Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
This chapter was kind of hard for me, I almost was unable to finish it today! This isnt even close to being over though. Im planning to have a Kurt and "Blake" conversation in almost every chapter. Is there anything any of you want them to discuss? It can be family related things, things related to their future or even off the wall things! Just any ideas you guys have would be great and Ill try to incorporate them all in!
Thank you all again for reading and reviewing, it means so much to me! Ill try to post the next chapter sometime during the week!
Kurt: How's my boy? ;)
Blake: Me?
Kurt: Duh. Yes you.
Blake: Oh… I'm okay. Sore but I'm okay. Everything aches and my throat is kind of throbbing though.
Kurt: Awww, what's your address? Maybe I could make you some soup and bring it by.
Blake: Oh… that's really sweet. You shouldn't though. I'm highly contagious and I really don't want you to catch it.
Kurt: Meeting you would be kind of worth it though.
Blake: I would feel horrible if I got you sick.
Kurt: You're sweet.
Blake: Hey Kurt? We like each other… right? Should we delete Grindr and just talk here?
Kurt: Maybe… That actually might be a really good idea.
Kurt: Before we started talking I kind of did some stupid things. I don't want to go into detail but deleting the app would probably be a good idea.
Blake: Is everything… okay?
Kurt: Yeah. I kind of sent some pictures to a couple of people and when Blaine was holding my phone earlier he saw them. I want to die. You have no idea.
Blake: I'm sorry. If you two are friends- or kind of friends, you're probably still good, you know?
Kurt: Yeah, I think we're good. I just don't know anymore. Things are getting weird with him lately and I have no idea why.
Blake: Oh….
Kurt: Anyway… I deleted Grindr.
Blake: I just did too. :)
Kurt: I'm hoping that when we meet we can officially become boyfriends. I just feel this really big connection with you, Blake.
Blake: Me too…
Blaine sighed heavily, tossing and turning in his bed. Talking to Kurt as Blake was so simple. Why couldn't it be that simple when he was talking to him as himself? He watched his ceiling fan go around, that action normally made him sleepy enough to fall into dreamland. That night it wasn't so simple. Blaine closed his eyes, letting his fingertips trail down his stomach, a happy sigh emerging from his lips at the tickle he felt. He wanted to be caressed by someone. He wanted to feel as if he was loved by someone. More than anything else in the world he wanted to feel that with Kurt. Blaine was convinced that Kurt would never feel the same way.
Blaine closed his eyes, imagining the picture he saw on Kurt's phone. He remembered how Kurt got so embarrassed about it and he realized he would be embarrassed too if he were in the same situation. He finally decided that he should apologize for taking Kurt's phone and messing with it. It was none of his business and he really wouldn't have liked if Kurt had gone through any of his messages. He could have seen that he was pretending to be Blake.
Blaine: Hi… Kurt? I got your number from a friend.
Kurt: Who is this?
Blaine: It's Blaine Anderson.
Kurt: Oh.
Blaine: Hi… I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. I should have never taken your phone and I definitely shouldn't have looked through your messages. I wouldn't have liked it if you did it to me so I had no business doing that to you. I… I don't know what got into me… I'm really sorry.
Kurt: K.
Blaine: I… I'm going to do something that will probably qualify as the second most stupid thing I've ever done.
Kurt: Huh?
Blaine took a deep breath before kicking off his pajama bottoms and briefs. He peeled off his shirt, studying his body in the mirror with a slight frown. He definitely didn't look perfect. His body wasn't as perfect as Kurt's was, that was for sure… But he didn't think he looked terrible. He took his phone with him into his bathroom. He locked the bathroom door then looked at himself in the long mirror. He couldn't believe he was going to do this, Blaine always told himself that he would never take a picture like this for anyone but maybe… Maybe in a crazy way it would put him and Kurt on equal ground. Maybe things wouldn't be so weird between them anymore and maybe they could actually become friends. He snapped a picture before he lost his nerve and he quickly sent it to Kurt.
He waited several minutes for Kurt to reply. He sighed, putting his pajamas back on before checking his phone again. There was still no reply from Kurt. Blaine asked himself over and over how he could be so stupid. He was just telling Kurt about the dangers of sending pictures like that and there he goes, taking one with his face in it, the exact thing he told Kurt not to do. Blaine turned off his lights, nestling down into his covers. He was sure that his picture would be all over Instagram, Twitter and Facebook within the next hour. He would have to move. He would never find a boyfriend, Kurt would never speak to him. It was then that his phone rang.
“What… what was that for?” Kurt asked quietly into the phone.
“I just… I felt like…” Blaine murmured, trying not to start crying.
“Blaine?” He said softly. “Are you okay?”
“I'm sorry.” Blaine said softly. “I just…. I just made everything worse and-“
“No, no, no, stop.” Kurt said quietly. “You didn't make anything worse. I just… That was the last thing I expected when I saw that you sent me a picture. I mean… Are you okay? What's going on with you?”
“Yes… I just… We're even now, okay?” Blaine said quietly, face on fire. Definitely the second most stupid thing he had ever done, the first thing being the entire pretending to be Blake incident that he was consequently still going through.
“Even.” Kurt replied with a small chuckle. “You didn't want me to actually send you one, did you? You just saw one of me, I didn't actually send one to you.”
“No, it's… it's okay. I just…” Blaine hid under his covers, trying to hold back tears.
“Hey…” Kurt said softly. “Can I come over?”
“W-what?” Blaine asked, sitting up slowly, unsure if he was hearing things right.
“Oh my god, I'm not inviting myself over to see your dick in person, okay? I know that's probably what it sounded like. Sorry if it did or whatever… I just… I really need a friend right now and it seems like you do too. I know we aren't exactly friends but…” Kurt babbled.
“I live on Sycamore Street. I live in the white house across from the house that puts up the tacky but extravagant Christmas decorations every December.” Blaine said quietly.
Kurt was quiet for a couple moments then he replied. “I'll see you in fifteen minutes.”