Make a Mental Health Note
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Make a Mental Health Note: Aha Moment

T - Words: 1,717 - Last Updated: May 12, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Feb 26, 2012 - Updated: May 12, 2012
1,120 0 1 0 0

Kurt looked up, an innocent look cast on his face.

That's when Blaine knew.

That's the aha moment of falling for someone, where one simple brush of skin or thoughtful glance sends you into love notes and daydreaming. That was however the same moment when it occurred to Blaine that it couldn't happen; because Kurt needed someone strong to pick all of the pieces up when he fell apart. How was Blaine supposed to do that when he could barely hold his own being together?

"Blaine? You okay?" Kurt waved a hand in front of his face. Blaine shook his head, focusing for a moment.

"Y-yeah. That was really good."

"Thanks." Kurt smiled, and Blaine felt the flutter in his stomach that now made sense.

"No problem."

Kurt looked at his hands, "So what are you doing tomorrow?"

"School's off actually, so nothing. Why?"

"Well, I'm supposed to move into my dorm tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to help? You don't have to, but It was a thought."

"I'd love to." Blaine smiled. Yes, he was abusing Kurt's invitation to spend more time with him.

No, he didn't care one bit.

"Alright guys, we're going to skip the sharing bit because we ran over on time." Gavin glanced down at his watch, "So we'll come back to these next week. Have a wonderful week ladies and gents."

Kurt got up, giving Blaine a wave before walking to grab his bag. He just sat there for a second, combing his hand through his still-damp, curly hair. His feelings were muddled into this mass of uncertainty. He liked Kurt. Kurt was his friend. Kurt was still working on things, Blaine was trying for the first time to work on things. Kurt's eyes are so blue and enthralling, but they don't look at me like I look at him.

It all came back to the same idea.

Blaine Anderson was falling for Kurt Hummel, and there was noting he could do about it.

Blaine sighed before knocking on his brother's door quietly.

"Who is it?"


"Come on in." Cooper unlocked the door and returned to his bed, turning off the television. "What's up?"

"Coop, I think I like Kurt."

Cooper snorted, "Well duh. I knew that before you did. Why don't you ask the kid out?"

"That's the worst idea ever."

"Oh of course. You like a boy for the first time ever and he might very well feel the same so naturally asking him out is the worst way to go."

"Ha, ha. It's just that Kurt has a lot on his plate right now. I think he just needs a friend until he's better. Until I'm better."

That stumped Cooper, who sat there staring at Blaine.


"Our parents are dumbasses."

This wasn't news to Blaine. "Why?"

"They have no idea what a mature son they raised."

"Thanks Coop."

Cooper put out his fist and Blaine bumped it, smiling slightly. His phone vibrated and Cooper took it before Blaine could.

"Blaine, let me know when you want to get started tomorrow. Sleep well. -Kurt." He read this in a cooing voice, holding the device well above Blaine's head.

"What are you doing with Kurt tomorrow?"


"Tell me or the phone goes IN the pants!"

Blaine's face turned to pure horror. "Okay! Okay, okay, okay. I'm helping him move into his dorm at Dalton."

Cooper smiled, licking the front of Blaine's phone screen before putting it on Blaine's lap.

"Gross, Coop."

"You love me. So since when is your lover boy transferring to Dalton?"

"Since last week I think." Blaine itched his head thoughtfully.

"I see. Well good luck with that little brother. Are you going back to the dorms then?"

Blaine had come home after he started cutting, so Cooper could monitor him. He had told his parents he missed their home.

"I was considering it.."

Cooper became serious then, "Blaine, I brought you home because I don't want you cutting. I didn't stay in the dorms at my college either because you are more important than the hot twins that live across from my dorm, and they're really hot." He smiled, obviously trying to break the tension. "As long as you're not cutting, I want you to go. I'm going to stay here so the parents don't catch on and so you can reach me whenever you need me."

"Coop, you can go to your dorms if you want to."

"No, Blaine. You're more important."

Blaine didn't cry a lot. In fact, for someone who was so impacted by emotions he was surprisingly unexpressive. So when he started to tear up Cooper didn't know what to do but pull him in for a big brother hug.

The best kind of hugs.

Early the next morning Blaine woke up to his phone ringing. He had been up late talking to his parents about Dalton, and after a little while they had agreed to it. He pawed around in the dark for his phone, wincing when the bright light blinded his eyes. It was Kurt.

"Good morning sunshine!" Kurt's voice was way too enthusiastic for the morning.

"Hello, Kurt." Blaine's voice was low and gravelly with sleep.

"I just left, my dad's driving me. Do you just want to meet at my dorm?"

"Sure, what number?"


Right across from Blaine's. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit. I'm not a morning person, I'm warning you."

Kurt laughed, and for the first time since Blaine knew him it sounded genuine. "I can tell."

An hour later Blaine and Kurt were facing a very empty door and several huge boxes. Blaine was trying not to be distracted by the way Kurt's tank-top clung to his body.

"So where do we begin?" Blaine rubbed his hands together, averting his eyes when Kurt wiped his forehead with the edge of his shirt. It exposed soft-looking, pale skin that was glistening slightly with the sweat of carrying the boxes up.

"I have no idea. Let's just get started before I decide to just live inside one of the boxes."

Blaine laughed, tearing open one of the boxes. They started with the decor, which had been very precisely matched to Dalton's colors.

Eventually they took a break. The room was mostly set up, just needed to be dusted and personal items needed to be put away. They sat on the ground, letting the cool tile soothe their soon to be aching muscles.

"Hey Blaine, I heard you were back and I wanted to come say hi. Whose your friend?"

"Hey Seb, this is Kurt. He's from my group." Blaine got up, hugging his best friend and watching as Sebastian's eyes on Kurt became increasingly less friendly and a lot more intense. They smoldered under his heavy lashed lids.

"Hello, Kurt. Nice to meet you, I'm Blaine's roommate and best friend." He grinned, letting his hand linger on Kurt's a little longer than Blaine really liked.

"We were just setting up his room, I'll be back in a little while."

Sebastian nodded, winking at Kurt before walking out of the room.

Kurt seemed completely unfazed, grabbing a feather duster out of a box. He started brushing it over books and his desk, turning to Blaine.

He shook out the duster, making a face when thousands of little specks made their way into the air. Kurt then came towards Blaine, tickling him with the duster playfully.

"Kurt, Kurt, stop! That tickles." Blaine giggled, flinching away from Kurt. He walked backwards and suddenly found himself tumbling backwards into a box. He landed with a loud thud and Kurt started laughing, harder than ever at the silly sight.

"This is your fault. Help me up!" Blaine struggled, trying to get on his feet. Kurt regained his composure long enough to tug Blaine up and out of the box.

"I'm sorry that I'm not sorry." Kurt wiped at his eyes, which had started tearing up from the laughter.

"At least you're honest."

Kurt looked around, taking in his new home. It was stylish-Kurt had designed it, I mean come on- and surprisingly homey.

"I think we're done here." Kurt put the remaining box in the corner, smiling.

"Awesome. I think I'm gonna go hang with Seb for a little bit before Warbler's practice. If you want to clean up and come watch that'd be great."

"Okay, what time?"


Kurt nodded, before grabbing towels out of one of the boxes. "Thanks for helping, Blaine. It means a lot that you're doing all of this for me."


Kurt smiled and walked over, hugging Blaine . As soon as the curly headed boy left the room felt less like a home and more lonely.

Blaine walked into his dorm, seeing Sebastian wearing nicer clothes than usual.

"Got a hot date?" Blaine went to his closet, picking out something simple and comfortable.

"No, but you have a hot friend." Sebastian smirked at Blaine, who turned red.

"Seb, Kurt's…not your type."

"If he breathes, he's my type."

Blaine felt anger bubbling in his veins, "Seriously, he's deep. He wants a committed relationship. You're more of a hit it and quit it kind of guy."

"I could change."

"Sebastian, I don't usually ask you this, but-" Blaine was cut off by the melodic sound coming from across the hall.

Kurt was singing, and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.

"Is that Kurt?"

Blaine just nodded, a feeling of awe washing over him.

Seb just smirked, "Damn. He's got it all."

Blaine just shook his head, turning back to his closet.

"He sure does."

At six sharp there was a knock on Blaine's door. "Come in!" Blaine tugged a shirt on quickly, straightening it out just as Kurt walked in. He was wearing dark washed jeans and a new Dalton hoody that fit him loosely. His hair was styled messier than usual and he wore black sneakers.

He looked adorable.

Blaine wasn't the only one who noticed; when he looked to Sebastian the boy's eyes were locked on Kurt with no intention of leaving.

Kurt looked a little nervous, patting at his pockets and taking short glances at Sebastian.

"Am I too under dressed?"

"No you look perfect." Sebastian got up, adjusting Kurt's hood and heading to the door. Blaine noticed how Kurt's cheeks flushed.

"You guys coming?"

Blaine sighed, following the two out of the room. Blaine didn't miss the flirty arm touches that Sebastian was giving to Kurt.

He also didn't miss how into Kurt seemed.

That's when Blaine's heart started to crumble at the edges, piece by piece falling with every glance between his best friend and his crush.

It was like a teenage chick flick, only Blaine wouldn't be the one with the red lawn mower or raised boombox. He was the kid that everyone knew liked the girl, but the girl was too distracted to see.


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