Feb. 2, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 2, 2015, 6 p.m.
Remember, reviews are candy!
Have a great day
Blaine knew he shouldn't be going back to that café. It was weird, unnatural. It wasn't what he was used to, but somehow, he still found himself walking inside of it that morning. Rachel was behind the counter, wiping the surface with a washcloth while Kurt stood nearby, staring at the wall.
“He's not getting any better,” Kurt sighed. Rachel bit her lip, patting Kurt's back in order to comfort him. They both knew that this was inevitable and there was nothing they could do, no matter how hard they tried.
“Hey,” Blaine said as he walked in, expressionless. Rachel said a hi back and Kurt just simply nodded, acknowledging him. She moved away from the two, preparing coffee for Blaine.
“Is everything ok?” he asked, concerned. Rachel looked at Kurt, her eyes melancholy. Kurt just nodded, looking up and plastering a very fake smile on his face, “yeah, why'd you ask?”
“I… I walked in seeing you like… like that,” he said, making a gesture towards Kurt. The boy cracked a genuine smile.
“It's called sad, Blaine,” he said. Blaine repeated the word in his head. He then said it out loud, tasting it on his tongue.
“What does it mean?” He asked.
Kurt shrugged.
“You can't explain it, you feel it. It's an emotion,” he replied.
“Kurt! You can't just blurt it out like that! They may hear!” Rachel whisper shouted at her friend. Said friend, in turn, just shrugged.
“Sad,” Blaine repeated, looking up at Kurt. Kurt nodded and there was a flash of something new in Blaine's eyes. He closed them and opened them again, wanting to see that flash once more. Nothing came up. Everything was just as grey and just as plain as it was before. Sighing quietly, he looked up at the two and started a conversation.
Days passed, Blaine still coming to that coffee shop and spending most of his time there, with Kurt and Rachel to entertain him. Blaine began to notice how the air in the shop was lighter than the air outside and just everything in that place felt better, nicer. He got along with Kurt and Rachel, and one day, he even met Finn – Rachel's so called fiancé and Kurt's stepbrother. That of course, triggered a whole lecture on what stepbrothers are, and later on all about love. Those concepts seemed usual for the three, but they were so new and foreign to Blaine. The more they talked, the more Blaine longed to be like them, experience the things they experience and see the world the way that they see it.
Blaine didn't know this, but the more he longed for their way of life, the sadder he became. At first, it was the small things – his mouth wasn't like a line anymore, its edges were pointing downwards, he started staring into space, he ate less. Yet the young man didn't think it was wrong. He just thought he was tired or something.
It was another day for Blaine. He woke up, got dressed and went straight to the café. There, he was met with a smiling Rachel, who was serving a customer. Right after she served the young woman, she exited from behind the counter and gave Blaine a hug. He was already used to this greeting and didn't flinch away like the first time. She then started rambling about this old lady who was extremely prissy with her order while fixing Blaine a cup of coffee. He only half listened, his other half was somewhere else.
“..And so I say, would you like some cocoa powder on top of that whipped cream? And she went all apeshit about how you can't mix chocolate and coffee, and we all know that's a load of bullshit, and… Blaine? Are you even listening to me?!” she shouted. A couple of people turned, looking at her like the girl was nuts and Blaine gave her a smile. He felt his cheeks suddenly heat up, and covered them with his hands to hide the unnatural reaction.
“What's on your mind?” the girl asked. Blaine just shrugged. He took the cup of coffee she extended towards him and took a sip. The liquid burned his tongue and throat and he jumped at the unexpected pain, splashing coffee all over the place.
“Blaine!” Rachel shrieked. “My god, you are really out of it today!” Shaking her head, the barista took a towel, which was laying nearby. She cleaned up the mess, and once the counter was once again, spotless, she huffed, and wiped imaginary sweat off her forehead.
“Talk. What's up with you?” She commanded, hands on her hips.
“I don't know. These few days are just different. I've never experienced something like this before. All I want is to curl up and sleep forever and ever and ever,” he started. Rachel's eyes widened in shock.
“What's been bothering you?”
“Kurt. But it's not really him. It's me. Every time I see him he has a different expression on his face. I wanna be like him, I wanna experience the things he experiences, I wanna, I wanna, what's that word?”
“Feel,” a new voice added. Turning around, Blaine saw Kurt, who had sympathy written all over his face.
“Exactly. I wanna feel.” Rachel and Kurt shared a glance and after a nod from Rachel, Kurt came closer to Blaine and took his hand.
“Blaine, look at me,” he said, voice quiet. Blaine looked up, meeting Kurt's eyes, and again, there was that similar change, the one he knew but still couldn't grasp.
“I've talked to my dad. Don't think I haven't noticed how much you've changed. You never have the same stoic expression on your face, as you did when you first came here. You haven't noticed, but you've been frowning, sometimes, the corners of your mouth twitch just slightly and I know you want to smile, but something is holding you back from doing it. My dad says that a person who doesn't see colors can start seeing them if they met their soulmate.”
“Like Finn did with me,” Rachel said, smiling. “He wasn't able to see colors before, but once, we saw each other at the park and then we just knew we weren't the same. He told me that he was feeling differently and with my help, he kept on trying to figure out emotions and colors.”
“Exactly,” Kurt nodded. Blaine quirked his eyebrow.
“What's a soulmate?” he asked.
“It's your other half, someone who is different from you, but compliments you perfectly. Someone who will love and you will love unconditionally, forever. There aren't that many left, and chances are, you'll never find them, but it happens.” Rachel said softly.
Kurt smiled. This side of Rachel was rare to see, but he cherished it. “So, since you came here, you must have a soulmate who comes here too,” Kurt quickly looked around for people their age, only to find that there weren't any except them. “Maybe he's not here today, but I'm sure we'll find them eventually. But for now, Rachel and I can guide you through figuring colors and emotions out. Have you felt or seen anything different lately?”
Blaine opened his mouth to say something, but Rachel cut him off. “I quote, he wants to curl up and sleep forever. And ever. And ever.”
Once again, Kurt and Rachel conversed through eyes.
“Operation make Blaine feel is on,” said Kurt, smiling devilishly.
The three broke out in giggles.