Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
Im sorry! I hope you guys dont hate me... :) The next chapter will be posted probably either on Sunday or Monday. I have two weddings to go to tomorrow so I wont be able to really work on it then! Thank you all again for reading and reviewing!
“So… this is Santana's room?” Blaine asked awkwardly, glancing around the room. He noticed several awards for Cheerio related things, pictures of Santana and her friends, and piles of clothing all over the floor.
Kurt nodded, gently pushing Blaine onto the bed. Blaine gasped quietly, eyes searching Kurt's. “Scoot back.” Kurt said, studying Blaine until he began to shimmy backward, back resting against the headboard of Santana's bed. He studied Kurt curiously, gasping again when Kurt crawled over to him, straddling his lap. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck loosely, never breaking eye contact with him.
Blaine let out several shaky breaths, not trusting himself to speak. Kurt began to lean in, lips dangerously close to touching Blaine's.
“W-what are you doing?” Blaine blurted the question out, wincing awkwardly as soon as he did. He watched Kurt blush before moving to sit beside Blaine instead, picking up one of Santana's pillows and hiding his head. “K-Kurt?” He asked quietly.
“I thought that you… You asked if I wanted to go somewhere quiet.” Kurt muttered, glancing up to look at Blaine. “I thought that meant you wanted…”
“Oh… I… It was just really loud…” Blaine trailed off, closing his eyes for a moment.
“Yep. It's a party. Parties are loud.” Kurt snapped at him.
“I… I'm sorry.” Blaine muttered, wrapping his arms around himself.
“No… I'm sorry for assuming. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want Blake so bad and it feels like we'll never meet and then you come along and completely rock my world.” Kurt said, sighing.
Blaine took a deep breath before leaning over and pressing his lips to Kurt's. Blaine's heart began to pound rapidly as he felt Kurt gasp gently against his lips before pressing back, quickly deepening the kiss. Blaine gently pulled Kurt back into his lap as their kiss got more heated.
After an hour of kissing and light groping the boys pulled apart, panting quietly. “Do you… Do you want to go to your house?” Kurt asked, biting his lip. Blaine noticed that Kurt looked nervous, eyes wide, lips red from kissing.
Blaine nodded, smiling shyly as Kurt grabbed his hand pulling him up from Santana's bed and then down the stairs to where the party was still going strong. Blaine couldn't help but glance around nervously- looking for Blake. He sighed happily once they made it outside and began the walk to his house. Every few minutes Kurt would pull Blaine close, kissing him in the shadows between the street lights.
Once they made it to Blaine's house Kurt broke apart from him, following Blaine inside and walking over to Blaine's mom to give her a hug. Blaine watched from the doorway, smiling at the two of them. Blaine watched as his mom studied them, smiling knowingly. “Don't stay up too late, boys.” She said giving Blaine a look before looking back down at her book with a small smile.
Blaine couldn't help but smile at his mom before walking up the steps, Kurt following him. The moment Blaine closed his bedroom door Kurt closed in the distance between them, kissing Blaine passionately. Blaine reciprocated the kiss, moaning quietly against Kurt's lips. Blaine shivered as Kurt snaked his hands up the sides of his shirt. “Arms up.” Kurt murmured. Blaine nodded, lifting his arms so Kurt could pull off his shirt. Kurt threw Blaine's shirt to the side before kissing his neck, suckling lightly on it.
Blaine moaned softly, lacing his fingers through Kurt's belt loops, pulling him closer. “It's your turn.” He murmured, moving his hands to the collar of Kurt's shirt and beginning to unbutton it.
“God, you're too slow.” Kurt murmured before beginning to unbutton his shirt from the bottom. Blaine pulled the shirt off gently once it was completely undone then pulled Kurt's undershirt over his head.
The two begin to kiss again, moving toward Blaine's bed and kicking their shoes off. “Off.” Kurt whispered, unbuttoning the top button of Blaine's pants. Kurt unzipped Blaine's pants then began to inch them down. Blaine stepped out of his pants, quickly unbuttoning Kurt's and watching as he kicked his legs out of his own.
“You are so beautiful.” Blaine whispered, running his hands up and down Kurt's sides.
“You are too, Blaine.” Kurt said in reply, kissing him again before pushing him down on top of the bed and straddling his lap once again, this time only underwear separating their erections. “I want you so bad.” He whispered in Blaine's ear, kissing down his neck.
Blaine nodded, closing his eyes as Kurt continued to kiss over his body. His lips felt so good against his skin, like nothing else he had ever experienced. Once Kurt's lips ghosted over his nipple he sucked in a breath, jumping slightly as Kurt's phone began to ding rapidly, obvious that he was getting a slew of texts. He felt Kurt hesitate before sighing as more and more continued to come in on his phone.
“You… you should check that.” Blaine said softly, coming out of his daze.
Kurt nodded, grabbing his phone and repositioning himself. He gently wrapped an arm around Blaine, kissing his cheek. “Let me just make sure no one is…” Kurt trailed off, eyes widening then narrowing slightly.
Blaine studied Kurt, tilting his head to the side. “Is everything… Is everything okay?” He asked.
Kurt shrugged, gently removing his arm from Blaine's shoulder and standing up, looking from Blaine to his pile of clothes. He handed Blaine his phone and Blaine read through the messages.
Santana: Oh my god. Look who came to my party…
Santana: I thought you said he had mono…
Santana: [Image attachment]
Santana: Doesn't he look delicious?
Santana: Where the hell are you?
Quinn: Oh my god, Santana is right… he is cute.
Santana: You and Anderson didn't fuck in my room, did you? My pillow smells like hair gel.
Quinn: Wait… what?
Santana: They were totally eye-fucking earlier, Fabray.
Santana: Wherever you are you better get here fast. I think he's about to leave soon.
Blaine frowned, looking up at Kurt. His heart was beating rapidly again and he was going over his options. He could come clean to Kurt, he could just act like he didn't know what was going on or he could… He was snapped out of his thoughts when Kurt cleared his throat. “I… I have to go talk to him. Okay?” Kurt said, quickly redressing himself.
Blaine began to feel his heart shatter into a million pieces.
“Oh no… Blaine…” Kurt said softly, walking forward and rubbing his shoulder. “I just… I'd hate myself forever if I didn't just see…” He trailed off, leaning in and kissing Blaine on the cheek. “You're so sweet, Blaine. I like you a lot but Blake…” Blaine watched as Kurt fixed his outfit in his mirror before walking to Blaine's door. “I'll text you in a little while. I'm going to come back over here after.” He said, studying Blaine for a moment. “We're good, right?”
Blaine nodded, trying as hard as he could to smile at Kurt. The moment Kurt closed his bedroom door, Blaine's entire body shook with a large sob. He whimpered quietly as he heard Kurt walk slowly down the stairs. He covered himself up to his chin with his covers, unable to stop shaking. Blaine grabbed his phone, quickly sending a text to his cousin Amanda.
Blaine: Amanda… I did something stupid. I really need you to do something for me and not ask any questions about it, okay?
Amanda: K… what's up? U ok?
Blaine: I'll tell you about it later but can you and Blake leave Santana's party?
Amanda: We were just leaving now anyway. I expect to hear from u later tho. Plus I wanna know more about the guy you pulled upstairs early. Get it baby cousin. ;)
Blaine: Thank you so much.
Blaine rested his head back, looking up at his ceiling. “I have to tell Kurt.” He said quietly, tears steadily running down his face.