Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Puck yanked his hand back, ready to stab the younger boy in front of him, but before he could even reach Blaine he was tackled down on the floor. Kurt was upon him, bringing his fist towards his face again and again. “Kurt! Stop!” Blaine jumped up from the bed, hugged his arms around Kurt’s waist and pulled him of Puck.
“Geez, thank you!” Puck murmured as he wiped blood of his face. Kurt was trying to escape Blaine’s grip, but his boyfriend was stronger than him. “No need to thank me, Noah. As soon as you attack me again, I’ll let him go and join him.”
“You all calm down a moment!” Santana said as she stood up from her place next to Quinn. “We can’t simply kill Blaine. We don’t know if these things are like the once in horror movies.” Kurt nodded in agreement, eyes still locked on Puck.
“But how did they become so many, if it doesn’t work through biting.” Quinn mentioned. “We can’t risk it.”
The air seemed to hum with tension. “Blaine and I are going to leave.” Kurt said after a while, taking Blaine’s hand into his own. “No!” Rachel hissed. “If you leave, I’m leaving, too.” She joined them. “No we can’t split up! We need everyone to survive.” Santana was walking up and down the room, shaking her head worryingly. “You’re right San, but if we take Mr. Time bomb with us we are also not going to survive.” Puck pointed the knife at Blaine again, who hurried to step between the other boy and Kurt before the two of them could start to fight again. “Okay! No splitting up. I’m leaving. I’ll find a way out of here on my own.” He said, trying to avoid Kurt’s gaze.
Blaine bowed down to take the bat and hurried to leave the bungalow. He couldn’t look back at Kurt. Because he needed to go and he knew that Kurt wouldn’t let him.
But of course he wasn’t able to simply leave. It didn’t take long for Kurt to catch up with what just happened and follow him.
“Please go back.” Blaine panted without stopping or looking back at his boyfriend. “I’m not leaving you, Idiot. I’ve got the other bat and one water bottle. That would be enough for today. But we have to find something else for tomorrow!” Kurt simply mentioned without slowing down.
“Kurt!” Blaine stopped, catching the other boy by the wrists and turning him towards himself. “We don’t know how long it will take for this infection to make me one of them. But if it does, I don’t want you anywhere near me. I want you to stay, but you have to promise me that as soon as I’m turning into one of them, you are going to leave.” He stared at Kurt, but the taller boy was gazing at a point behind Blaine, tears in his eyes.
Blaine took his face in both of his hands, forcing their eyes to meet. “Promise me!” Kurt nodded, eyes flicking over Blaine’s shoulder again. “Okay, now we have to try to reach the tree houses.” He let his hand fall down and joined it with Kurt’s. Together they continued the way to the tree houses.
By the time they finally made it, Blaine’s wound had opened even more, causing his jeans to be soaked with blood. “We need to put something around your leg; otherwise you could lose too much blood. You need all your energy if we want to get out of here.” Kurt mentioned as they walked towards the staircase which lead up to one of the tree houses. Blaine wanted to tell him that he wouldn’t leave with him, but he couldn’t bring himself to frighten Kurt. He had already planned the whole thing.
Blaine knew that the others would try to reach the Tree houses early the next morning. He would wait until Kurt fell asleep and run away. The others would find him and convince him to not go and search Blaine. He would hide inside the old bunker, which was near the tree- houses, hidden in the cliffs that define the north end of the island. There he could wait for the infection to change him.
The Tree-houses where designed for people who would like to spend their holiday without the typical touristic atmosphere of a hotel. They could call the hotel and order groceries they would need. Every second morning a hotel shuffle would bring them the things they need. But they had to cook for themselves and there wasn’t a maid. Kurt had thought that the tree-houses were built around actual trees, but the small houses looked exactly like the bungalows at the beach. The heeds stood on a platform which was held by four massive pillars. A wooden staircase led up to the small porch.
Kurt and Blaine looked around one last time, making sure that none of the things had followed them and began to climb towards the front door.
“I thought those bungalows would have leaders!” Kurt said as he tried to unlock the front door. “Would you like to climb up a leader every time you want to reach your hotel room?” “Maybe!” “No you wouldn´t.” They grinned at each other.
This had always fascinated Blaine about their relationship. No matter what had happened, they could always make each other smile and forget everything around them. But they couldn’t risk this now. Not out here, in clear view for all those things.
“Fuck Blaine! I can’t get the door open!” Kurt cursed as he kicked against the door in frustration. “Shell we try the others?”
They split up and checked the other four bungalows, but they were all locked.
“Okay we have to break our way into one of them.” Blaine looked around himself to make clear that no thing could hear them and then he took a step back and jumped against the door, like he had seen it in those CSI shows.
Blaine rebounded and landed onto the ground. Hard.
Kurt kneaded down next to him, looking shocked. “Is everything okay?” But as soon as Blaine nodded, his expression changed completely. “What were you thinking? You can’t simply jump against a massive wooden door! You are already injured!”
“Do you have a better idea?”
“Yes, of course! There are windows, Blaine. Give me your shirt!” Blaine stripped out of his shirt and handed it to Kurt.
The older boy wrapped it around his right hand and stood up. With one direct punch, he broke the glass of the window near the front door and cleared the frame of glass.
“It’s too small for me. Do you think that you can still move enough to climb inside?” Blaine stood up too, and even though his leg hurt pretty badly, he nodded.
That’s not the right time to play the hero, a voice in his head grumbled, but Blaine ignored it and pushed himself up on the frame.
With one jump he landed inside the house.
He found himself in a small living room. It pretty much looked like the bungalows, expect for the small kitchen on the right side of the room. “Is everything okay?” He could hear his boyfriend whisper through the window. Blaine hurried to unlock the door and let Kurt in. Together they pushed the couch in front of the door.
“Do you think that it’ll keep them out?” Blaine asked, looking suspiciously at their barricade. “I hope that they will not come up here at all. Because if more than two things press against the door, I’m sure that it won’t resist the pressure!”
Blaine hoped that their friends would reach the tree houses early. He couldn’t leave Kurt when he wasn’t sure that his beautiful boyfriend was 100% save. “We need to take care of your leg.” Kurt mumbled, as he tossed the shirt towards Blaine and started looking through the room. While Blaine get dressed again, he opened various closets and sighted in frustration. “What are you looking for?” Blaine asked, joining him in the small kitchen. “Bandages. Something to keep your blood inside your body..”
Blaine hurried over to one of the doors next to the living room. The first door let towards a bathroom, but the other was the bedroom. Kurt seemed to catch up. Enthusiastically, he took the scissors he had found in the kitchen and passed Blaine to enter the bedroom. He yanked the sheets of the king sized bed and smiled at Blaine. “This is perfect! Here hold this!” While Blaine hold the sheets up, Kurt cut it into smaller pieces. “Okay, now take of your pants and sit on the bed!” He ordered.
It took Blaine a while to strip out of his jeans, the fabric had already attached to the wound. A few courses later, he sat down on the edge of the bed, Kurt kneeling in front of him, staring at the wound.
Blaine couldn’t really see it, but it had to be bad, depending on the way his boyfriend’s eyes already started to water.
It was about 10 cm long and dark red. There was dirt around it, mixed with fresh and dried blood.
“O-Okay.” Kurt stuttered, obviously fighting with his gag reflex. “We have to clean it and then bandage it. Do you think the water system still works?”
“It’s handled by the city, I don’t know how far those things have already come.” Kurt nodded and stood up to get some water. “Kurt! You don’t need to do this. I can try on my own!” Blaine tried to stand up and follow the other boy, but his leg gave up under his weight and make him fall onto the bed again.
Blaine wasn’t able to do anything else, but watch as Kurt returned with a bucket with warm water and a cloth. He had also found some vodka in the fridge. Blaine had seen enough Supernatural to know that this was going to hurt. Bad.
Kurt took the cloth out of the bucket and carefully washed the blood of Blaine’s skin. It felt good, the warm water smoothing his burning skin.
As the water inside the bucket had turned completely red, Kurt stopped and reached towards the Vodka. He opened the bottle and took a sip out of it, before he held it up to Blaine. “This is going to hurt.” The younger boy also drank out of the bottle and gave it back to Kurt. “I was bitten by a Zombie today and ran through the sand with a soaking wound. I’ll handle it.”
Of course he didn’t. The alcohol felt ten times worse than his jump against the bungalow door and he let himself fall back on the bed, eyes squeezing shut. Kurt had purred some of the vodka on the cloth and was now rubbing it around the wound. He didn’t really know what he was doing, but he couldn’t make it worse.
Just as Blaine felt like passing out, unable to take anymore of the pain, Kurt stopped and wrapped one of the sheet pieces around the wound. He kissed the top of the bandage and let his head rest against Blaine’s leg.
Blaine heard that his boyfriend was crying, but he couldn’t pull him up on the bed. He couldn’t take him into his arms and hug him until he stopped.
They stayed like this for what felt like an eternity. Blaine lying back on the bed, eyes shut tightly, Kurt on the floor, face pressed against Blaine’s thigh. The sun was already setting, bathing the room in orange light. Blaine wondered why the time was running by so quickly. Did the universe want to get rid of him as soon as possible?
“I’m hungry.” He said after a while. Kurt nodded, but he didn’t look up. Blaine shifted and sat up, looking down at the small frame of his boyfriend. He bowed down to place a kiss on top of his head. “Common baby, we need to eat.” He stood up and Kurt followed him.
There wasn’t anything in the kitchen. “Should we try and go for the other Bungalows?” Kurt asked Blaine, voice still weak and tear filled. But one look out of the window showed them that it wouldn’t be the best idea to go out there. The things had catched up and there was a small group lurking through the sand.
“But we have to find something.”
Blaine felt his stomach cramp; he hadn’t eaten a thing since their campfire yesterday, which was a long time ago. They sat down on the bed again. “At least we should drink something.” Kurt murmured while he fumbled with his backpack. Just as he opened it, his face lit up. “I totally forgot that I brought that sausage with me that we had bought at the market!” He turned the bag around and shook it until it was empty. There it was, the small white packed with greasy spots at the side. Kurt took it and ran out of the room and over to the kitchen. Blaine followed him, trailing his wounded leg.
As he entered the kitchen, Kurt was already sitting on the floor. He had unfolded two napkins and placed the salami on top of it. When he heard Blaine entering the room, Kurt looked up and smiled, gesturing for him to sit down. The dim light was ghosting around Kurt’s face and Blaine couldn’t believe that this was going to be the last evening he will spend with his boyfriend. His last evening alive.
“We have to portion it, we can eat from it at least for two days!” While Kurt began to cut small pieces of the salami, Blaine sit down in front of him. There was so much he wanted to say right now, so much Kurt needed to know. Every “I love you” there shared didn’t seem enough. Blaine looked up from the napkin and into Kurt’s eyes. “You know what is going to happen soon and I want you to know that-” “No.” Kurt shook his head abruptly, focusing on the sausage again. “Can we just eat and don’t say anything Blaine. Please.” Blaine nodded and took one of the salami pieces Kurt was handing him.
They eat quietly. Of course it wasn’t enough, but Blaine let Kurt eat more of it since he was probably dead tomorrow and the other boy needed the energy to leave this hell.
As they finished, Kurt changed Blaine’s bandage once again and they checked the doors and windows. In the moonlight they could make out a few of the things who were still creeping along the beach.
Lying down on the bed, Kurt fell asleep immediately.
Blaine tried to stay awake. During their dinner he had changed his plan. He would climb on the cliff near the bungalows and wait until the others arrive, then he would accept his fate. But first, Blaine needed to know that Kurt was save.
He waited for about half an hour until Kurt’s chest rose steadily. Then Blaine carefully stood up, looked one last time at his boyfriend and left the bedroom. He climbed out of the broken window and made his way up to the cliff.