May 12, 2012, 8:46 p.m.
May 12, 2012, 8:46 p.m.
Kurt couldn't believe it.
He was actually excited for group. He couldn't deny that a small part of it- okay a big part- was due to a mysterious, curly headed boy that he had met. During dinner his knee bounced with anticipation, and in the car he kept searching in the distance for the building.
"What's got you all fired up?" His dad looked at him skeptically and he just shrugged.
Burt just shook his head, turning his attention to the road once more. Eventually the pale, large building came into view and Kurt felt something bubble in his stomach. Once out of the car he tried to keep his pace slow so his father wouldn't ask questions.
He grabbed his name-tag and headed to the room at the very end of the hall just like last time. When he opened it he saw Blaine sitting in his chair and looking at his watch. The shorter boy glanced at the door and upon noticing Kurt, gave him a small smile. Kurt returned it, dropping his bag and slowly making his way to the seat by Blaine.
The shorter boy was wearing straight-leg, dark washed jeans, along with a long-sleeve shirt that did the boy's slender frame justice. Kurt looked up, blushing from staring at Blaine's physique. He didn't seem to notice.
"Hey, how have you been?" Blaine's voice was unusually throaty and deep.
"Okay, what's the matter with your voice?"
"Oh, I had to do a performance yesterday with my school's glee club and I sang too hard. If I don't talk low my voice breaks like no other."
He sang?
You had to be kidding.
"That's cool. You sing?"
Blaine nodded, crossing his legs. "Yeah, with the Dalton Academy Warblers."
Kurt's eyes widened, "Seriously? Our glee club is facing them in regionals."
Suddenly Kurt was looking forward to it. They had one easily at sectionals, but who knew how things would go if Blaine was singing against them. He was anxious to hear how his velvety voice transferred to lyrics.
"Sweet. I guess I'll see you there then."
"Alright ladies and gents. So this week we're going to be doing another pairing exercise, however I will be picking your partners."
The circle groaned and Gavin shushed them.
"Okay so, Liam you're with Delia, Scotty you're with Ginger, Neal you're with Lindsey, and Blaine you're with Kurt. Split up and I'll tell you what you'll be doing."
Chairs were moved and within a minute there were four groups, three of them sending loathsome glances at each other. Kurt and Blaine however, sent each other friendly smiles.
"You and your partner are going to talk about the defining moment in your lives. What made you start binging, taking drugs, or cutting? What pushed you over the edge. This activity is going to push you, but the best part is you're not alone. Get to it."
Blaine's eyes glazed over. He looked like he was taken back to some memory that was almost too hard to deal with. Kurt glanced around the room uncomfortably, noticing that Gavin was looking at Blaine, and eventually glanced away with a look of defeat.
"You can go first if you like, Kurt." Blaine's voice was shaky and taut, but Kurt just moved on, confident. He was sure that if he could make it through the story, Blaine would feel comfortable enough to share his.
"Well, I get bullied pretty hardcore at school. I spend a majority of my time shoved into lockers and what-not. Well one day it had been really bad, and this jackass had shoved me into a locker. I was done with it so I followed him into the locker room and I shouted at him. He made a snide comment about my sexuality, and I told him off. It was horrible. Eventually he got closer, and then he kissed me."
"He kissed you?" Blaine's voice rose into a higher register, causing it to squeak and him to cringe.
"Yep. My first kiss was ruined by my bully."
"That's horrible."
Kurt nodded. "That night I went home and every time I shut my eyelids it happened again and again. It was too much. So much that I ran to the bathroom and cut for the first time."
Blaine's hand flinched towards Kurt's but he quickly moved them to his lap.
"Your turn. If you're ready, I mean."
Blaine nodded, taking a long silence to prepare his words like always. Kurt saw Gavin out of the corner of his eye looking anxious. As if this was a moment he had been waiting for. Like if Blaine decided to keep silent, he would have failed.
Instead Blaine spoke. What came out of his mouth made Kurt cringe and want to hug him. Tell him everything was going to be okay.
"It was awhile after I had came out. They had a dance at my old school and there was only one other out kid. I asked him and he agreed. When we were waiting to get picked up after the dance, a few boys from the football team came out of nowhere. They shouted things at us and eventually I was on the ground, taking kicks to the stomach and punches to the face. I wanted to save the kid I was with, but he wasn't there. He had escaped some how. Then, my brother came out of nowhere and pushed them out of the way. He took me to the hospital where they gave me some pain pills and stitches. That night after Coop told me goodnight I went into the bathroom and cut."
Blaine took a deep, shaky breath. A couple tears fell down his face and Kurt couldn't resist it. His hands shot up, cupping Blaine's.
"It's okay."
"I still have nightmares."
"It's going to be okay."
Blaine looked at Kurt. It was such an earnest look for two people who had barely known each other. Kurt removed his hands, but didn't break eye contact. Although he had met Blaine just last week he felt like they had known each other forever.
Kurt grabbed his name-tag, that he hadn't filled out or stuck onto his shirt, and scrawled his number onto it. He handed it to Blaine.
"It seems like we're going to be spending every Tuesday together for awhile. We're the only two here that cut. Let's make a deal."
"Okay.." Blaine glanced at the paper in his hand.
"You ever feel like cutting, call me. Or text me."
Blaine nodded, holding his hand out. "Can I put my number in your phone? So you can call me, or text me, if you need me?"
Kurt nodded, unlocking his phone and handing it to him.
After a few minutes of silence Blaine looked at Kurt.
"You know, I've always kind of hated being here. The people are usually so cold, like their problems are the only ones that matter. Thanks for not being like that."
"It's the least I can do."
"Also, after this I'm going to go get ice-cream with my brother. You can join us if you want."
Blaine stared at his feet, not sure how Kurt would react.
"Yeah, that'd be great. Let me just text my dad and let him know."
Kurt sat in the back seat while Cooper, Blaine's brother, sat in the front and sang along with the radio. When they got to the ice-cream parlor, Kurt followed the two brothers, who pushed and shoved at each other. They would laugh and then go at it again, until Cooper held open the door for both of them. Kurt thanked him.
They all ordered a vanilla cone and sat down in a booth. It wasn't uncomfortable per say, but it was strange to say the least.
"So, Kurt, what grade are you in?"
"Oh, you looked older. Maybe it's just because you're like five feet taller than Blaine."
"Shut up, Cooper."
Cooper laughed, avoiding Blaine's elbow.
"Thanks." Kurt giggled at the brothers, feeling slowly more comfortable.
"No problem, man. Nice to meet you by the way, Blaine's told me lots about you."
Blaine's cheeks filled with color and Kurt just laughed slightly, "Good things, I hope?"
"Yeah. He told me you had a nice ass."
"Cooper! No I didn't."
"No, he didn't, but he was probably thinking it."
Kurt gave Blaine a questioning glance, but he was too busy glaring at Cooper to notice.
"He told me you're pretty cool though."
"I'm gonna go wash my hands. Ignore anything he says, Kurt." Blaine stood up, walking to the back.
Cooper's face became serious as he lowered his voice.
"Thanks for helping my little brother."
"Of course."
"He doesn't really talk to a lot of people about this stuff, but for some reason he talks to you. Just take care of him, okay? He's fragile, and short. Very short. You might lose him if he wanders off."
Kurt laughed at the last part.
After a while Cooper gave him a ride him, he waved to them before walking into the house. It was quiet and he figured his parents were in bed, it was nearly ten and they were kind of old. Well not really.
Kurt took a moment to lean against his door and sigh, for the first time in a long time he felt a little less alone.