Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Oct. 13, 2012, 1:46 p.m.
Kurt leaned his head back to rest it against his boyfriend´s shoulder.
“Thank you so much” he whispered and turned his head to the side to kiss Blaine’s cheek.
“Nothing to thank me for. My parents paid for it.”
“But you still paid for my flight.”
They stood on the deck of the small fairy, which was going to take them from the main island Mustique to their final destination, Isla de la Caída.
The Andersons just opened a five-star Hotel and offered four hotel rooms for Blaine and his friends to test the service. They had to pay for the flights themselves and everyone had to write a ten page essay about their stay.
Now, Blaine, Kurt, Rachel, Puck, Mercedes, Sam, Santana and Quinn couldn’t wait to finally arrive and spend one week together on a beautiful Caribbean Island.
Since Kurt’s father couldn’t afford the flight, Blaine offered to sum up all of Kurt’s birthday, Christmas, Anniversary and Valentines day´s gifts for next year and pay for him, too.
The truth was that he would still going to buy presents for his boyfriend, but Kurt felt too guilty when Blaine spends such an amount of money on him.
And going without Kurt wasn’t an opportunity for Blaine.
“How long does it take to get to that stupid Island?” Puck moaned as he leaned forwards on the reeling. “We’re on this ship for over an hour.”
“The wait is worth it! When we visited the construction area last year and I immediately fell in love with it.” Blaine mentioned as let his head fell down onto Kurt’s shoulder, hands on his boyfriends hips.
“I hope so hobbit.”
It took twenty more minutes until they finally saw it. The hotel reflected the sun, lain in an ocean of Palms. The smaller bungalows reached into the water, a giant staircase leaned up the hill where the swimming pool lay, as Blaine told the others.
Kurt was squeaking nervously, wobbling on his tiptoes.
“Blaine those are Palms! I’ve never seen Palms in my whole life! And look at the Sand! It’s nearly white!” Blaine laughed and pressed a kiss on the back of Kurt’s head. He was used to all these things, he had already traveled a lot, but for Kurt everything was exciting and it made Blaine’s heart swell with warmth and joy.
He made his boyfriend so happy.
He was the one who could give Kurt everything he wants and deserves and only the possibility that he could continue doing this for his whole life made anything else seem unimportant.
This moment, right now, made him feel encouraged that his whole life was going to be okay, no matter how many people told him that he’ll never achieve anything.
The fairy arrived at the docking station.
“As soon as we’re stars, we’re only going to stay at hotels like this, Kurt.”
Rachel said as she clenched at Kurt’s arm.
They had arrived at the hotel and Blaine had left to get their room keys from the reception. ” Since my boyfriend’s parents own this hotel, I think I don’t even need to become a star. We’ll just wait a few more years and then he and Cooper will inherit all of this and we’ll travel whereever I want.”
“But you could take your best friend with you!”
“Yes, of course. I’ll ask Mercedes if she wants to join us.” Rachel pouted at him and pinched him before she walked away towards their friends.
“Ready?” Blaine asked as he appeared next to Kurt.
“Of course! I can’t wait!” They joined hands and followed Rachel to the others, who sat down in the lobby.
“Everybody listen! We have four rooms! Rachel,Puck- Nr.153, fourth floor. Mercedes and Sam-Nr.15, second floor! Quinn, Santana- Nr.230, fives floor. Kurt and I are at the ninth floor, in my parent’s suit. Okay?” He handed them their key cards and gestured towards the bellboys to carry their suitcases to their rooms.
“I can’t believe that we are that high.” Kurt stammered as they rode with the glass elevator up to their suit.
His hand gripped thigh around Blaine’s, shaking with excitement.
“It’s the master suit, of course it had to be on top of this whole thing.” To reach the suit Blaine had to swipe the key card through a small slot next to the elevator buttons. This way they would directly reach their apartment.
A bell rang and the doors opened.
The room was gigantic. They stood in what appeared to be the living room. Two grey couches, a glass table, a bookshelf with a flat screen TV.
One wall was completely made out of glass; it led towards the balcony, which magically pulled Kurt towards it.
He slid one of the glass doors to the side and entered the porch. It holds a Jacuzzi, three deckchairs and a desk with two chairs.
“Blaine, look at that.” He whispered and slowly moved towards the rail, gripping it tight.
“We can see the Island where we landed! And there is the swimming pool and the bungalows! Oh my god, look at the ocean!” Blaine let his bag fall on the floor to hug Kurt from behind.
“It’s beautiful.”
“I want to stay here forever.”
“You haven’t even seen the whole Island yet.” Blaine chuckled as he took Kurt´s hand and pulled him back into the suit. “We should unpack and then I’ll show you the rest of the hotel, okay?”
They reach the bedroom and Kurt thought that he would have fainted, if it wasn’t for Blaine’s tight grip. The room was hold in red and grey, a king size bed with a four columns in the centre of it. He let go of Blaine’s hand and quickly walked towards the door near the closet.
“Blaine! Look at that bathroom! The shower is bigger than my room at home!” He ran his hand over the shining metal of the shower head. He couldn’t wait to test it.
Back in the bedroom, he helped to unpack their suitcases and sort out the things they would need today.
“First we’re going down to the beach and the bungalows there, after that we’ll go to the swimming pool. Should we ask the others if they want to join us?” Blaine asked as they had finished, lying down on their bed.
“No. We should go alone. I want to enjoy our first holiday as a couple. Alone.”
“Oh, you’re right. It’s the first time we are on a holiday together.”
“But not the last time.” “Not the last time.”
“We should have brought swim shorts” Kurt pouted as he waded through the soft weaves, trousers scrambled up his calves. “We can go swimming tomorrow.”
Blaine sank his toes into the sand. He still couldn’t believe that this was real. The island, the ocean, his beautiful boyfriend. One week. And then they would have to fly back to Lima and Kurt would leave for New York.
He would leave him for one year.
New York, where he could easily find another man and forget his unimportant boyfriend in Ohio.
But now he was still his.
Blaine slowly walked towards Kurt and hugged him close.
This week was going to be the best of their lives.
I love it! I just started reading... And I have to say... Great fic! :))
GOD... I'm sobbing now, I can't wait for the next chapter.Please, keep updating :33
Yes! Making people feel bad is excatly what I wanted :DI promise that there'll be another chapter soon, but right now I'm in the states, so I don't have time :/But I'll spend at least half of my 14 h fly back to Europe writing the next chapter :)So update maybe first August?! I dunno :) Thank you <3