Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
You guys have no idea how awesome I think you all are! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! It means so so so SO much to me. I was planning to finish this chapter and update Saturday or Sunday but I couldnt help myself, I wanted to post it today! I may try to post another chapter this weekend but Im not making any promises! Also, if you have a tumblr you should follow me! Mine is unicorn-a-licious. c:
Also, if you follow me on tumblr message me so Ill be sure to follow you back! Thanks again for all your support!
Kurt: Hey Blake, I'm home!
Blake: Hey… did you drive safe?
Kurt: Yeah, I did. I got home a little later than I expected to, I talked to a friend for a while.
Kurt: Well more like an acquaintance. Do you know him? His name is Blaine Anderson.
Blake: Yeah, he's in one of my classes.
Kurt: He's sweet. He looks like he should be a dorky sidekick on a sitcom, but he's sweet.
Blake: Yeah…
Kurt: So, what's up?
Blake: Nothing much, just thinking.
Kurt: What are you thinking about? I may or may not be jealous if you aren't thinking of me… ;)
Blake: I am thinking about you. Honestly, I think about you a lot.
Kurt: Mmm, is that so? ;)
Kurt: I think about you a lot too. I want to meet you so bad.
Blake: Hopefully we'll be able to meet after the game Friday.
Kurt: What classes do you and Blaine share? I may walk with him to class tomorrow so I can at least say a quick hello to you.
Blaine bit his bottom lip, staring at his phone for several minutes. He played with the idea of just ignoring the messages that Kurt sent him. Ignoring the messages would be the easiest way to stop the entire façade. He knew it was wrong. It was wrong pretend to be someone he wasn't. It was wrong to take his cousin's best friend's pictures and pretend to be him. It was extremely wrong to lead Kurt on. There were definitely more cons than pros when it came to the entire situation. The thing was… Blaine wasn't ready to stop talking to Kurt. He liked talking to him as Blake and as especially as himself. He touched his hand to his cheek where Kurt pressed a kiss earlier before messaging him back.
Blake: We're in the same Chemistry class, last period.
Kurt: I'll hopefully get to see you tomorrow then.
Blake: I hope so too.
Kurt: You aren't… you aren't interested in Blaine, are you? You know, he's gay too.
Blake: I figured. I'm not interested in him. He's not my type.
Kurt: What's your type? ;)
Blake: In all honesty… I'm not sure that I have a type. He's kind of shy though.
Kurt: I'm not shy. ;)
Blake: I know you aren't. I am to an extent, I guess.
Kurt: Tbh, I like shy guys.
Blake: Do you like Blaine?
Blaine bit his lip, closing his eyes tight. He asked himself why he asked Kurt that question, quickly pulling his comforter over his head, wanting his bed to swallow him whole. He didn't want to know why Kurt didn't like him. He didn't want Kurt to make fun of him. Several minutes later he began to feel brave enough to peek out from the covers and read Kurt's reply.
Kurt: It's complicated. He's interesting, I guess. If I was in college I would definitely go after someone like Blaine. He's very smart, cute and he's really sweet. He's just… extremely lame. If I ever dated him I would get picked on by being associated with him. Crazily enough I had a huge crush on him during middle school.
Blaine's eyes widened, his breathing becoming heavy. Kurt liked him in middle school? If they were in college he would consider dating someone like him? Blaine stared at the message several times, trying to decide how to reply.
Blake: If you like someone you shouldn't worry about what anyone else thinks.
Kurt: Yeah, you're right. It's just hard.
Blake: High school is really hard sometimes.
Kurt: That's for sure.
The next day at school Blaine was surprised when Kurt met him by his locker. “Hey Blaine.” He said, smiling. Blaine opened his mouth to reply but Kurt cut him off. “I was talking to Blake last night and he said that you guys have the same Chemistry class at the end of the day. Can I maybe walk with you today? Maybe then you could introduce us?” Kurt asked, licking his lips.
Blaine nodded. “Y-yes. That sounds good.” He replied, carefully closing his locker. The rest of the day Blaine worried about how he was going to pull this meeting off. He couldn't text his cousin to send the real Blake over to McKinley. He didn't want anyone to know what he was doing. He also couldn't be honest with Kurt, he would not want to lose him just when they were starting to become friends. It was lunch time when he came up with a plan and decided to put it into action.
Blake: I have bad news.
Kurt: What? Is everything okay?
Blake: My throat has been killing me all day. My mom picked me up from school and took me to the doctor and it turned out that I have mono.
Kurt: Are you serious? That sucks! I was so excited to meet you! And it sucks that you're sick, I hope you feel better soon. I hear mono is brutal though.
Blake: I'll be out of school for close to a month… :/
Kurt: I'm so sad right now, you have no idea. But I do want you to get better… Okay?
Blaine sighed, quickly putting his phone into his pocket , cheeks red. He felt incredibly guilty. He glanced over at Kurt, several tables away. He was frowning down at his phone, visibly sighing. Blaine felt horrible for doing this to him but it wasn't as if he could pull the real Blake out of thin air to meet Kurt. He was also pretty sure that the real Blake was straight.
Before last period Blaine blushed, watching as Kurt made his way over. Blaine tried to keep his composure, leaning against the lockers as Kurt stopped in front of him. “Hey…” Kurt said quietly. “Blake's out today… It turns out that he had mono.” Kurt added, biting his bottom lip. “It's really strange though… On Grindr it said that he was several feet away earlier, but I'm just guessing it was a malfunction… It does that sometimes.” Kurt said, pulling his phone out and refreshing the page. Blaine began to panic, quickly taking Kurt's phone from him and scrolling through his messages.
“Uh… what are you doing? Those are personal!” Kurt said, trying to snatch for his phone. “I… I'm sorry.” Blaine said, not giving up Kurt's phone. “I'm just c-curious, I've n-never really talked t-to guys before and-and….” He trailed off awkwardly.
Kurt bit his bottom lip, crossing his arms, no longer reaching for his phone. “Whatever. Just don't… Don't tell anyone, okay? And oh my god, don't open that!” Kurt exclaimed as Blaine opened a message, eyes widening before closing as he pushed the phone back into Kurt's hands.
“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to find that!” Blaine exclaimed, peeking out from behind his hand, watching as Kurt stuffed his phone back into his pocket, his face bright red. He knew that Kurt was a bit more promiscuous than he was but he had no idea that he was sending random guys on Grindr pictures of his private parts.
“Oh my god, just shut up Blaine.” Kurt said, blushing. He crossed his arms, looking down at his feet. “Just… you're going to go tell everyone now, aren't you?” Kurt snapped, narrowing his eyes slightly.
“No-no, I promise, I'm not, I w-won't.” Blaine responded, lowering his hand from his face. “I'm not… That would be mean… I'm not mean.” Blaine babbled, that picture he saw now embedded in his brain. Kurt looked so good in it. He was biting his bottom lip and his hand was wrapped around his… Blaine's eyes widened, taking a step closer to Kurt and beginning to whisper frantically. “W-who did you send that to? It had your face in it, what if they sent it around to other people?” Blaine said, deeply concerned about the entire ordeal.
Kurt shrugged, trying to regain his composure. “I… I don't know. Hopefully he wouldn't. Why are you so concerned?”
Blaine blinked, hands beginning to sweat. “Do you do that a lot?”
“Oh my god, Blaine, why are you so fucking concerned?” Kurt snapped again, pushing past Blaine and heading to his last class. Blaine watched as he walked off, refraining himself from following after him. “Because, I'm in love with you.” Blaine muttered quietly, too quietly for anyone else to hear.