Chasing Heaven
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,842 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
200 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

This is a shortie. The second part of the bar will be in the next chapter. I just wanted to post this now just to get an update out there. (smut in the next *wink wink*)

But the good side is that I'm finished with all my four exams. (Thank god) and I'll have more time to write now.

And I'm in a pretty good mood ‘cause I got good marks.

Latvian (my language) – 7/10

English – 10/10

Math – 9/10

History – 6/10 (I'm so proud I got a six. I got lucky we had a lot about Second World war ‘cause that was the only thing I studied. Ooops.)

I don't know the rating systems in other countries but here in Latvia, if you get 4, you've passed, so I'm proud. ;D

Anyways, I'm ambling now.



If you'd like to see the characters, including Alexandreus, visit my tumblr ‘Chasing Heaven' page. Username's WhiteEleffant .

Chapter 12

‘'Kurt. The audition starts soon,'' Blaine grinned.

They were in Blaine's room. Kurt was kneeling on the bed, his arms wrapped around Blaine's neck. The audition slash photo session would start in a few hours and Kurt was making it a hard time to get ready. Touching Blaine, kissing him, flirting.

‘'We still have some time,'' Kurt said seductively, gazing his lips down Blaine's neck.

Blaine loved Kurt like this. He was usually the dominant one but seeing and hearing Kurt say these things made him want to just take him. Which he couldn't.

‘'Aren't you nervous?'' Blaine was trying to distract him. Kurt was roaming his hands all over Blaine's body, trying to tug at Blaine's shirt.

‘'Nope,'' Kurt whispered right into Blaine's ear, making him shiver , ‘'I'm doing this just for fun. I don't really plan on being a model any day. I'm not even the soloist so I don't know why your mother even asked me to do this.''

‘'Because you're gorgeous,'' shit. Blaine was giving in, ‘'I...have to take a shower.'' A cold shower.

Kurt saddened and popped down on the bed, loudly sighing just as Blaine closed his bathroom door.

Wasn't he obvious? Or Blaine just couldn't read signs...That couldn't be. Kurt knew he wasn't Blaine's first and he was more experienced. Sometimes it did sting a little jealousy in him but he could take it. What he couldn't take was Blaine so cold. Didn't he want him anymore? Wasn't he hot enough? Maybe he was too childish...

Kurt shook his head. He got to get these insecurities out of his head. He was supposed to feel quite the opposite. Let's face it; Blaine could have any guy he wanted and he chose Kurt. An orphan with no surname, unemployed, uneducated boy. But still. Blaine chose him. Blaine loved him. And he just had to be happy even if they didn't show their affection physically, right?


‘'Jeff? What are you doing here?'' Kurt asked his friend. ‘'Are you auditioning, too?''

They were in AAMI, waiting outside one of the auditorium's door. On the stage there were lights and cameras and backgrounds and reflectors. Basically, everything you could possibly need for a qualitative, professional photo shoot.

‘'No, I'm here for you,'' Jeff playfully pointed his finger to Kurt who smiled.

‘'I didn't know you were coming but thanks. Did Nick come too?''

Jeff's smiling expression saddened and he shook his head, ‘'He's...busy.''

Realization dawned and he hugged Jeff to comfort him.

How could Nick not see, how much Jeff liked him? It was so obvious. Always.

Blaine cleared his throat and Kurt blushed. They were immersed in the embrace for an awkward amount of time. But Blaine surely knew about Amy, right? Nick was his best friend.

They turned their heads to the door when it flew open and an angry guy came out. Not saying anything to anyone, just disappearing down the hall.

A new wave of panic flooded over Kurt. Was it that bad? He's never been to a photo shoot before. How did he even have to dress? Maybe he wasn't wearing the right clothes. What if his hair was not right? Would he need makeup?

He was pacing back and forth in his mind. Blaine sensed his tension, ‘'Don't think about it. Just have fun. Like you told me. If you don't get the picture then those who judge are just idiots.''

‘'Your mom is one of the judges.''

‘'Well, I'm pretty sure she likes your appearance if she invited you here.''

Kurt nodded.

‘'Hummel,'' a girl with a paper in her hand came out the door. Kurt inhaled and pressed his lips to Blaine's in a ‘good luck' peck. Jeff patted his back and he entered the door.

The stage was very well lit, filled with technologies he couldn't name. There was a white background where the photos were taken. There stood three people, the judges, and a man with the camera. As Kurt came closer, he saw pictures sprawled across the table. They were very good pictures. Even if Kurt could tell, some people weren't photogenic, they looked great. They all had personality and just something special in them.

Kurt looked up at the photographer. He definitely was an artist. His hair was similarly made, just as Kurt's only it was a little lighter and shorter. He was dressed in grey jeans, black shoes, a mustard colored t-shirt, topped with a dark grey vest. And a dark brown scarf. Kurt appreciated this man's color scheme. It suited his skin tone, slightly tan, but not as tan as Blaine.

He had a light stubble, that suited him, thick eyebrows and plump, big lips. When Kurt thought about it, he could be a model himself. He had a very well defined, slim but with a strong jaw line.

Then he looked at each other.

Kurt's gaze met with a very friendly one. Dark grey eyes met his when the man looked up from his polaroid camera.

‘'Oh, Kurt,'' Elizabeth grinned as he caught the sight of him. Kurt's eyes snapped away from the photographer's ,‘'Come!''

She stretched out her hand, ‘'These are my colleagues, Mary and Frank,'' she introduced him to the people, who slightly nodded their heads in greeting, ‘'Now go to the white panel.''

Kurt did as told. He stood there. Awkward. He didn't know what to do. Should he pose? Should he wait for someone to say ‘action' or something? Please, just help.

Just as Kurt thought that, the camera's flash snapped.

‘'Very good,'' The man said. His voice was deep but smooth, ‘'You look good when you're serious but now smile for me.''

Kurt did just that.

He spent the next few minutes and he was surprised what a difference the person behind the camera made the atmosphere. They joked around and goofed, making the air in the room comfortable and free. It was easy to work with this artist it made the audition a lot easier.

‘'I think that's enough,'' Elizabeth said loudly. In this time, the photographer had managed to take seven photos,'' Kurt, I want to talk to you for a minute.''

They walked to the curtains by the backstage, ‘'I'm sorry I dragged you into this, Kurt. And now I know for sure, you're not a model. I love your voice and your personality but you don't really have the...looks.''

What was that supposed to mean?

‘'Excuse me?'' Kurt asked a little taken aback.

‘'The pictures just don't look right. Maybe we need a girl to try...''

‘'Why are you dragging me here? You just could've dismissed me and if you chose a different model, I wouldn't of minded.  Are you doing this to depress me or something? Because it's not working. I'm proud of who I am and a woman from the biggest choir in LA won't prove me otherwise.''

Elizabeth just held her head higher and placed her hands on her hips. This boy was so tough.

Kurt just shot a proud stare her way and walked passed her.

Kurt wanted to see the pictures. They were already on the table and he approached it to examine. Kurt looked so free and casual in all of them. He was either laughing, in the middle of a word or giving his famous eye roll. It made him smile.

‘'You're good,'' he heard someone say from behind.

He turned to see the photographer smile at him. ‘'You have very good natural pictures. You look good when you don't know your photo is being taken.''

Kurt smiled. He could already tell, the man was good at taking photos the right way. He knew from the first second, Kurt would look good natural, so tried to make the atmosphere lighter so Kurt can unleash himself. He didn't just make him strike a pose. His pictures were taken randomly. Not snapped just for the pictures for themselves. They had to be taken at the right moment. They had to show the person's personality. That's what made them special.

‘'Thank you. I didn't make it to the ‘poster' though,'' Kurt just shrugged. He really wasn't sad about it.

‘'Looking at your mood, I guess you didn't even want to make it. I'm Alexandreus,'' he stretched out his hand.

Kurt smiled and his eyebrows slightly turned upwards at the name and he shook the offered hand, ‘'That's true. Came here for fun,'' he admitted. ‘'I'm Kurt.''

‘'Nice to meet you, Kurt.''

‘'What kind of a name is that?'' Kurt asked.

Alexandreus looked slightly shocked for a second and Kurt realized what he said.

‘'Oh, I mean-‘'

‘'I'm Greek. That's why  my name's so...weird...unusual,'' he explained.

‘'I swear I didn't mean to be rude-‘'

‘'It's okay. You can call me Alex, though. He full name is just...complicated. I just have to present it when I introduce myself.''

Kurt nodded. ‘'Is photography your full time job?''

Alex smiled proudly, ‘'Yes. I enjoy it so much. And I get to travel the world as well.''

‘'Sorry to be obnoxious but...does that mean you're famous?'' Kurt was a little nervous if the question wasn't too personal.

Alex chuckled, ‘'I wouldn't say ‘famous'. I would photographies are required. I'm always busy. People hire me very quickly so...'' he trailed off, ‘'Do you like traveling? Have you been anywhere?''

Kurt smiled at the memories of the previous weekend, ‘'Yes. I've been to Catalina. With my boyfriend.''

Alex's face fell a little at the mention of a boyfriend but he soon smiled again, ‘'I've been to Catalina, too. Stunning island.'' Kurt nodded in agreement. ‘'Do you study in AAMI? Since you're here?''

‘'No. I don't study here. I go to Cantare. The choir. I couldn't afford studying here.''

‘'Alex, come here. The next applicant is coming,'' yelled for the artist from the stage.

‘'I guess I have to get back to work.''

Kurt nodded, ‘'It was nice meeting you.''

‘'Right back at ya!''

They both smiled and turned the other direction.

It really was nice meeting him. Alex was friendly, funny and very artistic. Kurt's never talked to people like this. Just randomly. Just crossing their path's. He was sure, he'll never see him again, since he doesn't even know the man's surname. But it made Kurt smile. Now he knew there's a Alex the amazing photographer out there in this world.


‘'What do you mean they didn't like it?'' Jeff asked, just as Kurt came right through the auditorium door. Blaine's ears perked up when he heard Kurt exit the room and got up.

‘'She just said I wasn't a model,'' Kurt explained.

‘'By ‘she', you mean Elizabeth?'' Blaine asked, narrowing his eyes.

Kurt nodded, ‘'I don't want to complain and stuff but...she was pretty mean. I won't repeat the stuff she said just wasn't... But I guess that's the reality of business. You have to be brutally honest even if it's your son's boyfriend.''

Blaine's eyes darkened and he took Kurt in a tight embrace. Jeff joined the hug as well but backed off when he understood it wasn't the friendly kind of hug and blushed.

Kurt smirked and Blaine kissed him, wrapped his hand around Kurt's waist and all three of them walked off.



Blaine was sitting on the couch on his living room when he heard the front door open. Sure enough, it was Elizabeth.

‘'What the fuck?'' Blaine yelled.

Elizabeth flinched at the sudden voice. She hasn't heard Blaine curse in a while.

‘'Blaine, please, don't use these words! What's wrong?''

‘'What the hell are you doing? Why are making Kurt fucking upset?''


‘'Blaine, I'm sorry. I was just wrong,'' her expression turned ignorant, ‘'I had to tell him the truth. I just didn't like the pictures.''

Blaine narrowed his eyes and shook his head, ‘'You don't like him.''

When Elizabeth just sighed, he continued, ‘'You still can't accept I'm gay, can you? All this time, I was such a fuck up, but there was a good side to it. I didn't have a permanent fuck buddy.''

Elizabeth got angry and raised her voice, ‘'Don't use the curse words Blaine. Yes! I don't like Kurt as much as I liked Heidi, okay? I'm not against gay people...I just...I liked her so much. I thought you both had a bond-‘'

‘'No, we didn't. She could be a friend but not anything more. Look, I tried to love her like you'd both want but I just couldn't. I can't change myself.''

‘'I'm not asking you to change-‘'

‘'Yes, you fucking are. All the time. I just feel like I'm being judged. But you know what? I'm gay and I fucking love it. And I love Kurt. With all of my heart. And nor you or my father aren't going to change that.''

He didn't let Elizabeth say anything back. He just stormed out the house.


Blaine sighed and with closed eyes leaned onto his seat in his car, after the argument with his step-mother and an unpleasant conversation with his best friend.

He dialed Kurt's number and he picked up after a few signals.

‘'Hi, Blaine,'' Kurt greeted cheerfully.

‘'Hi,'' Blaine said as he swiped his hand across his face tiredly, ‘'I've got''

Blaine didn't know; bad or good exactly.

Kurt got more serious at Blaine's tone, ‘'What's up?''

‘'Nick called me. Apparently, something happened with him and the teacher. He's all upset and wants to go to a bar.''

‘'If you're asking me to join you, I'm afraid I can't. I'm twenty. I'm not legal yet.''

‘'We can get fake ID's. Or maybe we can go to that place where they don't ask for ID's by the entrance. Only by the bar.''

‘'But...that doesn't solve anything. Like, if you think about it, some older guys can just buy alcohol for kids. That's stupid.''

‘'You're coming?''

Kurt wanted to be there for Nick. And for Blaine. Something seemed off and he wanted to know why.

‘'I'm in.''


Blaine picked Kurt up after an hour and the ride to the bar passed in silence. It wasn't tense or uncomfortable. They were both just tired. Kurt; from his fail at the audition, Blaine for the fight with his step-mother. He didn't want to get back there. Elizabeth was very nice but very obstinate. Whatever was in her head right now, Blaine didn't like it. The attitude against his boyfriend was unacceptable. She had to understand that Blaine was independent and no one was going to control him. He loved her dearly but he was sick and tired of doing what she was expecting.

Plus, the sexual tension was about to kill him. Before Kurt, he would have sex almost every day. Yes, that couldn't be healthy but the hazel eyed boy didn't care. When he first saw Kurt, he was determined to stay away from all other men. It wasn't hard. He thought that no one, after seeing and meeting Kurt, would be good enough anyway. From the first sight of the beautiful, blue eyed boy, Blaine didn't hook up with nobody.

But now, after he knew how amazing Kurt was, how amazing he felt, he didn't know if he was going to take much longer. And Kurt's touchy-feely attitude wasn't helping at all. He was trying to seduce his every chance he got. Even on the ride over to the bar, he kept caressing Blaine's thigh. For his good luck, the car ride wasn't too long for his patience to blow and just jump Kurt.

They chose the bar with no entrance ID checking. It was a quite a big room. With very good lightning for a bar. Fairy lights were hung on the ceiling, making the wine red walls pop. The dark brown wood furniture went well with the lightning and colors, making Kurt approve.

Blaine excused himself to go to the bar to get drinks and saw Nick sitting there, lonely twirling his hands around his glass cup.

‘'Hey,'' Blaine greeted quietly.

‘'Hi,'' Nick didn't even look up. ‘'Thanks for coming? Did Kurt come too?''

Blaine sat down next to his friend, ‘'Yes. I need him here. I've been...frustrated...I have to have him here. Besides, I have problems at home and I think I might crash at his place...Enough about me though,'' Blaine scrunched his brows worriedly, ‘'How are you holdin' up?''

Honestly, Blaine didn't even know the teacher very well. He hadn't even seen them both together. But when he thought about it, he could feel a little guilty; this was the second girlfriend Nick's ever gotten and Blaine didn't even ask much about her.

‘'I'm...I don't know. It just sucks. She just...started acting all weird, like she was hiding me when we were out. Then she started flirting with other guys and eventually left with one.''

Blaine made a disapproving face. Bitch.

Blaine sighed and gestured for the bartender to make them some drinks.

They sat in silence for a while. Maybe, Nick didn't get much time to get too attached to Amy, but cheating and hiding always hurt. No matter in which stage of a relationship you were.

‘'Dude, I don't want to make you feel any worse but...she was a teacher. She...I think she was too fucking old for you seriously. Just...don't feel bad. She'll be gone soon. My mother's back anyway.''

Nick didn't know if he was glad to hear that or not. From one point, he wanted Amy to just disappear. From the other, he wanted to hear what she had to say for herself.

‘'I just feel like...something's not right. I can't connect to women. I just can't. The conversations never go well or I just choose someone...wrong. Just...shit.''

Blaine clenched his jaw. He hated seeing his friend like this. In situations like this, he just wished to be a genie and find the right person for him.

Blaine decided to comfort his friend. He rubbed his back. ‘'Don't be sad and all desperate. We're still young. I mean, I've found the one for me still have plenty of time.''

Nick smirked and nodded, still looking down at his second empty cup.

‘'Let's just have some fun tonight. Besides, bros before hos right?''

Nick laughed and nodded.

He loved his best friend.



While Kurt was just watching Blaine and Nick's bromance, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Startled, he turned around to see Jeff.

‘'Hi, geez. What are you doing here?'' Kurt asked. ‘'You know what? That's a stupid question. Of course you're here. Nick adores you.''

Jeff blushed and swiped his hand, ‘'I got here before you two. Just went to the bathroom and didn't want to disturb their man talk.''

‘'So, what happened? With Amy?''

Jeff smiled sadly, ‘'Amy just...she was trying to hide Nick in public. I personally think, Nick isn't the only one. I suspect that she had affairs with many students from all the places she's teaching at. ‘Cause how Nick described, the men she left with were our age. Or his age. Young.''

‘'That's just horrible. Nick must feel awful. She's hiding him but not hiding other students. That's just...wrong.''

‘'I didn't like her from the start.''

Kurt observed Jeff as he looked in the direction to the bar. Where Nick was sitting. His face was so full of care, support and adoration.

‘'Admit it,'' Kurt said, making Jeff switch his gaze, ‘'You're happy it didn't work out.''

Jeff bit the inside of his cheek, hesitating to answer, ‘'Yes. Yes! I'm glad. I'm happy. That stupid teacher doesn't deserve him...and I must admit, I want Nick to myself.'' He said the last part more silently.

Kurt only nodded. He completely understood.

‘'Oh...'' Jeff made a scrunched face and looked in the way of the bar.

Kurt looked at Jeff confused and followed his gaze. His eyes stopped by the bar, where the ‘lovely' bartender, a girl with black, long hair and a slim face was flirting with his Blaine.

Kurt narrowed his eyes. He's never been in a situation like this before. He knew he shouldn't be jealous of a girl but he couldn't help it.

‘'Go, get him,'' Jeff smirked, patting Kurt's shoulder to encourage him.

Kurt lifted his chin and gracefully walked over to where Blaine was sitting, chatting with the girl.

As Kurt reached them, he didn't say anything. He slowly stroked Blaine's back to get his attention and show his presence. Blaine turned to his side, smiled and quickened his eyebrows. Kurt's hand travelled to his hair and he gripped it. Not too harshly though. He looked at the bartender with narrowed eyes and swiftly connected his lips with Blaine's.

Blaine moaned in surprise. He's never seen Kurt like this before. He's always the one trying to hide in public, sneaking kisses when no one was watching.

Blaine closed his eyes and brought his hands to Kurt's hips, pulling him closer. Blaine sucked Kurt's lower lip in his mouth, making Kurt make a sexy sound and open his mouth. Blaine used this situation to devour Kurt's mouth. It tasted like cherry. Kurt probably ate Twizzlers before going. It was a nice contrast from the alcohol Blaine had, the sweet taste, drowning the bitter.

Kurt pulled off with a smack of their lips, Blaine whined and brought his head forward trying to get Kurt's lips back on his. Kurt only turned to the girl who was standing behind the counter, watching in shock. Kurt smirked wanting to show his swollen lips and turned around to head back to Jeff.

When Kurt went away, Blaine gripped the counter and tuned back facing the bar. His mouth still was open, realization from the situation still drawing on him.

He slowly turned his head, only to see Nick smirking. He turned his face again to see the still shocked barista.

‘'That was hot,'' she exclaimed.

Blaine was amazed. Kurt's never acted this way. It made him fucking hard.

He loved it.





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