Chapter 1 Story
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June 18, 2012, 12:22 p.m.

Purgatory: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,637 - Last Updated: Jun 18, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Jun 18, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2022
471 0 0 1 0

“Listen Hummel,” Dennis stands up from his chair to sit on the Edge of his desk, “there is no other way! You have to go, or he’ll find you and he will kill you.” Kurt grunts and leans back. “He wouldn’t!” “He would! He’s one of Chicago’s top criminals! He has already killed 15 people!” “But they deserved it!” “And you don’t? Kurt, you wasted his money, you cheated on him and now you’ve told us everything we need to know to arrest him! What on earth makes you think that he wouldn’t harm you?” Kurt looks down at his boots and kicks his heals against the chair leg. “You are going to arrest him. I’m safe then.” “You know how this whole Mafia thing works. We capture Smythe and Montgomery will be there in no time. These fucking Warblers have a brilliant system; we need to get all of them! One by one. Then you’ll be safe again.” “But a CONVENT? Kurt Hummel doesn’t do abstinence!” “And that’s exactly why they won’t find you. We just want you to be safe until we need you as a witness. Okay?” Kurt jumps up and pushes his chair away. “Fine!” —— Three days later, Kurt knocks on the giant front door of “Benedict”- convent. The Abbey was built in 1890 and Kurt was sure that no one ever changed something on the out- or (even worse) inside. There was no way that he was staying there over a month. He loves the 21th centuries and all of its amazing innovations. The door opens and a monk appears in the open hallway. “Are you Kurt Hummel?” Kurt nods and stares at the man. Does he have to wear this- this thing, too? Because there was no way to pull that off. “From now on your name is Brother Dan. I’m Brother John. You may come in.” He steps aside and let Kurt into the dark room. It looks exactly like Kurt imagined it. Tall stonewalls, stone floor with an antique carpet, a cross and a picture of Maria and Jesus. “You have to give me your interior decorator´s number.” he jokes, but Brother John ignores him. He walks down the gangway and opens a small door on the right side. Kurt follows him, still amazed with the charm of the hallway. The room Brother John has led him to, looked more modern. The walls were eggshell white, the furniture was made from bright cheery wood and they even had a PC. “ This room totally ruined the atmosphere.” Kurt critics and sinks down on one of the wing chairs. Brother John opens a closet and pulls out a brown habit, similar to the one he was wearing. “You can change now. When you are ready, you have to walk down the hallway and I’ll wait for you in the dining hall.” Brother John lies the habit down on Kurt’s lap and leaves him alone. “Well,” Kurt says to himself, ” it could be worse.” —- When he was dressed, Kurt opens the door and walks into the hallway. He kind of likes the habit. It was something new and even though there wasn’t a mirror anywhere near, he was pretty sure that he looked amazing. The dark brown emphasis the white of his skin. The abbey was quiet. Too quiet for Kurt, who was used to the sounds of the big city he loved to live in. How should he survive this? Kurt makes it halfway to his destination, when the door next to him is pushed open and another monk stumbled out of it and crushes into him. The documents he was carrying splattering on the floor as he fell down, taking Kurt with him. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” The other man murmurs while he tries to collect the papers. Kurt chuckles and bows down to help him. “At least you didn’t ruin my amazing dress!” He notes as he tosses a stack of paper towards the monk. The other man looks up and Kurt couldn’t stop himself from staring. Wow. He was really beautiful with brown eyes and thick dark brown hair. The other man seems to notice his eyes on him, gaze flicking towards the floor shyly. “I’m Brother Stephan.” He says, forcing his eyes to meet Kurt’s. “I’m Ku- Brother Dan!” They shake hands and Brother Stephan holds on to Kurt’s to help him get up. “Are you new here?” He asks Kurt as they continue their way towards the door at the end of the hallway. “Just arrived half an hour ago. And I already ruined your work.” Kurt grins at Stephan. “It’s no problem. It’s just- stuff. Not important. And I was the one, crashing into you!” Kurt reaches out to pet Brother Stephan’s arm, butting his lip. But the other man just stares down at the floor again, cheeks burning red. Oh, right, they are monks. Flirting wasn’t a to-do here. Kurt curses under his breath. How should he stay in a house with beautiful man like Stephan and not try to get into their pants- or dresses. “Ah, Brother Dan! I see you already met another member of our convent. Brother Stephan, shouldn’t you help cooking dinner?” Kurt looks down to the man next to him who crumbles the papers in his hands nervously. “I’m sorry, Brother John. I’ll hurry to help the others.” “And you will also help the cleaning team afterwards.” “Of course.” Brother Stephan smiles up at Kurt one last time and hurries away. They are standing in a giant room, filled with long tables and about 40 Chairs next each one. “How many Monks live here?” Kurt asked Brother John, pointing towards the chairs. “We’re twelve. Those chairs are a relic of the good days. We used to be one of the biggest convents in northern USA.” He walks towards a picture on the wall opposite from them. It shows a group of Monks who were working in a garden. “We used to take care of people with problematic lifes. But now there are Bars and Strip clubs. Things young men prefer to carry their problems to, instead of finding themselves in an abbey” Kurt chuckles. He would also prefer a strip club over this prison. A bell rings and the monks who were sitting at the tables start to move. Quickly they clean up one of the tables. “It’s dinner time! You can take your luggage up to your chamber and then join us.” Brother John pointed towards the stairs where Kurt could make out his suitcase. “I have to take it to my room? By myself?” “This isn’t a hotel Mr. Hummel.” Brother John leaves and Kurt lets out all the curse words he learned so far, while he walks towards his suitcase. —— As Kurt reached the second floor he was already panting. He had asked a Monk he met, and his chamber was on the third floor, third door to the right. Every floor looks exactly the same. A long dark alley with about six doors on each side. When Kurt tosses the door to his chamber open, he was greeted by heavy, smelly air. It wasn’t a surprise that no one wanted to live here. How could someone spend more than one day in those dark jails? They also had metal-grilled windows! In front of the window is a single bed. It’s made from dark wood and has a grey duvet on it. The curtains were gray too and- surprise- the small table near the closet has a gray cloth on it. Amazing. Kurt sighs and pushed the suitcase on top of the bed. Just as he opens the zip, the bell rings again. It’s time for dinner. Before he leaves the room, he washes his hands in the small sink, and looks up to check his hair. But there was no mirror. He needs to talk with Brother John about this. There was no way that he was going to stay here if he wasn’t allowed to redecorate this coop. —- When Kurt enters the dining hall again, the monks already sat down. They hold each other’s hand and one of them was saying something in Latin. Of course they had to pray before they eat. Kurt rolls his eyes and slowly walks towards the table. He doesn’t believe in their God, or in fact any other god. When he was younger he refused to believe in someone who created people like him- gay people- and also make others hate them. How could those Christians preach that God loves everyone, but discriminate someone who isn’t like them? Now, out of Lima and in a liberal giant city, the bullying has stopped, but Kurt couldn’t change his mind. The monks had finished their prayer and were now handing around pots with noodles. Kurt sat down next to the gorgeous man he had met early- what was his name again? “Do you have to pray before every meal?” Kurt whispers towards the other man, but he just stares at him in shock. His eyes flick over to Brother John who is sitting several seats away from them and then he leans forward and whispers into Kurt’s ear. “We are not allowed to speak while eating. But yes we have to pray before every meal!” The monk opposite from them cleared his throat loudly and Brother Stephan ducks his head and continues to eat. Really? This was worse than prison. Why had Dennis send him here, it was awful. ---- This evening during the vespers, Kurt decides to pray, too. But while the other man probably prayed for world peace, Kurt had only one wish. The cops should catch those damn warblers as soon as possible and get him out of his personal hell!

End Notes: I hope you liked it :)As always: If you discover mistakes please contact me. English isn´t my first language and my spelling also sucks in german so.... :D


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