Feb. 14, 2013, 10:47 a.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 10:47 a.m.
As Blaine woke up, he immediately wished to be dead. His head was pounding and his stomach was rotating with sickness.
He couldn’t remember the last time he drank that much, knowing that he didn’t react well to it.
Blaine sat up and found a glass of water on the table next to him. A post-it note was stocked on it with Sebastian’s handwriting on it:
“I’m sorry baby. I’m across street to get some croissants, please don’t be mad. I love you, I’m sorry.”
Blaine folded the post-it carefully and took a sip from the water glass.
It helped, his head was already clearing up a bit.
Sebastian was sorry, everything was fine.
Blaine hummed happily to himself as he took the pillow and blanket back to the bedroom.
Sebastian had already made up his side, which he never does.
He really must feel bad for behaving so bold last night. After making the bed, Blaine took his wallet out of the jeans he was wearing last night (his fiancé had picked up and folded them) and pushed the post-it note into one of the pockets.
Behind him he could hear their apartment door open softly and Sebastian sneaking in, afraid to wake Blaine up.
“Blaine?” he asked as he found the couch empty.
“In the bedroom.” Blaine answered him, his throat still aching a bit.
The door was opened and Sebastian entered their bedroom, looking like a beaten puppy.
How could Blaine possibly stay mad at him? He stepped towards the taller man and got on his tip toes to kiss him deeply. “It’s okay.” He whispered, before pressing his lips against Sebastian’s again.
Kurt woke up way too late Sunday morning. Normally he stood up at 8 am to go out to run for an hour, after that, he showers, goes through his vocal practice routine and prepares a big Sunday breakfast.
But not today.
As he woke up his eyes flew to the clock beside his bed, the little red numbers showing him that he slept in for 4 hours.
And it was all Ray’s fault. Well it was actually Daniel’s.
If he hadn’t found himself a boyfriend they had gone on their dinner date and to Kurt’s apartment afterwards. Daniel would be gone at 2 pm and Kurt would have handled everything like usual. But last night he and Ray had arrived at his apartment at 12 pm and after that whole incident, Kurt couldn’t sleep.
No more last minute one-night-stands.
Slowly he turned around, resting against Chandler who was snoring softly in his sleep.
Or maybe he should stop that whole cheating thing.
Shy boy was right, he shouldn´t treat Chandler like this.
But still.
He felt incredibly happy to spend the days with Chandler and the nights with Daniel.
“Why are you still in bed? Shouldn´t you been out of bed working on your stardom?” Chandler was blinking his eyes open. Kurt chuckled and moved closer to Chandler, hugging him to his chest.
“I slept in, I guess.”
His husband moved his head back abruptly his eyebrows risen. “You slept in? Who are you and what have you done to my Kurt?”
Kurt started laughing and hit Chandler playfully.
“I´m still me! Just a bit more lazy.”
“I don´t believe you!”
“I´ll show you then!” Kurt grinned and rolled over to kiss Chandler.
“Another bacon slice, darling?” Sebastian asked as he took the drizzling bacon stripes from the pan.
“You can stop now, Sebastian. I’m getting scared.” Blaine chuckled as he stood up to walk towards his finance.
“Shh, let me spoil you a bit. I was an asshole last night and this isn’t how I want this relationship to go down.”
Sebastian took one of the slices from the pan and let it slide down on Blaine’s plate.
“What do you want to do today?”
“We haven’t been in town for a while. How about a trip to the national history museum? I heard they just opened a new area.” Blaine suggested.
“No, that’s sounds way too boring. We should go shopping.”
There was that tone again. Sebastian’s nice phase was already over and he got back to commanding. “But Seb, haven’t you read the article about the exhibition? It sounds really interesting.”
“I don’t want to go, Baby. Go there with your class; Children love to be bored if they are missing classes for it. Especially English classes.”
It was meant as a joke, but it only showed again how little Sebastian was thinking about his job.
And about Blaine.
Kurt sighed and laid down the script book for his new play. It was supposed to premiere in two months, but Kurt couldn´t see it yet. The text was awful and their dancing director was pregnant. His boss should just cancel it.
“No, Barbara. It´s Sunday, we are already opening tonight. You ruined my evening, don´t ruin my day.”
Kurt turned around on the couch and looked into the kitchen where Chandler was standing toying with his glasses like he always did when he was nervous.
“Barbara-no-I- Okay. OKAY! I´ll be there in half an hour.” Chandler hung up and pushed the phone back into his pocket. As he looked up his and Kurt´s eyes met.
“Darling, this was Barabara- I have to go to the bar.” He said, walking over to the couch.
“Yeah.” Kurt said, not looking up from his script. He felt the couch sink a bit next to him and an arm sliding around his waist.
“I know that Sunday is our day, but it´s really important.”
“It´s okay.”
“No it´s not.”
“Chandler, it´s your job. It´s your life. And we need the money. So go out and squeeze some dollars out of those fancy Manhattans.” Kurt answered raising his voice playfully.
“You sir, are the most amazing husband.” Chandler leaned over and kissed Kurt´s cheek, before he stood up to leave.
“If you only know.” Kurt whispered to himself.
Sometimes Kurt wondered when he had started to lie so easily.
“No this cardigan is just ridiculous. It makes you look fat.” Sebastian said as Blaine stepped out of the dressing room.
“Thank you, Seb.” Blaine answered sarcastically and stepped back into the dressing room.
“Sorry Babe, but it´s better that I´m telling you now. Just imagine going to school with this. Your little gremlins would all make fun of you.”
Blaine stripped of the cardigan and looked up into the mirror. He really looked fat. He had eaten way too much during the summer holiday and he couldn´t remember the last time he was at the gym.
Blaine pinched at his hip and sighed. He would go on a diet.
“Hurry, I have plans for tonight.” Sebastian´s voice came muffed from the other side.
“What plans?” Blaine pulled the door open, still only dressed in his undershirt.
“I have told you about it. Jean and I are going out clubbing tonight.” His boyfriend simply said and reached forward to get the clothes out of Blaine´s cabin.
“You are going out with Jean? Again? It´s Sunday.”
“I´m a big boy, I can go out on Sunday nights.”
“But not with him! You have spent last night with Jean, so tonight is my night.”
“Are you jealous, Blaine?”
Blaine shook his head in anger, confusion showing in his eyes.
“Why shouldn´t I be, Sebastian? You go out with that guy you called hot before and I should stay at home and believe that everything is alright?”
Sebastian looked around and smiled apologetically at the other customers that started to watch them.
“Blaine you are making a fool out of yourself. We should go home now.” He whispered towards Blaine placing a hand on his shoulders, but the smaller man just shook it off.
“You´ll go home and get ready for your date. I´ll go and visit Claire. I´ll see you tomorrow afternoon. Have fun.”
He slammed the dressing room door shut and sat down on the little chair in the corner of it.
The second he saw Sebastian’s feet disappear, he started crying.
Kurt probably shouldn´t do this. But fuck he had already emptied his wine bottle and before he considered starting the second one, he should get his mind on something else. Someone else.
“Why are you calling, Kurt.” Daniel said the second he picked up the phone.
“I´m missing you. Did you break up with your boyfriend?” Kurt purred, lying back on the couch.
He was in the mood for some phone sex and Daniel was always good at it.
“No, we are still together. Kurt it´s over. And you are married.”
“Common darling, who cares? The sex was fantastic. You can keep your relationship, I´ll keep mine and we can continue with our little thing.”
“I love my boyfriend. If your relationship sucks than that´s your problem. Good night.”
A peeping appeared and then the other side went dead.
Kurt threw his phone on the other side of the couch and reached for the unopened wine bottle.
What has his life turned into? Isn´t marriage supposed to cure you from loneliness?
His eyes fell on the laptop on the coffee table next to him.
Maybe he could give that dating website another try.
“You should leave him.”
“No. He will apologize. He always does.”
Blaine sighed and cuddled against his best friend Claire. Right after he calmed down enough to leave H&M he immediately went to Claire´s apartment.
There he could finally start to cry again and let her take care of him with a lot of chocolate ice cream. Now he felt better and was already regretting his fight. But Claire just couldn´t understand him.
“He treats you like shit and you still come back.” She groaned, digging her Spoon back into the ice cream.
“But he loves me.”
“Obviously not. He is out there cheating on you with this guy.”
“I know that he isn´t cheating on me.” Blaine said, taking the spoon out of her hand.
“How? How can you be so sure about it? It pretty much sounds to me like he doesn´t care about you and just wants to keep you around until new guy is ready to take over the position as Sebastian’s new punching bag.”
“I was on a website and that guy told me that he isn´t cheating.”
“Website? Have you been on one of those self-help website?”
“No it´s a website for people who- want to cheat.” Blaine turned red and tried to hide behind one of Claire´s pillows, but Claire already switched into mom mode.
“Blaine! Are you fucking kidding me? All the time I thought Sebastian was the bad one, when it was you all along!” She was joking, but it hit home. Blaine started to cry again, rolling on his stomach to bury his head into his pillow.
“Woah, I didn´t mean it like this. I don´t believe that you are cheating.”
“But I´m an awful person. Sebastian just spends time with his friend and I act like some stupid jealously teenage girl.”
He felt a hard slap against his head, causing him to scream out in pain.
“Stop it! Blaine you are not an awful person! Sebastian is, but you are definitely not. You are better than this. Tell me more about this website.”
Blaine sighed and rolled back to face Claire.
“It´s called ‘For in between New York’ and I chatted with that guy- Broadwaystar or something- and he is married but cheats on his husband regularly. He is an expert, you see. And if he doesn´t believe that Sebastian is cheating, I should also believe it.”
“Show me.”
But Claire had already opened her laptop.
Kurt hadn´t planned on contacting shy boy again, but he had found himself staring at “Catboy´s” empty profile for about 20 minutes.
He had a boyfriend and depending on their conversation he didn´t want to cheat on him.
Somehow this little fact made it even more exciting, a challenge. But why should he ever revisit this website.
Kurt sighed and moved his mouse towards the red X in the right corner of his browser, when something caught his eye.
The small red dot next to ‘Catboys’ name changed to a green one. He was online.
Placing his wine glass on the table, Kurt opened a new chat window.
Let the game begin.
Broadwaygonnabe: You are here again?
Catboy: Not my idea…
B: How is your boyfriend?
C: I don´t want to talk about him.
Claire slapped him again, making Blaine hiss in pain. “What was that for?” “Tell him what has happened tonight. You obviously believe him more than me, so let him tell you that Sebastian is an asshole.”
C: But- he went out with that guy again.
“Stop it, Claire.”
C: And he treated me very bad.
B: Did you tell him that you don´t want him to go?
C: Of course. I said that tonight should be our night, since he already went out with him.
B: And he still went.
A smile rose on Kurt´s face. This was perfect. His boyfriend was an asshole. He still didn´t believe that he was cheating on shy boy, but convincing him would definitely ease the game.
C: Yes.
B: What´s your name?
C: What?
B: Tell me your name. It isn´t Catboy, right? Expect maybe your parents where some superhero fans and drug addicts’.
“Should I tell him?”
“No, of course not!”
“Didn´t your parents told you about the 40 year old men that want to rape you?”
“I don’t think that he is one of them.”
But Claire already moved the laptop towards her, typing an answer.
C: Oliver.
Kurt laughed out loud. That definitely wasn´t shy boy’s name. It took him way too long to answer.
“Okay, Oliver” he thought “Let´s play it this way”
B: My name is Andrew. And Oliver - your boyfriend is an asshole.
Claire laughed out loud, clapping her hands together gleefully.
“Ha! Do you believe me now?”
C: He isn´t always like this.
“Yes he is.”
C: I think it´s just a phase.
B: He is out with him right now?
C: Yes…
B: I want you to come back here tomorrow night at 8 pm and tell me how he behaved, okay?
C: o-okay.
B: Good night, Oliver
C: Good night.
Broadwaygonnabe has signed off.
i just really love this book it is so awesome hope you update soon <3
I am really looking forward on how this story pans out! Love it!! Keep writing please;)
i just hate this kurt.