Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
“Baby, we have to get up. We’re meeting the others in two hours and we have to shower and eat breakfast and you need at least half an hour to get dressed.”Blaine mocked as he stroked Kurt’s damp hair lazily.
The room was incredible hot, but Blaine couldn’t sleep with a running airconditioner. Caused by the heat they decided to sleep in their underwear and Blaine had to admit there was nothing more amazing then feeling Kurt’s head against his bare chest.
“No, I don’t want to.” Kurt sighed and nuzzled closer to the other boy´s body. “Let’s just call them and tell them that we’re not feeling well and it’s best for us to stay here.”
“We’re both sick? At the same time?”
“Okay, I’m sick and you have to stay here and take care of me.”
He jolted his head up a few centimeters to suck at Blaine’s neck. As Kurt reached his ear, he licked along his jaw line until he whispered,
“And even though I’m not sick, I would love for you to take care of me.”
Blaine moaned and repressed the urge to pull Kurt on top of him.
Spending the whole day alone with Kurt in this giant Apartment sounded amazing, but he also knew that Kurt would love Ceuta.
“We-We-” Blaine stuttered as he removed Kurt’s hand from his hipbone, where he had started to draw small circles. “We really should go. You were so amazed by the hotel, and the city has a lot of charm itself and there is this big market, you have to see. It´s so different from Ohio.”
Kurt sat up and looked down at him in confusion, hands returning to Blaine’s hipbones. “So you would choose showing me the world over a whole day of sex?” Blaine swallowed deeply and looked up at his boyfriend nervously. But to his relief, Kurt simply smiled and bowed down to kiss him. “That’s why you’re such an amazing boyfriend.”
“Where are Mercedes and Sam?” Quinn asked, as she and Santana arrived outside the hotel where they had arranged to meet.
“Sam called me and said that Mercedes felt sick. He stays with her until she feels better.”
“Yeah, she’s feeling sick.” Blaine murmured towards Kurt, who had to hide behind his back to not laugh out loud.
“So is everybody ready?” He continued, louder this time. “This shuttle is going to take us to Ceuta, where we can stay for five hours until it will pick us up again.”
A white van held next to them and the small group hurried to get in.
The driver turned around, greeted them and explained in an accent heavy English that they’ll have to drive for 45 min until they reach Ceuta.
Blaine watched Kurt the whole ride.
The way he eyes were practically glued to the car window, staring at the giant trees and bushes around them.
“Do they have monkeys here? And Bush elephants? Tigers?” “There are definitely monkeys; they live close to the hotel. But I’m not sure if there’s anything bigger. Maybe deeper in the jungle. ” Kurt abruptly turned towards Blaine, eyes opened wide in excitement. “Do you know where we can see them?”
“I don’t know, I saw a few last year on top of that cliff near the bungalows, maybe they’re still there. We can go there tomorrow, if you want to.” Kurt nodded and turned back to the window to not miss anything.
“So, we’re meeting here again in exactly five hours, okay?” Blaine said as they had reached the small cabstand, which was built for the tourist.
Ceuta was the only big city on Isla de la Caída, and therefore there was no need for Cabs, Subways or Trains.
“Kurt and I will head for the market; in the building behind us you can get Maps. Please don’t get lost; most of the people here only speak Spanish. And we all know that Mr.Shue hasn’t taught us good enough.”
They agreed to go to the market together and then discover the city by themselves. Quinn and Rachel planned on visiting the river that passes the city and Santana and Puck would try to organize alcohol for the beach party they planned doing tonight.
“Wow, it is gigantic.” Kurt murmurs as they entered the market hall. They were greeted by a stand with all kinds of fruits. Some, neither of them had ever seen before. On the other side of the first alley different pieces of meat dangled from the stand´s ceiling. Blaine reached for Kurt’s hand as they stepped into the alley and set themselves to be captured by the markets magic.
Everything was scenting, all kinds of food-smells washing together. Quickly they had a bag filled with fruits, sweets and a salami Blaine begged to buy even though Kurt though that it smelled disgusting (“Do you know how old it is? Who says that they stick to hygiene requirements?!”).
As they reached one of the final stands, Kurt noticed an old woman, pointing at him. “Do you see here, too?” He whispered towards Blaine, who was still staring at the sweets stand ahead of them.
“Over there.” Kurt nodded towards the alley. “Yes. Maybe we should ask her what she wants?”
“Or we could leave and ignore her. She´s scary.” But Blaine already pulled him towards the old woman, who slowly disappeared deeper into the alley.
As they reached her, she was standing next to a small shop, which seemed to sell herbs and books.
“Excuse me, Miss. Is there a problem?” Blaine started politely, smiling at the woman. She jerked her head up and reached for both of their hands. No matter how hard Kurt tried to escaped her grip, she held on.
“La muerte. Va a venir. Elegido. Salva el amor o muere junto con el”
“I´m sorry, we don´t understand you.” Kurt murmured and tried once again to get free “MUERTE!” Kurt turned towards Blaine, eyes wide in panic. But Blaine didn´t seem to notice his fear. He stared at the woman, captured by her eyes.
“Blaine! Can we go? Blaine!” Kurt used his free hand to hit Blaine’s elbow, but his boyfriends didn´t move. That´s when the Lady turned back to him.
Then she released them and hurried away.
“What was that?” Kurt asked, inspecting his hands to make sure the lady hadn´t hurt him. “Did you understand what she said?” Blaine shook his head. “No, I think it was a warning, but I´m not sure.” They walked back to the market and as Blaine tried to go back to the sweets stand, Kurt pulled him towards the exit. “There is no way I´m staying here.”
While they drove back to the hotel everybody chatted enthusiastically about the things they saw and things they brought.
Santana and Puck had managed to get four six packs of some strange looking beer and were now planning the evening and if they should try to make a bonfire.
Quinn and Rachel had met a young Irish woman who moved to Cueta two years ago. She had shown them the harbor and some of the monkeys that lived in the city to loot garbage cans and tourists. Kurt pounded at Blaine, because he still wanted to see Monkeys, but his boyfriend was staring at the road in front of them, fingers drawing nervous patterns on Kurt’s hand. He knew enough Spanish to know that she hadn’t said something positive, but what exactly had she said? Blaine made a mental note to ask Santana.
As they finally reached their room, Kurt let himself fall down on their bed, grinning up at Blaine. He opened his arms to encourage the younger boy to snuggle up with him.
Blaine happily followed the invention, resting his head against the other boy’s chest.
“Thank you for forcing me to go to that beautiful city.” Kurt whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Blaine’s head.
“I told you that you would love it.” Blaine stretched his neck up to capture Kurt’s lips with his own, climbing on top of him. His boyfriend’s hands automatically found his hip, pressing him down while he kissed him.
Blaine smiled against his lips, as he began to unbutton Kurt’s shirt. Luckily it was much hotter here than in Lima, so there wasn’t an annoying undershirt to deal with like usual. Instead, he could smooth his fingers over Kurt’s exposed chest.
His boyfriend moaned as Blaine’s thumb brushed one his nipples. Kurt rolled his head back into pillow, hips buckling up to get more friction. The younger boy reached down to pull his shirt over his head and tossed it behind him. He let himself fall down next to Kurt, to pull him on top. Kurt immediately reacted by pushing his hips down and trying to get hold of Blaine’s hair, despite the great amount of gel.
There was a knock on their door and they heard Rachel’s voice, which called for them to get ready. Kurt moaned out of frustration and rolled of Blaine.
“What time is it?” He panted, looking over at Blaine who was also out of breath, giving Rachel death glares through the door.
“We wanted to meet in ten minutes! And I need help with my hair, Kurt!” Rachel continued, beating against the door. “One second, Rach!” Kurt screamed as he stood up and put his shirt back on, picking up Blaine’s from the floor and throwing it towards him. “She will not leave, you know.” He said as he looked into their big bathroom mirror fixing his hair.
Blaine groaned and rolled out of bed.
Santana and Puck had asked one of the receptionists and after mentioning that Blaine Anderson would be with them, they were allowed to make a bonfire.
Now all eight of them were sitting around the softly flickering fire, beer bottles and sticks in their hands, roasting Marshmallows.
The sky was cloudless and the stars were reflected by the ocean. Blaine moved closer to Kurt, who was talking with Rachel, discussing which kind of monkey was the cutest. On the other side of the fire he could make out Mercedes and Sam kissing for half an hour now.
Puck showed Santana and Quinn how to put a chocolate bar in a banana and now they tried to mix all kinds of sweets and throw them into the fire.
Everybody enjoyed their holiday and Blaine was happy that he was the one, who made this possible.
He had forgotten about the old lady and that he wanted to ask Santana what had she said. Right now he was just enjoying himself and this beautiful island.
Little did he know what was going to happen.