Aug. 14, 2013, 1:01 p.m.
Aug. 14, 2013, 1:01 p.m.
Author's Note: Here... still not klaine but will be soon. Here you gonna see probably everything you have readed or watched about zombie like refenrence, don't be so surprised. Please Review.
Yesterday began to first day of what I'm expecting to be the rest of my days. Let me start saying that I never intended any of this to happen, well, no one really expect be in on apocalypse zombie, all by yourself, yeah, I know…
Everything start to fall apart exactly about two mouths ago, in one moment everything was normal, and suddenly someone tries to kill you, not just murder you or rob you like you would be expecting, but he tries to eat you up, literally.
Ohio is no longer the same, the streets are deserted, well, deserted at one point, when the news was given, the population went into panic, leaving everything behind, bags, cars, guitars, and several other things that you might think.
Nobody really knows the reason why this is happening, yes, the reason that half of the population in the world has entered into a bizarre episode of Doctor Who, not that anyone cares, at least I don't.
I believe it is some type of drug, the government was testing and fell into the wrong hands and became in this chaos, but as I said earlier, I do not care.
Okay, let's see. The first thing you need to have in a zombie apocalypse, is a gun, or something to defend yourself, let's be rational, you will not last an hour without one. As a ex-geek, cuz I lost my beloved TV and comics, is to SHOOT the zombie in the HEAD, and MORE than ONCE, just to be sure.
Second, under any circumstances, don't walk in groups. It's the same thing as yelling to the zombie ''hey, I'm here, and I have people with me, so I'm much slower, come eat me.'' That's why I'm walk alone. My mother died when I was 5. My father died very early in this outbreak, he was bitten in the leg, I would kill him, but I didn't I courage, my strength left me, what really surprised me, after the way he treated me all these years, he had beat me, called names, and ignored me, he done this just because I am gay, but life goes on, so move on
I continued my walk down the road until I hear a noise. "Hello?" I ask, my gun ready "Anybody there?"
I had no idea how to end this chapter, so here it is ... if you like (or not),if you want me to keep writing (or not), review me.