Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 6: Blood and Fire Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 6: Blood and Fire

T - Words: 10,334 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: Sorry for being so long. But from now on I'll be more regular at updating. I'll appreciate reviews, you guys. Let me know if you are liking what I'm writing.
Blood and Fire

I wake up again and my head is pounding so badly that I feel like I'm just about dying. The bruise on my jaw isn't helping much either. No matter how much I try, it causes me pain every time my jaw comes in contact with anything, even the soft blanket or sheets.

I get up and search my wall clock with bleary eyes. It's almost 2 o' clock in the morning now. And the house is a host of many murmuring voices. At first I blame it on my pounding head. But then I distinctly hear footsteps outside in the hallway.

The next minute, Finn throws open the door of my room and the light from hallway stings my eyes. I groan against it and say, "What's goin' on, Finn?"

"Another meeting," he informs me. He looks happy, I wonder why. "I came over to check if you are awake. Dad's kinda, like, hoping if you'll care to join us."

This was a big deal. Burt inviting me to the secret night meets. So I nod and get up to get my bearings. I change into decent outfit that collide both with my farmer garb and my own tastes. I'll have to ask Carole to help me with shopping soon because of my recent bodily changes. My tight jeans almost never fit me now. The ones I now wear are the only pair left in which I don't feel like it'll rip apart any minute. I comb my hair into passable state and then I make my way downstairs. The strange and welcoming sight greets me in the den.

Many people from the celebrations earlier are here. But there are a few faces that I don't recognize.

Sam and his father Mr Evans; the Football Coach Cooter and his wife Shannon; Mercedes with her parents; Joe with his father; Rory and Jake with Riley; Mike and his father; Mr Schuester and his rumored girlfriend Emma Pillsbury and Mr Figgins. But apart from them; there are two new people whom I don't know about. One is the short-haired blonde woman from that first night and the other is a dark haired woman who sits with Rachel Berry.

Burt sees me and gets up to greet me, asking after my health.

"My head hurts," I mumble.

The people assembled laugh loudly at that.

"Join the club, kid," says Old Riley. "We all are a bit hung-over."

"Go and find Carole and ask her to give you some pan cakes," says the short-haired blonde woman. "It worked wonders with me. I can actually see the bluish veins in your arms."

Burt chuckled tightly. "This is Sue Sylvester, Kurt. And that's Rachel mother, Shelby."

I say hello to both ladies and then duck into the kitchen for help. Puck and Mr Jones sit on our dining table, both looking ill and groaning as they clutch their heads.

"Headache?" asks Carole as she spots me.

"Yeah, like hell," I reply and join Puck and Mr Jones. "You guys too?"

Mr Jones groans awfully. "Blast it! Burt had to arrange a meeting tonight! Can't we get drunk after celebrations in peace?"

"It's important Mr Jones," says Puck, kneading his fingers in his temple. "Tonight's the night."

"What do you mean?" I ask when he looks at me pointedly.

"You're getting Sworn in tonight, Kurt," explain Mr Jones. He looks slightly impressed. "You proved yourself worthy after encounter with Dave Karofsky."

I blush at his praise. The first time I had met Mr Jones I almost thought that he was strict and unfriendly. But maybe it's the headache? Anyways, I was happy at his praise. Being the father of my best friend and then praising me like this meant a lot to me.

Carole puts a plate full of stacks of steaming pancakes in front of us. "Dig in, boys. We ought to start already. It's getting late."

We start eating. Almost after a few bites my head begins to settle down. Mr Jones is able to sit straight and attentively and finish more pancakes. Puck looks relieved after his head starts to ache less.

We then join the others out in the den. The elders all occupy the few seats around our modest sized den. Puck and I join Rory and Mercedes on the carpeted floor silently. I look at Old Riley, waiting. I just assume that he's the eldest of us all so he'll be the one starting the ceremony or whatever. But it's Burt who stands up.

"Hey everyone, again," he says to slight chuckles around the room. "First up, Happy Rains everyone!"

People smile and nod in agreement, murmuring Happy Rains back (yes, it's a thing here.)

"We're here tonight because of a few things that have arisen within last 24 hours. As you all already know, Kurt is new in town and has yet to be sworn in our family." Everyone look at me before returning their attention back to Burt. "He's been trying really and admirably hard to adjust into this new environment. I respect his efforts because compared to his life in California; Hilltown must seem like the medieval centaury."

There are more giggles when I smile rapidly in agreement.

"But he's been constant and patient throughout all the weirdness. For that I want to congratulate him with all my heart."

To my uttermost embarrassment, everyone claps slightly at this. I duck my head to hide the blush on my face. OK, this is getting rather too much. Mercedes grabs my hand and squeezes it in assurance. I squeeze back, silently thanking her.

"Before I start the ceremony for Kurt, I'd like to explain a few things to him." Burt looks at me now. "I know things have been strange, Kurt. But I need you to understand that this is an important observance. Not only would it make your position in this town clear, but it'll also give you the advantage of property and ownership."

I blink, trying to take in all his words.

"By property and ownership, I mean that you'll have as much right to my house and my shop and the filling station that I own, as Finn and myself. It may mean nothing to you, but your situation in town will change rapidly. You'd not be just a new Hummel kid. You'd be Kurt Hummel, owner and property holder of Hummel estate and business. Do you understand what I am saying?"

I nod meekly. "Yes, Uncle. I'll have a name and position in the town."

"This will lead you to enter the rules and regulations directly. Meaning that the Smyths will not break the rules that they've created on their own. Hence, you'll be safe from their continuous harassment."

Burt looks at everyone else now. "I'll need to know if any of you have any objections to this."

Nobody says anything. Then Riley, speaking for everyone, declares, "No, we don't have any objection. We accept Kurt as a worthy member of our community." Everyone nod to support his declaration.

Burt clapped his hand once, looking excited. "All right then! Shall we proceed?"

Finn spoke up now. "Dad—the Andersons still aren't here."

Burt looks a bit worried but says, "I'm sure Blaine would have no objections to it either. Speaking of Anderson, I'll also like to formally declare that I have, like Puck here, allied myself with the Warblers."

This is received with mixed emotions. Some react with shock, some with resignation.

"That's outrageous!" Rachel Berry declares. "They are so secluded and reserved! We can't trust them!"

Burt frowns at her. "Rachel, as one of the Deserters, you have no say in the matters of my family or friends."

Rachel looks pissed off. She opens her mouth to say something else but Sue overrides her with, "That's enough, Divaberry! The Burt has spoken. We are the Deserters; hence we stay out of the main drama! We only came here to witness the ceremony for the little Princess." She smirks at me.

"I beg your pardon?" Burt says angrily. "What did you call him?"

"Princess," says Sue nonchalantly. "Or do you prefer anything else? Lady Hummel?"

Figgins sighs softly and whispers to Mr Hart, "Oh great, here we go again." Mr Hart agrees with a smile.

Burt turn red in anger and I look down in fear. Does Sue Sylvester know about my sexuality? Was I about to be outed in front of every one of my friends and their families? Or is just the sarcastic prank she's playing because, hell, I was wearing my Alexander McQueen scarf?!

Puck takes my other hand and squeezes in support. He looks worried too.

"I'll prefer you called him Kurt, as that's his name," Burt says brusquely.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention o be rude," says Sue. "It's just that he doesn't look like a Kurtis, you see. He looks more like a Princess."

I speak up now before this turn into a war. "If you just want to give me a nickname then it's all right. You can call me—um—Prince?"

Sue looks surprised that I've agreed. "No, no. I'll call you—Porcelain! What do you say?"

"OK, I guess. That's better than Princess at least."

Sue claps her hands in happiness. "There. All settled, Burt. Don't get your locks in a twist. Proceed."

I notice that Mr Evans and Old Riley look amused at this whole exchange. I look at Rory in question and he smiles back with a shrug. Mercedes leans close to whisper to me that, "Burt and Sue are kind of each other's arch-nemesis ever since they were school fellows. It's just a kind of thing they do. It's quiet entertaining most of the time."

Burt clears his throat at once. "All right! Let's begin! I'll need the necessary equipment."

Carole gets up at that and runs to the kitchen. My heart starts beating rapidly at the word 'equipment'. Was I gonna have some kind of operation? My fears increase when Carole comes out with a crystal bowl, a knife, a bottle of Tincture and a wad of cotton. She sets it all on the table in front of Burt, and Burt calls me close to him. I get my hands squeezed in support by Puck and Mercedes both once again. Then I make my way, on my knees, to the table and Burt.

Burt looks me in my eyes; his blue eyes are full of love and honesty. I relax at once and smile in assurance at him.

"Give me your arm, son," he says softly. I comply.

Burt takes my arm, push away the bracelet I wear and expose the inner side of my lower arm, near the elbow. He takes the knife and then places a bowl underneath my arm.

I frown at once. I think, maybe, I knew why this felt familiar to me. I'd noticed whilst on fields that all the boys had these weird scars on their inner arms close to elbows. Was that how you became sworn? By getting scars?

I almost know what is about to happen. But when it does, I gasp in surprise.

Burt suddenly slits near my elbow and dark blood gush out of my arm. Against my pale skin, the blood almost seems black.

Everyone in the room sits still, transfixed by the sight of drops that fall into the glass bowl underneath my arm. Then Burt uses cotton and Tincture to clean my cut. Carole comes in closer and applies a stick-on bandage on my cut.

Burt takes hold of the bowl with a small quantity of my darkish blood swirling in it and examines it closely. The expression on his face is unreadable.

"Riley," Burt breathes finally. "I—I don't know..."

His words are just like the knife that cut me a moment ago. Everyone nearly flinches at his uncertainty.

"What do you mean?" Finn inquires in a croaking voice. I exhale again in shock when I spot small traces of tears in his eyes.

But my all friends look on edge, Rory, Mercedes and Rachel (who looks more like she's being dramatic) are actually close to crying. Mike seems to be holding Mrs Jones hand in support.

What the hell is going on?!

"I mean, I DON'T know," Burt says again, and put the bowl back on the table with a thud. "I don't...know." Burt looks close to tears again.

Riley and Mr Evans now scoot closer to inspect my blood once more. They whisper to each other, looking concerned, and I try hard to catch their words. I listen and a few words become clear to me, much to my shock and horror.

"Impossible," says Mr Evans. "He looks..."

"Black! Honestly, Black!" Riley says in incredulity. "He's one of them..."

"Can't be! He's Paul Hummel's..."

Sue interrupts then, looking superiorly angry. "Oh, cut it you OAFS! Let me check that!"

She garbs the bowl and sniffs my blood. Then she holds the glass bowl against the light of a lamp and mumbles, "Bloody blind maggots! Look at that! It's red, I tell you!" Then she spots the cotton that Burt had used to clean me off. "And Look at that! The white cotton, it's got red blood on it! You bunch of senile fools! He's OK! He's a Hummel!"

Everyone relax visibly at this. Finn and Mercedes garb me in a hug, both smiling happily through the tears. Burt hides his face in his hand and Carole, crying too, holds on to him. Everyone is smiling now. Sue nods importantly again, setting the bowl back on table and sits back, looking as if she'd accomplished a feat.

Riley takes the stage then. "As everyone has witnessed, the blood shows. Kurt is a Hummel truly and not one of the enemies. We congratulate you Kurt and be one of us!"

"YAYYY!" Sam, Joe and Puck yell at once.

Rachel and Shelby pop open a champagne bottle to celebrate.

"No, way!" Figgins says miserably. "I still feel as if someone has banged on my head with a hammer! I am not drinking anymore."

Many of the gathered people are of same opinion. They decline the drink but congratulate me with relived smiles.

I still feel confused, though. But nobody gives me much of a chance to think on it as everyone gets up and starts slapping my shoulder playfully. It's like I'm officially part of the herd. Even Miss Pillsbury, who almost never touches anyone from what I've seen of her in school, comes and pats my cheek in honest affection.

I am still stunned. What Riley and Mr Evans said, "One of them" it still bothers me. Just so my blood is darker, does it make me an enemy? I am spared the thought of considering it anymore by the ring of the doorbell. It is hurried and persistent.

Burt now looks up and smiles. "Must be the Andersons," he mumbles. "About time!"

He goes to open the door. We all stop in mid-activities at the sight that greets us.

It's Blaine, all right. But he looks scared and petrified. His hair is still gelled but unruly and unkempt, as if he'd been in the soft drizzling rain for last few hours. His eyes are wide and gone is the smile that was brighter than the sun. He's crying, hiccupping, uncontrollably so.

"Burt," he sobs, stepping inside the den and almost falling on his knees. "Burt...my Dad..."

And then he faints in my Uncle's arms.

Sebastian keeps hogging Santana all through the shopping process. She considered killing him but every time remembered that he's the son of the Master, so she refrained.

"So what's the game plan? I know your standard protocol for this but considering that it's Blaine Anderson's father you have to punish, is there gonna be some special method?" asked Sebastian in his same smirking tone.

Santana fisted her hands tighter but stayed silent. She instead said to Crowley, "Throw in some acid too." She looked at Sebastian when she said 'acid.'

Crowley, the fat and evil looking hardware store owner scurried into the depths of the store house and, at that moment, dull rummaging sound of metal things clashing against each other echoed through the store. Sebastian and Santana both turned around to see Quinn and Brittany entering the shop, closing the heavy metal door with the same din as before.

"Well?" asked Santana.

"Clear," said Quinn. "Nobody saw us. We took shortcut through the back alley and Harvey's fields."

"Not even the Warblers?" asked Sebastian, he sounded mildly impressed.

Quinn gave him a sneering glance. "Of course, they didn't! How do you expect us to do our job if we get caught by those human assassins?"

Crowley came in view, holding the necessary equipment and dumping them in a satchel, before handing them over to Quinn. She gave him a thick wad of money and then said, "Let's move, girls. We can't afford any mistakes now we have a short time leash as it is."

Sebastian fell behind them as they made their way out of the storehouse.

"What's he doing?" asked Brittany looking confused.

Quinn rounded on him as well. "Yes, why are you here?"

"I just want to witness that you girls bring about the punishment fully and without mishaps," he said smoothly.

Quinn frowned again. "Did Master put you up to this?"

Sebastian laughed. "Who, Dad? Heck, no. I'm just extremely bored and hungry right now."

"We can't have anyone with us, Seb. Go away and let us do our jobs," Santana said shortly.

"Yes, we'll report about our mission when we're done," Quinn said coldly. "You'll just get in the way. Besides, you can have meal someplace else. What's that club you took us to that one time? Scandals? Yes, go there and leave us alone."

Sebastian knew that the Unholy Trinity was his father's best girls. There job was supposed to be fast and flawless. So he did not argue—for now—and tipped his head slightly before leaving through the front door and made his way toward Scandals.

The Trinity waited for two more minutes before exiting from the back window and through the paths they knew wouldn't show up at Warblers' super spying telescopes. They slowly and cautiously made their way all the way to the check post.

Quinn peered over the parked car near an electronic shop and spotted a very beat-up looking Felix Bosky sitting guard, looking alert but forlorn. Quinn felt a pang of sympathy for the miserable human before she signaled the others.

The three girls got past the check post and Felix easily enough—it wasn't that hard due to the super speed and strength they possessed—and were out on the blooming fields. The girls kept to the edges, respecting the tenderly toiled-on land, and made their way toward the forest as quickly as possible. They weren't being cautious now, as the Warbler's could spy only a little beyond the check post. They ran with impunity and vigor of exercise. This part of the hunt was always exciting, this strength that set them apart from normal creatures.

Brittany was the first to laugh when they raced out of the thick, perilous forest onto the highway. They girls ran up and Brittany was the first to touch the wooden plank of a sign that said "HILLTOWN: 2 MILES"

"I WIN!" she giggled, throwing her hands up and twirling.

Santana and Quinn had been seconds behind her but they were laughing as well. Santana grabbed Brittany around the waist and pulled her in to kiss the giggly girl on the forehead.

"Yes, as always," she said fondly.

It was an unspoken thing between the Trinity to always let Brittany win with stuff. It made Santana more in love with the girl, while Quinn felt happy when her friends were happy.

When they sobered up and stopped giggling, the real importance of their race here came down on them with a heavy weight. They were about to murder an innocent soul who broke the law just to help other fellow humans. In Edward's book it counted as the 'law'. But in the girl's mind, it was just ruthless murder.

"Let's prep," said Quinn, abandoning every happy thought.

The Trinity got to work. They first tracked the land, sure enough; there were signs that a vehicle had recently and regularly made its way out of the town.

The highway was silent and empty. Not a single vehicle had passed by ever since they had come. It was one of the reasons why Hilltown's location had been so convenient to Edward when he first came to live here with his coven of vampires. People mostly preferred the Interstate and not the olden highway that was the only way to connect Hilltown with the rest of the civilization.

They set up their trap and climbed up the trees to wait for Jack Anderson. But tonight, their heart was not in the hunt. Jack was a strong enemy, had been, for all those years they could recall. Even so, those years have been so full of thrill and strategies. Quinn vividly remembered every victory she'd had over the Warblers, and the memories brought a smile to her lips. Yes, Jack and his band of merry teens were a part of the town and history. Without them, Hilltown wouldn't be the same.

Brittany got subdued and snuggled closer to Santana as the time passed slowly. Three vehicles passed by them on the highway at top speed—each time making the girls attentive and tensed for action. But none of the cars turned to the Hilltown dirt-road or the traps they'd set on it.

Quinn kept checking her watch after every five minutes. They'd have to wait as long as they could for this thing. Mistakes weren't an option, and so wasn't the postponing of their mission. If the target didn't arrive within time limit, they'd have to go where the target was.

The nearest and biggest city was Fort Smith. The other bigger cities like Jacksonville or Little Rock were too far out for the kind of short trips Andersons had been going on. If need be, the Trinity would have to go after Anderson to Fort Smith—if they didn't find him there, then they'd risk going further.

But that wasn't required after all. Even as Quinn formulated a new plan to move out of the town, a heavily laden pick-up truck became visible on the highway, slowly making its way toward the dirt-road. Quinn checked her watch one last time. It was 10 minutes to 1 o' clock. She looked over at the tree where Santana and Brittany were hiding, and nodded once. They nodded back. They were ready.

With precise driving and slow turn, the truck turned into the Hilltown road, and stopped. The passenger side door popped open and a tall, slim looking teenager got out of it. Quinn squinted against the glaring headlights and recognized the teen as Kevin, one of the Warblers.

Kevin walked up to the road, his boots made squelching sound on the muddy road. His t-shirt got soaked a bit in the rain that fell in blobs from the tree covering overhead. Quinn almost acted at that moment. But Kevin stopped a few yards away from their first trap. They'd hidden the traps well enough but Kevin's trained Warbler eye could still spot them if chance be.

But then he turned back and jogged toward the truck. He got in. The Trinity, due to their amplified senses, heard him clearly as he told his findings to Jack Anderson.


"I don't know, Andy. It doesn't look good. There's nothing ahead but I'm 99% sure that somebody's been on the trail very recently."

Andy paused a while, looking at the dirt-road in the glare of headlights once again. "It could've been one of us? Or Puckpeople? Maybe they came to check on us?"

Kevin shook his head firmly. "No. The tracks aren't like one of us. One of THEM have been here recently, Andy. I'm sure."

"How recent?"

Kevin waited a while before saying, "Half an hour, at most."

Andy sighed, revving the engine again. "We'll have to be careful, then, won't we? Let's just hope for best, huh?"

Kevin took out a knife from a slot near his ankle. "I'll make sure the passage is safe. You just drive like hell, Andy."

Quinn tensed as the truck suddenly rushed forward, tires slipping and squelching in the muddy road. She didn't have to see her companions to know that they were ready too. The truck passed by their hiding spot without any problems.

Quinn took off after the truck, keeping to the trees and leaping branches as swiftly as a squirrel. Beside her, Santana and Brittany kept pace easily, their eyes shining red in the tail-light of the truck they were following.

Quinn psst at the girls and they suddenly stopped short. Their first trap was just a few feet ahead.

The pickup truck drove headlong into the trap. With a loud popping noise, the front tires burst as they came in contact with metal speed breakers hidden in the muddy road. The truck skipped to the left, almost hitting the tree, but Andy, showing great driving skills, saved it at the last moment. But not soon enough. The rear tires went off with loud pops too.

In the muddy trail, the tire-less truck moved slower. Andy still wasn't stopping. Kevin was hanging half out the window, looking back at what he knew was a pursuit.

"NOW!" Santana roared.

The Trinity snapped into action once again. Picking up their pace, they were now ahead of the slow moving truck. They had to apprehend the target before it got any closer to the check post.

Santana let go of the branch she was hanging on to, landed heavily on the bonnet of the truck, causing it to jolt to a messy stop. Andy instinctively hit the brakes now. But the truck went sideways and crashed into a tree nonetheless.

Santana jumped off before the crash. She now drew a huge breath in before letting it out. Quinn was poised at the back of the truck. Brittany on the other side. They had them surrounded.

Then, Kevin leapt out of the passenger side door. He was now holding a long saber and a dart gun. His head had a gash and dark streams of blood were pouring out of it. But he didn't even stop to think as he charged. He pointed the gun at Santana and fired. A sharp, wooden dart flew out of it. Santana bent her torso sideways and missed it by just mere inches.

But now she was angry. She drew back her lips, snarling as her teeth sharpened. Her eyes went black and she lunged. Brittany jumped over the crashed bonnet and attacked Kevin from behind.

Quinn made her way towards Andy.

Kevin fired at Santana rapidly as he slashed at Brittany from the other hand and his saber. One of the dart hit Santana in the shoulder, and she yelled in pain. Fine streak of smoke rose up from her wound. She ripped the wooden thing out of her shoulder with an angry hiss. Brittany got distracted for just a second at that. But it was enough time for Kevin to throw his saber at her, draw out another gun from his jacket and point it towards Santana who was, now extremely pissed off, charging at him again.

She slashed at his face with her long finger nails, causing Kevin to scream in agony. She kicked him five times rapidly in his leg, a sharp crack sounded loudly. Kevin screamed again, falling on one knee as his leg gave out. Santana, using all her strength and long sharp nails again, grabbed him by his neck, and bit into his jugular.

Andy was badly injured. His head had hit the windshield headlong at the crash. He came to, only to hear Kevin scream in pain as he fell to his knees. He grabbed his rifle from where it was fallen on the floor and got out of the door. He stopped short and Quinn grabbed him and yanked away the rifle. Somewhere on the other side of the truck, Kevin screamed again.

"Kevin!" Andy yelled in concern.

Quinn moved toward him, slowly and lethally. Her eyes devoid of color or emotion.

Kevin heard Andy's concerned yell and an iota of strength flowed back in his body. He couldn't let anything happen to Andy. Andy, who has been like a father to him and all the Warblers. He had to save Andy, or at least, give him a chance to escape.

He pivoted his hand, with the dart gun still in it, toward where Brittany was slashing at his throat on his left. He fired once. Brittany screamed and backed away. A wooden dart buried deep in her neck, a trail of smoke rising up from her sizzling skin. Santana snarled and broke Kevin's other arm, causing him to moan faintly. She disarmed his other hand as well, throwing the dart gun far way.

"You shouldn't have done that!" she growled at his face. "You shouldn't have hurt her!" And she went for the killing blow.

"Neither should you," he whispered softly before pulling out a grenade from his jacket pocket. Santana had just a moment's warning before she grabbed Brittany, and lunged away. Then, the area exploded into a fiery cloud. The truck's windows all shattered and then the engine gave out another blast.

The whole forest rang with the noise. Then the sky was ripped in half by lightening and the rain started falling heavily, quenching the fire even before it spread.

Nick was softly messaging Cooper's hair as the boy slept with his head in Nick's lap. The movie had ended a while ago and everyone was in bed now. Blaine and David were still on the roof for Andy's return. So far, they'd stayed outside.

A soft padding sound of feet startled Nick and he looked up to find Jeff in the doorway. Jeff's hair was ruffled and his eyes were sleepy.

"Aren't you coming to bed?" he asked groggily.

Nick smiled slightly. Jeff had his cute moments at times. "I was just about to. Cooper wanted me to sing him a lullaby before he went to sleep."

Nick placed a pillow under Cooper's head and got up. He tucked the boy in the blanket and kissed him on the forehead. Jeff walked out of the room as Nick turned off the light and closed Cooper's door.

Nick turned to find Jeff extremely close to him. He blushed suddenly and backed away in the direction of the hallway. "Let's go back to our room."

Jeff didn't say anything. He was just looking at Nick with some sort of absorption. "Nick...wait."

Nick did. He waited for Jeff to say something, or at least, stop looking at him in such a way that made Nick uncomfortable. "What?"

"You...were you, like," Jeff trailed off. Then he suddenly asked, looking earnest. "Why are you always so sad, Nick?"

"What?" Nick blinked in confusion.

"Why are you always so sad? I see it sometimes, that look in your eyes. It's like you're alone even when you're with us. Your eyes gets so far away and...well, sad." Jeff rubbed his eyes to better focus on Nick. "Why? Is...everything OK...with you, I mean? Has something been bothering you?"

Nick went really still at that. His licked his lips in disturbance. "No...there's nothing. I'm actually really happy ever since I joined you guys. Why ask?"

"I just wanted to know. And you are not happy. Not really. Tonight's been one of those rare times that you were actually smiling, Nick." Jeff moved closer still and held Nick's hands in his own. "I just...know you are sad. And I want to know why."

Nick got lost in Jeff's warm eyes for a second. But all he was aware of were Jeff's hands holding his own. "Why do you want to know," he whispered at last.

"Because...because I want to see you happy Nick. I need to see you smile like you did tonight, everyday. I just want to let you know that I'm your friend and I'll do anything to keep you happy."

Nick snorted a little misty-eyed. "Oh, point taken. And...I'm sad because I'm alone, Jeff. I'm different than almost all of you. I know that being different can be cool sometimes but—it's not cool for me. I can't go out there and stay happy because I'm, like, the only out-of-closet kid in the entire town. And so, yes, I'm sad."

Jeff smiled softly. "It'll be OK, Nicky. I promise. One day, some dude will fall for you so hard he'd be dead if he couldn't have you."

Nick smiled tightly at that. He took away his hands from Jeff's grip and shrugged. "Well, until that dude finds me I'll just dream of him, I guess. Now let's go back to bed. I'm sleepy."

Jeff chuckled and put an arm around Nick as they made their way to their room.

Then they heard a blast that echoed through the town faintly.

"What was that?" Nick asked in alarm. "It's like when that transformer exploded that one time..."

His sentence drowned as the lightning flashed outside, shaking the whole town with the thunder that followed.

"It's just the storm," Jeff said with a wink. "Hailstorms in Hilltown, ooh mama! I wish it keeps up for a whole month at least!"

Nick chuckled and they both settled in their beds for night, not worrying as the lightning, thunder and rain grew heavier.

Blaine was feeling strange. It wasn't the fact that he'd have the strangest day, and stranger night, of his life. But the fact that the feeling of dread, the foreboding in his heart, grew heavier even as he saw no real activity in the town this night.

Sure, he'd seen Santana's car outside Crowleys'. Sure he'd spotted it as Sebastian had made his merry, strutting way toward Scandals Club. But, really. He'd seen Sebastian in that lowly place more often than he cared to remember. Nothing suspicious about that, was it?

No. But the feeling grew worse as the night deepened. Dad should have been home by now, he mused in worry. I don't know how long we can keep up the pretense.

But Andy didn't come back. Blaine left the survey of town to David. He settled with his binoculars and examined the check post and forest road alertly. Andy will have to come back soon. He just had to.

With every passing minute, Blaine blamed himself for not caring about it before. He blamed himself for giving the boys a night off like that, especially when Dad wasn't around for damage control. The boys should've been on duty tonight. They should've been around the town as usual.

Slowly, the feeling was unbearable. He felt as if somebody had his heart in a tight grip, and they were squeezing it forcefully with every passing second.

"David, anything?"

"Nope. Everything looks normal. Some drunken dudes just got out of Scandals and to home, but that's about it. What news of Andy?"

Blaine didn't answer him. His eyes were fixed on the dark forest road. Surely Andy wouldn't stay out of town for one more night?! That would certainly alert the Smyths of their law breaking!

"Blaine, check this out!" David said suddenly. "Sebastian."

Blaine turned his binoculars toward Scandals and observed Sebastian Smyth. He frowned. OK, the feeling just got out of hand. Something was definitely wrong here.

Sebastian Smyth was leaning against a parked car. There was an unmistakable arrogance in his pose. Blaine thought that he was smirking. But Sebastian seemed to be looking straight at the hill. At the Dalton House. At them.

The only reason Sebastian would be so arrogant, gloating, and looking at them like this, would be if there was something going down. Dread gripped Blaine's heart insistently and he suddenly looked back toward the forest road. His mind was reeling in thoughts, memories.

Something had been wrong tonight. What??

Nobody had followed him or the Hummels as they walked home. He was sure. He'd kept close watch all around him. Nobody had taken any advantage of the fact that half the town's people had been drunk as they went back home after the Rain Celebrations. He remembered that the Smyths and their cohorts had last years killed four girls due to the same Celebration and the carelessness it entailed for the town's people.

Nobody had been around Hummel's house either, so Kurt was probably safe. In fact, there was a meeting tonight at Hummels. Sure enough, when Blaine turned his binoculars toward the Hummel's house, he spotted Sue's Ford and Puck's convertible, with the old Chrysler Figgin's owned parked outside. So the meeting was ongoing right now. Meaning Kurt was with many people who were capable of keeping him safe.


It was something else. What was it?

Then he barely remembered. His walk back home from the Hummel's a few hours ago. Somebody had followed him. But that still didn't explain why he'd be so tensed like this. Surely just because someone followed him didn't mean that they knew about their law breaking???

Then Blaine went still. Dad's text. He had been reading Dad's text when he found out that somebody had been right above him, in the tree's branches. Knowing that it was one of THEM, they'd have, maybe, possibly, read Andy's text too. Which meant...

Blaine sprang into action promptly. He drew out his gun from his jacket and lunged toward a wooden pole jutting out on the roof. He jumped on it, as it bent downwards and then let go. He landed squarely on his feet in the garden below.

David had just realized that Blaine had jumped off the roof. He ran to the edge and said in alarm, "Blaine...what's wrong..."

Then an explosion sounded in the night. Followed by lightening that lit up the world for a millisecond.

From his high perch on the hill, Blaine spotted an orange glow, far out, deep in the forest, on the dirt road. His feelings of dread confirmed. He started running in passion.

"Keep everyone inside! Don't tell anyone about anything!" he yelled at David ad he started running down the hill's slopes at top speed.

He barely made it to the road that he became aware of three set of footsteps following him at a run. He twirled around and fired blindly at one of the approaching monsters. The wooden bullet hit Azimio squarely in his chest, he keeled over, dead. His body went ashen white before dissolving in the intense rainfall.

"Stop, Anderson," Sebastian's voice came out of the shadows. "It's either that or you get your father's dead body delivered to your doorstep. Your choice."

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM, YOU ASSHOLES?!!" Blaine yelled in aggravation, tears shimmered in his eyes as he blinked rapidly.

Sebastian materialized out of the darkness, followed by Karofsky. "We want to make a deal."


"That's the only way you can save your father, Blaine."

Blaine, keeping his gun poised, asked in anger, "What do you want from us! He was just trying to help!"

"I understand, Blaine," said Sebastian, he looked almost sincere. "My father and his laws...they are cruel, I know. But there's a way to save your Dad. If you'll just listen to me."

"What way?"

Sebastian moved closer to Blaine. "You do realize that my father would take action because your Dad broke the law. You do realize what it means?"

Blaine swallowed another wave of dread. "The Trinity."

"Yes, Blaine, the Trinity. The only way those bitches will get off of your father is when I tell them to. But I can't go against my father, can I? Hence, I have a deal. I sent Lauren to you with an offer before but you refused. This time, I hope you'll be more reasonable."

Blaine waited a minute. "What do you want?"


Blaine felt as if somebody invisible had taken hold of his innards and ripped them right out of his stomach. He gasped as anger, frustration and worry engulfed him.

"NO! No, I can't do that. You can't have him," Blaine nearly sobbed. He desperately hoped that David, who was sure to be watching, doesn't tell his Warblers about how defenseless he was right now. He hoped that David didn't tell Cooper.

"Think about it, Blaine. Just one boy in exchange for your Dad, his life." Sebastian was very close now. Karofsky was slowly making his way around Blaine, covering him from the back, waiting for a fight if it broke out. "One boy...it wouldn't make any difference, Blaine. I'm sure there have been times that you were unable to rescue EVERYONE from my kind. It would be just like that. Just collateral damage."

Blaine shook his head firmly, blinking out tears and raindrops. "No, that's not collateral damage. That's murder! I'll be handing you Kurt as good as if I'd murder him. I can't do that. Ask me anything else—anything at all, please—just not that, OK! Not Kurt..."

Sebastian hissed in anger. "I'm afraid that you've made your choice then..."

Blaine cocked his gun again, screaming his anger and grief, and fired three times. Sebastian dodged the wooden bullets and then barked at Karofsky, "Dave, Now!"

Blaine was just in time as Karofsky attacked from behind. He fired at him, making the monster hold back a moment. But then Dave kicked Blaine in the gut, and moved for the killing blow.

A wooden arrow whizzed passed Karofsky's neck. He growled and looked at the direction of the hill. Just faintly, he made out David perched on one of the lower ground trees on the hill, a bow in his hand, another arrow knocked in it, ready for action.

"Retreat!" Sebastian growled at Dave, and they both moved at top speed toward the shadows again.

As he left, Sebastian yelled at Blaine. "Mark my words, Anderson. You'll deserve what's coming for you now. But you still have my offer. Surrender Kurt, and I'll let your pathetic family live!"

Blaine clutched his stomach in pain. Tears were leaking from his eyes. For the first time, he felt hopeless. He looked where the explosion had went off—he knew Dad was there somewhere, in trouble, fighting against the Trinity—and he groaned in pain. He couldn't do this alone...he couldn't tell his Warblers. He hoped that Andy was still alive, that Sebastian was keeping him alive to bargain with him, but he knew how devastating the news will be for his team.

He needed help. He needed it now.

With a look at David, who seemed to be crying uncontrollably too, Blaine started to run with painful leaps toward the Hummel house. He'd find Puckpeople there. He needed their help.

Quinn had barely registered the fact that Kevin was going to blow them to bits that she lunged for Anderson and dived in the covers of trees at top speed. She hoped that Santana and Brittany had been fast too. Then a searing wave of heat and smoke hit both the girl and the human. Quinn smelled singed hair, her eyes blinked rapidly out the tears.

When it finally died down, thanks to the rain that had started, she looked for her companions. Andy was staggering; she let him drop floppily in her feet. Santana and Brittany emerged from the smoke and found her instead.

Brittany was clutching her neck, black blood gushed from her fingers. But she looked OK, as her wound healed rapidly. Santana informed Quinn about Kevin with a grimace of her mouth. He was dead, blown apart from his explosion.

They now attended Andy.

He looked calm for a person who was now bleeding profusely. He just sat on his knees; his unfocused eyes were on the blown pick up truck.

"Anderson," said Quinn, feeling weird for she knew he was in anguish of Kevin's death. "You've broken the law. Do you deny?"

Andy didn't say anything. Then, as if he just realized they were there, he looked at them sharply. His face morphed in a painful expression and he whispered in devastation, "It's gone! Everything I bought, it's gone!"

It took the girls a minute to understand what he meant. He wasn't aware that Kevin died. He was worried that his supplies were all blown apart. He was worried for all his people.

"I spent hours...hours...making sure that I had enough...for everyone..." he mumbled in gasps, tears leaked from his face. "It's gone now...what will they do without it...what will happen to them...?"

Brittany started sobbing as she saw the man. She looked at Santana and said, "He's sad. His family is hungry, San, what should we do?"

Santana held the girl in her arms, soothing her with soft strokes of her hand. She looked at Quinn. "What now? He definitely wasn't assembling an army against us..."

Andy suddenly realized that Kevin was nowhere to be found. His head perked up suddenly. "Where's Kevin? Where's my Kevin? Have you seen him?"

Quinn stayed silent.

Andy hopped up on his feet, wincing in agony. He looked angry now. "What have you done to him, you bitches!"

Quinn explained. "We didn't kill him. He blew himself up to save you."

Andy sniffed loudly. "Oh, you wonderful boy!" he whispered awfully. "Why?? Why do you want us dead? You're the ones who nullified our contract. How else are we supposed to provide for the people? Can't you see...I HAD to go out there? I had to."

"So you don't deny the charges?" Quinn said promptly.

Andy fell back on his knees again. He shook his head. "No, I don't. Yeah, I broke your precious law. Do what you will with me." And in surrender, he bowed his head.

But for the first time, Quinn couldn't bring herself to kill him. For the first time, she questioned her own methods and Edward's rigorous punishments. All the while thinking, He just wanted to help the town. He's innocent.

"I'm afraid we can't let you go..." she said warily.

"I know, Quinn Fabray. I know. But...I will ask one favor of you, please, before you kill me."

Quinn nodded without question. Yes, that was the least she could do for him. She could help him one last time as compensation for killing him.

"My sons...don't hurt my sons. I beg of you...don't hurt my boys, my Warblers. I know Blaine won't be happy with you when you kill me...but don't kill him, or any of them. Just...please, if you have even a scrap of humanity left in you, don't hurt anyone. Not the people. Not Kurt. Leave this town. Let us live in peace. That's all we ever wanted..."

Quinn's heart went heavy at his pleading. Even in death, he was thinking of the others. He was a pure soul...and she was about to kill him. She looked at her companions and found Santana's eyes wide in shock and sadness. They exchanged a long, meaningful glance.

"We'll consider your request. Just give us a moment," said Santana and the girl moved a little away to discuss, keeping him in sight as Andy silently cried.

Brittany spoke first. "Don't Quinn. Please, he's innocent. We'll lie to Edward. We'll lie that we killed him and buried him far away. Please..."

"We can't. Edward's spies will know of our treachery. In fact, Anderson will have to return to Dalton eventually. He won't be able to hide forever."

"But...we can't, Quinn. It's heartless!" Brittany pleaded, her beautiful eyes leaking tears. "What kind of rule keepers we will be if we killed him without any actual crime?"

Santana nodded too. She was thinking hard about it. She thought about Sebastian's offer. And now, Andy's resignation to death, his last request, had staggered her greatly. She wasn't sure what she could do anymore.

Quinn closed her eyes and breathed heavily. No, she couldn't kill this man now. Not when she'd seen his very soul, his very spirit this way. No, she had to think of something. And fast. Edward's spies would be drawn to the explosion site even as they thought about it. Not to mention the Warblers. What with their constant night watch, they'll certainly respond to an explosion like this.

"I know what to do," Quinn said to her girls.

It took Santana a minute to realize what she meant. Her eyes went wide. "Quinn...NO. The Warblers will hunt every last one of us if we do that..."

"Do you have any other idea?!" Quinn snapped in anger. "That's the only way Santana. To not kill him, but to appease Edward as well..."

Brittany frowned and then gasped. "You're gonna turn him!"

"Yes," whispered Quinn, looking back at Andy's flopping posture. "But it'll be his choice."

For a few long seconds, nobody responds. Then all at once, Carole and I are running toward Blaine. Jake, Puck and Mr. Jones run out the door to check for any danger or attack, they have guns in their hand (where had the guns come from?) Riley and Shelby joined us as Figgins and, Mr. Hart and Mr. Shue started calling for help and informing others.

I take Blaine's head in my gentle grasp. I smooth away his wet curls and then I notice—

"BLOOD!" I gasp. "He's got blood coming out of his mouth!"

Shelby and Sue push aside Carole and start ripping Blaine's shirt apart. Before I could protest at their insistent touches, Burt tell me, "It's OK, Kurt. They're doctors."

So I nod and let them examine Blaine. As the shirt comes off, I notice a bluish bruise in Blaine's left ribcage area. Shelby presses her hand experimentally on the bruise and Blaine gives a throaty scream in his unconscious state.

"STOP! You're hurting him!" I snap at her.

She doesn't look at me. "He's got three broken ribs and minor bleeding in his liver. Probably caused by some heavy blow."

Riley who is standing behind Burt grumbles, "It's one of them. They're capable of breaking bones this way. I'll bet my head on it."

Jake, Puck and Mr. Jones come back inside at that moment. With them are Thad and Hunter, who must have been on duty outside our house tonight.

They take one look at Blaine and their Warbler persona peels away. They suddenly look like defenseless boys, worried for their brother.

"What happened to him?!" Thad demands.

"We don't know," says Burt firmly. "He just got here."

"He was running in so much pain," says Hunter, he looks close to tears too. "I knew something was wrong but he signaled us not to abandon post. Then Puck came out and we knew..."

"We'll have to take him to hospital," says Shelby after some other examinations. "Or I could use an extensive first aid kit right now."

"I'll get it," my Aunt says in firmness and scurries to the kitchen. She comes back with a huge trunk like briefcase.

"Put him on the sofa, hurry up!" Sue snaps at the Warblers. They compile at once, taking Blaine away from me with gentle hands.

When they put him on couch, I go and sit close to his head again. I don't even give a damn about what my family thought of it. I just needed to keep my eyes on his face...I just needed to know he was gonna be OK.

Shelby and Sue patch him up as fast as they can, while Burt gathers together everyone and explains in grumbles about something. I hardly pay attention to him. All my attention is on Blaine, and his face as it sometimes twists in pain due to Shelby's ministrations. I keep touching him, his forehead and shoulder, making sure that he was OK, alive, warm...real. For once I don't care what all the people in the room were thinking. Right now, I just wanted Blaine to be OK.

"That's all I can do," says Shelby finally. "If we were in hospital or my house I'd give him some sedatives to relax. But that's just about it, for now."

Sue and Shelby both step away after that. Only I stay by Blaine's side. Then Thad and Hunter join me silently. Thad takes hold of Blaine's jacket and Hunter sits on the armrest of the couch, looking down at Blaine's face in worry and anticipation.

By now, Mr Figgins and Mr. Schuester had gone to their respective homes. Ms Pillsbury, having seen so much emotional drama, was in the kitchen where Mercedes was trying to calm her down. All the boys seem to be hurrying here and there in prep for something.

Burt comes up behind me and clears his throat shortly. "Boys, I need to talk to you."

Hunter stays where he is, only Thad gets up and follows Burt to the other end of the den. They start talking in low voices, but soon their voices start rising.

That's when I finally look at them.

"I can't possibly tell you anything Mr Hummel," Thad says through clenched teeth. "I was on guard duty outside your house. We didn't hear anything. Except for that one sound that sounded like an explosion."

Explosion? I hadn't heard any explosions. Seeing the few confused faces of my friends, they hadn't either.

"What explosion?" Sam demands warily.

"Just before the rain started," Hunter speaks up from where he sits on the couch near me and Blaine. "I thought it was probably somebody's tire busting but—now I'm not sure."

Burt nods firmly. "Let's just say—for argument's sake—that it was an explosion. Where was it, then? And how does it relate to...Blaine's father?"

Hunter and Thad exchange another worried glance. Then Thad takes out his phone and calls someone. A few seconds later he starts speaking... "Hey, David. YES, he's here! What do you know of it? Are you sure? What? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T TELL US? WHAT PROMISE?"

Blaine stirs feebly at Thad's raised voice. I suddenly turn back to him and start stroking his forehead soothingly, till he clams down again. I can still hear everything, though.

"Here, kid," Burt says authoritatively. "Lemme talk to him." A pause. "Hello, it's Burt Hummel. Yes, son, he's here. And he's pretty beat. He collapsed on my doorstep before he could explain anything. So what I now want you to do, son, is to explain to me everything that you know—or saw—tonight. It's the only way to help him, son."

Then there's a long pause. I peek up at Hunter to gauge his expression as to what was going on behind me. He was biting his lips in agitation as David explained on the other line to Burt whatever the hell happened.

Burt grunts twice through it all. Then. "Are you sure, son? You saw it with your own eyes? OK, I trust you. OK, we'll leave now. Tell your bothers the exact location of the explosion."

Then Thad started talking to David and 'hmms' and 'uh-huhs' and Hunter gets up to join him too. I'm alone with Blaine now. When I look at him again, I nearly gasp.

His eyes are open. He's awake and he's looking at me silently and with dazed eyes.

"Blaine...are you OK? Does it hurt?" I mumble, and stupid tears have to form in my eyes just now, blocking my view of Blaine at such an urgent moment! Perfect.

"Kurt...I need to...Burt...tell him..."

"Burt!" I turn around at once. "Blaine's awake. He needs to see you."

My Uncle joins us and sits on his knees like me. Bending close to Blaine's face he asks, "Yes, son? I'm here, what is it?"

"My Dad...Trinity...they found out..." Blaine chokes out. "I couldn't tell...Warblers...I needed to see you....please, I need help..."

"Of course, Blaine. Yes, we'll help. In fact, I talked to David just now he's told me everything he saw. Don't worry. We're preparing a search party even as we speak."

Blaine frowns. "I wanna come too."

"No," Burt and I say at once.

"You're injured, Blaine," Burt explains.

Blaine grunts and then starts to get up in a sitting position. Burt and I try to make him lay down again but—damn!—he's strong. Hunter is there at once, helping Blaine up with gentle hands.

"Is it true, Blainers?" Hunter says with a hushed voice. "Is Andy really..."

"I don't know," Blaine whispers, his thick lashes shimmer with new tears. "I don't know...Sebastian said that he could make a deal and—" he stops suddenly and then looks at me. Something in his gaze wakes up and as if some invisible surge of power ripped through him, he is on his feet again. "He offered me a deal—in exchange for Dad. This means he may still be alive..."

Puck, Finn and Sam thunder down the staircase at that moment.

"We're ready, Burt!" Puck announces. "Whoa, Blaine! Easy man, you shouldn't be moving, you have broken ribs."

Blaine paid no attention. He searched in his pocket and fishes out his cell phone. He calls someone and then says, "Nick, yes, just needed to tell you to keep an eye on Cooper for me. I've gotta go with Puckerman for some urgent thing. Yes, I'll be back soon. Just—just keep everyone safe, OK. Lock up the whole house, don't let anyone in. Ask David to come off the roof as well. Do not let anyone close to you until I return, do you copy?" There's a long pause then Blaine grunts in satisfaction. "OK, I love you, Nicky. Keep everyone safe. Goodbye."

Hunter and Thad exchange a confused glance.

"But, Blaine...what about surveillance? We can't let go of surveillance while..."

"Screw the surveillance," Blaine muttered heatedly. Then from his inside pocket he draws out a slick looking blade—cutlass?—and he rips off the rest of his shirt till he's only wearing his soaked jacket. He says, "I don't want anyone watching the town tonight. I don't want any eye witness to when I gut those assholes."

Burt seems to be taken aback at this venom in Blaine's voice. "Son, I get that you're upset but we still don't know for sure if your father's really—gone. Just, calm down, OK?"

In answer, Blaine gave Burt a look. None of us actually caught that look but it was enough to make Burt swallow and then nod in resignation. "OK, son. It's your call."

Then the boys all start to line up in front of the door, all carrying various weapons. I watch them with confusion a while...they all seem to be going for....battle, or whatever this was. All of them. Even Blaine who's injured (but it's his Dad's life on line so, yeah, I get that.) But then I realize why I was so confused even when all was in front of me. They were leaving. Without me.

"Wait up," I say hurriedly making my way to the stairs. "I'll get that baseball bat I've in my closet. Just wait, I'm coming..."

Finn stutters out a "what?" and Puckpeople all look at Burt in alarm.

"Kurt, stop!"

I do. I've never heard Blaine's 'authority' voice, and seriously, it was beyond powerful. I turn to look at him in question.

"You are not going with us," he explains in a cold voice.

"Like hell I'm not..." I huff out in frustration. "What do you mean? I'm just as much a part of this group as anyone and—I've been sworn tonight! I gotta go with you guys. It's....I gotta go, OK."

"Kurt, you're staying home," Burt says with finality. There's an expression in his eyes that I can only read as fear. Fear for my safety. And that more than anything else, confirms my going.

"I'm going with you guys," I say trying not to sound too high-pitched and shivery. But that doesn't happen, obviously. My eyes haze over with tears of frustration again and I blink furiously against them. "You're not giving me the whole 'keep Kurt safe because he's not sworn' crap anymore. I'm sworn now and so you have to let me come!"

"What if you get hurt?" Finn says this time and he looks genuinely worried. "You're not trained enough for this, Kurt."

Before I could tell him that I was gonna be fine, thank you very much, Blaine strides straight up to me till he's in my face. What happened to his injury again and how can he even walk that fast with so much pain?

"Kurt, Sebastian made me a deal that required, basically—" he stops and shakes his head. "What I'm saying is that Sebastian is adamant about hurting you and your family. So, please, let's not make it easy for him. Stay here where you're gonna be safe. And let us do the dirty work."

"If he wants my family harmed its all the more reason for me to go with you guys." I don't know where this confidence is coming from but I was not high-pitched anymore. My voice is steady. "I need to go with you, Blaine. Please. I need to stay with my uncle and Finn...I can't just sit here."

The others seemed to have melted away from us. All I could see was Blaine and his entreating eyes. Some of the boys open the front door and go outside to give us space. Thad and Hunter, after a curious glance at their leader, also leave. Only Burt, Riley, Finn and Puck are present near us.

At last, Blaine looks away from me. I become aware of my squirming guts. God, the way Blaine Anderson makes me feel you'd think I was a teenage girl!

"Burt, tell him to stop this madness, please."

And, wow, my Uncle actually listens to him. "Kurt, don't make me ground you, son. You have to stay here within safety of this house."

I glare at my Uncle in disbelief. But then I snap. "SAFTEY! What fucking safety? All of my "protectors" are going out the door right now...how the hell am I gonna be safe here?!"

That seemed to have fazed them. Blaine and Burt look at each other, realizing their mistake.

"Thad," Blaine calls and the Warbler comes hurrying inside the door. "You are staying here with Kurt."

Thad frowns but nods his head in obedience.

"Hell no! I want to come!" I am high-pitched again. Great. "I'm not letting you baby sit me again!"

And without hearing their verdict, I charge outside the door and stand with Rory (mostly because he wouldn't judge me as others,) fuming with anger. Some time passes, and I'm drenched in rain water. I shiver ever so slightly as the wind touched my wet skin. But I stand my ground and ignore the looks I was getting from my friends.

Burt and Blaine come out of the house then and we start to load into Burt's jeep and other transportations of the people of the meeting tonight. Blaine tells everyone the rough directions of the site of the explosion and we start our journey. He sounds angry and throws me a look or two which I can only describe as 'disappointed' or maybe even 'worried' but I don't care. No way are they ever treating me like a delicate little lad again, ever. And how can they even think that I was gonna sit by while my Uncle and Finn were out there with those crazed (if what Karofsky's incident with me have told me anything) monsters? This was it. I was going to have to prove them that I was more than this.

And that, my friends, is where I get a little worried. How best to show them that I was worth it, again?


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