PomPoms and Shoulder Pads
Let's Do the Time Warp Again Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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PomPoms and Shoulder Pads: Let's Do the Time Warp Again

K - Words: 5,960 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/6 - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Mar 04, 2012
1,308 0 0 0 0

Blaine shivered as he walked into school on Monday. It was the week before Halloween and it had gotten cold. Blaine had arrived at his locker and was trying to do the combination when Puck flicked him on the back of the head.

"Don't be an ass Puckerman, Hi Blaine. So, Puck and I were thinking that we'd go to this haunted farm they set up every October after the game on Friday. I've heard it's actually kind of scary."

Puck rolled his eyes. "It's probably not, but it's better than nothing." He looked completely unenthused, and Finn glared at him sideways.

"We talked to Kurt about it and he agreed to go as long as we watch Rocky Horror Picture Show afterward."

"Rocky Horror what?" Kurt had told him he hated horror movies, had he lied?

"It's not scary, it's more disturbing." Finn looked uncomfortable.

"Ah, alright. Looking forward to it."

No, he wasn't looking forward to it. He screamed like a little girl when he was scared.

Puck and Finn walked off then, he could tell Finn was arguing with Puck about the haunted house. Blaine laughed and finished getting his books out his locker.

"Hi Blaine." He jumped when he heard Kurt's voice. "Hey!" Blaine shut his locker.

"How was your weekend?" Kurt started to walk to his first period class, which was across from Anatomy where Blaine was heading. He started walking too.

"It was good, I carved pumpkins."

Kurt laughed, "What'd you carve them as?"

"I gave them jack-o-lantern faces and added mustaches." Blaine smiled, he was really proud of them. Kurt

giggled, "You're such a five year old."

"That's what my mom told me when she found me carving pumpkins." Blaine chuckled at the memory. She had come up to tell him dinner was ready and found him cleaning out the pumpkins, making a face every time he pulled out a handful of seeds.

"I went shopping with Brittany." Kurt held out his wrist, and on it was a sparkly pink chain with a best friend charm. "She got this for me. I didn't want to hurt her feelings."

Blaine just stared at Kurt. That was, by far, the most adorable thing he had ever heard.

"Brittany sounds nice, it's not that bad of a look really. If you squint your eyes it's almost fashionable. To prove his point, Blaine practically closed his eyes and stared at the bracelet.

Kurt shoved him, "I could say the same about that sweater you wore last Friday, poodle head."

Blaine looked stricken.

"I'm just kidding, it was a cute sweater." Kurt laughed and walked to class, patting Blaine on the shoulder.

Blaine didn't know how to react, he just shook his head and walked into Anatomy. He was feeling oddly happy for a Monday morning.

Blaine wasn't particularly fond of this class; he had to sit next to Rachel. She had stopped begging him to join glee club, but had moved on to giggling at nearly everything he said and stroking his arm whenever she got the chance. She flirted with him constantly.

"You look great in the sweater. Good morning Blaine."

He was wearing a navy blue oversized sweater that he'd gotten last Christmas. "Thanks Rachel. Good morning." He scooted his chair away because Rachel was keen on invading his personal space.

"So what did you do this weekend?" Rachel leaned on one arm and faced him, batting her eyelashes.

"I carved pumpkins." Blaine said this indifferently, hoping that class would start soon.

"That's cute. I did a impromptu concert for my dads' friends from temple."

"That sounds like fun."

Rachel nodded, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Blaine was relieved when the teacher started writing on the board.

Class had been going quite dully when Blaine's pocket lit up. He was good about putting his phone on silent but it was just as obvious when his pants pocket was all of a sudden glowing. He pulled out the phone and set it behind his books.

Kurt: Hey, it's Kurt. I got your number from Finn.

Blaine: Oh hey. Kurt: What class are you in?

Blaine: Anatomy, you?

Kurt: French

Blaine: I want to be anywhere but anatomy, take me to French

Kurt: Haha, why?

Blaine: I sit next to Rachel and she either begs me to join New Directions or flirts with

Kurt: You should come to practice tonight, it's

Blaine: Will there be free food?

Kurt: There usually isn't, but there can

Blaine: Okay. I'll be : Good. I'll save you a seat.

Blaine put his phone away and smiled; he didn't mind going if Kurt wanted him to. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw that the bell was about to ring. Blaine got his books together and leaned his head on them as class finished had a few minutes left in the period and Blaine tried to look busy, fumbling through his planner and straightening out his books, but to no avail.

"So Blaine, what are you doing tonight?" Rachel hugged her books to her chest and twirled a lock of her hair between her fingers.

"Kurt invited me to glee club."

"That's fantastic! I'm so excited."

Blaine sighed. He hoped that Kurt would ward off Rachel tonight. He politely said goodbye to the brunette before walking to his next class and checking his phone a little too often.

It seemed like every class went horridly slow after that. At lunch Blaine picked at his food while Finn went on about the haunted farm.

"Dude, it's not gonna be that scary." Puck rolled his eyes and threw his napkin on his empty tray.

"I bet you'll scream." Finn smiled and continued eating. Blaine took occasional glances at Kurt's table. Kurt was sitting with his arm around Quinn, and both of them were laughing. For a second Blaine imagined that he was sitting there with his arm around Kurt. It made him smile.

It was then he realized that Kurt was waving. He didn't know how long he'd been staring at him with a goofy smile on his face, but he returned the wave and suddenly became very interested in what Finn and Puck were talking about.

That night after he had gotten back from football practice he was grabbing his varsity jacket off of the coat rack when his mom looked up from her book.

"Where are you going sweetie?"

"Kurt invited me to glee club tonight." Blaine flashed a bright smile at his mom.

"Oh. Good luck." She gave a little wink his way before looking back at her book.

Blaine went out to the car and started his truck, warming his hands and daydreaming about what the night could bring. When he walked into the school he heard conversation coming from the choir room. He hurried up a bit, slipping off his jacket as he went. He walked in and saw Kurt sitting by a girl, Mercedes, and he looked deep in conversation. The only open seat was next to Rachel, who patted it excitedly. Blaine had no choice but to sit there.

"Glad to see you came Blaine, we're having a free night. People can sing whatever they choose; I was thinking maybe we could sing something together?" Rachel had scooted closer when she said this, leaning towards him eagerly.

"I wasn't really planning on singing, just observing." Blaine felt bad about hurting her feelings, but he really wasn't planning on singing. Not to mention how awkward that duet would be.

"Oh. Okay, that's cool too! I want to sing Popular from Wicked, do you like that song?" Rachel looked slightly disappointed, but recovered quickly.

Blaine nodded, glancing over at Kurt who was sitting on Mercedes' lap. She was giggling and tickling Kurt, who started to laugh as well, squirming away from Mercedes. He was close enough to hear their conversation.

"So how are you and Lee doing 'Cedes?" Kurt moved to a chair next to her, pulling his knees to his chest.

Lee was a football player who pretty much kept to himself. He seemed nice enough though, and Blaine always saw him pull Mercedes into tight hugs or kiss her forehead between classes.

Merecedes giggled, "Good, we're going to have dinner after the game on Friday."

Kurt smiled, "You'll have to give me the details on Saturday."

"Of course sugar. Now tell me, are there any boys in your life?"Blaine listened harder.

Kurt laughed nervously, looking downward. "I don't know, maybe in the future."

Mercedes hugged Kurt, "Tell me everything Saturday, okay?" Blaine saw Kurt nod into her shoulder before turning his attention to the man at the front of the room, who clapped and asked for everyone's attention.

"As you all know tonight is a free night, anyone want to go first?"

Rachel shot her hand into the air and the man called her up to the front.

"Thank you Mr. Schue, so first of all we have a guest tonight, Blaine Anderson."

Blaine shifted uncomfortably in his seat, saying a quiet hello to everyone. Finn, Puck, and Kurt all waved to him before turning back around in their seats.

"Ah, welcome Blaine. Always nice to see new faces. What are you singing, Rachel?"

"Popular from Wicked." She smiled before starting to sing the first few notes of the song. Blaine had to admit, she had an amazing voice. Some how he found it difficult to enjoy, considering when she sang "I'll teach you the proper poise when you talk to boys" she looked in Blaine's direction and gave a small wink. Once again he found himself uncomfortable.

When she finished the group clapped and Kurt hopped up to the front. He was wearing a red sweater that went lovely with his skin and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. He had a tan scarf wrapped loosely around his neck. He looked gorgeous.

"I was thinking I'd do This is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas, seeing as Halloween is this Friday. However, I'm gonna need some help."

Tina, Mercedes, Quinn, Brittany, and Santana all made their ways to the had seen the movie a couple times and this had been one of his favorite songs. He smiled as they busted into song. They all covered different parts and it sounded amazing. When they finished Blaine clapped loudly, it had been awesome.

When Kurt was walking back to his seat Blaine wanted to tell him how great it had been, but Rachel tapped him on the shoulder.

"So, what'd you think of my song?" She had left her hand on his arm and was looking at him from under her eyelashes.

"You sounded great." Blaine was obviously uncomfortable, but Rachel didn't notice. Well, maybe she did, but she didn't do anything to make the situation less awkward.

He saw Kurt looking at the two of them, he raised an eyebrow and Blaine just rolled his eyes. Kurt walked over and sat down in Mike's seat, who was up with Finn and Puck doing some rock number. It sounded good, but Blaine was focused on Kurt.

"Hey Blaine, what'd you think of my song?" Kurt waved at Rachel, who kept stroking his arm.

"I thought it was really cool. Did you guys plan that?"

Kurt laughed, "Yes, we've been planning it since last Friday."

"Well it was fantastic." Blaine smiled and gently removed his arm from Rachel's grasp.

"I liked yours Rachel, it was fantastic." Kurt crossed his legs, putting his hands on his knees.

"Thanks Kurt. You sounded great too." Rachel looked hurt, but instead of backing off she put her hand on Blaine's knee.

Suddenly Kurt reached over and placed her hand back on her own lap.

"He's gay Rachel, and you're making him uncomfortable."

Color flooded to Rachel's face, and she turned her attention to the front, gripping the sides of her chair. Blaine bit back laughter and turned to Kurt, but he had returned to his seat by Mercedes. He was whispering to her and Quinn, looking upset.

A while later they dismissed everyone. Blaine wanted to thank Kurt for what he had done, but he had left too quickly. Rachel kept her head down as she left as well.

Blaine felt horrible.

The next day he tossed on sweats and a fitted t-shirt. He also neglected to put in contacts and grabbed his glasses off his bedside table. He was worried that he had somehow upset Kurt. Rachel, he could deal with. Kurt however, was a bigger deal. They had just started getting close.

He had left his jacket in his truck last night, and it was freezing. He blasted the heat on the way to school.

Blaine was in an awful mood, he was sure that Anatomy would be loads of fun with Rachel, not to mention he had no idea what had happened with Kurt.

He walked into school he saw Kurt walking down the hallway arm in arm with Quinn, who was giggling. Kurt looked fine now; he was obviously into the conversation and had a smile on his face. His smile was stunning. Blaine felt better already.

Blaine was sitting in second period, Anatomy had been horrible.

She had said a good morning and left it at that, scribbling notes and sitting a comfortable distance away. She didn't smile once throughout the entire period and stormed away as soon as the bell rang.

Blaine absolutely hated hurting people. He lived for making others laugh and smile, but when he was the cause of someone's bad mood it made him want to cry. Regardless of who it was.

They were taking notes on essay structure when Blaine's phone lit up. He slid it behind his books and changed the brightness, not wanting to stand out in the dark room. The only light was the projector that hung from the ceiling.

Kurt: Thisss isss Halloowweeennnnn

Blaine: No it's

Kurt: This is why we can't have nice things.

Blaine laughed out loud, and a couple people turned to look at him. He and Kurt had been watching some sitcom at one of the sleepovers and they had both cracked up at that line. Blaine didn't even know if the actors had meant for it to be funny, but Kurt and him had laughed until their stomachs hurt.

Blaine: You made me laugh and look like a weirdo to my English

Kurt: You are a weirdo.

Blaine: Thanks.

Kurt: No problem. So, how awesome am I for last night?

Blaine: That's what she said. No but, thank you for doing that. Rachel was obviously pissed first period but honestly I'd rather that than the flirting.

Kurt: She looked pissed. Rachel and I used to be friends until she tried cheating on Finn.

Blaine: Tried?

Kurt: Yeah. Last year Rachel was mad at Finn and tried to cheat with Puck but Puck told Finn and he broke up with her. Glee club was awkward for weeks.

Blaine: That's horrible.

Kurt: Yeah. We're all somewhat okay now, but that's not to say the claws don't come out.

Blaine: I'm sorry.

Kurt: It's not your fault, so hush. Class is almost over, so talk to you later.

Blaine: Okay, bye!

He put his phone away and caught up with his notes. He had already covered this at his old school, so he hadn't missed anything. When the bell rang his mood was back to normal and he walked out of the classroom smiling.

When he got home that day his mom was in the kitchen, frowning at a recipe book. He dropped his bag by the couch and went over, bumping his mom's hip.

She looked up at him and smiled."Hey sweetie, how was school?"

"Good, whatcha looking for?"

His mom slid the book over and pointed to the top recipe.

"No way! These cookies were the best part of my childhood."

"I thought you could make them and bring them to Finn's on Friday." His mom put a sticky note on the page and closed the book, moving it to the corner of the counter. "So, how have things been with Kurt?"

"Great, we're pretty close now." Blaine grinned, the past couple months they had spent a lot of time together, they had inside jokes and would make silly faces at each other in the hallways.

"Do you think he likes you?"

"Even if he did, I don't want to ruin this. You know what I mean?"

"Yes, you're a sweetheart." His mom came over and ruffled his hair. "Is pizza okay for dinner? I'm feeling lazy." His mom picked up the phone and flipped through the phonebook.

"Of course. Can we get a meat-lovers?" Blaine went over and grabbed his homework out of his bag.

"What else would we get?" His mom smiled and ordered the pizza.

Blaine cleaned up their dishes that night and went up to take a shower. Football practice had been getting shorter, so he could avoid showers right after practice. There was only one more game after halloween, McKinley had a really long season compared to Minnesota.

The rest of the week flew by.

On Thursday night he made cookies and even decorated a few like Sally and Jack Skellington. His mom had laughed when she came home from work and he was standing at a counter with flour dusting his face and there were two dozen decorated cookies all around him. It had taken him forever to get the flour out of his hair.

He had put the cookies in a tin and left it in his car, which had pleasantly helped the frosting set better. Blaine had taken a bakery class with his mom when he was eleven and he had made these sugar cookies every year until a couple years ago.

Walking into school that Friday he noticed it was even colder than usual. He pulled his jacket tighter around him and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He saw Kurt in front of him. Quinn was on his back with her arms around his neck, giggling.

Blaine had gathered from the last couple months that Kurt and Quinn were close. They were always hugging or walking down the hallways arm in arm. He couldn't help but envy the relationship; he wished it was himself slinging his arm around Kurt or giving piggy back rides to him.

Puck caught up to him while he was at his locker. "Dude, I put a fake spider in Finn's locker."

Blaine laughed, "Are you kidding?"

"No man, he's going to freak. He hates them."

Puck and Blaine burst into laughter when they heard Finn scream. Everyone was looking down the hallway at the panicking boy.


He shut his locker and wished Puck luck. He heard Finn yelling at Puck, who was laughing hysterically. He was laughing too until he realized he had to go face Rachel.

Blaine sighed and went to first period. Rachel still hadn't talked to him, and he had decided he would say something today. She didn't look up when he sat down, so he cleared his throat.

"Hey Rachel."

"Hello." She looked up for a second and went back to doodling in her notebook.

"I'm really sorry about Tuesday, if it made me uncomfortable I should have said something."

"I'm sorry for not backing off." Rachel looked relieved to finally talk about it.

"It's fine. You did sound great though." Blaine gave a small smile.

"Thanks." She relaxed a little after that. Rachel wasn't so bad when she wasn't invading your had a few minutes after class and Rachel turned to him after gathering her books. "So, are you and Kurt...?" She trailed off, looking at the ground.

"Oh no, just friends."

"Ah okay. Well have a good weekend Blaine." Rachel smiled before leaving when the bell rang.

At lunch Blaine was going to put his tray away when someone cut in front of him and tossed theirs on the pile first. He was going to just walk away when he saw Kurt standing there, smirking at him.

"Kurt, didn't your parents ever teach you to wait your turn?" Blaine set his tray down and started to walk back to the table with Kurt.

"Yes, but I didn't pay attention. Is it just me or is this day going by way too slowly." Kurt dramatized this by plopping down in a seat at their table and sighing.

"I feel the same way." Blaine sat down as well. Puck and Finn didn't even notice them, they just continued their conversation with each other.

"I'm excited for tonight, but only because I get to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show." "Please tell me you know what that is." Kurt added after seeing Blaine's blank expression.

"I'm sorry, I don't." Blaine laughed when Kurt put his face in his hands.

"What's it about?"

"It's about this couple, Brad and Janet, who go to Frankenfurter's castle after their car breaks down."

"Don't you mean Frankenstine?"Blaine raised an eyebrow.

"No, Frankenfurter. He's a transvestite."

Blaine's eyes got wide, "I don't know if I want to watch this anymore."

Kurt laughed, "You will watch it and you will love it." Kurt glanced over at Quinn who was waving.

"I think she misses you."

"Probably, I mean who wouldn't. Bye Blaine, see you tonight." Kurt bounded off towards them, sitting on Quinn, who laughed and hugged Kurt around his waist.

Blaine looked away, once again wishing that he had that kind of relationship with Kurt.

In eighth period Blaine was finishing notes about the revolutionary war when he heard distant yelling and cheering. He looked around the classroom, meeting curious gazes much like his own. He craned his neck, looking through the small window, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

A few seconds later a few cheerleaders burst through the door. He saw a few of the football players following Kurt and Quinn down the hallway.

"What can I help you with ladies?" The teacher didn't look mad, just as confused as the rest of them felt.

"We are here to grab your football playing students. Is that okay?"

The teacher nodded and Blaine gathered his stuff along with a couple other guys in the class and followed the girls out into the hallway.

"So, are you guys willing to do a little thing for the pep-rally?"

They all nodded, just enjoying being out of history class.

"We're playing that game where you put an Oreo on your forehead and then you have to get it in your mouth without using your hands. You guys up for the challenge?"

"Hell yes!"

Jordan, one of the linemen, went to high five Blaine. He returned it, visualizing how much of a fool he was going to make of himself.

The bell rang and the cheerleaders hurried them they got to the gym there were ten chairs lined up in front of the bleachers that were now filling with students. The two girls went out to join the cheerleaders. The guys were all out in the hallway and Blaine would peer in through the open door occasionally. He could just barely see Kurt, who was holding a package of Oreos in one arm. He was talking to Brittany, who was leaning her chin on his shoulder.

Finn came over and clapped him on the back. "Hey Finn, are you excited for this?"

"Yes, I am a pro at this game. I spent so many days during the summer perfecting it."

"I'm glad you know what you're doing. I'm probably going to make a fool out of myself."

"That's what pep rallies are about though. I am so pumped for tonight, Puck is gonna get scared I don't care what he says."

"If he doesn't, I will."

Finn laughed, "You are gonna scream like a little girl aren't you?"

"Pretty much."

"Oh well, I'm pretty sure Kurt will too."

Blaine laughed and looked through the doorway again. He saw Quinn go up to the principal and take the mic.

"Welcome McKinley, who is excited for tonight?"The gym erupted into shouts and applause.

"Awesome spirit guys! So we're going to change things up and play a game. Please welcome ten of our titans, come on out boys!"

Blaine felt nervous as they walked into the front of the cheering crowd. He heard Puck yell "Go Poodle head" in the stands. He laughed and waited for Quinn to explain what they would be doing.

"Okay so, we're going to hand out one Oreo to each of these lovely gentleman and they have to put it on their forehead. Then, they will have one minute to get the Oreo into their mouth without using their hands. Got it?"

The football players all went over and grabbed one from Kurt, who had at sometime made his way to Quinn. Blaine took one and Kurt wished him luck.

They all sat down and placed them on their foreheads. Blaine didn't really enjoy having his neck tilted like this.

"Alright guys, three, two, one!"

Blaine had no idea what he was doing; he twitched his face around to no avail. He tilted his head up, feeling the cookie fall down his face. Blaine caught it with his tongue and stood up. The crowd cheered and he laughed, trying to chew the Oreo without choking. The rest of the guys were either darting after theirs to keep it from following or making weird faces. Blaine laughed along with the only other person who had succeeded, Finn.

"I told you I was bomb at this game."

"I surprised myself, congrats man."

Finn laughed, "Now we have to do sudden death."

"What?" Blaine had been lucky to do that once, no way in hell was it happening again.

"Sudden death. Me and you man; you're going down." Finn shoved him jokingly.

"Come at me."

Quinn giggled into the mic. "Times up! Good job boys."

Most of the other guys took another Oreo to their seats in the bleachers and sat down.

"Time for sudden death. Whoever gets the Oreo in their mouth first is the champion." Quinn gave them each another Oreo and they sat down

. Finn unfortunately was victorious."Told you man, I am the king."

The rest of the pep rally was a little uneventful after that, but Blaine enjoyed it.

They were warming up on the field, but it had already gotten dark and Blaine was had worn under-armor and gloves but he was still cold. He ran in place, trying to warm himself up.

Blaine saw Kurt and the rest of the cheerleaders doing small routines before the game started, starting another every time the crowd cheered.

When they were finally announced onto the field Blaine managed to trip while running to his spot. He heard the crowd chuckle and he waved to them, laughing himself.

The first two quarters went well, they were ahead by 14 and Blaine had made two really good field kicks. He wasn't as cold either. He watched the halftime show, giggling when the cheerleaders stomped towards the crowds like zombies. They were dancing to Thriller and Blaine jumped when he heard Finn chant the part in the middle.

"You are going to scream like a girl tonight."

"Pretty much."

Finn laughed and put his helmet back on.

The rest of the game went alright. Blaine had gotten shoved pretty hard by some guy on the other team, but he was fine. They had won 21 to 14; the other team had played a hard defense.

Blaine changed into a long sleeve and light wash jeans. After he got directions to the haunted farm from Finn he tried to remind himself that it was people in costumes and that they weren't allowed to touch you.

When he arrived he could hear people screaming and laughing. Blaine saw Kurt, Finn, and Puck walking towards the entrance. He laughed when he saw that Kurt was hanging back a bit; his figure was rigid.

"Here's the scaredy-cat, hey Blaine." Puck elbowed Blaine and started to walk towards the ticket booth.

Finn tossed a couple dollars on the counter and the rest of the boys followed suit.

Blaine was nearly shaking; he could hear chainsaws and screams in the distance.

They started to walk up the sidewalk to the first house of three they would be going to. The place was called Night Terrors and was an old apple tree acreage that someone had purchased in the 90's. Blaine had spent last night trying to prepare for this by googling the place. They had built three small attractions and afterwards you could go on a haunted hayrack ride or sit by a bonfire. Blaine stuffed his hands in his pockets and glanced around nervously.

The first house wasn't bad; Blaine had screamed once when a bloody girl had hopped out from behind a hidden door. Puck had laughed and high-fived the girl.

Blaine hung back with Kurt, who was just as scared as he was, and tried to keep his composure. They had been having a conversation about the movie they'd be watching later when a man with clown make-up jumped from behind Kurt, sending him into Blaine. He screamed as well, grabbing Kurt in the process. Blaine let go, looking completely embarrassed.

The second house was horrible. There were entire rooms dedicated to clowns, asylums, and even a hospital. They were walking in a small hallway and had been instructed to grab onto the shoulders of the person in front of them to avoid injury. Blaine was trying to not be distracted by Kurt's small hands on his shoulders. When they were almost out he heard a guy with a chainsaw revving it and chasing them out. Blaine had never ran so hard in his life.

When they were far enough away Blaine tried to catch his breath. He heard Finn laughing and leaned up, breathing heavily.

"You screamed! You were totally freaked dude!"

Puck glared at him, "I was getting chased by a guy with a chainsaw, what the hell was I supposed to do?"

"You screamed, you screamed, Puckerman was scarreeedd." Finn was still chuckling as he started to walk to the next house.

That one hadn't been as bad. It was a small house that ended with a walk through a grave yard. The only thing that had really scared him about that one was one of the clowns had figured out his name from Kurt. The guy had followed him around whispering his name and several threats. It had made his skin crawl.

Finally they were sitting around a bon fire roasting marshmallows when Blaine saw Kurt shivering. He was wearing a thin long sleeve with no jacket. Blaine offered his jacket to him, slipping it off and handing it across the circle.

"It's fine, you're probably cold too."

"Not really, take it." Kurt sighed and grabbed the jacket, wrapping it around himself. "Thanks Blaine."

He nodded and looked at his marshmallow, which had caught on fire."Shoot!" Blaine jumped up and blew on the marshmallow, which slipped off of the stick and into the fire. Blaine frowned and went to grab another.

Kurt rode with Blaine back to the house; he hated football talk with them."All they do is talk about the other cheerleader's butts and it makes me uncomfortable."

Blaine chuckled, "I imagine. That dance was awesome, you're a pretty convincing dead person."

"Gee thanks. What are these?" Kurt picked up the tin of cookies Blaine had brought.

"Cookies I made for tonight. You can have one if you want."

Kurt opened the tin and gasped, "You made Jack and Sally cookies! These must have taken you hours."

"I got a lot of flour in my hair."

Kurt took a bite and closed the tin. "These are pretty good poodle head."

Blaine laughed. "Glad you approve."

The rest of the ride was silent for the most part, except for the radio. When they got to the house Blaine brought the cookies inside and got his coat back from Kurt.

"Thanks for letting me borrow that."

"No problem."

Blaine stood there as Kurt unlocked the door. When they stepped inside nobody was in the living room.

"Finn?" Blaine set the cookies down on the table by the door.

"BOO!" Puck had jumped out and tackled Kurt, who screamed in response.

"Damnit Noah!" Kurt got up and shoved Puck back down when he tried to stand. They both started to laugh.

"Woah I spy food, what are those?" Finn walked in and picked up the tin, removing the lid.

"Cookies I made." Blaine walked in and plopped on the sofa. He was glad he had saved a few at home.

"These are awesome dude." Puck took what seemed like half of the tin and sat on the floor.

Kurt went over and put a movie in the dvd player. Within a few minutes a pair of red lips were singing on the screen. Kurt grabbed another cookie and sat by Blaine.

Blaine had a little trouble following the movie. He laughed when all three of the other boys got up and did the Time Warp and sang along. He tried to follow along but ended up just watching all of them do it perfectly.

By the time the final credits rolled the two boys were passed out, as per usual. Kurt flipped it to normal Tv and faced Blaine.


"I loved it. That was an impressive Time Warp."

"I've seen this movie so many times."

Blaine nodded and leaned against the sofa. "Is it just me or was Janet terribly unfaithful?"

"She's kind of a slut." Kurt laughed.

Blaine jokingly hit Kurt, "You are so mean."

They both giggled, watching The Nanny. A few minutes later he saw Kurt curled up on the floor, out like a light. He reached over and grabbed a blanket, throwing it over Kurt. Blaine grabbed a blanket of his own, falling asleep a few minutes later.

Blaine left early the next morning not feeling very well. He had been coughing last night but thought nothing of it. He had allergies and had been around hay all night. However during the night he had gotten a sore throat. In an attempt not to spread it he told Carole to keep a close eye on them to see if they were feeling sick and left at seven in the morning.

"You're home early. What's the matter sweetie?" his mom had come down a half hour to Blaine lying on the couch watching Tv.

"I don't feel good." Blaine cringed; his voice sounded awful.

"You don't sound good." His mom walked over and put a hand on his forehead. "And you feel warm. Did any of the boys have anything?"

"I don't think so. Some guy in my class just came back from having bronchitis though. It's been floating around."

His mom grabbed the thermometer from the kitchen and handed it to him. He stuck it in his mouth, feeling a little childish.

"100.1. Not awful but not good. Why don't you go take a Tylenol and lay down in your room?"

Blaine nodded and grabbed a glass of water. He headed up to his room. He felt worse than he had this morning by far.

The rest of the weekend he had laid in bed. By Sunday night he was coughing constantly and his fever had gotten worse. His dad drove him to the ER where they told him he had a minor case of the flu.

"It doesn't feel minor." Blaine rubbed his knees, which had gotten sore. He was achey and tired; all he had done since Saturday morning was slept.

The doctor had laughed, "I'm sure it doesn't. Just get plenty of rest and take a decongestant every few hours. Make sure to drink a lot of water and juices too. If it gets any worse bring him back in." He directed the last part to his father who nodded and opened the door for Blaine.

When they got home his dad had patted Blaine on the back before going to his study to work on a case.

"You got a text from Kurt. How are you feeling lovey?" His mom came over and cupped his face, kissing his forehead.

"Awful, I have a small case of the flu." Blaine told her what the doctor had told him.

"No school for you tomorrow. I put your phone on your bed if you want to respond to him. Goodnight sweetie." His mom hugged him and Blaine went up to his room.

Kurt: Carole said you weren't feeling well. You okay?

Blaine: Noooo I'm dyinnggg. Well not really, I have a minor case of the flu. Did I give it to you?

Kurt: That blows. I feel fine so I assume so.

Blaine: What about Finn and Puck?

Kurt: They're wrestling over the remote right now so I guess they're fine. Get some rest though. Are you coming to school tomorrow?


Kurt: Awh, well see you this week. Feel better.

Blaine: Thanks, see you Kurt.

Blaine shut off his phone and turned out his light. He didn't want to miss school tomorrow. He wanted to see Kurt. Eventually his head ache wore off and he drifted into a feverish sleep.


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