Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Ill try to update before the weeked! Thank you all for reading and reviewing!
The first thing that surprised Blaine about Grindr was how many guys were within a twenty mile radius of him. Who knew that there were so many gay, bisexual and curious males in Lima. The second thing that surprised Blaine was Kurt's profile picture. He gawked at it, clicking on it to make it larger. He was wearing a pair of tight jeans and raising his shirt, showing one of his nipples and most of his stomach. His username was “Horny! ;)” which in turn made Blaine's pants just a tiny bit tighter.
Blaine was torn. Part of him wanted to contact Kurt and flirt with him behind his fake profile. It would be so easy to do so. The other part of him wanted to befriend him and make sure he was okay. Yes, Kurt was popular but Blaine never heard of him having a boyfriend or even going on a date before. He was slightly concerned that his profile was the way it was. He continued to read on Kurt's profile, desperately wanting to learn more about him and what he looked for in a guy.
18 Years Old
Headline: Just went to a movie with some of my friends… Hit me up! ;)
About: Hey, I'm Kurt. I'm in high school, Go Titans! I cheer so I'm quite flexible. Want to know more? Talk to me. ;)
Looking for: Friends, Chat, Relationship, Dates
Blaine cleared his throat, trying to steady his breathing. Kurt just admitted to all these creeps that he was flexible. Had he had sex with any of these guys? Was he planning to? Blaine took a deep breath knowing that this could be a stupid thing to do but not wanting Kurt to get hurt by any of these guys. He decided to message Kurt. Maybe if he talked to him as someone else he could make sure that he didn't do anything he would regret with any of these other guys.
Blake: Hey, I'm Blake.
Horny ;): And you look delicious. Hi. I'm Kurt.
Blake: Haha.. Thank you. What's up?
Horny ;): I think you know what's up, Blake… Not much though, just talking to some really cute guys… especially you. What's up with you?
Blake: Oh… Thanks. Nothing much, just getting ready for bed.
Horny ;): Why are you going to bed so early on a Friday?
Blake: Oh… Well I'm not. I'm going to watch a couple of Harry Potter movies but I'm ready to slip into something a bit more comfortable.
Horny ;): Hmm… Wouldn't you rather slip inside me? I'm comfortable…
Blaine's eyes widened, staring down at the conversation. Had Kurt really just… He took a deep breath, beginning to bite his fingernails. This was going to be harder than he expected it to be.
Horny ;): I'm sorry, that was really forward of me. I'm not usually like that, I promise. Today was weird.
Blake: Oh… it's okay. How was today weird?
Horny ;): I don't want to talk about it.
Blake: Oh… okay, I understand.
Horny ;): So yeah… Are you really 18? You don't look 18.
Blake: No… I'm 16.
Horny ;): Ooh, you naughty boy. I'm 17. Where do you go to school?
Blaine bit his bottom lip, taking a deep breath and trying to decide what to say. If he continued speaking to Kurt he would be able to find out by the GPS that he was at McKinley Monday when they were both at school so he decided to be honest. As honest as he possibly could be without Kurt realizing it was him, anyway.
Blake: I go to McKinley too.
Horny ;): You do? McKinley isn't that big. I think I would have noticed a cutie like you.
Blake: I literally just started there Thursday.
Horny ;): What grade? I'm a senior.
Blake: I'm a junior.
Horny ;): Oh, that's cool.
Horny ;): You're pretty cool. Are you dating anyone?
Blake: No, I'm not. I've never had a boyfriend.
Horny ;): Oh, that's cool. I haven't either, not really anyway. I don't really have time for a boyfriend but I think I would really like one. I'm not really like my profile makes me seem… I'm just… it's difficult.
Blake: I'm a good listener if you need to talk about it.
Kurt: Long story short, I got my heart broken not so long ago. There is this guy from a different school that I kind of hooked up with a few times but it was never more than that, and I really wanted it to be more. Then there was this guy from school that I kind of hooked up with several times. He's in the closet and not coming out anytime soon but yeah… It's just hard to find anyone that's like me, you know? I'm glad you go to McKinley now. I'm pretty much the only out guy there- well there is one other one but he… We don't really talk. I really want a friend that I can talk to but it's just hard. Like, I know I couldn't talk to him and I know we just met but talking to you just seems really easy.
Blaine bit his bottom lip, trying to defuse the jealousy that he was feeling. He couldn't help but wonder about the guys Kurt was referring to. Had he done more than kiss them? Had they treated him right? Why would anyone ever hurt Kurt? He took a deep breath when he realized Kurt was referring to him when he mentioned not talking to the other gay guy at his school. He wanted to tell Kurt then and there that he could talk to him and trust him but it was too late. He played with the idea of deleting the “Blake” account and making an account under his own name, maybe then he and Kurt could talk and become friends. Blaine quickly dismissed the idea, too nervous to do that. It was then that Blaine realized Kurt changed his name from “Horny ;)” to “Kurt”. He smiled to himself, feeling as though he was helping Kurt already.
Blake: I'm really sorry that you've been hurt. You'll find the right guy one of these days. I promise, I'll always listen to whatever you have to say, you can trust me.
Kurt: Thanks Blake, really. That means a lot to me. It's so hard to find someone to trust. I'm being forward again but can I have your number?
Blaine quickly began to panic. He couldn't give Kurt his number. Kurt could figure out it was him if he did. He bit his bottom lip, trying to come up with a good story not to give him his number. He was grounded? No, how would he be able to get on Grindr if he was grounded? He didn't feel comfortable giving Kurt his number? No, the boy had just poured his heart out to him. Blaine quickly got an idea then responded back to Kurt.
Blake: For some reason my parents are against putting unlimited texting on my phone but maybe we can talk on Kik or I could download a texting app?
Kurt: That's crazy, everyone has unlimited texting these days… but okay. What's your Kik username?
Blaine cursed himself, quickly making a Kik account. He then traded usernames with Kurt, cursing himself the entire time. This was a stupid idea, Kurt was going to figure out that it was Blaine talking to him eventually. What was he getting himself into?