Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Woohoo! I wasnt planning to post this today but I didnt go to work so surprise! I have to work this weekend (I have two jobs- I work with special needs kids at a middle school during the week and on some weekends I work at a paint/furniture/decroative metal store) so Im not sure when Ill be updating. Ill try to have something posted by Sunday thought!
Thank you all for continuing to read and review! Trust me, this will not be the end of Blake!
“Blaine, did you hear me? Maybe you and I can lose our virginity to each other?”
Blaine blinked, eyes widening at what Kurt was asking him. Why… “W-what?” He asked, opening his mouth and closing it.
“I mean… just think about it. It makes sense. We're not in a relationship, so we won't break up. We're quickly on the way to becoming best friends, right? I wouldn't regret it…” He trailed off. “Would you?”
“I don't… I don't know.” Blaine said softly, thinking for a few moments. Yes, he always imagined having sex with Kurt. If Kurt would have suggested losing their virginity to each other a week ago Blaine would have said yes without even thinking about it. Blaine bit his lip. If he had sex with Kurt now and then Kurt found out what he was doing behind his back… It would hurt him. Blaine didn't want to hurt him. Then again, if they had sex and it was wonderful maybe… Just maybe, Kurt would fall in love with him. Maybe he would forget all about Blake and…
“Blaine?” Kurt said softly. “We don't have to. It was just an idea. I figured it could be like a practice run so my first time with Blake, or you know, your first time with someone wouldn't end up a total disaster.”
Blaine turned to Kurt, studying him for a few moments. He finally shook his head. “I mean… I see where you're coming from but I'm not sure it's the best idea. I…” Blaine decided to be as honest as he possibly could without giving too much away. “I'm scared that I would get too attached.” He admitted quietly.
Kurt beamed, wrapping his arms around Blaine and kissing his forehead. “I understand. Who knows, maybe I would too. I'm sorry for asking… it was silly.”
“Best friends, right?” Blaine smiled, cheeks on fire. “It's good that we can talk about things like… that.”
Blaine enjoyed having Kurt around. He really did. Yeah, he had a crush on him, a horrible obsessive crush but he was happy being Kurt's friend. It felt good that Kurt told him things that he didn't even tell “Blake”. That evening Blaine stood beside Kurt, watching him as he cooked, completely amazed by how talented he was in the kitchen.
When they sat down to eat dinner Blaine couldn't help but feel like they were on a date. The room was quiet, the food was exquisite and Kurt was positively glowing. Blaine wondered if he was glowing also.
They did the dishes together, quietly singing Perfect by Pink together. “We should do a duet in Glee sometime.” Kurt mentioned quietly, bumping his hip to Blaine's when they finished both the song and the dishes. Blaine nodded, eagerly. “I'd like that a lot.” He answered, surprised that Kurt really wanted to give their friendship a try.
Kurt and Blaine went into the living room, Blaine glanced at Kurt, confused when he gently pushed him down on the couch. “I made this routine for Cheerios… I'm going to show you and will you give me an honest opinion of what you think about it? We're going to do it in a few weeks at the homecoming game.” Kurt said, walking over to the Stereo and plugging his iPod in.
“Sure…” Blaine replied, nodding eagerly. He focused on Kurt's ass as he bent over the sound system, blushing when he realized what he was doing. Kurt turned around, smiling at Blaine as the music began, from the first step, Blaine was mesmerized. Kurt made a routine to the song Bang, Bang, and for a moment Blaine thought of begging Kurt to let them lose their virginity together after all.
Blaine's eyes fell to Kurt's hips and how they moved. He was very impressed in the moves Kurt was doing, he had no idea that Kurt could do some gymnastics. Blaine's eyes got even wider when Kurt got to Nicki Minaj's part of the song and he dropped into a split. He watched as Kurt continued the routine, dropping onto the couch and catching his breath when it finished. “So… was that good?”
Blaine nodded eagerly, eyes still wide. “Y-yes. I'm impressed.”
Kurt smiled warmly, grabbing his bottle of water and taking several sips. “I'm glad you liked it.” Kurt answered quietly. “I've decided that I really like making routines… once the Cheerios have everything down pat you can see the finished product… It's still a rough draft.” Kurt said, standing up to turn his iPod off and straighten up the furniture. Blaine helped him, smiling at him every time they met one another's gaze.
They went upstairs to Kurt's room. Blaine watched as Kurt gathered a change of pajamas before turning to Blaine. “I'm going to take a shower, alright?” He said, smiling at Blaine before heading into the bathroom. Blaine waved at him, lying down on Kurt's bed and pulling out his phone. He opened up Kik Messenger, blushing as he read Kurt's messages to Blake.
Kurt: It feels like we never talk anymore.
Blake: I know, I'm sorry, it hurts to breathe even right now.
Kurt: That sounds awful. So what are you doing? Besides trying to breathe?
Blake: I'm just laying down… I'm tired. What about you?
Kurt: I'm about to shower… I'm really hot. I just showed Blaine a cheer routine I came up with for Bang, Bang.
Blake: I'm jealous, I wish I could see.
Kurt: Well… I'd show you some of the moves but I'm kind of naked right now so… c;
Blake: I wouldn't be complaining… c;
Blaine closed his eyes, cursing himself. Why would you say that? He asked himself. He wanted to stop talking to Kurt as Blake and saying flirty things like that was not going to help him do so. Blaine swallowed hard, eyes widening when he saw he received a video from Kurt. His curiosity got the best of him and he clicked on it, playing it. He watched Kurt wave into the mirror wearing nothing but a towel, then he sat the phone down, doing a bit of the routine. Blaine was surprised that his towel didn't fall off, the way he was dancing. Kurt waved back into the camera, blowing a small kiss and then the video ended. Blaine watched the video again, before quickly turned back to his messages, wanting Kurt to know he… well Blake liked it.
Blake: Wow… Kurt you're talented. And you look amazing.
Kurt: You should make me a video too. So I know you aren't catfishing me. ;P
Blaine's eyes widened and he began cursing himself. Did Kurt know? Kurt had to know. Kurt had some kind of an idea. Blaine thought of quickly deleting the app. Now that he and Kurt were friends he could make sure he was okay… couldn't he?
Blake: I'm not. I'll make a video when I feel better, okay?
Kurt: Awww, okay. That'll work, I suppose. Well… I'm going to get in the shower. I'm even hotter now if you get my drift.
Blake: Okay… Have fun with Blaine. But not too much fun.
Kurt: I will, he's great. Really shy, but he's great. He's a really good friend.
Kurt: Talk to you later, sexy.
Blake: Bye Kurt.
With that Blaine took a deep breath, deleting the app and all the pictures of the real Blake that he took screen shots of off of his phone.