Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
So... I hope you guys are happy with the friendship Kurt and Blaine are forming. They are becoming fast friends... almost too fast... but things wont stay completely happy forever... Ill try to update during the week! Thank you all for all the support, it still means so much to me!
The next morning Blaine woke with a small jump as his alarm went off. He thought back to the night before and opened his eyes, searching for Kurt in his dark room. He frowned when he realized Kurt was not in his room. Was the entire evening just a dream? He reached over, turning on his lamp. His eyes widened when he noticed a piece of paper on the pillow beside him, the one Kurt used the night before.
Thanks for having me over last night. I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye… I couldn't wake you up, you were sleeping too well. I really wish I could have stayed longer but I didn't have any of my uniforms here to wear to school. I am really glad that you and I are friends, Blaine. Really.
P.S.- I'm holding your pajamas hostage. You can get them back if you want to sleepover at my house tonight? C:
Blaine reread the note several times, smiling happily at the way things were going. He stored it in his desk and grabbed his phone, taking a deep breath before opening Kik. He told himself he was going to delete the app and tell Blaine the truth soon, but he couldn't find it in himself to get rid of it. What would a couple more conversations hurt?
Kurt: I miss you.
Kurt: It seems like we never talk anymore.
Kurt: Blake?
Kurt: Good morning, I hope you have a good day and I hope you feel a bit better today.
Blake: Hey Kurt.
Kurt: Hey! What happened to you? I've been missing you so much, you have no idea.
Blake: I've missed you too.
Kurt: How are you feeling?
Blake: Like crap. But I'll be better before I know it, I'm sure.
Kurt: Blaine and I have become really close! It really makes me happy. It's nice to hang out with someone that really gets me. When you feel better hopefully we can all hang out together.
Blake: I'd like that. I'm glad that you and Blaine have been getting closer.
Kurt: Me too. I can tell he really cares and really wants to be my friend.
Kurt: He's sleeping over at my house tonight, hopefully… Maybe he and I can call you?
Blake: Probably not tonight… My throat hurts a lot. Maybe I can talk to you both in a few days?
Kurt: Okay. I hope you feel better soon.
Blaine was surprised that Kurt even looked at him when they passed one another in the hallway that day. What surprised him even more was when Kurt lifted his hand and waved with a smile in Blaine's direction. Blaine grinned, hurrying to his class and sitting down in his desk, knowing that he would have a hard time trying to concentrate that afternoon.
Tina plopped down in the desk beside him, raising an eyebrow. “Did Mike and I just see you and Kurt wave at each another?” She asked.
Blaine shrugged shyly, pressing his lips together thoughtfully. He didn't want to be subject to any drama or rumors before he and Kurt were even really friends. "Its nothing…” Blaine trailed off quietly. Tina shrugged, turning her attention the blackboard and Blaine was glad that she wasn't pushing the entire situation.
That afternoon during Glee Blaine was pleasantly surprised when Kurt called him over, patting the chair beside him. Blaine hurried over, ignoring the confused looks and whispers he and Kurt were beginning to get from everyone else. “Hey, Blaine. Have you had a good day?” Kurt asked quietly.
Blaine nodded, not trusting himself to speak. “That's good.” Kurt replied, patting his arm. “Hey, you're spending the night at my house tonight, right?” He asked quietly.
Blaine nodded, licking his lips and finally speaking. “Y-yes, I am.” He replied. “What time do you want me to come over?”
Kurt shrugged nonchalantly. “You can come over whenever you want. When Glee is over would be fine.” He replied. “Are you packed?”
Blaine nodded with a shy smile. “I am.”
“Good!” Kurt responded. “Can I just ride with you after Glee? Finn and I ride together and he's probably going to want to go do something with Rachel or whatever. This will save him a trip.”
Blaine nodded, smiling at Kurt. He noticed Santana studying the two of them. “What happened to Blake, Kurt? You haven't shut up about him for nearly a week and then suddenly you and Gelment are playing house and having impromptu slumber parties?” She asked, crossing her arms.
Blaine began to blush, waiting for the backlash to happen. “Blake has mono.” Kurt reminded her, narrowing his eyes. “Blaine and I are friends now, FYI. Oh, and since Blake is sick, Blaine's going to be my date to your party after the game Friday, right Blaine?” Kurt asked. Blaine began to blush even more, wanting to hide under his chair. He finally nodded, biting his bottom lip.
Santana sighed loudly, quieting down when Mr. Schue came in. The Glee lesson went by quickly, and Blaine was glad. He was excited to get more time alone with Kurt, he really liked the way their friendship was going. Once Rachel finished singing a new Miley ballad Mr. Schue released them.
Blaine was pleasantly surprised when he felt Kurt loop his arm through his, walking with him out into the parking lot after waving goodbye to his friends. “I'm so excited!” Kurt grinned as they made their way to Blaine's car.
Blaine nodded in agreement, unable to keep himself from smiling. “I am too! I'm really glad that we're… you know. Becoming friends.”
The ride to Kurt's house was comfortably quiet. Blaine's mother was eager to let him sleepover at Kurt's house that night. He couldn't help but wonder how Kurt's father was going to respond. Kurt's father turned out not to be an issue at all. When they arrived at Kurt's house, Kurt cleared his throat. “Dad said to tell you hi. He left for Washington this morning but he said you could stay over. He's excited that I'm making friends who are a good influence on me.” Kurt said, kicking off his shoes. Blaine followed his lead, his heart twinging guiltily as he watched Kurt check his phone with a sigh for a text from Blake.
“Let's go put your bag upstairs and we can throw on our pajamas.” Kurt said, grabbing Blaine's bag and beginning to walk up to his room. Blaine followed along behind him, gawking slightly at Kurt as he began to change into his pajamas in front of him again. “What?” Kurt asked, tossing the top of his uniform into the dirty clothes hamper and self consciously wrapping his arms around himself.
“I-I'm sorry.” Blaine murmured, glancing down at the ground.
“Blaine, we've already seen each other naked, I mean… We're friends… obviously on the way to becoming best friends, it's okay if we change in front of each other, right?” He asked, biting his lip.
“Y-yes, yes of course! I just… I mean it's weird but…” Blaine shrugged, quickly changing his own clothes. He tried to ignore the feelings he felt when Kurt quickly raked his eyes over Blaine's body. Blaine focused on the posters hanging around Kurt's room as Kurt continued to change, this time shimmying out of his thong and into a pair of briefs. Blaine tried his hardest not to look but caught himself peeking a couple of times. Kurt plopped down on his bed, patting the spot beside him Blaine climbed in bed beside him, cuddling close to him.
“Do you think Blake is going to mind when we cuddle with each other?” Kurt asked curiously, grabbing his phone and typing something. Clearly he was asking Blake what he thought about it.
“I.. I don't know.” Blaine responded nervously, letting out a shaky relieved breath when he realized his phone didn't go off.
“I hope not.” Kurt replied. “I mean, if he was busy cuddling with you I would be pissed but… I just like snuggling with you. I like that we can check each other out and study each other's body without it getting weird. Or too weird. Is it totally weird that I kept that picture you sent to me?”
Blaine blushed, resisting the urge to hide under the blankets as Kurt rambled. “It's weird but… It would be weirder if you deleted it. I guess.” Blaine responded. Kurt grabbed his phone, pressing several buttons, making Blaine blush and jump as his phone went off. He was convinced that Kurt was trying to talk to Blake and he was going to give away the little known fact that Blake wasn't exactly real. Blaine opened up the message, gawking at the picture Kurt sent him.
“So… you know, we're even?” Kurt grinned, sticking his tongue out playfully. “For real this time.”
Blaine nodded, finally tearing his eyes away from the picture. Kurt wrapped his arm around him tighter, humming softly. “It feels good, you know, being close like this.” Kurt said quietly, making Blaine gasp quietly as he began to play in his hair.
“Y-yes, it does.” Blaine answered in reply, gently letting his fingers trail up and down Kurt's chest.
“I can't wait until Blake and I get to do this, and you know… make out. I love making out, it's so…” Kurt rambled.
Blaine licked his lips, glancing up to study Kurt's. He was tempted to go in for a kiss, but he didn't. It would ruin everything. “Who was your best kiss?” Blaine asked him curiously.
Kurt hummed, thinking about the question. “Sebastian Smythe.” He answered quietly. “Even though he was a complete jackass, I do have to admit he was a good kisser. He was good at a lot of things…” Kurt trailed off.
“Are you a virgin?” Blaine blurted out, biting his lip when he realized how personal that question was. Kurt was quiet for a few moments before answering.
“Yeah, technically I am.” He answered quietly. “Maybe Blake will be my first.”
Blaine nodded, unable to keep himself from smiling at the news, he was glad that Kurt didn't go all the way with his conquests. His thoughts traveled as Kurt babbled, lost in a daydream. Kurt shook him, finally getting his attention. “Blaine, did you hear me? Maybe you and I can lose our virginity to each other?”