Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Quinn was lying on an improved bed, made from the boxes and blankets they found in the bunker.
Her face was dark red and her eyes shot tightly. It seemed like she was dreaming badly, her head jerking from side to side and mouth opening, screaming without a sound. Her friends sat around her. Santana was stroking her hair, while Rachel was changing the bandage on her neck again, it was already blood soaked.
With her left hand she was wiping the sweat of her forehead, while she was pressing the ripped blanket piece against the wound.
The nights on the Isla de la Caída were clearly colder than the days, but Rachel was still sweating visibly in her light purple tank top.
"Kurt, give me another blanket piece." She said while reaching to her left side for the vodka Puck had brought from the huts.
"Rachel, we only have three pieces left. We need to make more." Her best friend answered and that was the one little thing that broke her. Rachel started crying and was nearly hyperventilating while sobbing. Immediately Kurt and Blaine jumped up and pulled her away from Quinn.
Blaine tried his best to bandage the wound, while Kurt hugged the small girl close, stroking her head, which was pressed against his shoulder.
"Shh, everything's going to be fine." He tried to calm her down, but Rachel was shaking her head violently and let out another loud sob.
"It's not like Blaine's wound, she is dying, why is she dying?" She said what everybody was already thinking.
Why was Quinn hurt so badly, while Blaine looked like he had never been attacked?
And while no one was able to answer, Santana quietly started to hum a melody none of them recognized, but it was the most beautiful thing that they had heard.
He was surrounded by things, they were crawling towards him, reaching out for him and- there was Kurt was lying next to him, bleeding badly.
“What happened?” He screamed towards his boyfriend, but the other boy didn’t move. Blaine looked around again; panic pumping through his whole body.
The things were just staying there, looking at him, breathing through their mouths like wild hungry animals.
But they didn’t come closer.
So Blaine fell down to his knees and turned Kurt on his back. There was a wound that cracked half of his head open, blood streaming out of it and Blaine could see his brain.
With a small scream, Blaine sat up abruptly, his heart beating fast. Next to him,
Kurt turned around and slowly opened his eyes looking up to him. He smiled at him sadly, and tried to pull him down, but Blaine shook of his hand.
"Sleep." he whispered before he pressed a kiss against Kurt's temple. Blaine walked towards the boxes Quinn was lying on.
They had decided that one person would watch over her, while the others sleep.
Right now, Puck was sitting next to her, cleaning his weapon. Blaine walked over to them and dropped down near Quinn's head.
"How is she doing?" He whispered towards the other boy, but Puck just shook his head and looked down to the stick in his hand. Blaine brushed Quinn's hair to the side to look at the blood soaked bandage.
Her breath had regulated and she seemed peaceful.
"We should wake up the others, she's nearly gone." Blaine stood up again and walked over to the spot were Kurt and Rachel were sleeping. Softly he shook them awake and nodded sadly at them.
They understood. As soon as everyone sat down around Quinn, silence fell over them again.
"Does anyone want to say something?" Kurt whispered after a while. "She was one of my best friends," Santana started taking Quinn's hand into her own, a sad smile on her lips.
"The unholy trinity was legendary."
"If I'll be able to leave this island, I'll never stop telling Beth what an amazing person her mother was. Brave, beautiful and unique." Puck continued.
"I agree with you. I only knew her one year, but she seemed to be such an interesting person. I would have loved to get to know her better." Blaine whispered, not sure if it was okay for him to say anything at all. But Kurt stroked his hand and gave him an encouraging smile.
“Quinn and I always had this special friendship. But I loved her for it and I don’t want to let her go, I-I can’t do this.” Rachel started sobbing again and curled up against Puck’s side.
Quinn heads started to jolt uncontrollably and then it just stopped moving.
And with this, Quinn Fabray was gone.
They had thrown a blanket over her dead body and Puck and Kurt had started digging a hole in the ground outside the bunker.
Everyone tried to busy themselves, trying to ignore the fact that their friend had just died. That they were all on great danger.
Rachel knelt down next to the box Blaine was sitting on. She unwrapped the bandage around his leg and a shocked breath escaped her mouth. "It's gone, Blaine! Your leg is perfectly healed." Blaine looked down, but he just saw pink skin, no blood, no slough. "How is that even possible? It had looked like my leg was going to fall off!"
"Maybe you are immune against the disease." Rachel whispered, her eyes flicking over to Quinn's body.
"Rachel, you have seen what it had done to Quinn and all those other people, too. Maybe I wasn't bitten after all. I could have gotten that wound while trying to escape." She looked up at him and he could clearly see that she didn't believe him.
And she was right.
Blaine was a hundred percent sure that he was bitten, but it just didn't make sense.
Outside Kurt just finished digging the hole and climbed out of it.
"It's not deep enough." Puck said looking down at the pit.
"We will get her when we make it from this island. We will find help and get her home." Kurt simply answered as if he planned on not digging deeper.
"Then let's go and get here, the sun is already rising, we need to start walking early if we want to reach the city before it gets dark again."
Kurt stood up and walked towards the cliff.
He could already make out the silhouettes of the things walking along the beach.
It was tragically beautiful.
The way the sun crept up the horizon, the reflections on the calm sea. From this distance you could easily believe that the things were still alive, early birds who enjoyed a walk at the beach. Kurt sighed deeply and turned towards the bunker again.
This holiday could have been so beautiful.
"Bl-Blaine you said that you made sure that she's really dead." Rachel asked as she stood up from her kneeling position in front of her friend.
Blaine followed her glance and- yes- Quinn was moving softly under the blanket.
But Blaine had been so sure that she hadn't got a pulse anymore.
"She's okay! Like you!" Rachel squeaked, rushing towards the body. "Rachel no!" Santana was screaming from the other side of the room, jumping up, but it was already too late.
Rachel had reached Quinn's body and yanked back the blanket. Quinn sat up abruptly, getting hold of Rachel's arm and pulled her towards her. Rachel froze, mouth and eyes wide open.
Just before Quinn could bite her, Santana kicked against the blond´s body, smashing her back on the boxes.
Everything seemed to happen at the same time.
Quinn hit the floor, letting out an angry scream.
Rachel and Santana standing beside her, looking confused and afraid.
Blaine rushing towards them, one of their sticks in his hands.
The door flew open and Puck and Kurt came in and also ran towards them.
"What the hell had happened?" Kurt screamed towards Blaine who was now standing in front of the girls, trying his best to keep Quinn on the floor.
"She came back. I don't know how!"
"She's one of them! We have to leave the Bunker!" Puck yelled.
He took Santana's wrist and pulled her towards the door, causing Rachel to follow them intuitively. Quinn tried to stand up and follow them, but Kurt kicked against her chest one more time, before he and Blaine ran outside.
They slammed the door shut and everybody stopped moving for a second, to just stand and breathe.
"What the hell?" Santana managed to say, but nobody seemed to notice her. Rachel had left Santana's side and was now hugging Kurt crying softly into his dirt stained shirt. From the inside they could hear Quinn banging against the door, screaming her lungs out.
"Should we do something about it? Or should we just, let her go? Join the others?" Blaine whispered, afraid to break the silence.
"I think Quinn wouldn't want to be one of them. She hated the things. I think that she would prefer death over this." Santana said, biting her lip nervously.
"Who is going to do it?" Kurt returned but it wasn't a real question, they were all looking at Puck, knowing that he was the only one capable of doing such thing.
"I can't guys, I-I loved her. I still do. I can't." He stuttered, stepping away from the bunker.
"I'll do it." Blaine shot out, trying his best to calm his beating heart.
"It seems like the disease doesn't affect me. If she bits one of you, you'll end up like her. I won't."
It made sense, but Kurt took his hand pulling Blaine towards him.
"You don't know if you are really immune. Maybe you weren't bitten, or the thing wasn't infectious."
"But it's still the best option." Santana hissed at Kurt.
Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand before he let go of it and walked towards the bunker´s door.
As Blaine entered the room he couldn't see Quinn.
Where was she?
There weren't a lot of hiding spots; she had to be on the other side of the bunker.
The light that came through the small window on the right didn't reach this side, it was completely dark.
"Quinn." he said softly, lifting his stick while he made his way towards her.
"Come out please."
There was a rustling on his left side, so Blaine turned towards the general direction and held his breath in fear.
The rustling returned, followed by a deep choppy breathing.
This thing didn't sound like Quinn Fabray anymore.
Good, it would make this whole thing easier.
"Come here, Quinn."
The breathing stopped and the thing that once was Quinn screamed loudly and Blaine just managed to jump to the side before she attacked.
Fiddling with her arms, she tried to get hold of him.
Blaine was unable do to anything than avoid her attacks.
She may not sounded like Quinn anymore, but she still looked like her, expect for the wound on her throat.
Finally she get hold of him, causing them both to fall on the floor,
Quinn on top of Blaine bowing down to bite him.
Blaine tried his best to keep her mouth away from the sensible skin of his neck. He pressed against her forehead with all the strange he could bring up in his poor condition.
There was a lot creaking sound and Quinn stopped moving, she fell to her side and just lied there. Blaine had broken her neck.
He knew that his boxing routine had made him strong, but this was impossible right?
Slowly he stood up, afraid that Quinn would jump up again and kill him.
But she didn't moved again.
Okay, you have to double check. Always double check, Blaine whispered to himself, while he stepped from side to side, rolling the stick through his fingers.
He could do this, she was already dead.
Blaine lifted the stick over his head and let it rush down, stopping only inches in front of Quinn's head. He couldn't do it while seeing her face. Quickly he rushed towards the blanket Quinn was covered up with before she "returned".
He picked it up and returned to the lifeless body of his former friend. Blaine rolled Quinn into the blanket, hiding her head completely. Now the only thing he could see were her legs and feet.
This was better.
He let out a final breath before he lifted the stick again and let it smash down on the bulge of Quinn's head.
A soft cracking sound filled the otherwise quiet bunker and a red spot appeared, quickly soaking up the blanket.
This should be it.
Blaine let the stick slide out of his hand and bowed down to pick her body up, carrying her towards the door.
"I think I packed everything we needed." Puck said as he stepped out of the bunker with Santana by his side, carrying their backpacks.
Rachel was sitting in front of the dirt pit in which they had buried Quinn.
She was cutting one of the blanket into pieces.
Blaine and Kurt were climbing up the small path from the beach after washing the dirt of their clothes in the ocean. The beach was now filled with corpses.
They had agreed to start walking as soon as possible since the sun was already climbing up towards it maximum.
Santana crouched down beside Rachel and took the rags and the scissor from her.
"It's okay, Rachel. Get ready, we have to start walking." She helped the brunet up and gave her a back pack to carry, just as Kurt and Blaine reached them.
"Did you get everything?" Blaine asked as he also took a back pack from Santana. "Yeah, we have enough food and water for at least two days."
"Losing Quinn was high price for it."