Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
I'm sorry I was gone so long. I would've uploaded a few days ago but there were complications.
I was almost hospitalized because of a fever and all that crap plus my keyboard stopped working , the commas, question marks and point are still not working so it was very hard to write this one, copying and pasting the commas and all...
But please please review. It will give me motivation, like seriously, I'm lacking it big time.
Chapter 20
Flying was incredible. It was so much fun. Kurt didn't want to sound selfish but it was a lot better than traveling on a boat. It took a while for him to get used to the fact that his ears would congest and it would feel very unpleasant but thanks to Nick who gave him chewing gum, it was bearable. Another thing is that he realized he wasn't afraid of heights.
The world just looked so much different from the bird sight. You could truly understand, how grand the earth is and what a small ant a person is.
Their flight was pretty long. Blaine told him it was about four to five hours. At first it seemed like nothing but when he realized there's not much to do on a plane, he felt different about the whole thing. One thing was watching out the window and taking several pictures with his phone but obviously he couldn't do that for the whole ride to Miami.
Blaine had paid for him, Rachel, Jeff, Nick and Finn, who tagged along after Rachel pleaded for hours without stopping, some extra money so they can fly first class. And Kurt appreciated that. He did. He didn't want to sound spoiled or selfish, again, but the seats were a lot more comfortable and the atmosphere was a lot nicer. It would be very annoying for other people to deal with Kurt if he wasn't taking first class ‘cause the whole time he couldn't sit in his chair. He kept changing seats from Blaine, to Rachel and Finn for some chat, to Jeff who definitely needed a friend to talk to. ‘Cause let me tell you, the arriving to the airport was hella awkward.
Somehow the guy who had an obsessing crush over Jeff, Robert, found out about the time Jeff was leaving LA. Jeff had told him he was going to Florida for the second stage of the contest but didn't tell an exact time, so the man's appearance was surprising to say the least.
Kurt, Jeff and Rachel were walking ahead from their cars on the little distance from the parking lot to the airport, chatting, Nick, Blaine and Finn going behind them, when suddenly Jeff stopped dead in his tracks. Kurt almost ran into him but seeing the man ahead of them by the airport door made his eyes widen and almost chuckle.
Rachel smirked, grabbed Kurt and Finn behind their sleeves, pulling them into the airport, Blaine following behind them, giving a playful glare to Jeff.
‘'Hello, Jeff,'' Robert greeted, handing Jeff a rose he was holding.
‘'What are you doing here?'' Jeff hissed, snatching the flower out of the man's arms. ‘'How did you know when I was leaving?''
‘'Shhh, just don't be mad. I really like you. I just hope we can meet again soon,'' Robert answered, not even glancing behind his crush, at Nick who was basically fuming.
‘'Listen, we'll talk when I get back. I really don't want to be late for my flight,'' he explained and gave the man back the rose. ‘'I don't think I'm allowed to take plants with me so…''
Robert nodded his hand and took the flower with a smile on his face.
‘'Goodbye,'' Jeff smiled back and headed to the airport door.
‘'By the way,'' Robert shouted after him, ‘'I showed my mom your photo. She likes you.''
Jeff rolled his eyes and just entered the airport, heading to his friends that had huge grins on their faces, making Jeff blush.
Robert's eyes followed after Jeff until he couldn't see him and then when he turned around to leave, he was startled by a black haired man in front of him.
‘'Leave him alone!'' Nick demanded, making Robert's smile fall and his brows furrow.
‘'W-who are you?'' the man asked but straightened his back.
‘'I?'' Nick asked as if it was obvious. ‘'I'm Jeff's boyfriend.'' Robert's face basically drowned in horror. ‘'Yeah, a-and we have 3 children.'' Well that was an obvious lie, taking they both were hardly 20.
‘'W-what?'' Robert looked very shocked and freaked out. He was about to say something when Nick just continued.
‘'Yeah so you just leave and don't bother with your stupid greens and your stupid mother and forget the dream that he will be your husband or whatever.''
Robert looked absolutely confused.
‘'Go!'' Nick told him a little louder. Robert jumped a little but started walking away in a weird walk Nick only could describe as ‘Mr. Bean'.
Luckily for Nick, no one was looking at them through the window, too busy asking Jeff ridiculous questions.
For the most part, Kurt spent his flight with Jeff and Blaine with Nick.
Not because Kurt was obsessing with the whole Robert fiasco but because he was excited and nervous as heck. In a good way. First of all, it was his first time going to a different state. Second, it was the freakin' second stage of the contest and he didn't want to let anyone down since this would be his first big performance. Also, Kurt was extremely relieved that Heidi didn't bother them at all. She flew in first class as well but totally ignored everyone.
When they landed, Kurt immediately searched for Blaine and took Blaine's hand in his, making Blaine smile and kiss his forehead lovingly, he obviously loved Kurt's inexperience and attachment.
The group gathered outside the Miami airport and Elizabeth told everyone she'd called for taxi's to take them all to the hotel they were supposed to be staying at. The hotel was called Fontainebleau Miami Beach.
When they arrived there, Kurt's mouth hung open. It was so fancy, he couldn't understand how Cantare could afford this.
The group was divided by two so they could share a room. Jeff went to Nick, Rachel to Finn and Kurt obviously to Blaine. Elizabeth gave everyone their keys to their rooms and they went to unpack. Kurt turned to leave but Blaine held him by the hand. They had to wait for someone. Elizabeth, Rachel, Heidi, Blaine and Kurt stayed in the lobby to wait for someone while Nick, Jeff and Finn waited for their friends near the entrance, just exploring.
The only question was, who were they waiting for?
Wait for it.
‘'Seb!'' Heidi squealed, running over and jumping into the arms of a rather attractive man.
Elizabeth smiled widely at the young man approaching and they embraced.
‘'Hello, Blaine,'' he greeted and the men shook hands. Sebastian glanced at Kurt and his stare lingered at him for a while, making Blaine twirl his arm around Kurt's waist.
Sebastian knew what Blaine had done. How he had ‘betrayed' Heidi and ‘turned' gay. He knew things didn't work that way. And he knew it well. Plus, he didn't blame Blaine, his friend was very hot.
‘'Rachel,'' Sebastian tore his gaze away from Kurt and bowed his head to Rachel in greeting, earning a sweet smile from her. ‘'Introduce me to your friend here, Blaine?'' Sebastian looked at Kurt again.
Blaine made his grip stronger but made himself keep a polite face even though he didn't like the way Sebastian's eyes were roaming over Kurt. ‘'Boyfriend,'' he almost growled. ‘'My boyfriend Kurt.'' Heidi just crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
‘'I'm Sebastian, Heidi's cousin,'' he said and took Kurt's hand, kissing it lightly, making Kurt blush and Blaine's jaw tighten.
‘'I don't have much time to chat, so we're just going to get going,'' Blaine said to Elizabeth.
‘'But Blaine-‘' before she could continue and stop Blaine, he had already taken Kurt by his waist and guided them outside.
Kurt was confused for a while. They were supposed to go to Rachel, Finn and Jeff but instead, Blaine was leaving the hotel. He just allowed his boyfriend drag him away, smirking at the weird situation. Although he didn't really like Heidi, her cousin seemed somewhat okay. Obviously not boyfriend material ‘cause he was totally in love with Blaine but still nice.
‘'Blaine? Where are we going?'' he finally managed to ask but Blaine didn't even need to answer. They were already there. A beautiful, little secluded suite beside the ocean. They went in and Kurt smiled, looking around.
‘'I am not a fan of the hotel rooms,'' Blaine answered simply. Not entirely lies but not completely true either. There were a few reasons. Usually, he took the suite alone. Heidi usually stayed with friends if they travelled during competitions. It was more secluded and quiet which now came in handy. Plus, he's wanted to be away from Heidi but now there was another person to stay away from as far as possible.
While Kurt looked around, he texted his friends they weren't coming back today.
Kurt came out from the bathroom after exploring and hooked his hands around Blaine's neck. ‘'Thank you.''
‘'What for, beautiful?'' he asked, swiping some fallen hair from his forehead.
‘'Everything,'' Kurt inhaled deeply and said. ‘'I've never been happier.''
Blaine's heart literary swell from the adoration and love he felt for this amazing boy. He slowly leaned in a caught Kurt's lips in a slow kiss. His hands caressed Kurt's sides and he slowly pushed them to the bed, falling onto the pillows, and started removing Kurt's clothes, never breaking their kiss.
Blaine leaned back and Kurt's hands immediately flew up to keep Blaine from going away and whined ‘cause it was too late.
Blaine smirked as Kurt blushed. He stepped back a little and removed his own clothing torturously slow. Kurt groaned and threw his head back. As much as he appreciated Blaine's body, now was definitely not the time. ‘'Blaine hurry!'' He demanded.
Blaine shook his head no and then hooking his thumbs in his pants, seeming like he'd never get to the point to actually remove them.
Kurt wasn't the one to be left behind so he decided to play along. His own hands trailed down his body, closing his eyes smiling with satisfaction.
Blaine's eyes got dark at the sight. He basically threw his pants and underwear away and literally attacked Kurt, throwing Kurt's hands off of himself.
‘'Don't touch yourself!'' Only I can pleasure you.
Kurt smirked and nodded. He melted under Blaine's touch showing all his vulnerability that he knew Blaine couldn't resist.
Blaine groaned at the hotness and started sucking on Kurt's neck. God, the noises he made, made him crazy. It was good they were in a private suite.
He released Kurt's hands, wanting to balance himself by placing his palms beside Kurt's head on each side. The boy's hands flew to Blaine's neck, pushing his nails into the flesh there.
After preparing Kurt, which in Blaine's mind was torturing but waiting was good, he leaned down again, ‘'I love you, Kurt. So much.'' He said brethlessly, looking in each other's eyes with pure love and want. Blaine slowly pushed in and Kurt moaned, digging his hands into Blaine's neck again, even drawing blood and making Blaine's eyes roll into the back of his head in the mix of pleasure.
‘'I love the sound you make, Kurt. Absolutely love them,'' he kissed the boy's nose, keeping his thrusts slow and gentle. ‘'I'm so glad you're mine again. I never want what happened to happen again.''
‘'I won't. Promise.''
The next morning was stressful for Kurt. As happy as it felt to fall asleep yesterday, today he was nervous as heck and it wasn't even the contest night.
First in the morning, they had rehearsal and free time after. As Blaine had promised, they would go visit his brother Cooper, his wife Christina and their son Saul along with Rachel. Both, Blaine and his sister had told him not to worry but remembering how his relationship is going with Elizabeth or Heidi, who isn't really a relative but still. He really wanted Blaine's family to like him. They were pretty serious and Kurt really thought of Blaine as his future husband. He wasn't getting his hopes up too much ‘cause Blaine had basically broken an engagement but still, what they had is different.
As for Blaine, he was trying to reassure his boyfriend. He knew for the first moment Coop would love Kurt and accept him, be happy for him. Blaine was really glad how his relationship with Cooper had drastically improved since childhood. Now he could sure say he's the best brother he could wish for.
The company spent about an hour to drive to Cooper's house. It was not too far but traffic today was worse than they wished. All the way there, Kurt could only appreciate how beautiful Miami was. Although, it wasn't very much different from LA, taking that they are cities by the ocean, it was still really wonderful to see the different building, people and culture all around.
They pulled by what Kurt assumed was Cooper's house and it was mesmerizing. It looked like a dream house to Kurt. It was huge, firstly, in the color of golden sand with two garage doors and a dark grey roof. It had big windows and a nice, maintained garden upfront with flowers and palm trees that grew naturally.
The nervousness came back as he exited the car. ‘'Don't worry! Cooper rocks,'' Rachel patted him on the shoulder. Kurt nodded and twined his fingers with Blaine's as they followed Rachel and Finn to the front door.
Rachel opened the door, an enormous smile on her face with Finn looking just as nervous as Kurt felt. Looked like he was about to faint.
‘'Little sister!''
Kurt head coming from the inside, Rachel opening her arms and running inside further and further, Finn following her awkwardly.
Blaine squeezed his hand in reassurance, and they went to the two little steps to step inside.
‘'And here is my Squirt!'' Cooper smiled and opened his arms to hug his brother. Kurt smiled at the lovely siblings. They actually didn't look so much alike to be honest. They both were indeed handsome and attractive, Cooper with his voluminous dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and perfect posture, but only if you looked close and long enough, you'd then see the little things that they had alike.
‘'And this is Kurt, I assume,'' Cooper turned to Kurt. A wave of stress flood over Kur because he didn't know what to do exactly hug him or shake his hand or just nod, but he was relieved when Cooper opened his arms for him too, patting him on the back, Kurt not hesitating to return the embrace. ‘'You're a very handsome man, you know that?''
‘'Uhh ...thank you...''
‘'Call me Cooper! We're all family here,'' Cooper shrugged. ‘'And you must be Finn.'' They both shared an embrace as well but Kurt's attention was brought elsewhere.
‘'Here's my cupcake!'' came Rachel's baby like voice. She squatted to the ground and opened his arms in the direction where Kurt's eyes were then directed. There came the cutest little toddler he'd ever seen. A messy, curly dirty blonde head slowly came towards them, holding a bright green blanket with a frog's head on it tightly in his arms, against his face to probably hide it. He didn't come to Rachel's arms though but stopped, looking behind him where Kurt saw a woman approaching.
‘'Hello everyone. Sorry I didn't greet you by the door, this little sport decided to wake up just when we were welcoming you.''
The woman was very beautiful. She had short, curly light red hair, her face was very fragile and slim just like her body. She was wearing a long deep blue maxi skirt and a tank top with what looked like was Frida Kahlo on it.
‘'Oh , it's okay,'' Rachel got up and the women hugged. That part was true. This side of the Andersons was very welcoming and friendly. Not a bad trait. ‘'And this is my boyfriend, Finn.'' Finn stepped forward to also be hugged by the woman.
‘'Christi ,'' Blaine said silently, with a warm smile on his face.
‘'Oh , Blainey!'' her face scrunched up and it looked like she will tear up while hugging him. That's the kind of love Kurt was looking for and dreaming about. Don't get him wrong, Blaine was enough love from a man, but Kurt still missed a family. Just like this.
‘'Christi, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend - Kurt,'' the woman's face lit up and she surged forward to an obvious embrace. That's what everyone in this family did. ‘'You have such a pretty name. I'm Christina, by the way. But you can call me how Blaine calls me. Or however you like.''
‘'Thank you, Christi,'' Kurt preferred the shorter version, hoping it'll make the whole thing a lot less awkward.
‘'Blaine,'' a small, fragile voice came from the little boy, who finally seemed to have woken up and realized what was happening.
‘'Hey, dimpkins,'' Blaine got to his knees to kiss the boy on the forehead. ‘'I want you to meet someone. This is my very boyfriend, Kurt.'' As Blaine introduced him, Kurt got down to face the toddler as well.
‘'Hi, Saul,'' Kurt greeted and smiled when the boy blushed and hid behind his blanket.
‘'Don't worry, he's very shy but he'll open up pretty soon. He will watch you fist though,'' Cooper said. ‘'Like creepily,'' his wife added with a smirk.
The plan for the time they'll spend in Florida was going well, although Blaine didn't want to attend some of the events, for example the dinner that was supposed to be held tomorrow, but otherwise it was a well planned trip and Kurt was glad they had a lot of free time. They would spend the rest of the day and the night at Cooper's, the next day there was a rehearsal at the actual hall where the contest will be happening, a dinner with the whole choir after, they would spend another night at Cooper's and the next day was Saul's 5th birthday and the contest in the following day.
A lot of things were happening but that was what they were here for. Elizabeth booked their trips earlier because of her grandson's birthday which would give her students free time she knew they'd enjoy so it was a compromise.
With time, Saul really did open up. A lot. Especially to Kurt. Kurt was his new best friend, it seemed.
Not even ten minutes had passed after Kurt arrived when Saul started to cling to Kurt's legs. Literally.
Christina really wanted to know Kurt better too so she asked if he wanted to help prepare lunch for them all if he wanted. Kurt of course agreed, telling her how much he loved cooking, earning a very loud ‘mhmm' from Blaine. Rachel said she would help too so they can prepare quicker.
While they were making the food, Finn, Blaine along with Cooper were in the big back yard, preparing the wood table that had to be assembled, as well as the chairs and little penthouse to save them from the sun.
The whole time they were talking while preparing and Christina couldn't help but be astonished, how attached Saul was to Kurt. The boy's mom had thought him not to disturb while she's cooking so Saul wasn't a problem by any means but he still stayed right there, always sitting by the kitchen counters, on the island either listening to everyone talk or drawing them all with crayons.
Kurt adored how he could see very many drawing the boy had done attached to the fridge with magnets. He had learned that Christi works as a hairdresser and that she ends work really early. That always gave her time to spend with her son. He did go to kindergarten but she still enjoyed the free time to do things around the house.
The atmosphere was a little tense for a minute after Christi asked Kurt about his family and there was a silence but Rachel tried to get the conversations flowing.
‘'Kurtie, you see what I made you!'' Kurt was yanked by his jeans and he turned to see the little boy holding a paper with a man that was supposed to be him drawn on it.
‘'Thank you, it's beautiful.''
Saul blushed at the praise and lowered his head and clung to Kurt's leg, wrapping both hands around it.
By the time the dinner was finished, the men had done setting up the table and penthouse, and Rachel came out in the back yard with things to set the table.
Saul asked Kurt to play with him while everyone was setting up the table and Kurt glanced at Christi for permission to which she nodded.
They went to play with a ball with Peter Pen on it and Blaine was spreading a white tablecloth over the wooden table.
‘'Blaine, I don't like the white table. I want a blue table,'' Saul whined and Kurt giggled, Blaine shooting daggers at him.
Blaine spread the bright blue tablecloth and Christi started to place plates on the table, Blaine brought a vase with many garden flowers in it and placed it in the middle of the table.
‘'Blainey, put the flower somewhere else. Where Kurt will sit,'' the boy bossed around again.
‘'Kurt's gonna sit with me,'' Blaine said in a sing-song voice.
‘'You got to be kidding me...'' Blaine sighed when they all were at the table, except for Kurt and Saul. They were a few feet away, on a little ‘picnic', they had placed a blanket on the ground and were eating their food there, chatting away.
‘'Blaine, you must be happy Saul's at least off of your hands,'' Rachel teased, putting a cherry tomato in her mouth.
‘'I don't want him off my hands,'' Blaine pouted and everyone laughed.
‘'But that's understandable. He's spent most of his life with children at all ages,'' Finn said as they all watched the two play.
Sadly for Blaine, the rest of the afternoon went the same way. Saul was absolutely loving Kurt and was just not letting him go. Christina and Cooper were absolutely amused by the fact ‘cause Saul was a very hard trusting boy and usually some time went while he actually started to really open up and attach to a person.
After lunch, Rachel asked if Saul would like to go on a walk with her and Finn but Saul had refused, saying he had plans to color his Tarzan coloring book with Kurt and letting him color one page. It was a big deal. He'd never let anyone color or even help color.
But after finishing the page, Kurt had insisted himself to take a spin and look around the neighborhood, which Blaine was very happy about though Saul tagged along and they all five went, Cooper and his wife as well.
They had been walking around for over an hour and Cooper drove to the center to get them some food. While they were all waiting for food, Kurt and Saul were watching Megamind on DVD while the rest of them were talking in the dining room.
Blaine strolled into the room, approaching from behind and could see that Saul's and Kurt's hands were linked while they were laughing at the cartoon.
‘'What ya doin' dimples?'' Blaine asked and plopped on the couch.
‘'I'm watching blue man with Kurtie,'' Saul said and cuddled closer to Kurt, who only smiled and looked proudly at Blaine.
When Cooper arrived, they all sat at the dining table, eating when Saul just placed down him spoon and just looked at his dad in silence.
‘'What ?!'' Cooper asked.
‘'Can I go watch blue man?'' Saul asked back.
‘'When you finish eating your dinner, honey,'' Christi answered.
‘'But I want to now.''
‘'We never eat while we watch TV,'' Cooper explained.
‘'But I ate my apple while I was watching yellow cornys yesterday, remember?'' Saul protested. Kurt looked confused at the ‘yellow cornys' and Christi looked at him understandingly saying he calls ‘'Despicable Me'' that because of the minions.
‘'Yes, but-‘'
Saul just held up his pointer finger and got down from his chair.
‘'Where are you going, young man?'' Rachel asked.
‘'I have to go,'' Saul slowly went away and pointed towards the door that connected the living room and the dining room, ‘'I have to go there.''
‘'Please, come back and eat you dinner,'' Cooper pleaded.
‘'I have to go to the store, to buy a teabag, fish food and a mango. Ok?'' Everyone looked confused. The boy exited the room but entered again after a few seconds looking sad and guilty. ‘'I don't have a wallet.''
The rest of the afternoon Kurt spent playing with Saul, he showed Kurt his room and Cooper said it was time for bed. Saul put on his pyjamas and Kurt promised to read to him. Kurt read some tales from Hans Christian Andersen and when he was asleep, Christi showed Blaine and Kurt the only guest room they had. Rachel and Finn were sleeping on the couch but only because Finn wouldn't fit in the guest room bed, even not alone.
It wasn't a single bed but wasn't quite a double bed either but it was okay. The closer the better.
As soon as Christina left, Blaine's hands were on Kurt. ‘'I feel like I haven't seen you all day. Like you weren't even here,'' Blaine growled low in his throat, silently, standing behind Kurt and unbuttoning his shirt slowly. Kurt basically went limp under Blaine's touch. He didn't even realize he spent the whole day with the boy only, it went by so fast.
Blaine swiftly turned him around and kissed him senseless. He removed his shoes with his toes and unbuckled his belt, sliding down his jeans. He guided them to the bed and removed Kurt's clothing except for his underwear. He felt Kurt shiver so he got on top of Kurt, pulling the cover over them.
‘'I missed you so much, beautiful,'' Blaine pouted, kissing all along Kurt's neck and jaw, ‘'I didn't get a single kiss.''
‘' ‘m sorry,'' Kurt murmured with his eyes closed, caressing all over Blaine's back to get him closer.
‘'Kurtie,'' said a small voice as the door crooked open.
Blaine's boner was gone like snap and he sighed.
Kurt was breathing heavily, his face blushing intensely and he was so close to laughing, ‘'yes, sweetie''
‘'I can't sleep.''
Kurt looked at Blaine with puppy eyes. ‘'Fine,'' Blaine grumbled.
Sleeping in the small bed wasn't so bad.