Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
The rising sun was just creeping over the hills of Isla de la Caída, but Blaine was already wide awake.
He was sitting in front of the bunker, waiting for his life to be over. He was confused that it hadn´t already happen. Why were there so many of those things, if the transformation took so long. And, he wasn´t one of those "in betweeners". One of those who could still run, but who seemed to be mad like the others.
But Blaine was feeling good. The pounding in his leg had stopped and his bruises didn´t look that bad anymore. Was it possible that he wasn´t affected by the virus after all? Or wasn´t this infection like the once in the movies? Was the cause of the epidemic something else?
"Blaine?" A soft voice appeared behind him. Rachel sat down next to him, looking at him suspiciously "Are you okay, or is it going to happen?" She whispered. Maybe the others are already awake or she is just afraid that if she said it out loud the danger would become more real.
Blaine shook his head and smiled at her. "No. I´m fine. It´s really strange, maybe the infection has another cause." Rachel squeaked and threw his arms around him. "I was so afraid of losing you! Let´s go and tell the others!" She jumped up and ran back into the bunker. The younger boy didn´t follow her. Somehow it seemed a bit unreal, why wasn´t he dying?
"We don´t have enough to eat. Or to drink. We have no plan. The smartest decision would be to go out there and just get ourselves killed. It´s going to happen anyway, so why shouldn´t we take the easier way?" Santana hissed.
They were sitting on the floor in a circle. After celebrating the fact that Blaine wasn´t going to die, resignation hit them. No one knew what to do next and their supplies were nearly used up.
"Maybe we could make Teams. I bet there is still something to eat at the Restaurant. One group could stay here and plan our next move and the other group could try to find food and water." Kurt said after a while. The other nodded enthusiastically, but nobody wanted to decide who belongs in which group. The silence returned.
"I´m going to the hotel." Puck stood up and walked towards the corner, where they there weapons where lying on a small pile. "Santana?" He was now holding the curler, ready to throw it over where Santana was sitting. "I- I would prefer to stay here and help planning." She nervously bit her lip and looked around the room. "I mean, as if you could make a good plan without me, right!" She chuckled, but the tension was still there.
"I´ll go." Quinn burst out.
"And I´ll go, too. Blaine needs to rest. His leg isn´t healed completely." Kurt stood up and held his hand open to help Quinn standing up. "Puck, Quinn and I will go to the hotel. Blaine, Rachel and Santana will stay here. Okay?"
Fifteen minutes later Kurt, Puck and Quinn were on their way towards the hotel. The whole Island seemed to buzz with tension. They couldn´t hear a bird or another animal, just the soft rustling of the leaves and whooshing of the waves.
“Maybe everybody’s dead already.” Puck said while they climbed down the sandy path towards the bungalows.
“Stop being so optimistic, Noah.” Kurt grumbled. He helped Quinn climbing down the last rock before they reached the beach.
It was empty again, just one thing was lying in the sand four feet away from them. It seemed to be dead.
“What´s the plan when we reach the hotel?” Quinn asked, hugging her backpack closer to her chest, eyes never leaving the creature at the beach. “We should go to the loading platform at the back. It´s the shortest way to the kitchen and restaurant. Maybe we´re lucky and they had already put up the breakfast buffet. The fruits, the bread-“
“My mouth is already watering just thinking about it.” Puck disrupted Kurt.
“I think you should check the entrances, while Quinn and I collect the food, otherwise there wouldn´t be much left to bring back to the bunker.” They all giggled, but quickly stopped remembering in what situation they were in.
“So what´s next?” Rachel asked shyly, her soft voice being echoed in the nearly empty bunker. Blaine was sitting next to her on one of the many boxes that were filling up most of the room of the old building.
They had checked through them last night, but they were mostly empty, expect for tools and stones.
Santana has curled herself into a blanket and was sitting in the corner opposite of them. She hadn´t talked again since the others had left.
The farewell had been short; they all agreed that nobody wanted to be outside the bunker as soon as it gets dark. Even though the others have just been gone for an hour, Blaine felt sick worrying. He shouldn´t have let Kurt go.
“I should have gone with them.” He mumbled for the seventh time since his boyfriend had left. “You need to rest.” Rachel was answering. Like she did all the times before.
“The hospital.” Santanas voice came sudden, making the other two cringe in surprise. “But we can´t go to the city, Puck said it´s too dangerous.” Rachel said, tossed between staying where she was and going over to Santana.
“But it´s the only chance we have, right? Maybe there are other survivors; this would be the first place I would go to, if something like this happened in Lima.” The other girl said.
Blaine grunted and stood up, closing the distance between him and Santana.
“And it´s also the first place you go to if you are hurt. Bitten, for example, by another person. If the virus has reached the city it will be full of those things. We are going to die there. If the other ever come back that is.”
“Stop it, Blaine. They´ll come back. We´ll go to this damn hospital and somebody is going to tell us what to do.” Santana was also standing now, arms flying through the air while she argued.
“Stop!” Rachel screamed, making the other two shut up, just inches away from each other, ready to jump each other.
“Stop it, stop it, stop it! Don´t fight! This is absolutely not the right time for this nonsense. We need a plan, a good one! The others risk their lives out there to get us something to eat. It´s only fair to present them a brilliant plan that will save us. Okay?!” Blaine and Santana were staring at the other girl. They had witnessed a lot of her diva freak-outs, but this was completely different. “Okay.” Blaine said, looking back at Santana. “Okay.” The other one agreed.
“Then where is the map.”
“Fuck.” Puck hissed.
They were lying in the sand a few feet away from the main complex of the hotel and the driveway in front of the entrance was crowded with things. They were crawling on the ground or stumbling along the small wall that separates the beach and the driveway.
“How should we ever get in there? Or out again..” Kurt whispered towards the other two, but they didn´t seem to hear him.
They weren´t looking at the things at the entrance, but starring behind them. Kurt turned around and immediately wished he hadn´t.
The things they had seen on their way to the hotel must have followed them because there were about fifty of them on the beach. “Well, there is no way back now. We should better get in there.” Quinn said and stood up and tapped her jeans to get the sand off.
“Wow, one second princess!” Puck pulled her down again. “We need a plan for this!”
“There is no time for plans. We don´t know when the sun is setting again. Let´s go now.”
“I agree with her, Puck” Kurt threw in. “Let´s stick to the old plan and get it started now.”
They all stood up, reached for their weapons and started to run.
Quinn and Puck went for the right side, but Kurt knew that the door was closer to the left side. There weren´t any bushes or anything else to hide behind, like on the right side, but he could already see that the things were going after Puck and Quinn.
His stick lifted, ready to kill everything that tries to stop him, he started his way to the kitchen.
And it worked. Kurt reached his destination without meeting any of them.
The door to the kitchen wasn´t locked, but he stopped, his hand on the doorknob. They agreed on meeting here, but maybe it would be best to check if the kitchen is safe.
He pushed the door open.
“So, if we walk up this road for two miles and then this one, we could reach the hospital without walking through the whole city.” Santana drew a circle around the crossroad.
“And what´s next?” Rachel asked, moving closer to the box with the map on it. “We try to find help, obviously.” Blaine shrugged.
“Yeah, but I mean, what will we do if we can´t find anyone. If they are all gone.”
“Shut it, Berry. One damn doctor or something will still be there.” Santana hissed back at her, frowning her eyebrows in anger.
“I was just saying that we need to stay realistic. We need to have a plan for everything that could probably happen. It´s the only way to make sure we´re going to get out of here.”
Santana leaned back, biting her lips. Her eyes flickered between Blaine and Rachel. “No.”
“Santana, I think Rachel does have a point.”
“I will not accept this, okay. You can´t do anything to make me believe that there is no hope left. Has anyone of you two ever thought about Sam and Mercedes again? They are dead. There is no way that they survived this whole thing on their own. That boy Quinn saw- that was him. I bet my sweet ass on it! And if he´s dead, then Mercedes is too. But you seem to have forgotten about it. Of course, our little sunshine boy over here was too busy worrying about himself and his darling boyfriend, but I´m scared as hell. So don´t tell me that we can´t get out of here.” She jumped up, kicking over the box in between them. “I WILL GET OUT OF HERE!”
Santana let out a frustrated scream and stormed out of the bunker.
As Kurt entered the room he immediately got the feeling that something wasn´t right. Slowly he moved forwards, carefully avoiding everything that could make a sound.
There was one of the things, hovering in a corner. Kurt lifted his stick, walking towards it. The thing was gnawing on its own arm, a low growling filling the room.
You can do this, Kurt whispered to himself. It´s not human anymore, you can kill it. Just as he wanted to close the last gap between him and the thing, the door was pushed open and his friends stumbled in, forcing not only Kurt to turn around and stare at them, but also the thing to notice him.
With a squeak it jumped up and onto Kurt, making them fall on the ground. His doubts replaced with straight fear, Kurt lifted his stick and hit the thing on its head again and again, until it stopped strangling him and rolled off him.
“Oh my god, Kurt!” Quinn was running towards him, falling on her knees next to him.
“Are you okay?”
Kurt sat up and looked at the dead thing next to him in horror. There was blood everywhere, but he was sure that none of it was his own. “I think that I´m okay. I have blood on my shirt, but otherwise I´m fine.”
Puck had built a barricade in front of the door and was now searching through the shelves and cupboards. “There is too much vegetable shit.”
Quinn was also standing up, to help him. “Take everything you find, Noah. We need it.” She lifted her bag up and started putting cans and vegetables into it.
Kurt took the stick and pushed it against the thing a final time, just to be sure it´s actually dead.
“I´m going to the restaurant.” Quinn said, as she walked towards the door on the other side of the room. “We shouldn´t separate, Quinn.” Kurt answered her, as he opened a drawer.
“And we shouldn´t stay here longer than necessary. So I´ll go out there and you´ll join me when you´re finished with the kitchen.” With this she pushed the door to the restaurant open.
The restaurant was a big; one side was made of glass allowing a beach view. They had really enjoyed the nice panorama the last days, but now the things were standing in front of the glass, curios by the movements inside.
“Do you see the things?” Kurt whispered, while he followed Quinn into the hall.
“No. Expect for the twenty outside that window.” Without hesitation she stepped towards the buffet table that was set up yesterday morning, but was never used.
There was fresh bread and marmalade on it and the two teenagers quickly started to fill them into their bags. “I´ll go and check out the bar for water. Take some of the yogurts. We can eat them today.” Quinn mumbled as she walked away from Kurt and through the room.
She just passed the first three tables when she saw him. Leaning against a chair, dirt clinching up his blond hair. Without thinking about it, Quinn ran towards Sam.
She felt down on the ground next to him. “Sam! I´m so happy that you are here! We thought that something might have happen to you! We´ve found a safe place, you can come with us.”
“Quinn?” Kurt voice reached her from the other side of the room.
“I´ve found Sam, Kurt! Sam! Say something! Is everything alright?” She leaned over and shook him. Finally her ex boyfriend moved, slowly rising his head and turning it towards Quinn.
The last thing she saw was the wound on his neck and the hunger in his eyes.
The door was pushed open and Santana stormed in causing Blaine to jump in front of Rachel, stick lifted to attack. “They are here! Something went wrong!”
Puck and Kurt stumbled in, Quinn in between them. Her head was hanging down and it seemed like the boys needed a lot of strength to keep her standing. “Quick! We need bandages! There is alcohol in one of our backs!” Kurt screamed. “MOVE!”
Everyone started running around the room, looking for the blankets and a knife, while Puck and Kurt helped Quinn to sit down on one of the boxes. “What has happened?” Santana asked, while she dropped on her knees in front of Quinn. “She-she found Sam.” Kurt stuttered, biting his lips to fight back the tears.
The hectic was gone as the others froze and stared at Kurt.
“He is one of them. He tried to kill her. She is dying.”