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Catfished: Chapter 9

M - Words: 1,565 - Last Updated: Oct 02, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Sep 06, 2014 - Updated: Sep 06, 2014
189 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Dun dun dun....

Thanks again for all the reviews!  Ill try to update sometime this week but if I dont expect several updates next week...  Ill be on fall break!  (: 



“I haven't talked to Blake since Wednesday and it's been driving me insane.  I don't know what happened to him.”  Kurt sighed, walking in step with Blaine to the cafeteria Friday afternoon.  He and Kurt were closer than ever.  After Blaine spent Wednesday night with Kurt, Kurt spent the next night with Blaine at his house again.  They were planning to spend Friday night together at Blaine's house also because he stayed within walking distance to Santana's house and he would be attending the party with Kurt that night. 

“That's really… strange.”  Blaine said in reply, trying to ignore his cheeks as they began to heat up. 

“Yeah… Like…”  Kurt trailed off, handing Blaine his phone and pointing to their last conversation.  The one that Blaine decided to delete the Blake account after Kurt asked if he was being catfished. 

Blaine began to blush even more, trying to act surprised by the messages.  “I…  I don't know what to say.”  He said quietly. 

Kurt shrugged, sighing quietly.  “It just sucks.  I hope he's okay… it's like he disappeared.  I haven't even properly met him yet and he's already gone.  It's just not fair.”  He whined, stopping when he and Blaine got to the cafeteria.  “Well…  I'm going to go eat with Santana and Britt.  You'll be going to the game… right?”  He asked.

Blaine nodded, smiling supportively at Kurt.  “I wouldn't miss it.”  He said in reply, letting out a quiet surprised gasp as Kurt leaned in, hugging Blaine.  “Thank you so much.  I'm glad you're coming.”

Blaine nodded again, beaming at Kurt as he pulled away.  “I'll text you later on, Blaine.  Maybe I can ride with you to your house after the game?”  He asked. 

“Sure.”  Blaine replied, nodding eagerly.  Kurt nodded, waving again before heading off to sit with his friends.  Blaine then grabbed a pre-plated salad and sat down with his friends, ducking his head when Mercedes and Tina began to talk at once.   

“You hugged!  You get it, boy!”  Mercedes said, gently elbowing Blaine in the side.

“I ship you and Kurt so much, you guys are so cute together!”  Tina said in agreement, dancing in her seat, completely happy. 

“We're just friends.”  Blaine replied, unable to keep from smiling.  He focused on his salad, ignoring his friends as they continuously mouthed words to each other and talked to one another with their facial expressions. 


Kurt was amazing.  Sure, Blaine had been to a couple of games before and yes, he spent a lot of time watching Kurt but now that he knew they were friends it was like a totally different experience.  Kurt was cheering in front of his section and Blaine noticed him meeting his gaze and winking several times and it made Blaine feel so good.  For once in his life he felt special. 

During the halftime show the band began to play Shake it Off by Taylor Swift.  Much to his surprise Kurt, Santana, Brittany and Quinn took turns singing different lines between doing elaborate dancing and gymnastics along with the other Cheerios.  By the time they were finished people were standing in the stands, screaming and clapping loudly.  Blaine stood, unable to stop gawking at Kurt as he clapped with everyone else. 

Blaine met Kurt's eyes, smiling widely and giving him a thumbs up sign.  Kurt waved, before running off to cheer as the football players retook the field. 

After the game, which the Titans lost, several of the Cheerios ascended the stands, hugging their friends.  Kurt was one of them, hugging and speaking to several people before reaching Blaine and draping his arms around him.  “You did so well, that was amazing.”  Blaine gushed, hugging Kurt tightly. 

Kurt pressed a small kiss to Blaine's cheek, much to Blaine's surprise and excitement.  Blaine smiled at him, pressing even closer to him.  “You ready?  I'm sure you want to shower before we get to the party.”  Blaine suggested. 

“Yes, definitely…  I want to look good for you.”  Kurt replied, stepping back and smiling widely at Blaine, taking his hands and leading him out of the stadium.  Blaine was pleasantly surprised when Kurt didn't let go of his hand as they walked to his car, chattering the entire way.  Once they were in Blaine's car, Kurt turned to him.  “Thank you for coming.  I'm so glad that you were there, I hope you come to all my games from now on.” 

Blaine nodded, blushing.  “I… I'd like that a lot.”  He answered.

Kurt licked his lips, leaning forward a little.  Blaine then watched as he sat up straight, eyes widening.  “Oh my gosh, I almost kissed you.  I'm sorry, I'm just so excited that…” 

Blaine gawked at Kurt, blushing.  “It… It's okay.”  He answered quietly, wishing he was brave enough to tell Kurt he wished he had kissed him.  He also wished he was brave enough to lean in and kiss him but he was too nervous that Kurt wouldn't like it. 

Blaine drove to his house, walking hand in hand with Kurt through the living room then up to his room, changing his clothes into the outfit Kurt picked out the night before for him.  Blaine could hear Kurt singing in his shower and Blaine couldn't help but sing along quietly.  Blaine sat on his bed waving at Kurt shyly when he walked out in his towel. 

Blaine walked into his bathroom, brushing his teeth to give Kurt some privacy to change.  He knew Kurt had no problem being naked in front of him but it still made him feel better that he wouldn't just be sitting there, gawking at him.  He walked back into his room a moment later, jaw dropping slightly.  Kurt looked so good.  His jeans were tight and the shirt he was wearing made his eyes pop and he just looked perfect. 

“You ready?”  Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow and offering Blaine his arm.  Blaine nodded, taking Kurt's arm as they walked lazily to the party, kicking rocks and listening to the crickets chirp in the background.  Once they got closer to Santana's house Blaine heard the music pounding.  He smiled as Kurt laced their hands, practically pulling him down the driveway and into her house, smiling almost… seductively. 

“Well, you two look cozy.”  Santana said.  Blaine watched as she elbowed Kurt then turned to smirk at him.  Kurt didn't say anything in reply, just pulled Blaine closer, smiling down at him. 

Once Santana was gone Kurt pressed his mouth to Blaine's ear so Blaine could hear over the loud music.  “Do you want a drink?”  Blaine shook his head after thinking about it for a moment.  “What about a coke or a bottle of water or something?”  Kurt asked. 

Blaine nodded, watching as Kurt walked away to get them something to drink.  Several people from school waved to him and he smiled at them, not wanting to wave in case they were waving at someone else.  He did a double take when he saw someone he definitely wasn't expecting to see that night. 

“Blaine!”  His cousin Amanda said, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek.  “What are you doing here?  You're the last person I expected to see here tonight!”  She said happily. 

Blaine cleared his throat, biting his lip.  “I…  My friend invited me.”  He said softly. 

“Mine did too, you remember Blake right?”  She asked, grabbing Blaine's hand and leading him to Blake, the same Blake that up until a couple days ago he was impersonating.  Blaine tried not to gawk at him, not wanting to make the situation even more awkward.  “Blake, you remember Blaine?”  Amanda asked. 

Blake extended his hand and Blaine took it, shaking it slowly.  He blushed, trying to think of a reason to get Kurt to leave the party early with him.  If Kurt realized Blake didn't have mono…  “How did you guys get invited?”  Blaine asked quietly, blushing ferociously. 

“This girl invited us when she ran into us earlier at Walmart.”  Blake replied.  “Santana?”  He asked Amanda who nodded. 

Blaine began to panic when he saw Kurt looking around for him.  Blaine knew that he couldn't let Kurt spot Blake…  It would ruin everything, he just wanted the entire ordeal to disappear.  “I… Have to get back to my friend.”  Blaine squeaked, giving Amanda a quick hug and waving to Blake.  He tried to decide if he should tell Kurt that he saw Blake here or just pretend the entire thing wasn't happening.  He decided to do the latter, hurrying to Kurt and deciding that distracting him would be the best way to make sure he and the real Blake didn't run into each other. 

“T-thanks.”  Blaine said, taking the drink from Kurt and sipping at it.  He turned so that he could keep an eye on Amanda and Blake, he then spotted Santana, wondering if she had any idea of what he had done.  Blaine relaxed slightly as Kurt wrapped an arm around him.  “Do you want to go somewhere quiet?”  Blaine asked, practically shouting over the noise. 

He watched as Kurt licked his lips before taking Blaine's hand and pulling him toward the stairs. 





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