Call Me Dumb, Call Me Wild
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Call Me Dumb, Call Me Wild: Chapter 2

T - Words: 6,312 - Last Updated: Jul 31, 2012
Story: In Progress - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jul 11, 2012 - Updated: Jul 31, 2012
575 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey guys! Updating a few days earlier than expected. I don't know much about how court sentencing works, so don't get mad if what I'm saying seems totally unreasonable! Click here before you read this chapter, it's a character page and might help put some faces to names. I'll be updating it with each time I update a chapter than includes new characters. Other than that, enjoy! Song: Demons- Image Dragons


Making his way back to his dorm room three halls down from Blaine's, the dark hallways of Dalton Academy echoed with the taps of his shoes.  This familiar sound reminded Carter of one specific day at the beginning of his freshman year.

       "Don't say anything, don't look at anyone, and get that damn smirk off of your face." Carter's lawyer, Clark Benton told him as the two made their way down the hall to the courtroom.

  "Whatever."  Carter could care less, this entire situation was being blown out of proportion by his standards.  All he did was drive his mother's car without a permit.  Maybe he was a little drunk.  Okay fine, very drunk.  But it's not like he got into an accident!

He made his way into the courtroom with Mr. Benton hot on his heels, looking around to find his mother and younger sister sitting in the audience.  His mother looked devastated, what had she done wrong?  Being a single mom wasn't easy, she loved him and cared for him as much as she could; why would he do this to her?

"All rise,"  The honorable judge called out across the courtroom. "Mr. Carter Michael Staton is being charged with counts of illegal drinking, driving under the influence, and reckless endangerment."

Carter wasn't listening to anything that was going on, all he remembers is Mr. Benton talking after some other lawyer did, and how long he was being sentenced to go to juvenile corrections center.  That's when he remembers Mr. Benton speaking up.  " Your honor, my client and I want to ask if he could serve his four years in a place where he might actually learn something and be in less... danger."

"And where might that be Mr. Benton?"

"Dalton Academy here in Westerville, your honor."

"And how will Mr. Staton be paying for this?"

"The school said they would be willing to work a deal with the Staton family."

"Fine then, however, Mr. Staton, you will be provided with a ankle tracking device. You will only be allowed as far as the borders of the school campus.  If you need to leave to go home, you must contact me with three days notice.  If you set off the alarm on the device, you will be sent immediately to the juvenile corrections center, no questions asked.  Otherwise, become very comfortable at Dalton Academy, Mr. Staton."

At those final words, Carter knew he was going to have to make the best of this stupid school he was going to be stuck at for the next four years.

Carter found himself at his dorm, lucky for him, he didn't share his room with anyone.  He saw the time, only ten fifteen.  He thought about his schedule for tomorrow, pointless lectures and a test in AP Chemistry.  He didn't worry about studying for it though; even though he skipped or slept through every class, he taught it all to himself when he felt like it.  Carter was very smart, he hated listening to teachers, he liked teaching it to himself on his own time, felt less forced.

The rain tapped against his window as he sat in bed listening to music. Before he fell asleep he remember the lyrics playing throughout his room.

Don't want to let you down,
But I am hell bound,
Though this all for you,
Don't want to hide the truth.


"Turn that damn thing off or I swear I will kill someone."  Shane muttered into his pillow as the alarm went off.

"I'll shower first, you can sleep until I'm out."  Blaine said as he grabbed his glasses and a pair of briefs and made his way to the bathroom.

Blaine showered mindlessly, washing his hair and his body quickly, letting the hot water pound against his back.  The bathroom door shut and Blaine looked over to find a very sleepy Shane walking to the sink to brush his teeth and wash his face. Blaine hopped out of the shower, put on his glasses and saw the time, four thirty, he needed to be suited up and at the field in half an hour.

Grabbing a towel from the cabinet, Blaine laughed "Alright sunshine I get it's early but if you don't pick up the pace I'm going to pour cold water on your head to wake you up."

"You will not if you like breathing, hobbit." Shane scowled as he began to get into the shower.

"Anyone ever mention to you you're a little scary in the morning?" Blaine said wearily as he washed his face.

"You're the only one I ever see in the morning, and it's four thirty in the morning, I'm allowed to be grumpy," Shane said as got out of the shower. "Don't ever call another practice at five in the morning. Please. Just don't do it. Or I will personally smother you in your sleep."

"No you won't, you would miss me too much!" Blaine called out from the closet smiling.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey throw me my practice uniform will you?"

Blaine walked out of the closet, tossing Shane his uniform and contemplating putting his contacts in.  Deciding against it, he threw on his glasses and grabbed their gym bags.

"Think we'll have enough time to come back and change?"  Shane said as he threw his cleats and shin guards in his bag.  

Blaine grabbed his gym bag and walked towards the door.  "Yeah, I think I'm going to let practice out at seven, it's a late start anyway so the guys will have until nine thirty to get ready.  Don't tell any of them though, I want them to actually work today."

"Have I mentioned how much I love you today bro?"  Shane said as he practically skipped out the door.

"No last time I checked you were threatening to kill me.  Did I miss an ‘I love you man' somewhere in there?" Blaine joked smiling.

"Just walk Anderson." Shane said glancing down at his phone.  "Actually, run, it's four fifty five."

"Never am I giving you less than an hour to get ready, Henderson!"  Blaine called out as the two ran half way across campus to the field.


"Okay guys, line up for a five man weave. Let's go!"  Blaine shouted across the field.  It was a clear morning, the rain from the night before subsided.  He had the guys running drills over and over again, just like the day before. Except this time, they were looking like professionals.  The guys all let out tired groans and glares were shot at him.  Blaine thought he might just have a little fun, it was seven in the morning after all, and everyone seemed to hate him at the moment.  "That's it, you know what? Everyone to the locker room, now!" Blaine shouted furiously.

Shane shot him a look, to which Blaine shot him a quick wink.  Shane smiled, he knew Blaine must of just been messing with the team, and quickly changed his expression to a miserable one, just to go along with the act.

Blaine had never see the team run to the locker room so quickly.  It couldn't of been more than three minutes, and all of them were seated and looking at the white board, waiting for Blaine to walk in.  He paced back and forth across the front of the room.  He looked up and saw the worried expressions on each player's face.  "You guys... I don't even know what to say right now," Blaine started sounding irritated. He looked up and smiled as big as he possibly could. "You guys kicked ass out there!" A resounding sigh of relief filled the room. "Do I seriously need to call five in the morning practices so you guys will look like professionals out there? You guys did so awesome and I'm really proud of you for it." Blaine said as he clapped a player on the back. "And since you did so well and I basically scared the life out of you guys just now, practice is over," Everyone moved to get up ridiculously quickly. "Hey, hey wait a minute! I have even more news unless you guys don't want to hear about practice tonight," Blaine said as he began walking to his office. The room filled with shouts of ‘tell us!' Blaine laughed, "Okay, okay.  After school today instead of another hard practice we're just going to run.  Five miles on the old trail behind campus.  Meet here no later than three fifteen suited up with running shoes and we'll get it over with.  The sooner we finish the sooner you guys can get to your weekend.  Okay now that's everything, hit the showers. Remember class doesn't start until nine thirty!"  The guys all thanked Blaine for ending practice early and made their way to the showers.

"Can we please grab some food before we go back to the room. I am starving." Shane whined.

"Last one there pays!" Blaine shouted as he grabbed his bag and ran for the door.


Kurt started at the sound of his alarm, it was seven fifteen in the morning. Classes started at eight thirty, so he'd have to move quick so he could pick up Sawyer for their morning coffee date before class.  

Showering and running through his morning routine, he found himself in his car promptly at eight o'clock. Getting to Sawyers only a few minutes later, he pulled up in front of Sawyer's huge house just as he was walking out. Clad in a pair of designer jeans Kurt picked out for him, a plain black T-shirt, and his varsity jacket, he ran over to Kurt's car.

Throwing his things into the back, Sawyer smiled cheekily "Good morning babe! Sleep well?" Giving Kurt a kiss on the cheek.

"Extremely. Not as well as I do when you're there, but well enough." Kurt said winking. The stereo was playing in the background and like always, Kurt sang along to all the songs.  Minutes later they pulled up to the Lima Bean and got out to place their order.

Sawyer started, "So I had dinner with my parents last night, first time in almost three months.  And they were wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight?  Just to talk, get to know you better.  I know you've only met them briefly few times before and they do like you... they just are still coming to terms with us.  And if you really don't want to it's-"

"Sawyer you're rambling.  I'd love to have dinner with you and your parents.  Calm down sweetheart."  Kurt said sweetly, pulling Sawyer into a tight hug.

Sawyer smiled, "You're amazing you know that?"

"I've been told once or twice,"  Kurt said winking as he turned to the barista to place their order. "One medium non-fat mocha and a large iced coffee with room."

Grabbing their drinks and making their way to Kurt's car, they realized they had only ten minutes until class started.  Kurt drove a little too fast but he was not going to be late for class. "You know  Ms. Peters won't care if we're late by like two minutes right. I'll say we were stuck behind a slow driver, you know they love me so they won't mind." Sawyer said a little worried at how fast his boyfriend was pulling into the school parking lot.

"I am not using you like that to get out of being late.  Now grab your stuff so we can get to class!" Kurt said as he pulled into the first parking space he saw.

Running down the halls of McKinley, the couple made it into class just as the bell rang. "Right on-time boys, now take a seat at your computers," Ms. Peters, their computer arts teacher, said sweetly. "Sawyer are you ready for the big game tomorrow? I know you will do fantastic as always!"

Sawyer smiled, "Very excited Ms.Peters, I hope I can do well enough tomorrow so we can bring home a trophy and head to California!"

"I'm sure the team will make it.  Think positive!"

Class started and the boys spent all of class working on their projects and talking about their plans for the rest of the day.  Before Kurt knew it, the bell was ringing and he was giving Sawyer a quick kiss on the cheek before running off to his next class.  No one seemed to really care about him being gay, let alone the public displays of affection the two shared. Sawyer's social status and seniority made him someone you didn't want to cross.  And his step-brother was Finn Hudson, another person you didn't want to have on your bad side.  Kurt was thankful for this, he was able to love his boyfriend just like anyone else would love their significant other. He was genuinely happy with his life.


Blaine didn't know where the day went.  Before he knew it he was in the locker room throwing on his practice uniform and some running shoes, almost forgetting his navy armband that read ‘Captain' in bright yellow letters.  He gathered up the team in the locker room, "Alright guys, this is going to be a quick run.  I'm going to take lead and Shane will take the rear to make sure we don't lose anyone.  You can have your iPods in so long as you're paying attention to the front, try and stick together.  Once you make it back here you're free to go.  I'll send out a text tonight with tomorrow's practice details.  Other than that let's go get this run over with!"  Blaine called out as they all whooped and made their way out to the trail.

Blaine caught Shane just as they were walking out to the trail, "Me, you, Carter, dinner tonight on me?  It's the least I could do since you paid for breakfast this morning." Blaine laughed.

"You had a head start, hobbit!  And yes, dinner tonight would be great.  Maybe you'll get Carter to actually say two words to me." Shane joked as he put his earphones in and began to run.


Kurt's day didn't seem like it was ever going to end.  His French test before lunch was easy, it was his best subject after-all.  At lunch he found the glee kids all sitting together at a table towards the back; it was their spot and no one bothered them.  Sawyer was sitting with his team, but once he saw Kurt he came and sat with the him and the glee club.  Most of them really liked Sawyer, they knew how happy he made Kurt, and that's all they really cared about.  Finn still had his reservations about Sawyer.  He knew he was a good guy but he was dating his step-brother, Finn had to make it clear just because Sawyer was a year older, he could still make his life miserable if he hurt Kurt.  Sawyer talked with Artie about the upcoming football game, he thought it was really awesome Artie was able to play even with being in a wheelchair.  Rachel noticed a lull in the conversations and started, "So Sawyer are you ready for the big game tomorrow against Nixon?"

Sawyer smiled, "Yeah it'll be a great game. But that's all people seem to be talking about!  Aren't you excited for sectionals next week!  Do you guys know what songs you're going to be singing or you still planning that out?"

"Oh of course! The theme is mash-ups, I think the judges are making worse and worse themes but we'll just have to work with that. Kurt and I are going to kill a version of Get Happy / Happy Days Are Here Again.  Following that Finn will lead in an I Can't Go For That / You Make My Dreams come true.  And to finish our performance we're all going to sing ABC / I Want You Back. Mr. Schue made the best mash up of the two songs I've ever heard." Rachel rambled.

The bell rang before Sawyer, or anyone else for that matter, could get another word in.  Walking to exit the cafeteria, he and Kurt held hands, enjoying each others presence.  Kurt spoke up before they broke apart to go to their classes, "I'll be waiting in the foyer for you after glee, then we'll head over to my house so I can shower real quick, and then we can go to your house.  Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect.  Mind if I just shower at your place so we can get out of here quicker?  The guys take forever showering so it might just be easier if I use the shower downstairs."

"Yeah that's fine, just put on something so you don't stink my car up after practice!"  Kurt smiled as Sawyer began walking backwards down the hall.

"Yes dear!  Anything for you my love!" Sawyer called out sarcastically with a wink.  Kurt couldn't help but smile and laugh at his boyfriend, he was everything Kurt had ever wanted.


"Dinner tonight, meet me after Warblers rehearsal.  I'll send Carter a text in a few so he knows to meet us there." Blaine told Shane as he made his way to take a shower in the locker room.

"Sounds good.  Hey have you seen Heath lately?  I haven't seen the dude in like a week!"

"Uh, hm, oh yeah I did!  I saw him running to grab some food from the cafeteria after football. He's been crazy busy, practically living in his room.  I wouldn't be surprised if he's gone crazy, living with Smythe couldn't make it any easier."

"True that, Smythe is all kinds of annoying.  Whatever once his big game is over the three of us should go out for dinner or something.  I know Carter can't go out for dinner off campus but it won't kill you to not eat dinner with him one night.  The three of us haven't hung out in like years!  Okay maybe like a month but it feels like years.  If you feel so inclined to have Carter come along we need to plan now so he can talk to that judge or whatever."

"No it's okay, like you said it's just one night.  I'm sure he won't mind." Blaine gave a weak smile.  He really hated leaving Carter to eat dinner alone.  He didn't trust anyone other than Blaine; he didn't have friends.  "Hey who are we even playing against in that big football game anyway?"

"Some public school from Lima.  McKinney, McKintley, something like that." Shane said as he walked away to shower.

Blaine pulled his phone out and sent a quick message to Carter.

Carter Staton
            Dinner tonight with Shane and I?  Meet me after Warblers rehearsal.  Love you!

Carter startled at his phone vibrating against his chest.  When did he fall asleep?  What time was it?  Reading the message he smiled and replied.

Blaine Anderson
            Sounds great.  Love you too babe.

The lack of emotion shown in his messages was nothing new.  Carter wasn't mad or anything, he just didn't like making everything sound cutesy and lovey dovey.  Yes he loved his boyfriend but he didn't feel the need to make himself look silly. Blaine read the message and laughed, for having such a large vocabulary, Carter seemed to always send the simplest replies.

He smiled at the thought of his boyfriend as he jumped in the shower. Oh, Carter.  What am I ever going to do with you.


"You guys sounded great!  Mike and Brittany, lead everyone in the choreography for the MJ number.  Go through it once more and then you guys can go home early."  Mr. Schue applauded from the audience.  "I've gotta run home Ms. Pillsbury just called me it sounded urgent.  Have a fantastic weekend!  See you all Monday."

Everyone said their goodbyes and got back to working on the choreography.  Even though Mr. Schue said to go through it once, they went through it four more times.  Before they knew it, they were finishing up at the normal ending time of rehearsal and rushing to get out before it got too late.  Kurt grabbed his things and ran to the foyer, only to find Sawyer looking worried as he waited in the foyer.

"Let's go beautiful!  We have places to be and I badly need of a shower, practice was simple drills but I managed to break the biggest sweat." Sawyer said grabbing Kurt's bags from him, walking out the door to the parking lot.

"Sounds lovely, if my car smells tomorrow you're paying for it to be cleaned." Kurt said as he opened the car door.

The drive to Kurt's house was quick as always, filled with talks about their day and laughing to the songs on the radio.  As soon as they pulled up to Kurt's house they didn't even bother to grab their bags, Sawyer had an extra set of clothes in Kurt's room and Kurt could get his bag later.  Saying a quick hello to Carole, and giving a kiss on the cheek to Burt, Kurt filled him in on the plan for the night.  Burt waved them off to go get ready and the two ran upstairs to Kurt's room.

"Use whatever is in there, Finn uses that shower so there should be a bunch of stuff." Kurt said handing Sawyer a towel and his briefs he kept in Kurt's spare drawer. "We have to be there in an hour so don't take forever."

"You are telling me not to take forever.  Seriously.  You take years to get ready."

"Maybe I do, but you know you appreciate how great I look in the end." Kurt said with a wink before he ran to his bathroom.

Half an hour later the two were both done showering, running around Kurt's room in their briefs getting ready.  Kurt had be hesitant the first time they did this, no one had ever seen his body before.  But with Sawyer, he felt this new kind of trust.  They never had gone farther than heated make-out sessions, and they were perfectly fine with that.  There was no rush between them to move any further.  The two had gotten ready together like this countless times now, it was easy and comfortable, and of course Kurt couldn't help but love getting to see his boyfriend's amazing muscles.

"Hey can you toss me my jeans and a shirt?" Sawyer said as he finished up shaving in Kurt's bathroom.

Kurt called back from the closet "It's already out on my bed, shit we need to hurry we have twenty minutes"

"Babe, I live five minutes away, at most. We have time." Sawyer said reassuringly as he got dressed.

"I know, I know. Should I wear this button up or this shirt?"

Sawyer laughed. "It's dinner with my parents, not dinner with the president, the shirt love."

Fifteen minutes later they found themselves standing in front of Kurt's mirror; Kurt fixing Sawyer's hair and straightening out his shirt.

Running downstairs to get in the car Carole stopped them. "Sawyer, tell your parents Burt and I say hello.  We're looking forward to see them tomorrow.  Be good tonight! Kurt don't be home too late, you know your father worries."

Sawyer and Kurt smiled at her words, "Don't worry I'll let Finn know when I'm on my way home.  Bye dad! Bye Finn!"

"Bye boys! Good luck tomorrow Sawyer!" Burt called back.

"Thanks Mr. Hummel!"

"Boy I've told you a million times before, call me Burt!"

"Good bye dad, walking out the door now, see you later." Kurt called back. He knew his father and Sawyer could talk all day and they would never make it to dinner on time.

Pulling up to Sawyer's house minutes later, the two walked in the house greeted by delicious smells filling the room.

"Hey boys! We're in the kitchen, dinner should be ready in a few minutes.  You and Kurt can go drop your bags off in your room and then come down for dinner." Kendra Thomas called out.  She really did like Kurt, she thought he was sweet, charming, and over all a perfect match for her son.  However, she didn't vocalize or show how much she did support her son's relationship.  Her husband, Clark Thomas Jr., was not as understanding of his son's relationship.  He loved his son, was unbelievably proud of him for how well he did in lacrosse, but he just didn't understand him being gay.  He wasn't one of those people who believe being gay was a choice, he understood it was something he was born with.  Clark just felt uneasy because he was raised in a family where gays were considered horrible.  He tried his best to accept Sawyer and Kurt's relationship, but he still came off a bit awkward.

Walking upstairs to put away Sawyer's bags, Kurt sat down at the foot of the bed as Sawyer unpacked his gym bag.

"I don't even begin to understand how you get that stench out of your clothes.  I applaud your mother for being able to do so." Kurt laughed as he fell back on the bed.

"Yeah well I don't even begin to understand how you look so perfect in everything you wear." Sawyer said sweetly as he climbed on top of Kurt; his face so close to Kurt's all he would have to do to kiss him is lean down the slightest bit.

Kissing Sawyer quickly before pushing him off, Kurt laughed "I do like where this is going, however we're supposed to be up here putting your stuff away. If we take any longer your father will come to check on us and I don't think we want that awkward situation."

"Starting something you don't plan on finishing, Hummel?" Sawyer pouted.

"Who said I don't plan on finishing?" Kurt winked before running downstairs, just missing Sawyers reach to pull him back down on the bed.  It was going to be an interesting night.


Blaine walked into Warblers rehearsal right on time. David, Wes, and Thad all sitting at the front of the room; Wes with his gavel in hand.  When he walked in he saw Sebastian Smythe sitting on top of the couch, eyeing Blaine making him feel uncomfortable. "Hey Anderson. How's Carter?"

"Pretty good.  I heard about your two's fight, great job walking away after one hit Seb.  Remind me how tough you are again?  Oh, that's right, not half as tough as my boyfriend.  Leave him alone Smythe." Blaine's tone became harsher and harsher with every word.

Walking away to sit down with the rest of the guys Wes called the meeting to order.  He liked that gavel way too much, or maybe he liked being in charge too much.  Either way, Wes seemed to have a lot of fun being head of the council.

Wes began "Alright guys, next week is sectionals; we're up against Nixon High and Archbishop Ignatius.  Nixon I'm not too worried about, but Archbishop Ignatius has some really strong singers.  But, we need to give it our best as always.  The council has decided on two songs for us to sing, Blaine will be leading us in Hey, Soul Sister by Train, followed by Misery by Maroon 5.  Now, any questions before we begin?"

The guys split up into groups after being told where they're placed in the choreography.  Blaine worked with Wes and David on his singing and the rest of the guys watched Jeff and Sebastian do the choreography.  Blaine loved Warblers rehearsal, it was really relaxed and fun, but at the same time serious and official. At Dalton, the Warblers were more than just some singing group; the Warblers, the Warblers were like rock-stars.


"Mrs. Thomas that meal was absolutely fantastic I can't thank you enough." Kurt said as he helped pick up the dishes.

"Kurt don't be silly, I can clean up the kitchen, go sit back down I bought a pie for dessert.  And what did I tell you, call me Kendra really."

"The least I can do is help you put out some plates, here let me grab them."

Kendra turned back to Sawyer and whispered, "If your boyfriend gets any sweeter and helpful I might have him move in and you move out."

Laughing, Sawyer said "Thanks mom, but you do realize this house is clean every time you come home from a trip because of me, yes?"  Little did she know, Kurt helped him clean the house the day before his parents came home.  He wasn't home a lot when they were gone so it wasn't a lot to clean anyways, but he somehow made a huge mess just making himself breakfast in the morning.

Kendra smiled and sat back down at the table. "I don't think I could ever forget it sweetheart."

Walking back into the dining room, Clark sat down and decided to make conversation, he had been rather quiet throughout dinner.

"So, Kurt, Sawyer says you're apart of this Glee club at school?  Do you have any competitions or anything?"

"Oh yeah I've been apart of Glee club since I was a sophomore.  We have sectionals, regionals, and then nationals.  Last year was our first year, we lost at sectionals.  This year we have high hopes for making it to nationals though.  We have sectionals in a week so we've been preparing for that lately.  Everyone's really excited, we've grown close over the last year and now we're our own little family." Kurt said smiling.

Kendra cheered up on the spot,"Kurt that sounds fantastic!  I would love to go watch you perform.  You know Clark and I are always busy traveling but if you let me know soon enough I can try and work our flights so we can go with Sawyer."

"That'd be great!  If we make it past sectionals next week we go to regionals in a month.  I'll let you know as soon as I can." Kurt said sweetly.

Sawyer sat back next to his boyfriend happy, but confused.  His parents have always been nice to Kurt, but they seem to be a lot more accepting of their relationship than they were before.

What the hell has gotten into them?  Dad's talking to Kurt about Glee club, mom is offering to take us to one of his performances, when did they start to care so much?  I feel like this is too good to be true.

Sawyer spoke up, "Hey mom, dad, do you think Kurt could spend the night?  I mean I know the big game is tomorrow but it'd be nice to spend some time with him, we've both been really busy."

Kendra looked at Clark, with a nod of approval she said, "Sure sweetie, just don't stay up too late.  You two can head upstairs now if you're all finished."

Kurt gave Sawyer the most confused look ever, not only was he shocked they were allowing him to stay over, but Sawyer needed to be focused for tomorrow.

"Thank you for everything tonight Kendra. It was great talking to you Mr. Clark, I'll see you two tomorrow."  Kurt said sweetly.

As the two walked up to Sawyers room Kurt stopped at the foot of the stairs. "Ok I am all for spending the night, but I think doing that another time would be better.  Tomorrow is the big game babe! I want you to make sure you get plenty of sleep and you're going to be early to get to the field.  I promise, I'll spend the night another day, but for now, head to bed it's getting late."

Sawyer sighed, he knew Kurt was right. "Yeah I know, it's just so weird.  They're not acting normal, I mean yeah they're always nice and shit but they're just being so supportive and it's freaking me out."

"You're going crazy love, be happy they're being supportive!  Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

Sawyer rubbed the back of his neck and yawned, "I have, I have.  It's just weird to actually see it happen."

Pulling Sawyer into a tight hug, Kurt knew it was getting late and they both had a long day. "Get some sleep love.  Good luck tomorrow, I'll be there with my dad and Carole," Kurt gave him a soft smile, before pulling him into a soft kiss.  "Don't stay up too late and pack your bag tonight so you're not rushing tomorrow morning."

With a soft laugh, Sawyer smiled, "Yes, mother."

"If you kiss your mother like that I think I should be worried." Kurt said walking towards the front door.

"You're too funny Mr. Hummel, too funny.  Drive safe, love you."

"Oh and I sound like your mother?  Carole is rubbing off on you just as much as Kendra is on me.  Night babe, love you too."

Before he could walk outside Sawyer pulled him into one last kiss, "Just for good luck," He said with a wink.

Kurt drove home singing along to the radio at the top of his lungs, could his life get any better?


Kurt went through his nightly routine as soon as he got home.  He was extremely tired and looking forward to getting a good night's sleep before the game tomorrow.  Just as he was getting into bed he heard a knock on his door. "It's open!" Kurt called out, a little too loud for how late it was.

"Hey do you have minute?" What on earth could Finn want?

"Uh yeah sure. What's up?"

Finn awkwardly paced around the room. "How are things with uh...Sawyer?"

"They're fine...why is there something I should be worried about?"

"No! I just want to make sure he's, you know, being good to you and everything.  I mean you're my brother, man, I just want the best for you."

Kurt smiled at how caring Finn could be sometimes.  "Don't worry Finn, he's great.  He makes me the happiest I've ever been.  And as much as I love you for caring about me, I am exhausted and need my sleep."

Before Kurt knew it he was being pulled into one of Finn's signature awkward hugs.

"Goodnight Finn."

"Night Kurt!" Finn called back as he walked out the door.

Kurt loved the men in his life, he really did.  They all cared so much about him, he didn't think anyone could treat him better than they did.


Gathering up together at the end of rehearsal, Wes dismissed everyone for the weekend.  Blaine walking to the door and caught a glimpse of Shane waiting outside for him.  Just as he walked out Carter walked up next to Shane.  

"Hey Carter!" Shane said happily.

Carter showed no interest in starting conversation, "Hi," Changing his attention to Blaine, he started, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah let's head over to the cafeteria." Blaine said as he pulled Carter close.

"Gosh how I love being the awkward third wheel." Shane muttered as they walked down the hall.


Dinner went smoothly, Carter made small talk with Shane when Blaine fell silent.  Tired was an understatement, Blaine was exhausted.  Between school work, soccer, and Warblers, he really doesn't know when he finds time to sleep.  

Shane noticed Blaine's eyes drooping as he leaned on Carter. "Blaine. Blaaaine, it's time to head up to the room now buddy let's go."

Blaine heard muttered talking and then found himself in a bed.  He noticed it didn't feel anything like his own bed though; it felt and smelt like Carter's.

"Come on raise your hands up or I'm never getting your shirt off." Carter knew Blaine hated sleeping with his shirt on no matter how cold it was; he learned that the hard way when he let Blaine sleep in his dorm one night, waking up in the middle of the night in a disgusting cold sweat.

Blaine heard the muffled sound of music playing as he curled up close to Carter. Before he could say even goodnight, he was fast asleep.


End Notes: So what did you guys think? Kind of nice to know a little bit more about Carter and Sawyer now? I have a few more characters to introduce and talk about, but that's all I'm going to say about them. Expect the next update around next Thursday or Friday at the latest, maybe earlier if I get some things done and don't have work. Leave a review and let me know what you think! Tumblr: PSA's: /tagged/cmdcmw Character info link: /cmdcmwcharacterinfo


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