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Spotlight: Secrets

T - Words: 1,499 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2012
637 0 0 0 0

Blaine took a seat, wrapping a blanket around him. Even with the thin cloth around him he felt exposed.
"Well, I moved here to get away from my dad."
"Why'd you want away from him?"
Blaine swallowed, feeling a lump in his throat. He hadn't told anyone but his mom and Rachel about his situation.
"Because he hated me."
"I'm sure he didn-"
"He hated me. He beat me almost every night. Pushed me around like I was some rag doll. The night I moved here was the night I came out to my dad. I had to stay out of school to let my black-eye heal and my rib. That's why I flinched when you saved me from the car."
"And tonight…"
"Tonight that was my dad. The guy you nearly ran over."
Kurt sat, rigid in his seat. Blaine could feel this weird haze come over him. He had just told Kurt, who in all actuality was still an acquaintance, everything he tried so hard to hide. His secrets were now in the air, and Kurt was taking them differently than anyone had.
"I should have ran him over."
Blaine laughed without humor.
"So that's your story?"
"That's my story."
Kurt let out a sigh, he shouldn't be here. He didn't know what he was doing, and God forbid Blaine did like him it couldn't happen.
Absolutely not.
Blaine looked up at Kurt, an obvious question in his eyes.
"Can I ask you something?"
Kurt nodded cautiously.
"You've been alive for a long time, right?"
"If alive is the right term for it, yes."
"And you're gay."
Blaine took a second, biting his lip. "Did you ever consider, you know, acting straight?"
Kurt chuckled, yeah. That was quite a story.
"Actually, yes. When Alexander first changed me I didn't really know how okay he would be with my preference, or any of the others in my coven. He figured it out after several failed attempts to find me someone. Alexander's what you would call a matchmaker. Eventually I told him"
"Was he okay with it?"
"Very, actually."
Blaine frowned, standing up and heading for his kitchen. He mumbled something he thought Kurt couldn't hear, but of course he did. "Another thing to be jealous about."
Kurt turned, giving Blaine a confused look. "Why would you be jealous of me?"
"You have everything."
"Except mortality, my own parents, the luxury of not watching all of my loved ones come and go."
Blaine took a second to take that all in before speaking again. "Yeah, but the adult you live with accepts you. My mom accepts me, but I never got to be a kid with my dad. It was always 'lets see how far we can push Blaine before he cracks.' You didn't fly across the country in the middle of the night and have people stare at your bruises. I know that my problems probably seem dumb compared to yours, but they're too real for me. I wish I could have a beautiful family, or at least siblings. I wish I could have perfect hair, and a perfect voice, and this perfect image. You're too perfect, Kurt. That's why I'm jealous. You have everything I ever wanted, and at the top of the heap is the simplest. Acceptance."
Kurt got up and walked towards Blaine, because half way through his speech he had started crying. Now it was full fledged sobs that racked the boys small figure. Without thinking Kurt took Blaine into his arms. He immediately regretted the decision when his throat burned in response. He swallowed hard, and stood there. He wanted to be able to trust himself around Blaine. This was the first step.
After about ten minutes Blaine calmed down. Kurt grabbed him a glass of water. Blaine took a sip and sniffled quietly. "Thanks, Kurt."
"No, thank you."
Blaine looked up and Kurt broke away from him, putting a considerable amount of space between the two. "For what?"
"For telling me your secrets."
"Thanks for telling me yours." Blaine stifled a yawn and Kurt went to grab his jacket.
"Where are you going?"
"You're tired. I'm going to let you get some rest and talk to you on Monday."
"Don't go."
When Kurt laughed, Blaine felt a blush creep up his neck. Why was he acting like this? He never opened up to people. He let all of his feelings pile up and when somebody hit a nerve-which Kurt seemed to do a lot- they were all released and whoever the unfortunate person may be was left in the aftermath. Blaine was talking to someone he barely knew, but at the same time that wasn't true. Blaine had told Kurt his deepest secret, and Kurt had told him his own.
All of a sudden it felt like the events of the night hit him. He felt exhausted; emotionally and physically. He yawned again, regretting it when Kurt headed towards the door.
"Get some sleep. You'll see me on Monday."
Blaine nodded sheepishly, before locking the door after Kurt and walking up to his room.
The weekend passed slowly. He had checked and rechecked his essay, cleaned his room twice, and done all of his laundry. His thoughts were a mess after Friday night, and every time he thought about seeing Kurt on Monday his heart started to race. On Sunday night it came to a head, and his mom finally asked him about it.
"Blaine, what in the world are you so worked up about?"
He sighed, taking a seat next to his mom on the couch and pulling his knees to his chest. "Remember Kurt?"
"Yes. What about him?"
"Well after you left, he showed up and I let him in."
"And we talked and I told him all about dad."
His mom faced him then, pushing a hand through his hair. "How'd that go, baby?"
"It went okay. I started bawling and he had to hug me for ten minutes while I calmed down." His eyes were welling up from memory and he laughed as he wiped them from his eyes.
"That's intense. I have to ask you something though."
"Do you even know Kurt very well? I'm glad you opened up sweetie, but I don't want you to open up to the wrong person and have it spread around town."
"I don't. It's so weird, mom. It's like every single time I talk to him I let more on than I should and I end up telling him my life story."
His mom nodded, "I understand that. I dated a guy like that in high school."
"What's wrong with me, mom?"
She leaned forward, hugging her son. "Nothing at all. You're just falling for him, I think. I don't know the Fabrays very well, but I trust your judgment."
"Well thanks."
When Monday morning came Blaine tumbled out of bed and looked out the window. For once, the sun was rising above the tree line, it ghosted across the grassy hills by his house. He smiled before heading to his closet.
After a ten minute battle with every cardigan, bow-tie, and saddle shoe he settled on a simple v-neck with jeans and sneakers. He didn't feel like being fancy today. Blaine barely bothered to do his hair and after saying goodbye to his mom on his way out the door he enjoyed the breeze on his free curls. To his surprise, Kurt was sitting in his driveway, checking his watch. He looked up at the sound of Blaine's footsteps and waved to him. Kurt got out of the car and went around to the other side, opening the door. When Blaine hesitated he smirked, "You don't have to if you don't want to."
The smolder in Kurt's voice made Blaine blush. He just nodded, slipping into the car and putting on his seat belt. When Kurt got in the car Blaine turned to him.
"What brought this on?"
"I got ready early and thought I'd see if you wanted a ride."
"Oh. Thanks." Blaine looked forward, hoping that this whole blush-every-time-he-speaks-to-you thing would go away after awhile.
"You're welcome. How was the rest of your weekend?"
Kurt laughed, "I see. Same here, I couldn't even sleep to pass the time."
"Oh. Insomnia?"
Kurt looked over at Blaine, a whimsical look on his face.
"Right. Vampire. Wait, how are you in the sunlight? Doesn't that like, kill you?"
 "Turning into a bat?"
"And allergic to garlic?"
"Mythy-myth-myth-de-myth. I took you to an Italian restaurant, remember?"
Blaine laughed, "Oh, right."
"You're quite forgetful, aren't you Mr. Anderson?"
"Yes." Blaine smiled and Kurt returned it, turning the radio up slightly. A Katy Perry song was on.
"Oh my gosh!"
"I know. I hate this music." Kurt went to change the station but Blaine quickly stopped him.
"No, no, no. I love Katy Perry! Can we listen?"
Kurt chuckled, "Alright."
That's when Blaine started to sing. His voice was smooth and velvety. If Kurt could get goosebumps, he was sure he would have.
"Blaine, your voice is amazing."
Blaine turned crimson, "I didn't even realize I was singing. I just kind of belt it out."
"Well, I enjoy it." Kurt turned up the radio and listened to Blaine sing the rest of the way there. His mind drifted slightly.
Maybe he could do this. It didn't seem so scary.


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