Looking for heaven
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.

Looking for heaven: Chapter 3

M - Words: 2,760 - Last Updated: Oct 13, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: May 05, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2022
323 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Angst ;(Mild Violence

“They are here.” Quinn whispered. Her hand flew down towards Santana’s, gripping it tightly.
“We are fucked.” The other girl said.
No one moved. They tried to stay as quite as possible, hoping for the slamming to stop;
But it didn’t.
Kurt moved slowly towards the door, ignoring Blaine, who tried to hold him back. Just as he pressed his head against the door they heard a voice. Puck’s voice.
“Stop the beating Berry! They’re obviously not here anymore.” Maybe they haven’t heard us.” Another beat. “Rachel!”

Without hesitation, Kurt yanked the door open and pulled his best friend into his arms. The small girl squeaked and wrapped her hands around Kurt’s neck, crying out of joy.
“Rachel, I thought you were dead!” Kurt sobbed. From the other side of the door Puck cleared his throat, pushing the others further into the room. “But if we continue to be that loud with the door open, we may be dead soon.” He closed the door and turned around to be greeted by Quinn, who leeched onto his bicep, staring at him. “You you’re alive!” He hugged an arm around her and pressed a kiss on top of her head. “I am Q. Everything will be fine!”

They finally calmed down a bit and decided to sit down in the living room. Puck told them that nearly every hallway was full with those things and they needed to be really careful, if they want to make it out alive. They hadn’t seen Mercedes or Sam, not alive, but luckily not dead either.
Puck and Rachel had been out early to run along the street next to the beach when they saw one of the things. It was sitting in the sand, blood streaming out of its head. They ran over to it, thinking that it was a wounded person who may need their help. It attacked them immediately, but they managed to run away fast enough.
Back in the hotel they witnessed the catastrophe. The lobby was full of people running around, bleeding and screaming. Some of them where already on the floor, others tried to fight against the things.
But there were too many. Puck and Rachel made it to the staircase and up to their room. By the time Blaine and Kurt were looking for them, they were already on their journey through the hotel, looking for the others and for weapons. Rachel had actually managed to find a knife. Puck had discovered a pair of wedges and since there was blood on one of it, he had already used his weapon.

“So what’s the plan?” Rachel asked as they finished their story. “We want to try to make it to the bungalows down at the beach. There are way too many people in here.” Blaine explained as he unfolded the hotel map, showing Rachel and Puck exactly which route they planned on taking.
“No Blaine, we can’t go there. It’s in direct reach from the hotel. When they’re finished with the hotel they will go out and those bungalows are the first things they will stumble into!” Rachel shook her head as she drew circles around the area they were in, to emphasize that the bungalows weren’t an option.
“That’s exactly what I thought, too!” Santana yelled as she snapped the map out of Blaine’s grip. “We should go for the tree houses! We can easily defeat these.”

“They are over half an hour away from here! How should we make it this far!” Kurt took the map from Santana and put it into his bag.”I say we should try out the bungalows and then walk towards the tree houses step by step.” No one said anything until Quinn stood up. She took her bag from the floor and held her hand open for Santana to take.
“We will try this. We have to go. I want to get away from here.”
The first hallway was empty. They decided to quickly go through every open room, looking for weapons or anything else they could need. But despite a six pack of water bottles, they couldn’t find anything. “We have to find more food.” Rachel murmured under her breath as they hurried down the stairs towards the lobby. The only exit.
“We will come back later when the situation at the hotel cooled down a bit. We can’t risk going to the cafeteria as long as the walking dead are all over this place!” Puck answered her.
They finally reached the door that lead to the lobby, the moaning on the other side still present and frightening. “Okay here’s the plan once again. Two Teams: Blaine, Kurt, Rachel and Santana, Quinn and me. You three will go for the left side, while we stick to the right side. The exit is exactly opposite from this door, but running directly for it could be too dangerous since we don’t know how they react. We should try to get as less attention as possible. When one group reaches the exit, run! Don’t wait for the others just try to get to the first Bungalow as fast as possible. Okay?” Puck stared at the other teenagers until everyone nodded their agreement. “Good luck.”
He pushed the doors open.
While Puck’s team started to run towards the right side of the lobby, Rachel seemed to be paralyzed. Kurt and Blaine were already on their way to the left side, when they noticed that their friend was still standing in the hallway, staring at the mob of not so dead people fighting against each other or simply hovering on the floor, tearing dead bodies to shreds.
They ran back, both of them taking one of Rachel’s hands, yanking the girl to the left side. It took a lot to get her going, but they finally managed to start running again.
It was already too late.
One of the things had seen Rachel and was now running towards them, screaming loudly. This caused others to notice the small group. They neglected the flesh they were gnawing at, making their way towards them. Some of the things were running, others only seem to be able to scuff. But one way or another, they would be able to get them before they reached the exit. “Kurt!” Blaine hissed as he noticed the dangerous situation they were in. “We can’t reach the exit!” “
I know. We have to head for the reception!”
With this Kurt pulled Rachel towards the desk, followed by Blaine. Slashing around themselves with the beach ball sticks, they were able to reach the big wooden desk before one of the things could get hold of them. They jumped behind it, rolling under it. The things seemed to be confused, groaning in frustration above their heads.
“And now?” Blaine whispered towards Kurt. He hugged Rachel closer to his chest, shutting her mouth with his hand to keep her small sobs in. “We should stay here until they lose interest! That has worked before.” The other boy answered, but Blaine shook his head. “No, they won’t. Some of them seemed to be smarter than the others; maybe there are differences between them. We can’t stay here; they’ll stumble across the desk and discover us. We must go on.”
“We can’t there are too many!” Blaine bit his lip, eyes flickering from Kurt to Rachel and up to the ceiling, where he could make out shadows of the things. “Okay. I will try to make them go after me. You and Rachel will wait here until I tell you to run and then both of you will go for the exit.” Kurt eyes widened and he couldn´t stop himself from inhaling loudly. “No! No, you are not going to play the bait! We have to think of another way.” Blaine reached forward to take Kurt’s hand away from Rachel’s mouth. He pressed a kiss on his fingertips and mouthed something that looked an awful lot like “I love you.”
Blaine let go of Kurt’s hand and pushed himself up on his feet and onto the desk.

“Here I am! Come and get me!” He screamed and jumped of the desk to run into the crowed.
“Run!” Kurt could hear Blaine’s voice, but he wasn’t able to move. This wasn’t happening. Blaine wasn’t sacrificing himself for them. A high ringing started in his ears and quickly felt up his whole brain. No. No. No.
“Kurt!” Rachel’s voice broke through the fog, her hand hard on his arm. “We have to go!” No.
She jumped up and pulled him with her. Kurt let her take control; let her pull him towards the door away from the screaming and moaning and out into the bright shining sun.
There also were a lot of things in front of the hotel, obviously curious about the happening inside the lobby. Kurt wanted to go back in. Wanted to help Blaine. But Rachel was there and she yelled at him while she pulled him. He wasn’t listening. Blaine was still there, fighting against these things, trying to leave. Maybe they had circled him. Maybe he was already dead and those things bit into the neck, Kurt loved to kiss or were gnawing at the hands which held Kurt so many times. He needed to get back there.
Kurt let go of Rachel’s hand and turned around. They had already reached the beach; his best friend could make it to the bungalows on her own. But, of course, she also stopped, running after him instead of towards the bungalows.
“Kurt! What are you doing! Stop!” She was quick. Kurt cursed her ambitiousness that made her do cardio training every morning. With one jump she took him down and sat down on his chest, making it impossible for him to move. “You are not going back!” Rachel yelled at him. “I have to! Get off me!” Kurt tried to lift her off his chest, but she pressed down again. “Please! You can easily make it to the Bungalows! Just let me go and get Blaine!” He stared up at his best friend, trying to convince her, but she stayed strong. “No. We don’t know what has happened to him. I love him, too. Maybe not in the same way like you, but I do. And he did this to save us. You going back there isn’t an opportunity. If, and believe me it scares me to think about it, something bad has happened, he wouldn’t want you to get back there. He would want you to go to the Bungalows and save yourself.” Kurt shook his head, pressing against her hip one more time. “Stop it! You make it sound like he is dead! But he isn’t Rachel! I know it!”
They both stopped moving, simply staring into each other’s eyes. Maybe Blaine had died, trying to save them. Or he was still alive, fighting against them. Either way, he would want Kurt to save himself. That was why he stayed. Kurt sighted and let his head fall back into the white sand. “Okay. We are going to the Bungalows. Blaine would want me to go.” Rachel didn’t move, trying to find out if Kurt was telling the truth.
Finally, she gave up and rolled of him.
They continued their way towards the bungalows. Kurt tried to look back now and then, hoping to make out Blaine’s small figure between all those things who were streaming out of the hotel. His boyfriend was strong; he was a boxer after all, but there were about fifty of these undead things.
“Which Bungalow?” He heard Rachel asking as they reached the small wooden houses. “Didn´t we agreed on the first one?”
“It’s empty! Look! The door is wide open!” Slowly they made their way to the first bungalow. “Guys! We are over here!” Rachel and Kurt turned around synchronized. Puck’s head had appeared out of a small Bungalow about 5 meters away from them.
The second they entered the small house, Puck closed the door behind them, pushing a cupboard in front of it. “We agreed on the first bungalow!” Kurt hissed.
“One of the things ran out of it as we reached it. I had to take it down; Body is still in there.” Santana was sitting on one of the two beds that nearly filled up the whole room. There was a small couch, a table and two windows. “Where is Blaine?” Quinn asked. She was sitting next to Santana, knees hugged to her chest.
That was when it hit Kurt. His boyfriend had sacrificed himself to safe him and Rachel. He was gone.
Blaine was gone.
No more movie nights.
No more pretzels at the mall.
No more nights, staying awake and planning their future life in New York.
Because there wasn’t going to be a future anymore.
Blaine was gone.
Kurt collapsed; falling on the floor like his body wasn’t able to resist gravity anymore. He didn’t black out completely, but the ringing he had already heard in the hotel lobby returned. Louder. Stronger. It was like looking through a thick fog. He saw silhouettes, felt that he was lifted and lied down onto something soft. Kurt couldn’t hear his friends scream his name, couldn’t feel them shaking and pinching him. He couldn’t feel the water they splashed against his forehead.
Because Blaine was gone.
That’s when he heard it. Softly first, but then strong through the fog. It was Blaine, calling him. Was he dying? Was there a heaven after all and Blaine was there to help him go into the light?
“Kurt!” The silhouettes started to move quickly, leaving him alone. That was it.
He could feel Blaine’s lips pressed against his cheek, could feel his hands stroking through his hair. It all felt so real.
“Kurt, wake up. I’m here. Kurt! Baby, please, open your eyes.”
Kurt snapped his eyes open and the fog was gone. He could see the ceiling, blurry at first, but then getting back into focus. So he wasn’t dead. But that must mean that.. Kurt turned his head over to his side, making his brain hurt from the abrupt movement, but there he was. Blaine was crouching next to him, one hand in Kurt’s hair, the other coming up to cup his cheek. “You are alive!” Kurt breathed, scooping forwards the hug Blaine, causing both of them to fall onto the floor. “I thought I lost you!” He didn’t notice he was crying, but it didn’t matter because Blaine hadn’t left him.
“Ouch, can you please be a little gentle? Those things really tried their best to stop me.” Blaine smiled up at his boyfriend and stretched his neck to kiss him. Everything was going to be fine.
They sat back up again and Kurt lifted Blaine next to him on the bed, not daring to let go of him for just a second.
“How did you make it out of there?” Quinn asked from the other side of the room. “I don’t know. As soon as I saw that Kurt and Rachel had left, I also tried to reach the door. I wasn’t really thinking at that moment, I just did. Thanks to that bat I managed to knock out some of them, but just as I reached the door, one of the bastards grabbed my leg and pulled me on the floor. It tried to bite some flesh out of me, but I smashed its head.” Blaine laughed, patting the bat on the floor with his foot.
“Did he just try to bite you, or did he actually manage to?” Santana asked, eyebrows frowned. “Oh it did, but I could stop it before it could do any real damage.” Blaine shrugged. Santana looked up at Puck, who just nodded and pulled the knife out of his pocket.
“Blaine, I’m really sorry, but have you never seen a Zombie movie?” Santana started.
“I don’t like horror movies. Why? What’s the problem?”
Puck stopped in front of him, tapping the knife against his tight. “There is one rule that is always the same. You get bit by one-” He lifted the knife up and pointed it towards his friend.
“You become one.”

End Notes: Sorry that it took me so long to update. I just finished school, so things were a bit complicated. But now I´ll have time to update at least every week :)Also Cliffhanger.I had to. Because...Because I FUCKING LOVE ANGST, OKAY?!?!I love all of you :)


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