Unconditionally and Irrevocably
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Story
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Unconditionally and Irrevocably : Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,999 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jul 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 10, 2012
309 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry it took so long to write this. I sort of lost my feel for the story. I hope you enjoy it.
International Law stated that all bonded pairs must register at a bonding clinic within 62 hours of the bond occurring, although, Ohio state law required pairs to register within 48 hours. Bonding clinics were free to anyone throughout the world and international tribunals could result from people attempting to make profit from products or services surrounding bonds, specifically newly bonded pairs.

The closest of Lima’s clinic was a low-built building surrounded by a small carpark. Burt pulled smoothly in and parked close to the building, as the engine died away almost complete silence fell over the small car. Burt turned to Carole and smiled at her, Blaine watched as their hands met and the couple took a deep breath in unison, he was struck by the beauty of the moment. The quiet strength built between them. He looked down at Kurt, electricity sparking in his chest as he met Kurt’s eyes again, joy forced him to smile and the emotion was increased ten-fold when the grin was reciprocated by Kurt.

Blaine carried Kurt across the carpark, neither Burt nor Carole had made any attempt to take the boy, he had calmed a lot, buried into Blaine’s shoulder, hand twisted into the arm of the man’s suit. Blaine walked in a daze, his brain working at a speed he’d never previously imagined it could. His senses were heightened, he could see far more potential dangers, and he could feel Kurt’s presence everywhere, it felt to Blaine as though Kurt had become a part of him, he knew now that without Kurt in his life it would be meaningless torture.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked round sharply, shielding Kurt in his arms, ready to protect the child at any cost. It was Carole, guiding him to the door of the clinic, Burt had opened it and Blaine stepped through into the cool building. He was greeted with a warm smile from a young woman behind the desk, Blaine’s impeccable manners momentarily overrode his state of confusion and he gave a small smile in return.

‘The kids have come to…register’ said Burt gruffly from behind him. The woman looked surprised, she looked from Blaine and Kurt to the two adults.
‘Of course!’ she said brightly after a few moments, she smiled at them and still looking slightly shocked she pressed a few keys on the computer in front of her, a small printer whirred next to it and she pulled from it a numbered ticket, handing it over the desk. ‘If you’d just like to wait over there’ she said, indicating with her arm to a small waiting room ‘a doctor will get to you as soon as possible so the registration can begin. If you need anything in the meantime I’ll be happy to help’

‘Thank you’ said Carole, placing a hand on Blaine’s shoulder and pushing him gently into the waiting room. Blaine crossed it and sat in an armed chair, typical of medical facilities. Burt and Carole took the seat s either side of them and Blaine felt comforted by their presence.
It was a long wait for them. Kurt curled up like a small cat on Blaine’s chest, his fingers twisted into Blaine’s shirt and held upright by Blaine’s strong arm curled under his backside, the small boy seemed calmer, clutched so tightly to Blaine. Blaine, however, was struggling to bear the turmoil that raged inside of him, he glanced around at the other people waiting there, young men and women holding hands and looking glorious. Happiness radiated from them because, for them, life was now complete. He watched one particularly young couple as they shared glances, evidently finding it difficult to refrain from ripping each other’s clothes off and then he looked to the small boy in his arms. A more different feeling to those felt by that couple he could not imagine. Blaine had always known sex was the point of all this, he’d read and seen all his life how the want took over in those first few months of bonding. How pairs were often not seen for months, but this could not be the case for Blaine. Kurt’s childish hormones, while raging after the raw experience of bonding were not the same as Blaine’s; they were not a man’s. Kurt’s desires were sated by being held and cuddled and stroked, Blaine’s were bubbling over the surface, venting in ways that hurt. That tore his insides to shreds that made him want to hurt people, people that could, that might harm Kurt.

A man suddenly cast a shadow over Blaine whose hand instinctively moved to press a hand over the back of Kurt’s head and hold him tighter, to protect him. He looked up and saw a tall, older man with a white coat, he watched as the man’s mouth opened and his lips moved, forming words Blaine could not really hear all Blaine could see was threat. Carole’s voice cut through the silence ‘But we’ve not been here long, these people were waiting much longer than us’
the doctor smiled and Blaine noted an English accent as he spoke; ‘I know madam, but I think you’ll find these two young men are rather special and would probably benefit from immediate care far more than these loved-up young people,’ his eyes twinkled ‘so if you’d like to follow me, sirs, madam’. Carole touched Blaine’s arm gently and he stood obediently, Kurt cradled in his arms and he followed her and the white-coated man through a long, cool corridor. Burt followed up the rear.

They trooped into a small room which looked, surprisingly, like any other medical examination room Blaine had been in. They sat in a small half-circle, facing the Doctor who had seated himself in a tall-backed office chair. ‘I’m going to talk to all of you first, as Kurt is too young to understand much of what has happened to his world in the pass few hours you as his guardians must understand for him’ he smiled kindly ‘and then I should like to speak to Blaine alone, and he shall be in no fit state to do so without Kurt’s presence so if I can just ask you to wait in the foyer until we are done’ Carole nodded and, after a moment’s pause, so did Burt, making little attempt to hide his concern.

‘Right,’ continued the doctor, ‘as I’m sure all of you are well aware Blaine and Kurt have just gone through a momentous biological upheaval. Life for either of them will never be the same. For most newly bonded this huge change has just completed their lives, the chemical signals in their bodies are going haywire with joy and love and desire’ With this Burt turned sharply to Blaine how shrank back into his chair, letting his hands drop from Kurt despite the sickening pain caused. ‘No, Mr Hummel.’ Said the doctor quietly ‘I think Blaine will agree if I say what he is feeling at this moment is as far from desire as it is possible to feel. As you are undoubtedly aware child-adult bonds are extremely rare, especially with the age gap present here, and thus, unfortunately, little is taught or know about these pairings. I’m here to educate you. All of you, to share what small amounts of knowledge we have on such unusual bonds’ here the doctor paused for breath and smiled. ‘The last known and documented case of such a pairing was in London in 1916, and tragically, this was short-lived as the young girl was contracted Spanish influenza and died 5 years later leaving her distraught partner to destroy himself. Thus, we have little knowledge on such pairings. There is protocol drawn up by the federal government in case of such cases’ and he glanced at Carole who looked terrified ‘No need to be alarmed, madam, he said kindly. ‘This is merely protocol to help Blaine and Kurt and, also to help us understand more about them, for increased understanding for cases like this in the future. We will help all of you adjust in every way we can; a group of experts will unobtrusively monitor your progression through life until Kurt becomes an adult at 17.’

‘You want to follow my boy…my boys around with cameras and whatnot? To tell their secrets to the world?’ said Burt angrily, Blaine felt some of the ache fade, Burt had called him ‘his’.
‘No, Mr Hummel,’ said the doctor hurriedly ‘But this will be a hard few months for all of you and frankly, you will need all the help you can get. Firstly there are living arrangements, normally the government would provide for young couples had they been in the situation of not owning their own homes, for bonded children it is generally advised that time is shared between both households. But obviously this situation is very different. In this case I feel it would be advisable if Blaine moved in with you.’
Burt and Carole nodded glancing at Blaine, ‘They will need to share a bed, it’s unavoidable. Kurt’s mental stability, above all else, needs this contact; separation of pairs in children can have life-long damaging effects. Your family and friends will have to be made aware of the situation and how to deal with everyday things. Blaine’s life is going to be very hard from now on. He will not grow old with his friends, he will watch his family as they age and he remains young. Please remember, his whole body is doing this for your son. His whole being now belongs to Kurt and is dedicated to ensuring the well being of him.’ This final part was directed at Burt who looked somewhat abashed. ‘Myself and a dedicated team of professionals will contact you in the next few days, until that time I advise you to keep this matter as private as possible. Such a novel bonding will spark worldwide interest which would not be ideal during these first few days.’ The doctor rose and opened the door for Carole and Burt to leave, Blaine turned his head to watch the movement feeling panicked and alone until, on catching his eye, Burt nodded at him and allowed himself too smile.

‘Now Blaine,’ said the Doctor as he sat back in the chair ‘I’m not going to pretend that what you’re feeling right now is easy. It isn’t. The hormones rushing through your blood stream are powerful. If you had bonded with an adult I’m sure you’d already have engaged in intercourse to sate these needs. This is impossible for you, and these coming weeks will be hard. You’ll lose any sexual desires you once felt for at least another decade, if not longer, you will begin to regain them a little before Kurt begins puberty. I have to admit I’m not sure how this will work between you two, but ultimately biology will decide that for you. For now you’ll be his alpha and his omega. His everything. And you shall be his. I will help you, Blaine, I promise, but I can’t pretend life won’t be tough for a little while’

The doctor stood and so did Blaine, his daze had cleared and a disturbing war of emotions washed through him. He was angry, he hadn't asked for this, for life to be like this, he’d wanted a partner, someone to love and hold and care for, but not in this way. Not like this. They walked out of the room and walked in silence. As they reached the door Kurt lifted his body, pushing against Blaine’s chest and leaning back against the hold of Blaine’s arm around his legs, bellow his bottom, he pressed a small hand to Blaine’s cheek and said, with overwhelming delight, ‘Happy!’ and the emotion that surged through Blaine’s entire being was that of pure joy and in the same moment he had pressed a small and loving kiss to the center of Kurt’s forehead.


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This is getting better and better - cant wait to see what happens next :)