but I'm desperate,'' Rachel said.

‘'What's wrong?''

‘'It's Blaine. Kurt, you have to help me. And him,'' Rachel pleaded. ‘'You have to come home.''

Kurt closed his eyes. He wasn't recovered yet but he had to go home. He had nothing else to do here anymore. He could wait for Alex's sister but he didn't know her and he didn't know when she'd return.

He just left a long note for her. He expected her to call, invite him to Alex's funeral sometime soon.

But now, he had to go back.

‘'I will.''




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