Make a Mental Health Note
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Make a Mental Health Note: Cut Too Deep

T - Words: 1,088 - Last Updated: May 12, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Feb 26, 2012 - Updated: May 12, 2012
961 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Hope you like this! Read and Review? I want to know what I can do better.

Kurt sighed, " I guess we do. So who goes first?"
Blaine smiled, "Swapping one screwed up story for another. I'll go first."
This kid's humor was a lot like his own.
"Well, it all started when I came out in seventh grade…"
Kurt interrupted him. "You're gay?"
"Sorry, continue."
Blaine just dismissed the apology with his hand, starting to speak again.
"My parents didn't like it. In fact the only family member who accepts me is my brother. If it weren't for him, actually, I would be dead."
Kurt's eyes widened, but Blaine continued, like if he stopped he wouldn't finish the story.
"I started getting hit, sometimes. My parents wouldn't talk to me and they sent me to a private school where 'our kind' was accepted. Eventually it all became so much that even my brother, who had picked me up so many times before, couldn't help me. About a year ago I discovered cutting, and it wasn't too long until I couldn't hide it from Coop. One night after I had missed dinner he walked into my bathroom and I had cut too deep and he saved me. He called 911. He sat by my bedside at the hospital and made me feel a little better."
When Blaine paused Kurt noticed that he was leaning towards the boy eagerly. He was drinking in every syllable of this boy's story. Kurt leaned back and seeing Gavin had been standing there for all of it.
"Your turn." Blaine gave a sad smile.
Kurt cleared his throat, not knowing where to begin. "When I came out, and my family was pretty gracious about it. However, I lived alone with my dad because my mom died when I was younger and I couldn't really talk to anyone about 'how hot Ryan Gosling is.' "
Blaine let out a small laugh at that one. "I'm just laughing at the Ryan Gosling thing. I'm sorry about your mom, though."
"Thanks, and it's okay. Once I got to high school and my voice didn't change the bullies caught on pretty quickly. Especially this one named David. One day at school I stood up to him and he.. kissed me. That was the first day I cut. That was about a year ago as well. The other night my dad saw the scars on my wrists and him and my stepmom decided to send me here." 
Blaine went to say something, anything, but before he could Gavin clapped to gather their attention.
"I've heard some very interesting stories. Return to your seats everyone."
"Thanks for being my partner." Blaine lifted his arm for a high-five. Kurt noticed the pink scars along his arms, but tried not to stare. Kurt returned it, noticing how soft Blaine's hands were.
"No problem."
"Okay kids. We're all opening up very well to each other, and that's great. We have about ten minutes left and I'm going to give that to you so you can mingle. See you next week." Gavin sent the group a warm smile as they rose from their chairs. Kurt walked over to the coat rack and grabbed his jacket. Gavin walked up to him, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Kurt, can I talk to you for a second?"
Kurt nodded, putting a carefully constructed guard up.
"You were with Blaine tonight, and I think it's fair to warn you about something."
"Blaine's not new to this. He's been in the group for the last two months. He didn't graduate."
"Why?" The question slipped out before he could stop it.
"He refused to talk to anyone."
"Except for me, he talked to me."
Gavin nodded, "That's why I'm talking to you. I don't know why but he spoke about what happened for the first time in two months to you. I just want you to be careful with him, okay?"
Gavin patted his shoulder before walking off to another group of people. Why would he warn him about Blaine? One, there was nothing wrong with him. Two, they weren't friends. They had talked once and that was it. Granted they had practically spilled their life stories to each other, but it didn't mean Blaine was going to latch onto him.
The taller boy turned around to see Blaine standing there, smiling a little.
"I really wanted to thank you for talking to me. We don't know each other, but everyone else that's come in here has been an absolute prick to me. It's nice to have someone whose fighting some of the same battles."
All of these words were so flawlessly formed they almost sounded prepared. That's kind of how Blaine was, from what Kurt had heard. He thought carefully before he spoke, and that's what made his words worth hearing.
"No problem. I enjoyed working with you a lot. How long have you been in this?"
"A couple months. I didn't graduate last time."
Kurt could have slapped himself. He kept pressing for more information about this boy, and with his history who knew what could scare him off. However, he handled it lightly and answered after a pause.
"They found new cuts and kept me. I never really talked when they wanted me to either."
"Well, I'm glad you finally broke the silence."
"Me too."
Kurt looked at his phone and realized his dad was probably sitting in the car, pissed off that he was late.
"I gotta go, but I'll see you next week?"
"See ya next week."
Kurt smiled and gave Blaine a small wave, before walking to his dad's truck.
Blaine was sitting in his room typing an essay when he heard a soft knock on his door. His heart sped up until he saw Cooper's messy mop of hair.
"Come in."
"Hey bro. How'd group go?"
Cooper raised his eyebrows, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Do tell."
"Well, I actually talked this time. I met a pretty nice guy."
"What's his name?"
Cooper nodded, "Go on."
"Not much to go on about." Blaine smiled goofily, and Cooper ruffled his hair.
"You are lying. Tell me all about Kurt."  His older brother practically cooed the boy's name.
Blaine hit Cooper with a pillow, "He's just a cool guy."
"Is he hot?"
Coop laughed, "Don't tell me you didn't notice. You got the heart eyes and everything."
"Fine, yes he was handsome."
"Bullshit you want him."
Blaine rolled his eyes, punching Cooper's arm. He loved his older brother, inappropriate antics and all.
"So what'd you guys talk about?"
"Well about how coming out effected us. I talked about you. We both started cutting around the same time. Just basically telling each other what we were going through."
"What'd you say about me?"
"That you saved my life."
Cooper leaned forward, hugging his younger brother tightly.
"Love you, Blainers."
"Love you too, Coop."


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Omg. <333 This chapter was so glorious. Made me smile big time. I can't even think of anything you need to improve on...