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Catfished: Chapter 3

M - Words: 1,260 - Last Updated: Oct 02, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Sep 06, 2014 - Updated: Sep 06, 2014
186 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Im so excited about all the feedback Ive got for this!  Thank you all so much, it means the world to me!  I was planning to update this tomorrow but you guys got it a day early instead!  Hopefully Ill be able to update again Saturday or Sunday. 



Monday after school Blaine hurried into the choir room.  He slipped into the last open seat- which happened to be beside Kurt.   Blaine couldn't help but wonder if Kurt was annoyed that they were sitting next to each other.  “Hi….”  Blaine said softly, remembering one of the many conversations they had with one another over the weekend when he pretended to be “Blake”.  Maybe if he and Kurt actually spoke to one another they could become friends. 

“Hi.”  Kurt replied.  Blaine noticed he was looking down at his phone, finger lingering over his Kik icon. Blaine's eyes widened, not wanting his phone to go off if Kurt sent him- or Blake, rather- a message.  He quickly took his own phone out of his pocket, turning the volume off before slipping it back into his pocket.  There was no way he would be able to keep up the charade while Kurt was literally three inches away from him. 

“How… How are you?”  Blaine asked, studying his fingernails and waiting for Kurt to say something mean in reply.  That didn't happen though.  Much to Blaine's surprise Kurt smiled slowly, sighing down at his phone before putting it back in his pocket.  “I'm really good, actually.  How are you?” 

“I… That's g-good.”  Blaine responded.  This was probably his and Kurt's longest conversation to date.  “I'm good too.  I had… I had fun Fr-Friday.”  Blaine said, trying to steady his breathing.  He felt so foolish, stuttering in front of Kurt. 

“Yeah, it was fun.  We should all do it again sometime.”  Kurt said quietly.  “Hey, can I ask you something?”  He asked.  Blaine noticed Kurt's cheeks turning a bit pink as he nodded.  “I met this guy… He…  His name is Blake.  He's in your grade and he's gay too.  Have you… have you met him?  Is he in any of your classes?” 

Blaine blushed wildly, glancing down at his lap.  “I… I… Yeah.  He's… he's pretty c-cool.”  Blaine responded, eyes widening.  Why…  Why did he do that?  Why did he tell Kurt he knew him?   Kurt was going to put two and two together and Blaine just knew he was going to end up looking foolish.

“Oh my God, do you like him?”  Kurt asked.  Blaine noticed Kurt's eyes narrow slightly.  He blushed, shaking his head frantically.  “No… no, I don't like him.”  Blaine replied quickly, biting his bottom lip so hard that he was sure it would bleed.  “I… I promise I don't like him.”  He added.

Kurt nodded, regaining his composure.  He shrugged easily.  “I mean, it's fine if you do.  He's cool.  I like him, I think…”  Kurt trailed off, licking his lips.  He opened his mouth like he was going to continue, but he then closed it, looking thoughtful for a moment.  “Can you introduce him to me?”  Kurt asked finally.

“Kurt, Blaine, why don't you tell me when the two of you are finished so we can get on with Glee.”  Mr. Schuester said, folding his arms.  “I'd hate to interrupt.”  Blaine's eyes widened again and he sunk down a bit in his seat, picking at his fingernails. 

“Yeah Blaine, I told you, I'm not interested in going out with you.  I'm trying to listen.”  Kurt snapped, high fiving Santana on his other side.  Blaine's face got even redder, mouth opening slightly.  He wrapped his arms tight around himself, telling himself not to cry.  Why did Kurt do that?  He wondered, lightly tapping his foot anxiously. 

Santana laughed, bringing her hand to her lips.  “Pathetic.”  She coughed, causing Quinn and a couple others to giggle softly.  Blaine closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.  He tried to calm himself down as Rachel and Finn began to sing a duet. 

After Glee Blaine hurried out, quickly making his way to the bathroom and steadying his self at the sink.  He didn't want to cry at school.  He took out his phone, thumbing over the messages that he and Kurt shared, taking a deep breath when he noticed he had several new messages.  Blaine tried to slow his breathing down before clicking on the icon and reading the new messages from Kurt.  

Kurt:  Hey!  I hope you're having a good day.  I have stuff after school today, do you want to hang out after though?  Maybe we could go get dinner or see a movie or something.

Kurt:  Blake? 

Kurt:  Just let me know, okay?

Blake:  Oh, I'm sorry…  I can't today. 

Kurt:  Why not? 

Blake:  I have a lot of homework…  Maybe Friday?

Kurt:  Do I have to wait that long?  L

Kurt:  Well, I am cheering at our first game Friday…  You should come! 

Blake:  I might…  That would be fun. 

Kurt:  I'm still going to try to talk you into meeting earlier though…  Anyway, I have to drive so I'll text you when I get home.  Kay? 

Blake:  Okay.  J  Drive safe. 

Blaine pushed his phone into his pocket quickly, the tears now gone.  His heart however was feeling extremely heavy and he still felt guilty for doing this to Kurt.  He couldn't help but wonder why Kurt didn't like him for him.  He sighed, grabbing his things before heading out to the parking lot, sure that Kurt and his friends were already gone. 

He unlocked his car, throwing his things in the backseat, jumping slightly when he felt a hand on his back, tapping him.  He turned around, breathing heavily, eyes wide when he realized it was Kurt that tapped him.  “Hey Blaine.”  He said softly.  “Do you have a minute?” 

Blaine wanted to say something about Kurt lying in Glee club and embarrassing him but he didn't.  He didn't want to bring the moment up, he wanted to completely forget it ever happened.  “S-sure…” 

Kurt smiled, glancing around.  “Can we do it in your car?  I don't want…”  He trailed off.  Blaine nodded quickly, not wanting Kurt to finish his thought.  He probably didn't want anyone to see them together in public and Blaine understood that.  He climbed into his car, cranking it up and waiting for Kurt to climb into the passenger side.

“I'm sorry for what happened earlier.”  Kurt said softly after climbing in.  Blaine studied him, nodding slowly.  He gasped quietly as Kurt reached over, slowly stroking his hand.  “I know it was really rude of me to say that about you…  It's just…  You know, people wouldn't understand us talking to one another.  Okay?” 

Blaine nodded, not knowing how to reply.  “It's fine.”  He replied softly.

“Good, I'm glad you aren't mad at me.”  Kurt said.  “Could you possibly introduce me to Blake tomorrow?  Please?” 

“I really… I really don't know him that well.”  Blaine said softly, biting his bottom lip.  “He's just in a couple of my classes….”  He added. 

“Oh…”  Kurt replied, sighing softly. 

Blaine studied Kurt's face, immediately feeling awful for letting him down.  “I…  I'll still introduce you though, okay?”  He said quietly, beaming as Kurt's face lit up. 

“You're the best!  Thank you so much, Blaine!”  Kurt gushed.  Much to Blaine's surprise, Kurt leaned in, wrapping his arms around him and pressing a small kiss to his cheek.  Blaine couldn't help but smile.  Once Kurt left he brought his hand to his cheek, tracing over where Kurt's lips were moments before.  After several minutes Blaine began to panic.  How could he possibly introduce Kurt to Blake if Blake didn't exist? 



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