Call Me Dumb, Call Me Wild
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Call Me Dumb, Call Me Wild: Chapter 1

T - Words: 4,262 - Last Updated: Jul 31, 2012
Story: In Progress - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jul 11, 2012 - Updated: Jul 31, 2012
659 0 5 0 0

“Run it again dammit!” Blaine shouted, completely exhausted from watching his teammates screw up the drills every time in this miserable downpour.  Being varsity captain of the soccer team, as a junior, wasn’t easy; he had to run every practice and make sure his men were in shape for upcoming matches.  Dalton Academy had the very best coaches, that only seemed to be around for championship games.

Blaine heard sloshy footsteps behind him.  “Hey. listen man, we’re tired, if we take a few minutes to breathe and get some water we can run the drills right. We get that the big game is next week, but not all of us can run through a three hour practice on two water breaks,” Shane Henderson, Blaine’s best friend since freshman year, said.

Smirking, Blaine replied, “Sorry, but I thought making the varsity team as a freshman actually meant you could run.”

Shane laughed, “Please, you and I both know we weren’t the fastest when we made the team that year.  Either way, these guys have been working their asses off for the last two hours.  If you even think of adding an extra hour to practice they will all murder you in your sleep.  Just chill out man.”

Blaine turned and looked at Shane straight in the eyes, “I’ll add three more hours to this damn practice if I have to!  They’re taking for granted we’ve won every game so far, they have no idea what they’re up against next match.  If they want to walk through this damn practice then they might as well forfeit the game now.  Coach Brent expects us to beat Columbus Prep, and if we don’t, not only will me being Captain of this team be at risk, but so will any chance of colleges giving scholarships to our seniors.  So no, I will not chill out!  I’ve been stressing about this for weeks and we are one week away from the game now!”

Shane slowly walked back as Blaine gradually became louder.  The entire team stopped running the drill and turned to stare at the encounter.  As soon as Blaine noticed how still the field became and the sound of rain filled his thoughts, he noticed the team’s look of utter shock. “Everyone to the locker rooms now,” Blaine said stonily.  He stormed across the field and into the locker rooms, waiting for the rest of the team to join him.

Eventually, the sound of squeaks and clicks of cleats hitting the tile floor filled the room.  Blaine stood at the front of the room, not looking a single player in the eye. “We’ve won every single game since the season started.  But that gives us no right at all to stop trying at practices.  I get it, you guys are tired, it’s pouring, but we cannot stop trying.  Columbus Prep is going to show no mercy; they’ve lost only one game.  We need to give it our all.  If any of you expect to win, don’t.  We cannot go in there as some rich snobs thinking we’re the best just because we haven’t lost.  Cause, dammit, you all look like shit out there right now.”  Blaine let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.  “Tell me, seniors, do you really want to lose any chance of getting a college scholarship just because you got too cocky?”  A resounding reply of no echoed throughout the room.  “The rest of you, if you want a guaranteed spot on varsity next year you better give it your best and win this game, do you really want to lose that?”  Yet again, shouts of no came throughout the room.  “Then why don’t all of you stop walking like babies out there and run the damn drills!  Being apart of this team means giving it your all every time you’re out on that field wearing the Dalton Academy logo.  You’re on this team because you showed determination and strength during try outs.  Watching you guys out there right now, I see none of that,” Blaine stopped pacing across the floor.  He’d somehow ended up shouting at the group, looking up to see each man staring back at him with wide eyes and worried expressions.  “We have one week, boys, one week.  Tomorrow, practice before class from five to eight.  After school from four to six. Don’t any of you tell me you have other plans.  I expect you ready at five am sharp tomorrow with a lot more effort than you had today.  Now hit the showers.”

“Blaine listen-” Shane started.

“Not now Shane, I’ll see you back at the room tonight.”  Blaine walked to the coaches office and stripped down for a quick shower.  He hadn’t realized he was shivering until the hot water hit his chest.  Maybe practicing in the pouring rain wasn’t a good idea.  He stepped out of the shower and walked out to get dressed.  He couldn’t hear any voices coming from the main locker room; had he really taken that long of a shower?  He dreaded the five a.m. practice he called, but he knew it was needed.  He got dressed quickly and walked across the locker room to the door to the dining hall.

Scanning the sea of navy sweatshirts and sweaters he noticed the all too familiar leather jacket in the far corner.  He walked up behind the boy and couldn’t help but smile.  Carter was sound asleep at the table with his earphones in.  Blaine dropped his bag on the ground and moved to sit next to his boyfriend when he noticed blood trickling from Carter’s eyebrow.  Shaking his head, Blaine moved in to inspect the injury.  Carter Staton was Dalton Academy’s resident bad boy, known for getting into fights and rarely completing school work.  

Pulling out Carter’s earphones, Blaine whispered “Babe. Babe wake up it’s time for dinner.”  

Carter started at the sound, and then winced at the pain coming from his eyebrow.  

Blaine laughed.  “Would you like to tell me what happened this time or will I be hearing it from everyone else in the dinner line?”  

Carter couldn’t help but smile at Blaine.  “Let’s just say Smythe and I weren’t exactly getting along earlier.”  

“I don’t get why you even bother with him; you know he’s just starting shit with you to look tough,” Blaine said as he cleaned up the cut.  

“Well I highly doubt anyone will think he’s tough.  He walked away after taking a solid kick to the ribs.”  

Blaine could only shake his head, he knew he could tell Carter time after time to stop getting into fights and lay low, but his boyfriend would always end up in some sort of fight.  “Well I’m going to go get some food and then you can hear all about my fan-fucking-tastic practice I just had,” Blaine scoffed as he walked away.

Standing in line for dinner Blaine started thinking about earlier.

I swear those guys, they’re all like brothers to me but they were just such shit today.  Running this team is exhausting, and of course I called a 5 a.m. practice.  I seriously need to start thinking straight when I’m mad. What the hell am I going to make them do? Well for starters run more, maybe we can hit the old trail behind the school, that wasn’t too bad to run on when it rained. This fucking rain is getting annoying, training in it is just such shit. I hope I don’t have to call another practice this weekend, maybe I could actually go home and see if mom and dad would go to the game next week. But God-forbid they took a little time away from their fucking law-firm. ‘We own the largest law-firm in Ohio sweetie, and your father is one of the best lawyers on the east coast, we can’t just waste our time elsewhere.’  Blah-blah-fucking-blah. Mom always makes some stupid reason for dad so they don’t have to show up. Maybe they’ll just show up to keep up our ‘perfect’ family image. If only everyone knew how much they despise me being gay; somehow that seems to make my perfect grades and being the fucking Varsity captain of the soccer team as a junior look like nothi-

“Blaine? Uh, dude, hello. Line’s moving.”  Nick started, shaking him out of his thoughts.

Blaine looked up startled, “Oh sorry man. Hey I’ll see you tomorrow night at rehearsal. I might be a little late cause of soccer practice but I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Nick laughed, “Don’t sweat it dude, we all know you’re crazy busy lately. See you then.” Nick left and made his way throughout the room filled with food.

Making his way through the dinner line, Blaine mindlessly grabbed all sorts of things he and Carter liked.

Blaine came back from the line to find Carter mindlessly scanning through his iPod.  

“You know all these Katy Perry songs are cute and all but you might want to branch out your taste a little bit,” Carter laughed.  

“Well I’m sorry it doesn’t consist of those stupid dubstep songs you insist on calling ‘music,’” Blaine replied.  

“So you were saying something about a fantastic practice.  Was Brent bitching at you over something?” Carter asked as he began eating some of Blaine’s dinner.  

“Yeah right, Brent can’t take a minute out of his day to come and coach his own fucking team’s practice.  The guys were just being sloppy today; they’re becoming too cocky.  Columbus Prep is not going to be an easy match for us and we need to win,” Blaine said.  

“Sorry babe.  How about tomorrow night we watch a movie in my room.  I know you miss me,”  Carter said with a smirk across his face.  

Blaine sighed, “I’d love to, but I have soccer practice tomorrow night and Warblers rehearsal. Next week isn’t just the big match, but it’s sectionals too.”  The cafeteria began clearing out.  It was coming close to nine o’clock and everyone had some last minute homework to finish or a test to study for.  “I promise, as soon as next week is finished you and I will get some time together.  But for now, humor me will you?” Blaine gave him a sad smile.  

“Fine, just don’t wear yourself too thin.  Then you get bitchy and no one wants to be around you. Sorry, but it’s true.”  Carter began to stand and pack up his laptop and iPod.  This made Blaine remember to apologize to Shane for snapping at him during practice.  “Now you look fucking exhausted, so we are going to walk to your room and you’re going to go to sleep for the night,” Carter said grabbing not only his things but Blaine’s.  

Blaine let out a huge yawn at the thought of sleep. “Can’t.  I have a physics exam tomorrow that I need to study for.”  

“You know that shit backwards, there’s no reason to stay up and study,” Carter said, sounding annoyed.  

Blaine knew his boyfriend was right, but he still stressed getting perfect grades. Blaine held close to Carter as they left the building.

The two made their way to Blaine dorm and stopped at the door.  Carter may be Dalton’s resident bad boy, but he was a real sweetheart to Blaine.  He pulled out the spare key Blaine made him and walked him into the room, setting down all of his books at his desk and putting out some pyjama bottoms for him.  “Get some rest, if you’re sick for next week not only will we lose the game, but we’ll lose sectionals too.  Love you,” Carter whispered as he hugged Blaine tight along with a kiss on the forehead.

“I will, love you too,” Blaine said as Carter walked away.  Just as Carter walked out the door, Shane walked in, and Carter gave Shane a cold look before leaving.

“I still don’t get why he hates me; I never did anything to him,” Shane said as he set down his bags at the foot of his bed.  “I mean, really, I get he doesn’t trust a lot of people - well, anyone for that matter, except you - but I’m your best friend!”

Blaine was barely listening to Shane as he changed out of his clothes and put on the pyjama bottoms.

“Blaine?  Hello?  Are you even listening to me?” Shane asked.  

“Yeah sorry.  Hey listen man I’m really-” Blaine started.  

“Blaine don’t worry about earlier at practice.  I know you’re stressed and I was just trying to calm you down a bit.  Nothing was taken personally,” Shane said seriously.  “Now you, my friend, look exhausted.  And since our lovely team captain called a practice at five in the fucking morning, we are going to turn off all the lights and go to sleep.  Set an alarm will ya?” Shane called out from the bathroom while brushing his teeth.  

Blaine got into his bed and turned to set his phone for four fifteen, yawning before saying, “Thanks Shane.”  

Shane looked at him as he crawled into his own bed, looking confused as he said, “For what?”

“You know exactly what.  You put up with me even all the time, and that in itself is something to be thanked for,” Blaine said sleepily.

“No problem man.  Now shut up; I’m trying to sleep here.  Night kid,” Shane said before he slowly fell asleep.  
Blaine noticed it was only 9:45, but yawned, “Night Shane,” just as he fell asleep.


“From the top you guys!” Mr. Schue called out from the audience.

“Mr. Schue, we’ve been going at this for two hours.  Can’t we take a break?”  Finn complained, exhausted from rehearsing.

“No, no breaks until we get this perfect.  Vocal Adrenaline is going to come fully prepared to win, and we can’t let that happen.  We shouldn’t have to worry too much about Sacred Kings.  I know we can make it to Nationals this year.  But you guys can’t give up,” Mr. Schue said as he made his way to the stage.

“Mr. Schue, I for one think we should spend more time on my solo, if it isn’t the best we will not be making it to Regionals,” Rachel called out.

“Oh, shut up Rachel.  Will you stop for one minute and think about the group instead of yourself?” Kurt said bitterly.

“Guys look, Finn’s right, we need a break.  If we take a few to get some water and go at it again we can get the choreography down,” Mercedes said from the back of the stage.

“Okay, look guys, Sectionals is next week, and you have to give it your best in rehearsal so we can win.  It’s been a long week for everyone, so I want you all to go home and get some rest. Tomorrow, we’re going at it again.  Come prepared,” Mr. Schue said, sounding tired.  “Puck, Finn, Artie, and Mike, I want you guys to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and staying healthy.  With football and Glee, I can’t have you guys getting sick, and Coach Bieste can’t either.”

“We know Mr. Schue, don’t worry about us,” Artie said cheerily.

“All right, head home you guys.  Drive safe in the rain, everyone!” Mr. Schue said as he watched his Glee club exit the auditorium.  “Hey Kurt, could you hang back for a minute?”

“Sure Mr. Schue, what’s up?” Kurt asked as he picked up his things.

“I was just wondering how things were?  Burt and Carole doing well?  The move into the new house, living with Finn... you handling things okay?” Mr. Schue asked.

“Oh, yeah everything is great.  Dad and Carole are still in their post-wedding frisson, Finn is well... Finn, and I have Sawyer. He’s been great really, helping us move in and getting settled. Dad loves him almost as much as I do,” Kurt joked.
“Well that’s great Kurt, really. Tell Burt and Carole I said hello and wish Sawyer luck for me at his big game this weekend!” Mr. Schue said, “ I wish I could make it out, but Emma and I have plans.”

“Oh don’t worry about it, there will be plenty of people there. Tell Ms. Pillsbury I said hello! See you tomorrow Mr. Schue.”  Kurt said as he headed for the door.

“Will do, see you tomorrow Kurt. Drive safe! ” Mr. Schue cautioned.

Kurt walked out of the auditorium and headed for his locker. As he was grabbing his books he heard the faint sound of squeaking footsteps coming towards him. Cold hands were covering his eyes in the next instant, and a silly “Guess who?” was called out behind him.

“Sawyer your hands are freezing and you’re soaking wet!” Kurt exclaimed.  “If you get me wet I will withhold kisses for a week!”

“A week? How’s that fair at all! Sue a guy for trying to surprise his boyfriend.” Sawyer said as he moved to lean against the locker next to Kurt’s.

“I appreciate the thought. Now do you want to explain why you’re soaking wet and still in your lacrosse uniform?” Kurt laughed.

“Uh, do you not see that it’s pouring outside? With the big game on Saturday, we’ve been practicing harder than ever. Nixon is one of the best teams in the state, if we beat them we get to go to California for Nationals!”  Sawyer said excitedly.

“I’m sure you’ll do great sweetheart, but if you’re sick I doubt you’ll be in any condition to play. And what would our varsity lacrosse team do without their amazing team captain?” Kurt said sarcastically.  “Go shower so we can leave. I’m exhausted.” Kurt announced.

“Haha okay I’ll go, meet me in the foyer in 20?” Sawyer asked.

“Make it 15 or I’m stealing your car and leaving you to walk home.” Kurt joked.

“You would never!” Sawyer shouted with a smile as he ran down the hall to the locker rooms.

“Don’t test me Thomas! Who knows, I could withhold kisses if you’re late!” Kurt called back.

Sitting in the foyer Kurt’s mind began to wander.

Will this damn rain ever let up?  Walking through it is so miserable.  I hope Mr. Schue isn’t getting too irritated we’re getting tired during rehearsals.  I mean he is super understanding but we weren’t even trying that hard today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a lot better.  It must really suck for the football guys, they have morning football practice and afternoon glee practice.  I could only imagine the condition my skin would be in, wow that’s actually horrifying to think about.  At least tomorrow is Friday and I won’t have to worry about homework until Sunday.  Shoot I have to get Sawyer something for Saturday!  Putting that on the things to do list. I wonder if I should get him flow-

“Kurt? You ok babe?” Sawyer said looking worried.

“What?  Oh yeah I’m fine, just thinking about some stuff I need to get done.” Kurt reassured him.

The two made their way to Sawyer’s navy Jeep Patriot, climbing in quickly to avoid the rain.  Heading to Kurt’s house, ever since they got together they’ve decided on driving together since Sawyer lived only three blocks away from Kurt, and they met up for bagels and coffee every morning anyway. Kurt held Sawyers hand on the middle console as Sawyer drove, singing along to the radio.

“You know, if you keep singing along to the songs I’m going to have to have you make me a CD for when you’re not here.  I much rather prefer your voice to theirs.” Sawyer said with a wink.

“Oh well aren’t you the sweetest.  I can make that CD happen if you really do want it.” Kurt laughed as they pulled into his driveway.  Kurt noticed Finn’s truck parked haphazardly on the curb dangerously close to his Navigator; he’d have to remind Finn to take his time parking or he will end up hitting Kurt’s car.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Sawyer said smiling. “Have time to hang out for a bit or you too tired for the night?” Sawyer asked as Kurt grabbed his things from the backseat.

“I’d love to but I’m exhausted babe.  Glee rehearsal was so tiring and we have it again tomorrow.  Spend some time with your parents, they’re rarely home. Enjoy it while you can.  I’ll see you tomorrow morning though, I’ll drive?” Kurt gave him a weak smile.

“You and I both know they aren’t exactly heartbroken they never see me. But it’s whatever, just means I get to spend more time with you while they’re away.” Sawyer smiled.  “Tomorrow morning sounds perfect. Text me before you go to bed.” Sawyer said sweetly.

“Will do, love you.” Kurt said as he gave Sawyer a quick kiss to the cheek and made a run for the front door.  He heard a faint I love you more coming from the car as he shut the door to the house.

“Hey sweetie!  How was your day?” Carole called out from the kitchen. Carole was everything Kurt could hope for in a step-mom.  She was sweet, loving, accepting, and just what his father needed.

“It was great! Glee rehearsal was ridiculously tiring but with Sectionals next week it’s expected.” Kurt said as he made his way down the hall to the stairs.

“Well tell me more about it at dinner, go shower and start your homework.  I can bring you up some tea if you’d like?  Dinner won’t be ready until 7:30 so you have about an hour to relax.” Carole said.

“Tea would be amazing, thank you so much Carole!”  Kurt said before he ran up the stairs to take a hot shower.

Kurt walked out of the bathroom to find a hot cup of tea sitting on his desk and noticed he had almost half an hour before dinner, so he decided to enjoy his tea and check Facebook.  The usual boring status updates and pointless pictures and videos of his fellow classmates filled his news feed.  Somehow that made time fly by, Finn came knocking on his door informing him dinner was ready and he headed down to join his dad and Carole at the table.

“No Sawyer tonight?  That boy never misses a dinner!” Burt questioned.

“No, his parents are home this week for the game on Saturday so he’s been trying to be home for dinner.  And I was too tired to hang out today, he seemed pretty exhausted too.  He has to keep doing great, being captain of the varsity team is a big responsibility.  College scouts have been talking to him a lot after games about scholarships, winning the next game would be huge.”

“Well we’ll be there Saturday cheering him on.  So nice of Clark and Kendra to actually show up to one of their only son’s games.” Burt muttered.

Kurt sighed, “Dad, you know they’re always traveling.  It’s not their fault that’s what their job requires.”

“Yeah yeah.  Just remind him he’s always welcome here, especially when his parents are gone.”

Kurt smiled, “I will, dad.  Thanks for letting him stay here sometimes.  He really doesn’t like staying home alone at night; the house is too big and he said the silence gets creepy.”

Finn chimed in, “Uh hi, I know Sawyer is doing great and all in lacrosse but can we talk about the football game at the end of the month.  I am the varsity team captain as a junior and all. It’s the freaking championship game guys!  Championship game, against that stupid Dalton Academy or something.  Heard it’s an all guys school, rich losers.”

“Finn, be nice.  They must be good if they’ve made it to the championship game.” Carole said.

“Eh, I guess.  We’ve been practicing a lot in the mornings before school, I think we’re going to do ok.  I’m not going to get all cocky and say we’re going to win.  I heard they have a killer quarterback, Collins or something.”

Kurt was hardly listening to the conversation, he had a French test to study for and kept thinking about Glee rehearsal.  He knew they would really have to work hard tomorrow and all of next week to make the performance perfect.  Deciding he wasn’t going to eat anymore, he asked to be excused and headed upstairs to complete his homework.

Ten thirty came around a lot quicker than Kurt expected. His phone lit up.

1 new message

Sawyer Thomas <3
Either you’ve fallen asleep while doing homework, or you’re stressing over that French test you’ve been talking about.

Kurt smiled at the message and made a quick reply.

French test.  I know this stuff, I just don’t want to risk getting a bad grade.  I’ll go to sleep now though.  I love you! Night love xoxo

Almost immediately Kurt’s phone lit up again.

1 new message

Sawyer Thomas
Good! I know you’ll get an A babe.  See you in the morning, night sweetheart <3

Kurt cleared his bed of all his books and set his phone to charge.  He pulled up the comforter and stared at his phone.  The lock screen was a picture of him and Sawyer at his sixteenth birthday party just a few months ago.  It was a candid shot of Sawyer looking at Kurt with the most love anyone could hold in them as him and Kurt were talking in pool.  They were surrounded by their friends, and it was all thanks to Quinn for taking an unbelievable amount of pictures at the time that this photo even existed.  He could only think of how he got so lucky, before he fell asleep.

End Notes: So! What'd you guys think? I have lots of ideas in store for this! Send me some reviews about what you liked/didn't like about it. Honestly I love anyones opinion. Big thanks to my friend Sam for helping me out, she's been a fantastic editor and such a big help with everything in general. If you have any questions about this story you can shoot me question in a review or even on my tumblr! Thanks for reading!Tumblr: infinitelove-endlesshope.tumblr.comFic Tag


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This is so good! I can't wait to see where this goes!

Thanks so much! Really appreciate the review :) I have lots in store for this story!

Really good so far! Also, Kurt's boyyfriend is Sawyer Thomas XD

Thanks so much! And yes it is(: Did I write it wrong somewhere in there?

No, you didn't write it wrong, I just meant that it's Tom Sawyer backwards haha.