May 12, 2012, 7:35 p.m.
May 12, 2012, 7:35 p.m.
Kurt was walking in, fully ready to ignore Blaine when he saw Quinn enveloping the small boy in her thin arms. Blaine's body shook as Quinn rubbed his back, spotting Kurt and waving him over.
Quinn pulled Blaine at arms length, "Go clean up, I'll talk to Kurt. It's okay sweetie." Blaine kept his head down as he nodded and pushed through the locker room door. Kurt could see however that Blaine was wrecked; his hair was in disarray, pointing in every direction, and there was a little stubble on his usually smooth chin. Kurt watched the door slam and turned to Quinn.
"What w-"
"Kurt before you freak out or ignore him I need to tell you something."
Kurt didn't say anything, he just nodded curiously.
"I know Blaine seems like this really happy kid. Not that he isn't, but his life isn't perfect like he makes it out to be. That's not the first time he's came to school like that, but I always get him fixed up before people can even blink about it. However, there's no way that boy's going to be able to get the story out again. He could barely tell me the first time."
Quinn glanced around before tugging on the boys hand and pulling him into a deserted hallway. Kurt just gave her a questioning glance before she continued speaking.
"Blaine was getting ready for your date last night. He planned on going, and he was even on the phone with me while he was getting ready. I didn't know why but in the middle of telling me about his shirt he'd bought for it the phone disconnected. I figured he'd seen the time and had to hurry or something and didn't think anything of it. Before I go into this you should know that Blaine's dad's a single father. He also isn't all accepting about Blaine. The boy practically lives at my house because of it."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that Blaine's dad refuses to accept that his son is gay. He actually refuses to be proud of anything that Blaine does because of it. When Blaine had been picking out clothes his dad had come in and Blaine had hung up, because he'd been right in the middle of saying how much he liked you. His dad heard through the door and walked in, yelling and just completely tearing Blaine down."
Kurt's heart dropped and guilt pooled in his stomach as the story sunk in. Quinn took in his expression and nodded before continuing.
" His dad told him that he wasn't allowed to go on a date with a boy. You know how persistent Blaine is, I mean he scaled a tree in your front yard. He told his dad where to stick it and started to walk out of his bedroom. His dad hit him after that, and gave him a black eye. Told him that'd be the least of his problems. However.."
"Blaine didn't still.."
"Yep. He tried to get past him to go down the stairs and his dad pushed him. He'll be out of practice for weeks."
Kurt's eyes started to sting as tears welled up in them. The mental picture bore down on him more than ever.
"Blaine hid after that, in his room. He didn't tell me until this morning."
"He won't have to go back there.. will he?"
"Just until tomorrow. His dad's this big shot that goes on business trips all of the time. He's coming to my house for the time being. He's my mom's baby."
"So she knows."
"She knows."
There was a beat of silence before Quinn took Kurt's hand again. "I know Blaine's worrying that you're upset. He got the text, which you shouldn't feel bad about sending because you didn't know. I want you to know something. For some reason, that boy has fallen for you big time. He was more worried about you than his dad this morning. I think you should give him a second chance."
Kurt nodded furiously, "As many chances as he needs. Even if I have to fight for him."
Quinn smiled, hugging Kurt warmly. "You can go find him if you want."
Kurt kissed her cheek, running towards the locker rooms. He closed the door silently behind him and stood in the dark behind a locker. Blaine was standing in front of the mirror, his face shaven and hair gelled. His face was flushed, and he leaned forward and examined his eye. He pressed his cheek bone and flinched.
Blaine walked away from the mirror, returning the toiletries to a locker. Kurt was about to move forward when Blaine slammed the locker. The loud bang echoed through the room, almost ringing in Kurt's ears. Blaine slid to the ground, his body starting to shake. Kurt wanted to help. To go over an envelope the boy in his arms. To make him happy again because if there was anything worse than his cheerful disposition at five a.m. at practices it was this destroyed boy in front of him.
So much worse.
Kurt wasn't able to stop himself, and Blaine looked up, his eyes softening when he saw Kurt standing there.
"Kurt, I'm so, so-"
"Don't apologize. Don't even apologize because it's not your fault." Kurt shifted the bag off his shoulder, walking to Blaine and hugging him tightly. Blaine stood there a moment before slowly wrapping his arms around Kurt. They stood there like that, and as the sniffling stopped they pulled apart.
"I didn't mean that text, by the way. I realized I really, really wanted you to show up. So, if you're still up to that date.."
Blaine chuckled, "Of course."
"Tomorrow night at seven. I'll pick you up at Quinn's."
"Perfect." Blaine smiled before hugging Kurt once more.
Kurt stood at his mirror, adjusting his clothing and trying desperately to calm this frayed nerves..
It wasn't just his first date with Blaine, who was all kinds of intimidating with his football jersey and superstar smile.
It was his first date with anyone.
He took a deep breath, grabbing the rose on the counter before walking down the stairs. Carole wished him good luck, and kissed his cheek.
He climbed into his car, playing the radio softly and navigating his way to the beautiful white house he'd been to so many times. He saw Quinn and Blaine through the window, laughing and talking animatedly about something. Kurt got quietly out of his car, trying not to catch their attention. He succeeded, walking up the steps to the porch and ringing the door bell. He heard footsteps and then there was Blaine.
Kurt's mouth fell open. Blaine was wearing a crisp, red v-neck with a navy cardigan, and slick dark-wash jeans. He was wearing dress shoes, and his hair was gelled into perfect curls. His face was bright and warm as he smiled and said hello to Kurt.
"H-hi." Kurt stood there for a second before removing his hand from his back and handing the bright red rose to Blaine. His eyes lit up and he took it, smelling it and looking at Kurt from under his lashes.
It made his stomach do flips, but he laughed it off as they walked to his car. Kurt had watched a few too many chick-flicks, so he knew to walk to the passenger side of his car and open it for Blaine.
"Thank you, sir."
Kurt chuckled, tipping his imaginary hat before going to the other side.
"This is a nice car." Blaine smiled at Kurt, seeming so different from that day in the locker room.
"Thanks, it's my child."
"What's its name?"
Kurt raised his eyebrow, "Nobody's asked me that before. Her name's Charlotte."
Blaine nodded, "Perfect. So where are we going?"
Kurt glanced at him as they pulled out of the driveway, "If I told you, then I'd have to kill you."
"Oh, Hummel's a bad ass, huh?"
Kurt giggled at the comment, "Oh totally. I spend my Saturday nights in pjs watching reruns of Family Matters. I'm living on the edge."
Blaine pushed his sunglasses higher up on his nose, quoting in a high-pitched voice, "Did I do that?"
Kurt laughed, feeling his nervousness ebb away as they fell into easy conversation.
Eventually they were closing the car doors, standing in front of Fondue You, the place alive with people at the tables outside laughing and dipping fresh baked bread into melted cheese. Kurt sighed; it was his favorite place. Ever.
"Fondue? This will be interesting." Blaine smiled, matching Kurt's pace.
"Mm, why's that?"
"I'm actually really horrible at hand-eye coordination."
Kurt laughed, "I'll get you a bib."
Blaine's face scrunched up, "I'm good. I'm a laundry wizard, so I think I can handle it."
Kurt nodded, opening the door for Blaine, who thanked him and shimmied through the door.
"You are so weird." Kurt rolled his eyes, letting the door shut behind them.
"It's part of my charm. Is that-"
Blaine's eyes got huge as he took in the huge chocolate fountain in the middle of the restaurant.
Kurt smiled, taking a menu as the waitress showed them to their seat.
"How can you be so nonchalant? I feel like I need to bow before it. "
"Nah, I told you, it's my favorite place. I've been here tons."
Blaine still stared at it as Kurt ordered their drinks and some bread and cheese.
They sat there for a while, talking about school and the football team. The season was coming to an end, and after all of the squad sleepovers he was going to miss them. They talked about music, and clothes. Blaine's fashion knowledge blew Kurt away. They had sunk so deep into conversation that they hadn't even noticed the fondue in front of them.
"Oh, there's food there. When did that happen?" Blaine took a fork, handing it to Kurt and then picking one up for himself. He prodded at a piece of bread and stuck it into the cheese. Kurt did this with a blase expertise, but Blaine just frowned.
"It fell in."
Kurt chuckled, taking the piece he had already dipped and feeding it to Blaine, who hummed in response.
"That's amazing."
"Isn't it?" Kurt glanced up again, noticing a bit of cheese by Blaine's mouth.
"Oh you have a little-"
Blaine grabbed a napkin, but Kurt's hand was already there, wiping it away. He let his hand rest on Blaine's cheek for awhile, enjoying the warmth of his skin. Blaine leaned into it, like a kitten getting petted.
Kurt smiled, removing his hand and popping another piece of bread into his mouth. They kept the conversation flowing. Their feet occasionally bumped under the table, causing electricity to flow from Blaine's body to Kurt's. When they were done, Kurt took the check from Blaine and slipped some cash in there before standing from the booth.
"That was awesome, Kurt. I haven't eaten that much in a long time. I think I have a food baby."
"Is that even possible?" Kurt held the door open for Blaine and then offered his arm. Blaine slid his own through it, smiling slightly.
"I thought maybe we could walk around for a little while. The park's pretty nice at night."
Blaine nodded, looking down and coming to a stop.
"Hold on, your shoes untied." Blaine started to kneel, but Kurt moved his foot.
"I can get it. Thanks though."
Blaine grabbed onto the lace, starting to tie. When he was done he looked up at Kurt with a goofy smile. "I had to tie it. I don't want you falling for anybody else."
Kurt giggled, "You are so cute."
Blaine stood, putting his hand on his hip and tilting his chin in the air. "I try. Onward, my Dear Watson!"
Blaine took Kurt's hand, pulling him towards the park quickly. Kurt jolted forward, trying to keep up with Blaine. Eventually they were at a fountain and Blaine fished through his pocket and pulled out two pennies. He handed one to Kurt.
"What do I do with this?"
"Have you never made a wish in a wishing well? Er, or a wishing fountain.. thing."
Kurt shook his head, "Nope."
"You're missing out. Okay let me help you." Blaine walked over to him, coving Kurt's eyes with one hand. He held Kurt's other hand which had the penny, in his own and leaned in close to his ear.
"Think of something you want."
"Anything." The warm air tickled Kurt's ear, and he smiled a little.
"Okay. Now what?"
"Toss it into the fountain." Blaine helped him, and when the coin plinked softly in the water and sank to the bottom Blaine let go.
Kurt nodded towards the penny in Blaine's hand, "Your turn."
Blaine clamped his hands over his eyes, spinning a couple times before throwing it exuberantly into the water.
"What'd you wish for?"
"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." Blaine winked.
Kurt laughed, but he was suddenly aware that it was almost ten o'clock.
"We should probably start heading home."
"Gotcha." Blaine caught up to Kurt and took his hand, intertwining his fingers through Kurt's slender ones. Blaine caressed Kurt's thumb with his own, humming quietly as they walked through the darkness. When they made it to the car they sat in silence, the only sound was Blaine quietly singing along to the radio.
When they were in Quinn's driveway, Kurt turned the car off and looked at Blaine. "You have a really good voice."
"Pfft, this old thing?" Blaine smiled, getting out of the car and walking to open Kurt's door.
Kurt walked him up to the door, the only light was the porch light casting shadows across Blaine's face. His eye still had a bruise feathered across his cheek bone, but it didn't matter.
"I really like you. I've never been on a date,--with a boy anyway,-- and it was the best date I've ever had. I don't know what the protocol is for right now, and I really want to kiss you, but I don't want to risk moving too fast. I don't want to risk this." Blaine gestured to their hands that were lazily intertwined at his side.
All Kurt knew is that he had never wanted to kiss someone as much as Blaine in that moment.
"Life's always fun with a little risk."
Kurt leaned forward, slowly and cautiously. He heard Blaine's breath catch, and he smiled, laughing slightly as their noses touched. Blaine put a hand under Kurt's chin, and their lips touched slightly. Blaine lingered there for a while, smoothing his thumb across Kurt's cheekbone. When they parted, their faces were both blush-y and warm.
"Thank you for a lovely evening, Kurt Hummel."
"Thanks for a second chance, Blaine Anderson."
They laughed, hugging each other tightly, and Kurt snuggled into Blaine's neck. The smell of Blaine's cologne made his head swim, and he wanted to stay like that forever.
Unfortunately, with a curfew and a over-protective father forever wasn't quite possible.
Aww aww awwwwwwww First aww: Poor Blaine. I hate that he goes through somethig like that =( Second aww: THEY ARE SO CUTE OMG "I DON'T WANT YOU FALLING FOR ANYONE ELSE" LIKE OMG CUUUUTE. Third awwwwwwww: THEY KISSED OKAY THIS IS GOOOOD LIKE /REALLY/ GOOD.
Poor Blaine! you wrote this so well, they are both so cute.....and.....just.....awwwwwww........ please update soon