Looking for heaven
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.

Looking for heaven: Chapter 5

M - Words: 2,275 - Last Updated: Oct 13, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: May 05, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2022
212 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: God I feel like there are thousands of spelling errors, but I wanted to update on August 1 so Í´m updating in the middle of the night and my brain is tired from work and...sorry? (like know and now, or there and their all those things I get right during daytime -.-)No warnings, just little Angst I guess?

Kurt was running for his life. They were there, everywhere. Reaching out for him, ready to yank him into pieces. There was blood on his hands and his leg hurts terribly. Soon they’ll have reached him, then he will never see home again.
With a loud yell, Kurt shot up in bed, sweating, panting. Where was he? What had happened? He looked around while the memories rushed back. It wasn’t a dream. There were things who wanted to kill him and there was a good chance that they would actually succeed.
Kurt reached towards the other side of the bed, only to find it empty. Where was Blaine? He carefully leaned over towards the lamp, but the light switch didn’t work. The electricity was gone. This wasn’t a good sign.

The wooden floor felt warm as Kurt stood up. He slowly walked through the house, afraid to find one of those things behind a door, but his need to find Blaine was more important than his childish fears.
“Blaine?” He whispered as he returned to the bedroom. But his boyfriend still wasn’t there.
Maybe he had left to get some fresh air, Kurt thought while walking back to the front door. The barricade was untouched.
Would he be able to climb through the window with his hurt leg? “Blaine?” Kurt whispered into the darkness. But instead of an answer, he only heard a small rustling near his right side. That’s it. One of the things was here and he just caught its attention.
But instead Puck appeared in front of the window, screwing up his eyes to make out Kurt through the darkness.
“Puck! What the hell are you doing here? If you have come to kill Blaine you are out of luck! I can’t find him.” Puck’s face scrunched up to an expression of pain. He felt bad for threatening his friends. “I’m sorry okay? There is a lot going on right now. How long have you been here?”
“I don’t know, an hour before sunset or so. Why are you out there, these things they-”
“Passed by. There aren’t any of them in this area right now. We’ve broken into the house next to yours since this one already had a broken window. I came over here to check for food.”
“The others are here, too?”
“Yeah, right there in the next bungalow. And you should come with me.”
“But Blaine-”
“I don’t know where he is. If you want to stay here and wait for him, I’ll understand, but how long do you think you can make it on your own if he doesn’t return.”

Kurt stepped back from the window and turned around. The blankets on the kitchen floor where blood soaked, a quiet reminder of Blaine’s wound. Don’t be stupid, Kurt said to himself, he may not return and you are not able to get of this island on your own.
But as he made his way to the bedroom to get his bag another thought crystallizes in his head. Did he even want to leave this island without Blaine? This spring they had celebrated their one year anniversary, and even though it means that they’ve been a couple for a longer time than most of their friends, it wasn’t that long. But still- they had grown to need each other. What would happen to Kurt if he leaves without Blaine? Would he ever be able to love someone else or drown his self-destructive doubts; That he could have saved Blaine, if he had just stayed at that Bungalow.
And, even if he does find someone else, would it ever feel the same? They had often joked about being soul mates and had already planned their wedding. None of them had seriously considered that they would be one of those exceptions who marry their Highschool sweetheart. But now it was all Kurt wanted. To have Blaine by his side, to survive this with him and then never let him go again. He couldn’t leave.

“Kurt?” Puck asked from the living room. He must have climbed into the bungalow. “What are you doing? You’ve been in there for- hey, are you crying?” The older boy walked towards Kurt, who turned away from him, hiding the tears he hadn’t even noticed. “We’ll leave a note here. That we’re in the other bungalow. If he returns, he’ll come over.”
“We can’t stay here forever! There are going to be more things! The whole hotel! Do you really think that they’ll just stay in this area? No! They’ll come out here and then we are trapped. We are dead if we stay here.”
Puck sighed and reached out for a hug, but stopped, shaking his head. It was his fault that they had split up. “But you don’t want to leave, right?” he said instead.
“Of course not.”
Blaine sat on a rock, high enough on the cliff to see the bungalows, but still hidden for anyone who happens to look up in his direction. His leg was still aching from the climb, but to his confusion, it got better. The wound seemed to be smaller and the red itchy skin was replaced from slough. It looked like he had just fallen, not like a toxic monster had tried to bit of his leg.
He hadn’t slept for nearly 20 hours and the fight against his tired eyes was harder than a 25 ft climb with a limb leg. But then he saw Puck and the girls reaching the beach in front of the bungalows. Even though it was completely dark, Blaine could make out the silhouettes of five people, so no one had died so far. Good thing. He wanted as many people to protect Kurt as possible.
But they had entered the wrong bungalow and Blaine began to panic. Maybe they will leave again, without Kurt.
But after half an hour or so, Puck had left the bungalow and had climbed into Kurt’s. His Plan would work and he could die knowing that his boyfriend was safe.
Blaine sighted and leaned back, closing his eyes. Now he could sleep, maybe he wouldn’t wake up, but it would be okay. His leg had stopped hurting, which probably meant that the transformation was near.
He sat up one more time to see Kurt and Puck climbing out of the bungalow and into the other one. But there was something else catching his attention. Behind the roof of the last Bungalow, right at the foot of the mountain he could make out shadows. Slow moving shadows, a lot of them. Way too many. Blaine’s eyes flicked down towards the bungalow again, but none of his friend left it. Haven’t they seen the things? They needed to leave, otherwise one of the things could find them and- “KURT!” Rachel’s voice echoed through the night and up the cliff Blaine was sitting on. The shadows stopped and then began to move again. Faster.
Without thinking about it, Blaine jumped up and began to climb down the rock.
Rachel hugged Kurt so thigh, he feared that his ribcage could break.
“I’m so happy to have you back! It was such a stupid idea to split up.”
“Shut it Berry, no need to wake up the whole island!” Santana hissed, but she also looked relieved. “Where is Blaine?” Quinn asked. She was sitting on the couch, sorting their supplies. “I- I don’t know..” Kurt whispered, his voice shaking again. “As I woke up, he was gone. Maybe he is just looking for something to eat.”
“Isn’t he wounded?”
“Yes, but maybe he just-”
Puck stepped next to Quinn and took an apple from the stack in front of her. “He’ll come back. We’ve left a note for him.” He said as he tossed the apple towards Kurt. “Eat it.”

They all sat down in the living room around the map of the island. As soon as Blaine had returned they would march on. Maybe they would find help in the city. “But it’s too dangerous. If the disease has already spread, a city full of people is the least place to go to!” Puck argued with Santana, who had seen a hospital during their stay in Cueta. Kurt didn’t listen, his eyes always flicking towards the smashed window next to door. Right now he was already hallucinating. He could swear that Blaine was standing there, looking through the window, trying to see them in the dark Bungalow. Suddenly there was a loud banging, making the other jump a little.

So he wasn’t hallucinating! Blaine was back again! Kurt hurried towards the door, nearly tripping over.
He pushed away the barricades, yanked open the door- and yes, there was his boyfriend, out of breath and dusty, but alive. Kurt leaned forwards to hug Blaine, but the smaller boy moved away.
He shoved Kurt back into the Bungalow and shut the door close behind him. “Get up we need to leave!” He whispered towards the others, who were still confused about what just had happen. “Quick! There are more than 100 of those things out there and thanks to Rachel’s whooping they know that you are here!” The atmosphere changed completely. Everyone jumped up and tried to pack their things together, they bummed into each other, swear and more than once someone fell on the floor. All this time Kurt didn’t move. He kept still at the door, where Blaine had left him to help the others pack.
“Kurt!” His boyfriend was now standing in from while he stuffed water bottles into a bag. “Don’t you need to pack anything?”
“Where have you been?”
“You heard me. Do you know how frightened I was as I woke up and you were gone?”
“Can we please talk about it when we are safe again?”
“We are on an island full of Zombies. We are never safe. Tell me.”
“I- I’m going to be one of them. I didn’t wanted to be near you when I transform.” Kurt swallowed, biting on his lip to keep the tears in. “Then why did you come back? This obviously isn’t a part of the plan.”
Blaine took Kurt’s hand into his own and Kurt could see that he was also fighting back tears. “I wanted you to be safe. So I waited up on the cliffs until the other arrived. But then I saw those things and none of you had noticed them. I needed to warn you. I want to save you. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be no longer able to. And…”
“Thank you.” Kurt whispered and he leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend. He will not let him die. They will find someone how can safe him.

“We need to go.” Rachel had appeared next to them, her backpack clenching to her chest. Kurt had brought their rackets and Santana and Puck were also holding their weapons. They agreed that Rachel, Blaine (since he was hurt) and Quinn would carry their belongings while the others fight against the things. But they hoped that they wouldn’t need to.
As they left the bungalow and climbed down the steps into the sand. They couldn’t see the things yet, but they could definitely hear them. The moaning, the screams. They were hungry.
“In which direction should we go?”
Rachel hushed as they stood still, trying to see the things through the thick darkness. “It would be a really stupid to run into their arms, Rachel.” Quinn scoffs. “Maybe it’s not that stupid after all.” Blaine said, trying to support his friend. “There is a small path behind the last bungalow. I saw it when the hotel was built. It leads up to the monkey rock I told Kurt about. There is also a bunker. I planned on going there last night, before I decided to wait for you guys to arrive here. It’s hidden in the rocks.”
“And why didn’t you tell us about this amazing safe bunker earlier?” Santana nagged. “I forgot about it! I visited this island two years ago, Santana.”
“Okay, no need for fighting. We know about it now, so maybe we should move our asses out of the death zone.” Puck tried to relax the situation as he pulled Santana towards the last bungalow.
As they reached the back of the hut the things already climbed the stairs, only inches away from them.
Blaine tried to find the path, praying that it was there and his memory wasn’t playing a trick on him.
But there it was, a small sandy line leading up the hill. He waved as his friends and they tried to stay as quiet as possible, as they walked towards it.
Luckily the things were too busy trying to get into the bungalows. They seemed to be extremely interested in the bungalow Kurt and Blaine had stayed in. “The blankets! They must smell the blood!” Kurt whispered towards Blaine. “Or they smell one of them in there.” The other boy answered, his back still turned towards Kurt.
The friends finally reached the top of the mountain and as they turned around, they saw the beach crowded with things. If Blaine hadn’t come back to warn them they would be doomed.
“There it is between the rocks!” Blaine shouted excited and they quickly continued to walk towards the bunker.
A safe place. Hopefully.

End Notes: Yaay everybody is back together! But since I hate people being happy, there is going to be a BIG TRAGEDY next chapter! Wuh! o/I love you all, I still can´t believe that people actually want to read about Zombies trying to kill Kurt and Blaine :O


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