Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 31, 2015, 6 p.m.
I promise, there'll be smut in the next chapter. Pinky swear.
Chapter 10
After dinner, when everyone had gathered to their rooms, Elizabeth exited the bathroom after removing her makeup and taking a shower, entering her bedroom where James was already laying in the bed, reading a book.
She moisturized her hands and removed her robe, reveling an expensive, short, silk nightgown. She crawled under the covers and sighed.
‘'Why did you do that James?''
‘'Did what exactly?'' her husband questioned, not taking his eyes off the book.
‘'Why didn't you talk to me before you let Kurt stay the night?''
‘'Elizabeth... Blaine is a grown up now. He shouldn't even be asking these things,'' James shrugged, ‘'This is his house as well and he had the right to have his people over.''
‘'I don't like this,'' she crossed her hands over her chest, ‘'that boy just reeks of trouble.''
James closed his book, ‘'What's gotten into you? As I remember, you were the one who bragged about him when he joined Cantare. I thought you like him.''
‘'I can admit, he is talented and is a big gain for my choir. His voice is very rare and it's useful and unique. He's a nice boy...maybe,'' she explained, ‘' But I just don't think...he's not right.''
‘'Why are you saying these things?'' James picked up his voice a little, ‘'Don't you see how happy he makes my son?''
‘'That's the problem. I think he's acting.''
Her husband just looked at her in disbelief, ‘'Kurt is the nicest boy I've ever met,'' he said calmly and slowly, ‘'he's smart and kind. A very good young man.''
‘'That's the thing, love,'' Elizabeth turned to James, ‘'he's too nice to be true. Do you really think, such a nice boy like him...don't take me wrong here....would fall for Blaine? Blaine's....he's not...the first choice for an innocent, perfect person, James. He's not even near Kurt. He's had his past, his bad habits...''
Elizabeth looked at her husband, waiting for a reply. When none came, she continued.
‘'I just think...Kurt is using him. And the faster we get him away, the better.''
‘'I can't believe you...'' James whispered, looking at the wall straight ahead.
‘'We have to separate them-‘'
‘' ‘We' .... I'm not taking a part in this. I adore seeing my son so happy... I can't take that away from him. I can't believe you'd do such a thing.''
‘'He'll thank us...me later,'' Elizabeth said surely, ‘'Believe me... I don't want to hurt Kurt. I just think... he's too nice to be real...''
When no reply came, she turned her night lamp off and went to sleep.
I'll do something.
‘'GUYS! Guess what! I have the most amazing choir ever!'' Elizabeth came into the auditorium with the widest smile on her face. She was holding the first place trophy of the Palace first stage.
Everyone stopped their talking and cheered.
Jeff high fived Nick and both cheered.
Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek, who blushed.
Even though neither Kurt or he himself weren't the soloists, he was proud. This was Kurt's first competition and he did great. No fainting and no puking.
And no other guys flirting with him.
It wasn't the biggest trophy. It was the size that you could easily hold with one hand. It had a flat base, a bright blue cylinder on it and a big golden note on top.
‘'I'm so proud of you guys. I know I had the speech after the competition already but you can never have too many good words for such a good job,'' Elizabeth walked to the center of the stage, ‘'And you deserve it all. And no matter how many years in a row we win this, it's always so touching for me, as the creator and teacher of this, to see you guys so happy and joyful with your achievements.''
The competition took place here, in LA. The auditorium there was beautiful. At least that's what Kurt could remember. The performances went by quickly and he didn't have time to look around the big room. He was too busy remembering the words and choreography. The first song they performed was Somewhere Only We Know and afterwards they could hear the younger generation enjoying it. And the second song was You Can't Always Get What You Want. That made the elderly and the judges smile. Perfect combination and strategy.
They had a pretty strong competition, though. But not strong enough.
California received the first place, Iowa the second and Louisiana the third.
But that's only the first three from North America. There's still seven more and ten more from South America.
Next stop; Florida. ‘Palace' second stage.
‘'But now, I have to introduce you to someone,'' Elizabeth said while placing the trophy on the shelf, next to the several similar, above huge, previous years' first place trophies, ‘'As I said, I have to go out of LA for a couple of days and I have to give my trust to a substitute. This,'' Elizabeth stretched her hands to the side, gesturing the young woman to come out from the backstage, ‘'is Amy Stevens. She'll be your teacher for a few days.''
The woman came out, skipping and waved to the students. She stopped next to Elizabeth.
Nick gasped as he saw the new teacher. Jeff jumped and looked at his friend. He couldn't help but feel sad. Feelings for Nick have been growing within time but he never showed any attention. He didn't know Nick enough. Even if they've known each other for years.
She was beautiful. Her face was short and wide. She had big, green eyes complimented by thin, dark brows. Her curly, red locks were made in a half up-do, showing her great cheekbones. She had a very pale skin but it suited her. It complemented her face features and hair color.
She was wearing a very classic outfit; a dark grey pencil skirt that stretched until her knees, she had a white blouse that was neatly tucked into the skirt, finishing off with black pumps.
She couldn't be older than 25.
‘'I have to go now, though,'' Elizabeth clapped her hands, ‘'Amy will take over for me and I'll let her introduce herself to you.''
Elizabeth waved and exited the door, swinging her tote over her shoulder.
‘'Hello. As Elizabeth already said, my name is Amy Stevens,'' she clasped her hands together, looking all around the auditorium, examining the students, ‘'I have some experience in performing and teaching but I will only be singing with you. I will only try to prevent your voices form rusting, not giving you assignments or preparing you for the next stage.''
Amy told about herself a little more and Nick couldn't help but be fascinated. She was gorgeous, smart and she had a great voice. It was soft but firm at the same time. Very fine and subtle.
‘'Jeff,'' Nick said breathlessly, ‘'I have to take a chance. Only now I realized; I've been single for way too long. This is a great opportunity.''
‘'Nick,'' Jeff whispered with a warning tone, ‘'falling in a relationship with a teacher is very dangerous. Not to mention illegal.''
‘'I know Jeff. But think about it. I can start knowing her now and when Elizabeth gets back, she won't be our lecturer anymore. It'll be fine,'' he swiped his hand, ‘'I have to use the restroom.''
Oh, I can help you there. Jeff wanted to embarrass Nick so badly. Not in a bad way, though. Just for a little laugh.
Jeff stood up, ‘'Miss Stevens? May my friend here, Nick Duval, use the restroom, please? He needs to poop.''
‘'Oh, err,'' Amy blushed, ‘'y-yeah, sure. Just try not to t-take too long, please, Mr. Duval.''
Nick face palmed but got up, shooting draggers with his eyes to giggling Kurt and Blaine.
‘'Good one,'' Kurt mouthed to Jeff and winked, Jeff just smirked.
A few minutes later, Jeff received a text.
From Nicky:
Please, help. I need tummy paper.
To Nicky:
Tummy paper?
From Nicky:
Toilet paper. Damn, the auto correct.
Jeff gathered his courage and stood up again, ‘'Miss Stevens? I'm afraid I have to use the facilities as well.''
Amy sighed, ‘'Mr. Duval has been there for a while. Please, check on him while you're at it.''
Jeff nodded and quickly tip-toed out of the auditorium.
Just as he was out the door he started running down the hall.
‘'Hi, Jeff,'' a girl greeted him when he ran by.
‘'No time to talk,'' Jeff kept running. ‘'My BF ND needs some TP.''
‘'Dude, where were you? It took you like five minutes to come!''
‘'That's what she said.''
‘'Yes, that's what she said. To you. Please, get me the toilet paper, ‘'Nick rolled his eyes.
‘'Man, what did you eat?'' Jeff asked, snapping his nose shut, ‘'It smells like shit in here.''
‘'It is shit. Hurry up.''
Jeff passed Nick the toilet paper through the opening on the bottom of the cabin. When Nick came out and started washing his hands, he saw Jeff still standing next to him.
‘'You don't have to wait for me ya'know.''
‘'I know. Just have to keep a reputation by walking out with a guy from a toilet.''
‘'You're so weird,'' Nick chuckled. He dried his hands and tried to open the door handle.
‘'Oh, crap. It won't budge.''
‘'Can someone, please, go check on the boys? They've been in the restroom for around ten minutes already.''
Kurt raised his hand and Amy nodded. Blaine stood up with Kurt and saw Amy looking at him with narrow eyes.
‘'I'm going,'' Blaine said firmly.
They walked down the hall towards the bathroom when they heard noises and stopped near the door.
It sounded like...someone was banging the door.
Oh my god.
‘'Uh, uh. Harder! Uh. Harder Nick!''
‘'Why should I go harder? You're the one that's not doing anything.''
‘'I can't. It's too hard.''
‘'C'mon. Let's just try from different angles and see what we can do about it. You're the math one.''
‘'Nicky, I'm not in the mood.''
‘'Get in the mood!''
‘'I just can't get in the mood. I need little assets to help me. Like candles and music.''
‘'You want me to hump you or something? Will that get you in the mood?''
Blaine stared at the door with wide eyes while Kurt buried his face in Blaine's shoulder, trying to hold back laughter.
‘'I'll just...go,'' Blaine pointed to the door.
‘'We can text someone. Maybe someone can help us,'' Jeff suggested.
They brought their phone's out from their pockets and sighed.
‘'My phone's dead,'' they said at the same time.
Suddenly, the door swiped open and they saw Blaine walking in with furrowed brows. He sighed when he saw that no one was naked.
‘'Ugh, ew,'' Blaine scrunched his nose and swiped his hand for Kurt to not come in, ‘'It smells like shit in here.''
‘'It is shit,'' Jeff and Nick said in union and they could hear Kurt burst out laughing in the hallway.
‘'Blaine is taking me somewhere tomorrow,'' Kurt told Tina.
He was sitting on his living room couch, legs to his chest.
‘'And? You don't want to go?'' Tina asked.
‘'No. Of course I want to,'' Kurt assured, ‘'I'm just nervous. At least, I'd like to know where we're going.''
‘'I'm sure it'll be fine,'' Tina comforted, ‘'All the date's you've had with Blaine have been great, haven't they? So why this one should go wrong.''
‘'What do you think Jeff?'' Kurt asked as his friend came into the room.
Kurt invited Jeff over and wasn't surprised he already knew Tina. They went to Cantare together for a while and weren't strangers. It saved the awkwardness.
‘'Has he told you anything? Or to Nick?'' Kurt pleaded.
‘'Nope,'' Jeff shook his head, ‘'It's like top secret. Besides, do you really think he'd be the one telling me something? He's very careful when it comes to you.'' He nudged Kurt and he couldn't help but blush. ‘'You just have to trust him.''
‘'I do. I'm just so anxious. But I do trust him.''
‘'I'm going to make you some peppermint tea. You shouldn't be stressing so much,'' Tina got up and went to the kitchen.
‘'So, uhh... What's up with you and Nick?'' Kurt asked silently.
‘'What do you mean?''
‘'I know you like him, Jeff.''
Kurt was absolutely sure Jeff had feelings for Nick. He didn't even have the question if he was gay anymore. The question is if Nick was...
‘'It's obvious, isn't it?'' Jeff scrunched his face in worry.
‘'That doesn't mean it's a bad thing.''
‘'It's as obvious as Blaine was with you. The whole time, he just walked around with heart eyes.''
‘'Nothin'. It's just always been complicated,'' Jeff sadly looked down at his hands, ‘'I mean, I've known I'm gay since...forever...and my crush on Nick has been there forever, too. The story...it's just...so stupid. I should just get over him.''
Kurt nodded. He didn't know the story, but he knew these feelings were deep and complicated. Like the deepest roots of the oldest oak.
So what, if Jeff's been obvious. The way he always tries to spend as much time with him as possible. The way he always listens so carefully when he talks. The way he just looks at him. It's a very deep caring. A huge crush. If not even love...
‘'We met a few years ago. He started to date my sister. She was his first girlfriend. During that time, we became very close. Best friends. But my sister was older and had to move out to go to college and didn't want to be in a long distance relationship. Nick was devastated. Our relationship became...weird. He was very distant. I just reminded him of her,'' Jeff told, avoiding eye contact with Kurt, ‘'Actually, when I think about it...our friendship got back to normal not very long ago. I thought, maybe, he will come out. I've hoped for it all until now. I think he likes Amy Stevens.'' He spat the name of the teacher out like it was poisoned.
‘'The Cantare substitute?'' Kurt widened his eyes, ‘'But that's...''
‘'He doesn't care,'' Jeff's voice became a little hoarse, ‘'He's willing to wait. Elizabeth won't be away forever. When she comes back, she won't be our substitute no more. And the Nickmy ship will sail.''
‘'Look, maybe, Nick's just confused. I don't know him very well, but I can tell you he cares about you. I think you should wait a little more. If nothing changes, I'll help you move on. Help you find someone.''
Jeff chuckled and nodded.
Kurt moved away from his position on the couch, to hug Jeff. Jeff just buried his head in Kurt's shoulder and slowly returned the embrace.
‘'Tea's here,'' Tina said, quickly walking in the room with two mugs of steaming tea, ‘'I made one for you too, Nick.''
‘'Thanks, Tina,'' Jeff pulled out of the hug and took the black mug, Kurt; the white.
‘'Aww, man,'' Jeff whined, ‘'I wanted the unicorn mug.''
Kurt wanted to sip but brought the cup away from his lips to look at his mug.
‘'Okay, you baby,'' Kurt rolled his eyes, ‘'We can trade.''
‘'Yesss,'' Jeff hissed and swiftly placed the black mug on the table, taking the unicorn one from Kurt's hands.
‘'You know what,'' Jeff narrowed his eyes and grinned, ‘'All throughout our night, I haven't said any unicorny joke.''
Tina and Kurt chuckled, shaking their heads at the ridiculousness.
‘'Good morning, dad,'' Blaine said sleepily as he came into the kitchen.
James was still in his sweatpants and t-shirt, making some breakfast for his children and himself.
‘'Hello, son,'' James greeted, ‘'You...uhhh...going somewhere?''
James examined Blaine's outfit. It looked like he was up for a while. All dressed up and prepared.
‘'Yes. I hope you don't mind. I'll go on a little getaway for the weekend.''
James nodded, ‘'Where are you goin'?''
Blaine smiled, ‘'I'm taking Kurt on a little vacation. To celebrate. His first performance and...something else.''
James felt a happy ping in his heart. Blaine looked so happy when he talked about Kurt. It made him smile. Why did Elizabeth think of him so badly?
‘'Okay. I guess it's top secret so you will tell me all about it when you come back, alright?''
Blaine grinned, taking an apple from the basket on the counter, ‘'Sure thing. I'll see you Sunday evening. Or Monday morning. Or sometime soon.''
James just chuckled, ‘'Have fun!''
Blaine patted his father on the shoulder and went to the corridor, taking his carryon bag and went out the door, where a car with a personal driver was waiting for him.
The next morning Kurt was a mess.
He was so full of excitement but fear at the same time.
He was packing.
Trying to pack at least.
At the moment, his bag was on the bed; empty, with Kurt himself standing in front of it, one hand wrapping itself around his torso, the other one leaning on it to support his chin on his palm.
He was just staring at it. Maybe...just maybe, it could come to life and give some advice.
Kurt yelled for her friend in his mind. He so needed help. With more than one thing.
‘'Kurt!'' Tina came in the room, making Kurt jump in surprise.
Did I yell out loud?
‘'Kurt, what are you doing? Blaine can show up any second,'' Tina asked confused.
Usually, Kurt was a very organized person. He would always be ready. At all times, for any situation. When he had to move out of the orphanage, he started making a list of his belongings a month before, just so he didn't forget anything. Now...?
‘'Kurt...why are you so nervous?'' Tina asked quietly.
‘'For many reasons,'' he replied nervously, ‘'This is my first trip, though that is the least I'm worried about. I have no clue where I'm going to be taken and-‘'
‘'Kurtie...you trust Blaine and I'm sure you'll like to travel. You would've done it sooner or later. We'll have to go to Florida soon and you'd have to fly by a plane anyways. Besides, he said it's nowhere far, right?''
Kurt nodded.
‘'So, you don't have to worry. If you go by plane, the flight will be short. And the packing?'' Tina pointed to the bag, ‘'It's summer. Just take clothes you wear here. Take your moisturizers, toners whatever you have there,'' she pointed to the bathroom, ‘'take your phone and...you're good to go.''
Kurt looked down and nodded. It'll be easier to pack now, alright...
‘'What else, Kurt?'' she came closer and placed her hands on her friend's shoulders to comfort him, ‘'I feel like there's something else.''
Kurt inhaled deeply to gain courage. Here it goes.
‘'I feel like it's going to happen this weekend,'' Kurt said, finally lifting his face to look Tina in the eyes.
‘'Huh? What are you talking about?''
‘'I think it's going to happen this weekend.''
Tina's expression softened, ‘'You don't have to be embarrassed. It's okay.''
‘'H-how was it for you?''
They both sat down on the bed and Tina smiled, ‘'I know it's different for both of us, but the concept is the same. If it's the right time, the right person; it's perfect. It was with Mike obviously and I have to say it was the best nigh in my life. He made me feel safe, secure and loved. I was scared too, but I don't regret anything.''
Kurt felt more relaxed and sure about it. He guessed he wasn't the only one scared. Everyone's scared before doing something for the first time.
‘'How do you know when it's right?''
Tina sighed thoughtfully, ‘'First of all, you shouldn't be pushing yourself. If you don't feel it, don't do it. But...you have to know that you'll never be completely sure. You'll always have that ping of fear and anxiousness. But don't worry. If people love each other, all the moments are perfect. He'll make you feel loved and cared for. If you feel deeply for each other, it's a form of showing your feelings and expressing them. That's the time when you're the most exposed to anyone, so you have to have complete trust.''
Kurt nodded and smiled. He didn't say anything. He just quickly leaned forward and hugged her. Actions speak for themselves.
You're the best friend ever.
‘'Okay, I have to go meet Mike. We're going out. But good luck. I'll see you soon.''
As she got up and waved, Kurt still sat on his bed. Just when he heard the door close, he sighed and got up, to pack his bag.
After collecting everything he needed and putting it in the bag, he checked himself in the mirror.
I don't have to be afraid. I trust Blaine completely. I lov-
Kurt's heartbeat quickened and he turned to go out of his room to open the door.
As he opened it, Blaine was standing there with a big smile on his face.
‘'Hi, beautiful,'' he greeted and came in to kiss Kurt, ‘'you're ready to get on a boat?''
It wasn't that bad.
Kurt officially wasn't afraid of boats.
Besides, they were on in the water, on earth, not in the air, and they had life-vests and Kurt could swim. And the view...
California was gorgeous. Kurt could only keep his mouth open as he was looking around. Seeing as LA stretched further and further away, making the other boats, palm trees and skyscrapers in the distance smaller and smaller. As they got deeper, the water got darker and less clear. It was the afternoon and the sky was bright blue, filled with fully clouds, occasionally hiding the sun, giving people relief and a shadow.
One thing was for sure. They were going to an island. Which one, though?
‘'I'll tell you when we get there, beautiful. Maybe you'll even recognize it yourself,'' Blaine said softly in Kurt's ear.
Kurt was looking around, standing, holding by the railing of the boat, Blaine's hands wrapped around his waist, his chin resting on Kurt's shoulder.
‘' I'm almost sure I won't. You'll have to spoil it for me,'' Kurt laughed when Blaine sucked on his earlobe.
Kurt got more excited when a very blurry relief came in sight. It was the island. And Kurt could only wait until they'll arrive.
Kurt couldn't deny. When they stepped off the boat, a rock fell of his shoulders and he sighed. Safe. Ground. An unmoving base under his feet.
Blaine took his hand and led them on the deck. Kurt leaned closer to his boyfriend and examined his new groundings. All the new people, the little houses that were so cute. The relief was breath-taking. So green and nature-y. It was breathtaking. The island was breath-taking. But what island?
Kurt whined and pouted as they walked.
Blaine looked at Kurt and chuckled, ‘'You have to wait a little longer. I'm sorry.''
Kurt whined again and tucked on Blaine's hand, pleading.
‘'No, beautiful. No matter how adorable you'll be, you won't get it out of me. You'll have to wait a while longer.''
Kurt narrowed his eyes and looked ahead.
They walked on the deck for who knows how long, though it didn't seem long, they came to their destination. A hotel. Right by the water. A very nice, modern building. White accented with beige toned bricks. Kurt was speechless. He just now realized, he's never been to a hotel. For vacation at least. The time he spent in the hotel after coming out from the orphanage didn't quite count.
And it was true, he hasn't been in a hotel so glamorous.
Blaine only smiled at his reactions and was glad he was the one showing Kurt all this. Giving it to him. Kurt deserved this.
They walked inside and there was the lobby. In one word – fancy.
‘'Anderson,'' Blaine said as they came up to the reception counter.
The girl typed in his name and nodded, ‘'VIP Wing for Mr.Anderson.''
‘'Here is the keycard and a booklet. It has all the numbers inside in case you need anything. Have a nice stay.''
Kurt tightened his grip on Blaine's hand when the girl smiled and kept looking at his boyfriend. That stare wasn't polite. It was flirty.
Blaine picked up the items and they went to their room.
‘'Blaine...this is...amazing. And probably expensive,'' Kurt said as they entered their room.
It was truly amazing. It was the ocean front suite. Everything was so glamorous. Beige walls, a build-in fireplace, a big TV, comfortable looking white sofas and armchairs, their own kitchen, a big queen sized bed...
Everything was simply great.
‘'You don't have to worry about anything. I promise. I'll take care of everything,'' Blaine placed their bags on the floor and dragged Kurt to the balcony. He wrapped his hand around his waist, ‘'We are in Catalina, beautiful.''
Catalina. Catalina Island.
‘'Happy one month anniversary,'' Blaine said.
‘'Happy anniversary, Blaine,'' they turned to each other and kissed. Their kiss was passionate but gentle, speaking in their words place.
We've managed for so long. It's still a lot more longer to go.
‘'Thank you,'' Kurt whispered as they parted.
Blaine only smiled, bringing their foreheads together. He closed his eyes and caressed Kurt's face, Kurt leaning into the touch.
‘'Let's go eat?''
Kurt nodded.
After eating some very delicious food, they decided to go to the beach. The sun was setting and the view would be incredible.
Blaine was sitting on the sand, Kurt between his legs. He had wrapped his hands around Kurt and nuzzled his nose by Kurt's ear and his hair. He always smelled so good.
‘'I like looking at the horizont. It makes me think of eternity. How there's so many places and destinations,'' Kurt said, leaning back at Blaine's warm chest, ‘'There's so many of us. So many stories. And lives. It makes me think that there's always a coast for everything.''
‘'I love you, Kurt,'' he heard as Blaine said in his ear.
Kurt's eyes widened and his breath hitched.
He'd heard Blaine almost say it a few times. Those days, he would go to sleep, smiling. Remembering that sometimes even strong, tough Blaine would be shy.
Kurt felt so warm. It was the first time, anyone but Tina said those words to him. They were so special.
He turned around in Blaine's arms to look him in the eyes.
‘'I love you, too, Blaine,'' he smiled.
Blaine was looking at him adoringly and they met half way in a kiss. Blaine lightly fell on his back with Kurt on top of him and he opened his mouth when he felt Kurt's tongue lick at his bottom lip, asking for entrance.
They kissed for a few moments. Their kisses weren't heated. They were full of love. Chaste and tender.
As Kurt softly pulled back, he rested his head in the crook of Blaine's neck and Blaine kissed his forehead, ‘'I'll never let you go now.''
Kurt only nuzzled in more and closed his eyes, cherishing this moment.
When they got back to their room, they just went to the bed and got under the covers.
Kurt and Blaine only wore their sweats because it was hot.
They were incredibly happy.
A day so full of each other. Moments to remember and cherish.
Kurt lay on his side and Blaine pulled his back to his chest, wrapping his hand around Kurt's waist.
They closed their eyes and enjoyed the closeness and the peace. The windows were open and they could hear the calm silent waves in the ocean.
‘'I love you,'' Blaine repeated, kissing Kurt's neck and shoulders.
‘'I love you, too.''