Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
„Good morning.“ Blaine leaned down to kiss Kurt´s forehead.
His boyfriend was cuddled to his side, head resting half on Blaine´s bicep, half on the pillow underneath them.
“No.” The other boy just grumbled and rolled over to bury his face in the pillow. “Oh common. We wanted to go to the beach today and I promised you to show you the monkeys.” As he mentioned the monkeys Kurt lifted his head grinning up at him. “Are you sure they´re going to be there?” he asked, blue eyes sparkling with excitement. “Of course, as long as they didn´t try to run away from the tourists. Maybe they now live deeper in the jungle.”
“Can we go there?”
“No, I don´t think that this would be a good idea. The Jungle is gigantic and we don´t know enough about the island to risk getting lost.” Kurt sighed and let his head fall back down. “Fine. I´m going to take a shower and then we´ll meet the others in the cafeteria.”
He climbed out of the bed and walked towards the bedroom, bare ass swinging form side to side.
Blaine chuckled and hurried to follow him. There was no way they were going to make it to the breakfast on time, if his boyfriend decides to be extra hot this morning.
“Come on!” Kurt sighed as he hammered at the button of their elevator.
“Relax darling, we´ll take the stairs.”
“But we´re already late!” Blaine leaned forward to press a kiss against Kurt´s cheek. “And whose fault is that?” The older boy snorted and bumped playfully against his boyfriend as he made his way to the small staircase which was hidden behind a door next to the elevator. Of course there had to be another way down in case of emergency, but it was still nicer to use the glass elevator.
He pressed the door open and the door boys made their way down to the next floor.
The Elevator that normally took then from ninth floor to the lobby was also broken and Kurt joked about the bad review he was going to give the hotel for forcing him to take the stairs.
They reached the next floor as they heard a loud scream, coming from the alley behind the staircase exit door.
“Did you hear that?” Blaine whispered as he moved closer to the door. “It’s just some crazy lady fighting with her boyfriend. Common the others are waiting for us!”
Kurt tried to get hold of Blaine’s arm and pull him towards the next set of stairs, but his boyfriend didn’t move. “Maybe she needs help! We should look after her.”
“Yes following weird people worked out amazing yesterday, we should totally do it again.” Kurt groaned as he followed the other boy into the alley of floor 6.
The screaming had disappeared, but they could see two figures at the far right end of the alley. One on the floor, the other one hunched next to it.
“See, she already found someone. Now let’s go.” But Blaine continued walking towards the figures, giving Kurt no other opportunity than to follow him. They made it halfway towards the others, as the cowering Person turned their head abruptly.
An awful scream felt the alley and the person jumped up and run towards them, screeching and arms flying widely around in the air.
“RUN!” Blaine screamed as he turned around, took Kurt’s arm and pulled him back to the staircase.
Right as Kurt could feel the other person’s breath in his neck, Blaine pulled him into the staircase and pushed the door close, stemming his whole weight against it. Kurt hurried to join him, keeping the creature away from them.
After a while, it seemed to lose interest and the beating and pounding stopped.
Both boys were out of breath, staring at each other in fear and confusion. “What the hell has just happened?” Kurt whispered as Blaine tried to figure out how to close the door for good. “We should probably tell the reception about it.” Blaine murmured and took Kurt’s hand to continue their walk down. “Do you think that person-that thing- killed the woman?” Kurt asked. “I don’t know, it looked like he did, but why?” Blaine answered voice steady again.
“It could have killed us, too”
“I know.”
They reached the door that would take them to the lobby, but Kurt stopped, holding Blaine back.
“Wait, do you hear that?” He pressed his ear against the door. It sounded like people were moaning on the other side.
“Do you think that there are more? That wouldn’t be possible right?” he whispered, shaking in fear. “No..” Blaine slowly pushed the door open and looked into the lobby.
There were others.
Blaine pushed the door shot again, pressing his back against it and stared up at Kurt. “We can’t go out there. There are like fifty of them.” “But what should we do?”
They stay quiet for a while, trying their best to ignore the groaning behind them. “Maybe we should get back to our room and try to contact someone.”
“Blaine!” Kurt hushed. “The others! We have to see if they’re alright!” Without thinking twice, Kurt runs up the stairs towards floor four.
“Kurt! Stop!” Blaine hissed as Kurt tried to push open the door to the alley that held Rachel’s and Puck’s room. “What if there are more of them?” Kurt turned around, eyes opened wide in fear, but breathing steady and controlled. “She is my best friend, Blaine. I need to see if she´s alright. If you are too afraid you can stay here.” He faced the door again, pushing the handle down. Blaine hurried to catch up with him and took his hand. “I’m not letting you go alone.”
The hallway was empty. A few doors stood open, but it was completely quiet. Slowly they made their way to Puck’s and Rachel’s room, only to find it wide open like the other ones. Letting go of Blaine’s hand, Kurt scrambled into the room, hissing his best friends name under his breath.
But there was no answer.
They checked the small bedroom and the bathroom, but they couldn’t find their friends.
Kurt sat down on one of the single beds, burring his head into his hands. A sob escaping his throat.
Blaine sat down next to him, arm around his hip, stroking his leg. “Please calm down, darling. We don’t know what has happened to them.”
Kurt looked up, eyes red and filled with tears. “What if they’re already like them? What if they’re dea-” His voice broke and he pressed his face into Blaine’s neck. “Maybe we should go and look after the others.” Blaine said as he kissed the top of Kurt’s head. Of course he was shocked, but Kurt’s relationship to the other was much closer. He needed to be strong now.
Kurt nodded and stood up, letting Blaine guide him back to the staircase. There was still hope.
Sam and Mercedes door was closed and nobody answered. Blaine told Kurt that they probably hide somewhere and they could search them later. The closed door was a good sign.
They walked up to Quinn’s and Santana’s room, Kurt already completely hopeless.
Blaine knocked on their door, looking at the far end of the hallway, where one of the things sat, eating. It was silent for a while, until a small voice from the other side yelled at them. “Leave us alone!” It was Santana. Blaine’s face lit up with a smile.
Kurt pressed forwards, knocking again. “San, it’s u-us! Please open the door!” “Kurt?” “Yes!” Silence again.
“How can we be sure that you aren’t one of them?” Blaine stepped forwards to press his ear next to Kurt’s, to understand what she said. “Santana! Please open the door, there is one of those things in this hallway and I don’t want it to see us.” “Hobbit!” The voice squeaked and the door was opened.
The boys hurried to get inside and quickly closed it behind them. Inside they saw Quinn and Santana, staring at them before they all collapsed into a big hug. Santana hold Blaine’s face between her hands, looking at him suspicious.
“And you aren’t like those things?” she asked dryly, but Blaine just took her hands away from his face, into his own. “No, San. What about you? You have seen them, too?”
They walked away from the door, towards the bedroom, sitting down the single beds, facing each other. “We wanted to meet you guys for breakfast, so we walked down and there they were.” Santana told them. Quinn shuttered and moved closer to her, she still hadn’t said a word. “As soon as they spotted us, they started to hunt us. We could get back just in time, but they stayed in front of our door until they lost interested or forgot that we’re here.” Santana hugged Quinn closer to her side, stroking her back. “Quinn, she- she said that she saw Sam. With them. One of them. I don’t know if it was really him, I haven’t seen him. Maybe he-he is one of them or she saw someone else..” Quinn sobbed and shook her head.
Blaine gazed over at Kurt, but he seemed to be controlled. “Santana could be right, Kurt” he whispered towards his boyfriend. “It could have been someone else. Do you remember that blond guy we saw during dinner yesterday! We all said that he totally looked like Sam.” Kurt nodded, swallowing hard. “Yeah, you are probably right.” he said.
“What should we do now?” Santana asked after a while. “We can’t stay here. We don’t have food and we’re still near those things.”
“You should pack up some things, then we go to Kurt’s and my room to get everything we need. After that we have to leave.” “But the others!” Kurt hissed. “They will do exactly the same thing. We can try to find them out there.”
The two girls started to stuff clothes and personal items into their bags, while Kurt pranced up and down the room and Blaine tried to figure out a hiding spot on one of the hotel maps.
“We’re ready.” Santana said as she put a picture of her and Brittany into pocket. She took Quinn’s hand and walked towards the door.
“Wait!” Kurt squeaked, jumping in front of the door. “There is one of them out there. At the end of the hallway. It will see us!” Everyone stopped. How should they make it towards the staircase? Before they could reach it, the thing would also be there.
“Than we have to take care of it.” Santana said, as she walked into the bathroom and came out again- her hair-curler in her right hand. “You want to kill it?” Blaine asked.
They all stepped aside, as Santana continued her way to the door, pushing the door handle down. “Wish me luck!”
The door opened and the girl stepped into the hallway. The thing was still sitting at the other end, but it seemed to have finished its breakfast.
“Hey! Ugly face! You should try me!” Santana yelled and the thing immediately lifted its head and with a squeaked, like the one Blaine and Kurt had seen early, it started to run towards her. Kurt pressed his face into Blaine’s back, not able to watch. The creature reached Santana, but before it could get hold of her she turned around and kicked it in the head. The thing fell on the floor, screaming in pain. This second of weakness was all Santana needed. She winded up and smashed the hair curler against the creature’s head. It broke, blood streaming out of it. She brought the curler down two more times until no sign of live was left.
The boys and Quinn now also dared to enter the hallway, staring fascinated at their friend. “When we make it back home, can you please remind me to thank Sue? The Cheeriotraning was good for something at least.”
As they reached the boy’s apartment, Kurt and Blaine began to hurry around and pack their bags, while Santana looked out for more potential weapons.
Quinn still hadn’t said a thing. She stood on the balcony and looked at the ocean, eyes filled with clouds. Blaine finished packing first, joining Quinn on the balcony. He put an arm around her, holding her close. “It’s going to be okay. It wasn’t him, I promise you. It wasn’t him.” Quinn nodded and let her head rest against his shoulder. They had never become close friends, but Rachel and Santana liked her, so Blaine figured that she must be a nice person. And this was a special situation, she needs someone and Blaine tried his best to be that someone. When they get back to Lima, they could go back to ignoring each other.
Santana also entered the balcony, a scissor, a nail fail and two beach tennis rackets in hands. “That’s all I could find.” She gives Quinn the scissor and Blaine one of the rackets. “Here sweetie. I know it’s not a weapon to fight with, but if one of those things attacks you, just drive it into its eyes or something, okay?” Quinn eyed the scissor skeptically, but then she put them into her pocket.
“And you should put those lovely triceps of you to work and knock them
out.” she mocked Blaine, patting his shoulder.
Kurt finally finished packing. He had changed his skintight jeans for one of Blaine’s khaki shorts. They were too small, but definitely more comfortable than anything he had packed for their holiday. And even though, he had once said that every moment is an opportunity for fashion- Whatever had happened down there wasn’t one of these moments.
Santana gave him the second racket and pushed the nail fail into her pocket. “What now?” Kurt asked as he stood next to Blaine at the railing. “Those bungalows over there-” Blaine pointed at a few shanties, which stood on planks. A bridge linked them to the beach.
“Maybe the creatures haven’t reached them or they’re afraid of water.” The others nodded in agreement, but Santana pulled out a map and pushed it towards Blaine. “What about those tree house bungalows? It would be easier to defend them and I don’t think that they can climb trees.” She explained while she pointed at a drawing of a tree house. “I thought about those, too. But they were meant to be for people who would like to take care of themselves. With kitchens and stuff. So they’re about half an hour walk from here. I thought it would be too risky.” Blaine mentioned as he reached over Quinn to give Santana the plan back. “Maybe we could try out the bungalows first and if that doesn’t work out we can try reaching the tree house.”
Everybody agreed and so they went back inside to get everything ready for their escape.
That’s when they heard it. Faint and soft at first, but then louder until it was a steady beating.
“They are here.” Quinn whispered.