Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Sorry, this is so short. I wrote what I could ‘cause I'm going to Norway for a few days. But I promise a longer chapter when I return.
Oh, I made a Klaine fan video. It's my first one, so it's not perfect but I hope you like it.
youtube(.)com/watch?v=MHT3KUlCiD8 Remove the brackets.
Thoughts on the smut? Anyone?
Chapter 13
Jeff giggled as he saw Kurt return. Kurt sucked air through his teeth and looked back at the bar worriedly.
‘'Was it too much? I probably shouldn't have done that. This is not a gay bar.''
‘'Chill. It was hot,'' Jeff assured, surely. ‘'And I think only the bartender and Nick saw it. And me.''
Kurt quickened his brows at hot. Was it really?
‘'You made that girl understand who's yours,'' Jeff poked Kurt with his elbow.
Kurt opened his mouth when he saw another person approaching Blaine. This time a man.
‘'Oh my god,'' Jeff dragged out. ‘'I think this one's a no no, ‘cause he probably was ogling you two, looking for a gay hook-up.''
‘'What should I do? Should I go there and do it again?''
Jeff grinned, ‘'No. I have a better idea. Since you marking your territory doesn't work, we'll make Blaine mark his.''
Kurt looked at his friend confused.
‘'Look! There!'' Jeff carefully pointed to the far corner with a few people sitting and relaxing, ‘'that blonde guy with the brown eyes was looking at us earlier. Guess he's too shy to come up to us. My plan is...you should approach him.''
‘'Jeff...I think that's the worst idea ever,'' Jeff pouted, ‘'I don't know what Blaine's like when he's jealous. Have you ever seen his jealous before?''
Jeff made a serious face, thinking, ‘'Nah. I think not. He's never really had a boyfriend...or a crush...or anything for that matter.''
‘'I don't want to cheat on him.''
‘'You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable of and what's inappropriate. Just... I don't know, dance with him.''
‘'What if he's so mad he breaks up with me? Or starts a fight? I don't know what he's capable of.''
‘'Well, here's a perfect opportunity. Besides, I don't think he'll ever break up with you. You're his first boyfriend. That had to mean something.''
Kurt tilted his head to the side and nodded. That had a point. But he didn't want to cheat on Blaine, though. Never.
Kurt looked at the man. He was handsome but not as handsome as Blaine. He exhaled gathering himself and tried to look sexy. Jeff smirked and tip-toed to the bar, sitting next to Nick, but still eyeing Kurt's actions.
For some reason, it worked. The man got up and slowly approached Kurt.
‘'Hi. I'm Brandon. Wanna dance?''
Kurt blushed furiously. He's never been hit on. Well, maybe this wasn't exactly hit on. No man's ever tried to flirt with him except for Blaine.
Kurt nodded and smiled, ‘'Sure.''
Kurt didn't mention his name. It wasn't necessary. He's not going to accompany him for long.
Blaine saw Jeff sit down next to Nick and turned to see where's Kurt. He sipped his drink and then he spotted him.
With another man.
Blaine gripped the glass so hard it almost broke. He was sure he saw red.
The man placed his palms on Kurt's waist, trying to get him closer. Kurt allowed that to happen but he felt a strong arm around his bicep.
He was harshly pulled, dragged away. Kurt smirked. The plan worked. And Blaine finally was the action.
He was dragged until the corridor which was empty. Blaine pushed him against the wall and Kurt gulped.
It was all so harsh and the grasp was so strong it hurt. Why did it turn him on so much?
He saw how dark Blaine's eyes were and he stood silent against the wall. Blaine brought Kurt's hands above his head, pinning them to the wall. He pressed his body very closely to Kurt's and brought his lips to Kurt's ear.
‘'What was that?'' he softly whispered.
‘'N-nothing,'' Kurt stuttered breathlessly.
‘'Bullshit. If you wanted my attention, you could've come to me.''
‘'I've been coming at you for a long time,'' Kurt spat out. He wanted to tease Blaine some more. He needed him. ‘'You didn't respond. I guess I have to search for what I want elsewhere.''
Kurt felt the hold on his arms tighten. He wanted to moan but he had to keep the serious, pissed face on.
‘'You're. Mine.'' Blaine growled.
‘'Oh yeah?''
‘'Do you not know who you belong to?'' Blaine looked straight into Kurt's eyes, seeing pure lust and want. And love.
‘'I guess I need a reminder. Show me!''
Blaine roughly brought their lips together. He sucked on Kurt's lower lip and Kurt finally moaned. He loved Blaine like this. Thank you, Jeff.
Suddenly he felt the grasp around his hands disappear and he wanted to pout.
‘'Go get Jeff and Nick. We're leaving.''
Kurt did just that.
‘'Do you mind if w-we crash with you, Kutsie?'' Jeff asked, giggling in the backseat with Nick.
Nick was drunk. For sure.
Jeff, obviously was a little tipsy. Whenever that happened.
Blaine had a few glasses of something Kurt didn't approve as well so he was the only driver.
On the ride to his apartment, he only could think about how's the night going to continue? Tina and Mike weren't home today, and Nick and Jeff could sleep on the couch in the living room. But Kurt still wondered; if he's going to get what he wants or will Blaine still be distant.
He and Blaine only laughed when Nick and Jeff couldn't stand on their feel, in the elevator upstairs. Blaine wasn't as drunk. And seeing someone else with Kurt made him sober up a bit. So he wasn't wobbly.
They stumbled in the apartment and Kurt asked Blaine to lead the guests to the kitchen and get some water in them. Because hangovers were just dehydration. Meanwhile he set up the couch with pillows and covers. They helped their friends to the couch and removed their shoes.
They went to Kurt's bedroom. Kurt wanted the corridor scene to continue so much.
Blaine kissed him tenderly, ‘'I'm going to take a shower.''
As Blaine left, Kurt didn't leave his spot.
That was it. He had to do something. Kurt could've never imagined he'd be this desperate but he wanted Blaine again so bad.
And this time, it might work.
Blaine took a quick shower, avoiding the stream to get his hair. He loved, how the shower smelled like Kurt. He wanted to wash all the signs of alcohol and brushed his teeth, not hurrying to get back to the bedroom. He tossed a towel around his waist and exited. He shot one last glance towards the living room and chuckled when he saw Nick curled by Jeff's side.
As he entered Kurt's bedroom, he was sure he might faint. He never imagines, he'd see a sight like this.
Kurt, on his knees, on the bed, naked.
He was resting his arms and face on the bed.
Blaine didn't think anything more. He ripped the towel off himself and stormed towards Kurt, gripping his hips.
‘'Please, Blaine,'' Kurt whined silently. He pointed to the drawer of his nightstand and Blaine quickly got up, taking a new bottle of lube out of it.
‘'Blaine...no fingers...just...please...''
‘'I don't want to hurt you,'' Blaine said as he snapped the bottle open and slicked his fingers. He was so painfully hard. He had been waiting and dreaming of this. It'd been so hard to suppress his want for Kurt. And he had done well. But seeing his boyfriend like this made him just snap.
He still didn't want to hurt Kurt, no matter how desperate he was himself. He pushed two fingers in Kurt. Kurt hissed and moaned. Finally.
Blaine closed his eyes, pushing in and out of the perfect, hot, tightness and added a third.
‘'That's it Blaine...please...just want you...now...''
Blaine pulled out the fingers and quickly slicked his throbbing cock.
He couldn't hold himself. He just pushed in harshly. All the way. But it seemed like Kurt liked it. He kept making the hottest sounds Blaine's ever heard. He kept groaning, moaning and yelling out his name and ‘more'.
‘'You're so good Kurt. So tight. Perfect.''
Kurt hummed at the praises and pushed his ass on Blaine's cock even more. Blaine got the message and sped up his thrusts. He took his slightly lubed hand and started stroking Kurt's cock in match with his thrusts.
Kurt was gripping the sheets to dear life. He wanted this. So much. So bad. And finally Blaine gave in.
Blaine was so close. He hasn't done this in a while and Kurt's amazing ass didn't make anything easier. Only better.
‘'You're mine, Kurt. Only.''
‘'Yours,'' Kurt panted.
‘'No one else's. Mine.''
‘'Yes. Yes. Blaine!''
Kurt moaned Blaine's name as he came. Blaine thrust a few more time's following. Blaine kissed down Kurt's back as they came down their bliss.
‘'I love you, Kurt.''
‘'I love you, too.''
‘'I promise you, next time, we'll make love.''