Feb. 14, 2013, 10:47 a.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 10:47 a.m.
Kurt closed the door and leaned against it, closing his eyes for a second, letting out a deep breath. This evening had been exhausting.
Two arms wrapped around his middle and a mouth found his own. Kurt smiled into the kiss, hugging Blaine closer.
“Welcome home…” He whispers against the smaller boys temple, before letting his hands fall down, taking Blaine�s into his own.
“I still can�t believe that I�m finally living in Manhattan.” Blaine said, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Oh so you charmed me to get my apartment? What a dick move, Blaine.” Kurt playfully answered, pouting a bit to emphasize how hurt he was.
“No! I would also be happy with a life underneath a bridge back in New Jersey, as long as you are there with me.” Blaine walked over towards the couch, letting himself fall down and opened his arms for Kurt to join him.
Kurt happily obeyed, snuggling against Blaine�s chest.
“Claire has pulled me aside, you know. She has told me that if I ever even think about cheating on you she is going to cut me into pieces.”
“Oh no, I�ll have to talk to her. She has to stop threatening my boyfriends.”
“It�s okay. She knows my history after all…”
“Stop it!” Blaine hissed, smacking Kurt�s elbow. “We talked about it and both agreed that we wouldn�t look back at your mistakes- or mine.”
“I know, I know. And I told her that she didn�t needed to worry. It took way too long to finally get to this. There is no way I�m going to screw it up.”
“And me neither.” Blaine agreed, placing a kiss on top of Kurt�s head.
It had taken them more than nine month to get over it all.
Long talks, movie nights, being friends, ending up in bed together, regretting it the morning after, even longer talks about how they should not let this happen again, but it did.
And one day, they woke up beside each other and there wasn�t the usual depressed moan, the whispered “I�m sorry”, instead there was a breakfast in bed and their first “I love you” since seven years.
They had talked about their past, but now they only wanted to focus on their future.
Together at last.
im sooo happy woth hpw you ended it! i figured theyd end up together but i loved how you didit!!