Aug. 20, 2013, 2:12 p.m.
Aug. 20, 2013, 2:12 p.m.
~ Chapter 32 ~
Blood Ties
"What are you going to do now?" said Quinn, looking at Andy sideways.
He sighed and rubbed a hand down his tired face. Even though he was stuck at the age of 48 year old man, he looked much older somehow. Then again, it was no wonder. His whole life was upside down and now Blain was also loosing it. Then this latest news about the upcoming—to put it mildly—difficulty was hanging over them like a sword.
"I don't even know," Andy said after a while. He too looked at the scene before them.
They were both at the fields, helping with patrol. This morning, Cooper and Blaine had gone out and still not returned. Things were—as it seemed—getting worse as days went by. Everyone had been so sure that as soon as Edward never came back, everything will be okay. But nothing was, in fact, it was all going wrong.
"I just want to find my sons before I worry about anything else."
Quinn nodded, understanding his meaning. Ever since their bond had been broken, Andy had held fast to sanity in order to take care of his sons, but if things remained as they were, Andy was in danger of turning Rogue. Their broken bond was still a fresh wound. She could see it was troubling for him to actually control himself at times.
She reached out and touched his shoulder sympathetically. "Everything will work out, I promise."
"Don't Quinn," Andy said. "Don't make promises you can't fulfill."
She drew away her hand, slightly hurt. He was right. She had no right to make any more promises, not after the way she broke their bond. So she just 'hm'ed and went back to looking at the scenery.
It was now almost sunset. Pretty soon the search party would have to give up on Blaine and Cooper. But for the first time it didn't sound dangerous. Everyone knew for sure that by now, the forest was empty of all things evil. Blaine and Cooper will be fine for the night. But that got her thinking...
"Isn't it strange, now that the Vampires—well the bad ones at least—are truly gone and even now people diligently follow the sunset curfew."
Andy smiled tiredly. "It's because they have been following it since years already. It's hard to break old habits. But most importantly, I think they are still thinking; what if the vampires aren't gone. What if they came back? What if this whole thing we've done was a ploy?"
She nodded. "I know what you mean. Even though we've helped you so many times, people still tend to look at us with distrust in their eyes. And because of me they don't interact with you more often either."
Andy held up his wrist where April's charm thread was and smiled a bit. "As long as the witch keeps supplying us these charm threads, I can go out and interact all I want. Although, I just hoped that these worked longer than an hour."
Quinn smiled too. "Oh Santana told me that Brittany and April are working on this everyday. I'm sure they'll figure out something soon enough."
They both looked up at the shout. At first they didn't know what was going on. But then they watched as the figures came out of the forest canopy. A bit of concentration later, Andy and Quinn were running toward the direction of approaching people vampire fast.
"Dad?" Cooper's startled cry made Andy run faster. Then at last he was there, hugging Cooper to himself. "Dad what are you doing here? I told you I could handle it!"
"Shut up! You have any idea how worried I've been?" And then Andy's gaze fell on Sebastian and Santana, who were both supporting unconscious figures of Kurt and Blaine. "What happened...what is going on?!"
"Not now, Anderson," Santana snapped, holding Kurt securely. "We need to get inside somewhere fast. Hurry."
"Go ahead, to the Dalton House," Andy said, understanding. "I'll catch up after I've sorted through things here."
"Make sure nobody knows we've returned," Sebastian said, as he dashed past him, holding Blaine.
Andy stood still for a minute then turned toward Cooper. "Explain. Now."
"I handled it," Cooper replied shortly. "As I said, but I sort of...didn't even think that something would go wrong..."
"You're not making much sense! Explain slowly, start from the beginning."
Blaine screamed and screamed.
Cooper's eyes bulged. He hadn't thought of the reaction his brother could have when Kurt was presented to him like this—when Blaine was certain that Kurt was dead.
"B-Baline..." Kurt's voice whispered, as Blaine continued screaming, his frightful eyes on Kurt. "Blaine...it's me..."
But Blaine was backing away, stepping away from Kurt with horror filled eyes. Screaming and screaming as if he was being tortured.
"Blaine!" Cooper yelled and ran forward.
But as if that triggered a new round of terror, Blaine clutched at his curls and started yanking at his hair, screaming as if someone was burning him.
Cooper stopped short, his own eyes filling. He didn't know what to do anymore. He was so sure that once Kurt came back, Blaine would be alright, he would be fine and go back to normal. But that wasn't the case. Instead...he didn't know what was happening to Blaine anymore.
"Kurt...do something..." he said. "Just make him see...make him see that it's really you....just..."
Kurt was frozen on spot, with blood dripping down his eyes in stead of the tears. He was looking at Blaine with a pained expression. Then he mumbled, "I did this to him...I caused this...he's in pain because of...me."
"YES, HE IS! NOW GET HERE AND FIX IT!" Cooper yelled, unable to control his own fear and agony. "Fix it Kurt! Or I'll kill you, I swear I will!"
With hesitant steps, Kurt walked towards Blaine, who had by now slumped down and was rocking back and forth, still yanking his hair, with his screams turning to hoarse cries.
Kurt knelt beside Blaine and with great caution, reached his hand to Blaine's hand, trying to make Blaine free his hair. But as soon as their skins touched, Blaine jerked as if electrocuted. His round, wild eyes snapped up to meet Kurt's face, just inches form him.
Blaine's screams came to a sudden halt, but the horrified expression of his face didn't go away. He was looking at Kurt's face with terror and something close to disbelief. He shook his head, suddenly and again and again, as if trying to make Kurt's face disappear.
Then again, Cooper thought that Kurt wasn't looking his usual self either. Kurt's whole appearance was dirty, having slept inside the underbrush with insects so long. Kurt's hair were in disarray, clothes matted with grim and dirt. His face was gaunt and thin, pale with the hunger for blood. On top of that, the tear tracks of blood form his eyes down to his chin were making Kurt look a lot like a ghost than anything. No wonder Blaine was freaking out.
"Blaine...love...it's me." Kurt softly reached for Blaine again, this time stroking his cheek, soothing and without any danger. "It's me...I've come back. Please look at me..."
But Blaine shook his head insistently again, making Kurt's hand slip away. He kept shaking his head and after a while, Cooper became aware the he was also mumbling something repeatedly.
Kurt leaned close to hear what he was saying...and then Kurt started sobbing, hacking gasps, his bloody tears flowing with a new ferocity. He grabbed Blaine's face and forcefully made Blaine see...see his face but it made everything worse.
Blaine pushed Kurt away, and now yelled louder. Cooper took a step back, worried and shocked out of his mind. Blaine was supposed to be all right when he saw Kurt, he was supposed to go back to the way things were before. This wasn't supposed to happen!
Just what had Blaine being muttering that was making Kurt cry like that? What was happening?
Panicked, Cooper realized that maybe his plan wasn't that amazing after all. So he hurriedly searched through his pocket for his phone and called a number.
"Sebastian!" Cooper said—and was cut off.
"I know, Cooper. I feel it through Kurt. I'll be there as soon as I get myself one of those charms. Just—wait!"
Cooper mutely watched in horror, as Kurt tried to make Blaine see again and was again pushed away. Blaine's eyes were changing, becoming harder—as if he was no longer maser of his own senses. And then, Blaine started tearing at his own eyes, now yelling loudly the words that he must have been muttering before.
Kurt moved swiftly just as Cooper yelled in horror and started for his brother. Kurt grabbed Blaine's working fingers away form his eyes just as Cooper fell on his knees before Blaine.
"Blaine...look at me! Blaine listen! It's all right!" Cooper tried to say over Blaine's yells. "BLAINE! LOOK AT ME!"
With a sudden shock, Blaine's eyes opened and focused on his brother. "C-Coop I—I..."
Kurt gasped in pain and shrank away. Cooper bit back on his own sobs.
Blaine had managed to bruise his one eye, till it bled. Mixed with tears, that bloody eye matched Kurt's. Cooper took a breath and held Blaine, trying to speak through his suddenly tight throat.
"Blaine—what is it? Can't you see? Can't you see who's here?"
Blaine shook his head. "It hurts C-Coop, hurts. I—I s-see him...I'm goin' crazy! I—IT HURTS Cooper. Hurts!"
As Blaine dissolved in a sobbing heap in Cooper's arms, Kurt sat away and tried to hold his own sobs at bay. Then he said, "I g-guess I deserved this. After w-what I did to him. It's only right that he thinks I'm dead."
"No!" Cooper snapped. "I'm not letting it be like this. Just—do something. Anything! Make him see!"
"THERE'S NOTHING I CAN DO! NOTHING COOPER!" Kurt yelled back, his eyes desperate. "So you might as well just kill me like you'd planned."
"There must be something..." Cooper said, trying to hold Blaine up. Who was still muttering 'you're not real! My Kurt's dead! You're not real! My Kurt's dead! He's gone!' over and over again.
Kurt started to shake his head—and then sat up like a coiled snake. His head tilted a bit, and something like amazement came over his features.
"There's," Kurt said slowly. "There's one thing...but it might be hurtful at first..."
"I don't care! Just—just make him better!" Cooper grabbed at the possibility anyway. There was no way he'd let his brother loose his sanity like this—not when there's a chance, no matter how hurtful it might be. "Do it!"
Kurt crawled over and said, "Hold him up, make sure he stays still."
Cooper's mind hinted a bit of danger because a Vampire—starving Vampire—was trying to get close to his brother. But then he shook that thought away. The starving Vampire was Kurt, and Kurt would never intentionally hurt Blaine. He grabbed Blaine's shoulders and straightened him up, helping him lean against the tree.
Kurt was now sitting right in Blaine's lap almost. He rolled up his sleeve and bit into his own wrist.
Cooper's mind flashed danger signals again. "What are you doing?!" he knew that exchanging blood was one of the ways to create Vampires. "We never said that—"
"Cooper, please," Kurt's face was serious and beseeching. "Trust me. Please."
For a long moment, Cooper just stared at Kurt's face. Remembering that underneath everything, Kurt loved Blaine. And for that reason—he needed to trust Kurt too. He nodded.
Kurt nodded back, a bit thankful. And then he brought his bleeding wrist up to his mouth. Kurt took two long gulps of his own blood, filling his mouth. Then he grabbed Blaine and pulled him into a kiss. Blaine stiffened a bit—and opened his mouth further to yell. That only helped Kurt to make the blood trickle inside Blaine's mouth better. Reflexively, Blaine swallowed.
"Isn't it enough?" Cooper asked uncertainly when Kurt didn't stop making Blaine drink his blood. "What are you doing?"
"Showing him..."
Cooper froze. "Showing him what?"
Kurt looked over at Cooper once, and then turned to his task again, ignoring the way Blaine was almost choking with his mouthful of blood. "Everything. I'm showing him everything."
"...And then they both fainted. Then Sebastian showed up with Santana and we came back here," Cooper finished telling his story. "That's all that happened. I'm just not sure if it's going to be okay."
Andy grabbed his temples and massaged them, unable to understand why being a Vampire, his head felt as if it was about to explode. "That's—that's all right Coop. you were just doing your best to help. Let's leave now. There's enough troubles coming or way than we can handle. Let's deal with this first."
Cooper looked at Andy weirdly and then asked, "What's going on, Dad? Something else happened...?"
Andy shook his son away and started walking as the sun finally disappeared behind the forest. "Not now. Come on."
Cooper followed.
Blaine woke up next morning.
He was feverish all night and shivered thought the duration of his suffering. Andy, Cooper and Nick stayed vigil at his bedside one by one, applying wet cloth to his forehead and dealing with his murmurings. In his state, he kept murmuring things, something saying Kurt's name time and again, followed with other small things that didn't make much sense.
"He's remembering things..." Andy realized when Blaine was murmuring 'forest...Dad...' "He's remembering about things."
"Like Kurt said," said Cooper, understanding a bit. "Kurt said he was showing him everything. I didn't get it at first but I think I do now. Whatever Kurt did was to show Blaine that he wasn't dead and actually real."
Later, Nick was joined by Jeff and Trent who came with more news. "Sebastian's moved with Kurt to Hummel's house."
Nick nodded. "So they've finally finished with the construction, huh? That's good. I was thinking that Mr. Hummel was getting tired of all the walking up and down the hill all the time."
Jeff grinned and kissed Nick swiftly. Then looked at Blaine, his face falling. "Is he gonna be okay?"
"He has to be," whispered Nick. "Now get out. He needs peace and quiet."
"Fine fine, don't snap," Jeff said, but without any hate, his eyes were full of love, and sadness.
It was still hard for everyone to forget that they'd lost Thad and Hunter. Now Blaine was this way...it hurt them all. Yet, they knew they weren't the only ones to suffer such a loss. And more importantly, they knew that they were the ONLY ones who were fighting for everyone's sake. So they had to stay strong, despite the pain.
Then, as the first rays of sun fell on them, Nick stirred in his seat and looked at Blaine once. Satisfied that his fever was gone and his murmurings were also silent, he was almost back to sleep again when he jolted awake, staring.
Blaine's eyes were open, and he was looking at the sunrays absently.
"Blaine?" Nick said softly, uncertainly. "You okay?"
Blaine looked at his brother and said, "I'm fine. What time is it?"
Nick blinked, for a whole minute he was shocked into silence and then he said hurriedly. "Um, well, it's uh, eight almost. And uh, are you sure you're okay?" How could he ask that by 'okay' he meant NOT crazy?
"I am," Blaine said as he sat up and suddenly grabbed his head. "Whoa, that was—I got dizzy all of a sudden. Where's everyone else?"
Nick bit his lips, unable to take it. "Have you come back to your sense again?!" he blurted. Then clasped his own mouth shut, watching Blaine with wide-eyes.
Blaine laughed. LAUGHED, and said, "I'm not crazy anymore. I—" a strange sorrow came over his face. "I remember everything. I just—also remember something else. I'm fine."
Nick had no idea what that meant so he said, "That's good, let's just get you to breakfast."
"How long was I out?" Blaine asked as he changed into a new shirt. He noticed absently, "It's gotten cooler."
Over the breakfast, everyone was staring at Blaine with doe eyes, unable to realize why he was suddenly back to being normal. They'd spent an entire week, more than a week really, watching him fall apart and now—he was back to normal after the uneasy rest of twenty-some hours. Cooper most of all was shaken. He knew that he was hoping that's exactly what would happen after his whole take-Kurt-to-Blaine plan—but it was still too much.
Blaine noticed their behavior and cleared his throat, making everyone jerk and go back to their breakfast. Andy was the only one who sat normally and hid a smile.
"Aren't you guys forgetting something?" said Blaine softly, to the slack-jawed looks of his brothers.
"What?" asked Trent, uncertainly.
Blaine raised an eyebrow and said, his voice ringing with authority. "Report."
A sudden wave of professionalism washed over each Warbler in the room, as they started reporting.
The Hummel House was now finished, and the Hummel's had moved in along with Sebastian. They weren't sure what was Kurt's condition yet, last time they had word, he was still unconscious. Finn and Puck were openly trading with neighboring towns. Hilltown was safer than anything. Their night patrols have yet to reveal any Vampires—apart from the ones who were the good guys.
The Werewolves were still here and boarding in the flats above Hill Tavern, as Riley's special guests. Nobody was sure what their next plan was—but Starchild and his pack member's identities were still hidden from the population. Vampires were enough, according to Andy, and there was no need to cause panic by telling everyone that there were now Wolves in their midst too.
Which brought them to the their new set of worries—
"And..." Justin started saying and stopped, his eyes flicking towards Andy uncertainly. "There is another bit of news but we don't know if it's valid yet or not."
Blaine perked up. "Is it about...Edward? Have there been any lead on his whereabouts?"
Andy glared at Justin and the boy relented, "Not yet. Never mind."
Blaine didn't seem to notice this exchange between Andy and Justin and nodded. "I'm going down to the Hummels. I need to meet Kurt. I have a promise to keep."
"What promise?" Cooper asked, looking at Blaine with surprise.
Blaine winked. "Just something. Later."
As the Warbler leader happily grabbed his jacket, shivering a bit because of encroaching cold and ran merrily out the opened door—everyone smiled in relief.
It wasn't until they were left alone that Nick asked, "When exactly are we telling him?"
"Not yet," Andy said. "I can handle this. It's better if Blaine—and Kurt—stay out of this. It's only the matter of a few days. Hopefully."
"I HOPE it's only a matter of a few hours," Cooper retorted, but saw as his brothers all nodded in agreement.
"Get ready then," said Andy dismissively. "This is going to be painful."
Blaine walked briskly, mulling to himself about what happened over the past few days. He was so sure that he would never see Kurt again. Until—he'd started seeing Kurt. All the time. At first he'd dimly realized that he was hallucinating. But then Kurt's ghost had become so vivid that he'd tried to touch him. Only to get disappointed because no matter how much he tried, Kurt remained ethereal. He remained non-corporeal. Disappearing as soon as Blaine touched him.
It kept happening. He would see Kurt everywhere, hear his sweet laughter. Hear his voice calling Blaine over and over again. Blaine had tried touching him several times—getting the same result and finally he'd admitted that he was going crazy. Kurt was just a figment of his imagination. He was no longer on this earth and only in his memories. Those memories were the things that made Kurt stand before him like this.
He'd learned to let go—welcomed the numbness even; because slowly, Kurt's ghost faded and his voice started becoming distant.
But yesterday—Kurt had appeared before him again. So gaunt, pale and ghostly with bloody tears. Yesterday he'd heard Kurt's voice so clearly that—that he knew he was mad. He had honestly wanted to die. To end his own misery. He would've if Cooper hadn't interfered. His brother was there too, and apparently looking at Kurt—talking to him the same as with someone who was alive.
Blaine knew better. He'd witnessed Kurt disappear so many times already. He knew that Cooper was just a part of his dream again. Until He'd tasted blood.
He didn't know what that was but all he remembered was tasting blood and choking on it. He remembered the searing pain in his head as he'd started seeing images flicker before his mind's eye. Images of Kurt—with him—with Lily, with every single person Kurt had ever been with.
The memories starting with when Kurt was a baby. No memories of even BEFORE that. Memories of the night when Elizabeth had taken Kurt in her arms and murmured "So beautiful," before dying right then and there. Memories that—shook him out of whatever madness Blaine was feeling. Those memories are what made him see that Kurt really was there.
He remembered looking at Kurt in shock—just as they both gave in to oblivion.
He remembered still—and none of it made sense. There were things he needed to ask Kurt. Things he needed to make head and tail of because it was baffling—what he saw what he remembered... what nobody even knew. He wasn't certain if even Kurt knew of some of his own memories. He was...stunned. At a loss about what next to do.
He stopped short. His feet had automatically taken him to Hummel's house. He looked up and felt a smile lift up his lips. Though the same features, the new house was better suited to Kurt's inclinations now. The windows were all dark tainted and a basement was added to the mix. The lawn was still sporting a bit of mess left behind due to the construction but overall, the house looked welcoming still.
H edged forward and hit the bell. Waiting nervously, he thought if he should talk to Sebastian about what had Kurt done to break his madness. He wondered whether Sebastian knew of those memories.
The door opened and Finn grinned at him, grabbing him a bear hug that made Blaine choke out a laugh. "H-Hey!"
"I heard from Andy just now!" Finn said, beaming. "Good to have you back man. We were so worried." He stepped aside to let Blaine in.
"How's Kurt?" he asked, feeling a little nervous again.
Finn grinning face faltered a bit. "He's in the basement. Still asleep."
Blaine followed Finn down the staircase leading from the den, which was just as before, decorated with similar furniture that used to be there. In the basement, Kurt's room was now set up. It was an ideal place with darkened airshafts and very cool and natural (for a Vampire) atmosphere, away from the sunlight. The basement spanned the entire length of the house above, with pillars dotting the room. Blaine felt a bit afraid because the basement reminded him a lot of the underground cavern at the Smyth Mansion—but contrary to that, it was well lit with a large round bed in the middle of the room.
Kurt was curled up on the bed like a child. He wore white pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt with short sleeves. He looked peaceful, but he wasn't breathing. He didn't need to breath but the effect of the quietness was very disorienting—almost as if Kurt was a corpse. Which he technically was but—it made Blaine feel slightly tensed.
Sebastian was in a chair near the bed, reading quietly to himself some random book. He looked up at Blaine and gave a tired smile. "Glad to see you sane," he said. "Gave us all a hard time."
"Sorry," he couldn't help but blurt. "I didn't know what—"
"Hush," Sebastian said, raising a peaceful hand. "I understand, trust me. I'll be worst than mad too if someone I loved— Well, never mind. Let the bygones be bygones."
As Sebastian got up to leave the room, Blaine stopped him by saying, "What happened? What did Kurt do...that made him like this?"
Sebastian hesitated a bit then sat back down. "Come on, let's be seated for this."
Blaine did as he was told. He sat on the bed, automatically taking Kurt's hand, pursing his lips as he felt how cold it was against his own warm skin. Kurt didn't move to indicate he even felt someone close by.
"Tell me," Blaine said softly, his eyes fixed on Kurt's face. "What did he do?"
"I can't tell you because I have no idea what happened either." Sebastian stooped and then added after a moment of pause. "I mean I know in theory what he did, because I suggested it. But I have never seen it ever happening with my own eyes, in my whole life. What he did was an ancient bonding ritual between Vampires—to be clear, the Vampires who were destined to become mates of each other. That ritual required baring one's very inner self, you can say, the very soul, to the mate. That's exactly what he did."
Blaine sat with baited breath. He knew there was hitch there somewhere. The story made sense. The story was good enough. But he didn't know what Sebastian was trying to say here. "I still don't see why Kurt is in this state. He...showed me his inner self, I get that. Then why is he like this?"
Sebastian looked at him sadly. "The mating ritual is a ritual between mate Vampires, Blaine. You are a human. Which makes it kind of difficult for the ritual to even work. Kurt did that because that was the only way he could show you that he was indeed Kurt and not some phantom. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
Blaine felt his eyes brim over, still looking at Kurt. "I—I made him like this? That's what you're saying, right? Because I'm a human Kurt couldn't finish his ritual...so...What do I do now?"
Sebastian smiled at Blaine sadly. "Now we wait. He will awaken once he feels your presence." Sebastian hesitantly added, "IF he feels your presence."
Blaine closed his eyes, feeling his hot tears spill down his cheeks. Kurt had bared his inner self for him. And yet—there was nothing he could do. Nothing... "What do I do now? I can't just wait for him to feel me! Why is this happening?! Haven't lost him once already?! Why must this happen to me again?"
Sebastian got up and grabbed Blaine's shoulder firmly. "Blaine...look at me. He will feel you. If he loves you as much as I KNOW he does, then he will feel you. He will awaken, and everything will be fine. Just trust him, and his love for you. In the meantime, it's your turn to show him that you are here. He's already done it; it's your turn now."
Blaine sat there holding Kurt's hand, sobbing quietly. Sebastian left silently. And around him, the basement room became silent—deathly quiet. The only sounds he heard was his own wretched sobs and sniffles. There was no sign or movement from Kurt's motionless body.
He fell asleep like that—holding Kurt's hand, murmuring his name, declaring his love in whispers, until unconsciousness took him.
He didn't know that he'd wake the next sunrise and find himself immediately enchanted by a pair of beautiful glasz eyes, staring lovingly at his face.
One Week Later.
In the den of the new Hummel House, the five elders sat with serious faces. Burt and his wife Carole sat side by side, looking at their guests.
Across the table, Hiram, Shelby and Leroy sat, doing the same thing; looking at their hosts.
Carole broke the ice by saying, "Please take some pastries." She edged forward on the couch and started serving the guests, her hand slightly shaking because of the tension in the air. Leroy smiled at her and accepted first, mumbling "Thanks." still he peered at Burt slightly before he busied himself with the tasty treat.
"I still think it's too soon," said Burt, finally releasing them from his intense stare. "I'm standing for the Mayoral elections in a month. Whatever plans we should make can come afterwards. Right now isn't the time for us to be thinking about such things."
"When is it then?" asked Shelby, slightly miffed at Burt's attitude. "When can be the right time in this Goddarned town? We always move on and think the—perhaps NOW—we can be in peace again. Then next thing we know, something strange happens and its War zone all over again! I say—NOW is the time. The right time. Because for once we don't have to worry about Edward anymore. If not NOW then WHEN?"
Hiram cleared his throat and said, "I agree with Shelby. Besides—it's not like we'll have to go an extra mile with the preparations. Rachel has already said that all she wants is a family event. Nothing more."
Burt frowned. "Finn is of the same opinion. Still—this is too much too soon. My Kurt was found after missing for six days just last week. I have enough on my plate to even consider anything else. I am sure that the kids will understand me. We can't rush things like this, it's their life we're talking about."
Shelby took a deep breath, already looking like she was about to burst in anger. But at that moment, Kurt stepped into the den from his basement room. He was dressed up, looking gorgeous in dark blue and white combination. He smiled toothily at them.
"Hello Mr and Mr Berry, Ms. Shelby," he said, grinning. "Are you guys here for the wedding dates?" His eyes boggled wide at the sudden realization.
"Kurt," Burt interrupted suddenly for it looked like Kurt was about to derail into excited blabbering and wedding plans. "Don't you have a date with Blaine or something? Can't you see we're—adults—talking things over right now?"
Kurt subdued at once but smiled at them sheepishly anyways. Before leaving though, he couldn't help but throw over his shoulder. "You guys better hurry with the decision making. Finn isn't exactly a patient guy. I think I heard him saying something about elopement in case you guys caused troubles. But meh..."
"HE WHAT?" the five elders boomed at once, standing in unison.
But Kurt—laughing his ass off—ran out the door. He giggled as he jogged towards the town's center, towards the hill.
Blaine looked himself over again, smiling at the mirror. He was still a bit thin, having skipped a lot of meals lately. But now, he looked better. At least, he still fit in his clothes. For the occasion today, he'd gelled up his hair, took out his best bowties and selected the maroon shirt with short sleeves that showed off his guns nicely.
Today was all about romance and second chances. A second chance at doing this whole boyfriend-thing properly.
He still couldn't believe it was just last week when the world seemed to be at an end for him. And then, he had woken up suddenly in Kurt's bedroom, and slowly realized that Kurt was awake and smiling softly at him. That was the moment he'd decided.
Kurt deserved the whole deal. Kurt deserved to be wooed, to be taken on romantic cheesy dates and yes—to be serenaded. It was an unspoken thing between them still—but after the first time Kurt had heard him sing (whilst drunk), Blaine had been looking for opportunities to sing for Kurt again. He still remembered when Kurt had shown interest in knowing what that song was all about. Today—he'll sing Kurt his song. The mere thought of it made him blush. He took one last look, straightened his perfectly done bowtie and then took a deep breath.
"This is it Blaine," he said to himself, looking at his eyes in the mirror. "Today is the day your new life starts. And this one is going to be just perfect—and hopefully less disastrous."
But as soon as the word had left his mouth, he heard the loud shattering outside. He ran out, automatically grabbing his sword as he went. In the hallway, Cooper, Nick and Jeff were also exiting from their rooms, weapons in hands. They didn't have to go far—because the skylight above the staircase was shattered and loud voices were coming from the living room and foyer. They ran down the stairs, ready for a fight.
"...an extreme betrayal!" a female voice yelled. "What have you got to say for yourself?"
Blaine burst into the living room and froze.
Standing, with a sword against Andy's throat was Blaine's Aunt, Elsa.
"AUNT ELSA?" Blaine said, shocked. Then the full picture registered to him. "Step away form Dad, Aunt Elsa. NOW!"
"I WON'T," she said, a certain hint of venom in her voice. "You realize what this is, don't you? This is the judgment. If you interfere, we'll treat you the same. So please, dear. Step back."
"AND LET YOU KILL MY FATHER?" Blaine yelled, drawing his sword and feeling Cooper, Nick and Jeff flanking him, similarly angered.
"This man is no longer your father—neither is he my brother anymore. He's a Vampire now," Aunt Elsa said.
"You don't understand," Blaine pleaded. You have no idea what is going on. What's happened! You can't just come here like this!"
"We are Hunters!" another voice said from a side. It was Jeremy, Blaine's "We kill vampires. and we put the traitors through Judgment. Something which you should have done a long time ago, Blaine."
Blaine looked around him. At his Warbler brothers. They were surrounded; it looked like Elsa had came here with reinforcements. There was no way out of this, except a fight. Just when I put on nice clothes too, Blaine thought, frustrated. He didn't even had his sword at hand.
Just then, the doorbell rang. Andy stiffened, throwing Blaine a look. Kurt's here.
"Aunt Elsa," Blaine said in a low voice. "Who told you about Dad? I just want to know."
"Many Vampires came out of this hellhole you live in kiddo. It's been going on for months. We apprehended a few and tortured them for information. Interesting thing they told us, unbelievable too."
"Like what?" Jeff said, looking at the guy holding him back with a dangerous glower.
"Like Edward is dead. Like vampires turned good and help overthrow Ed's regime."
"It's true, every word." Cooper spoke up now. "We've ran Edward out. And had help from vampires."
Aunt Elsa threw her head back and started laughing. "You expect me to believe that, Coop? Have all of you finally gone crazy in this isolated town?"
"Have you no shame left?" said Jeremy. "How can Hunters be mixing with Vampires. That's disgusting."
The doorbell rang again, this time insistent. Blaine knew Kurt would probably call out if nobody went. Unfortunately, it had grabbed the attention of their Aunt.
"John, go check who it is," she said.
John had been holding Cooper. Elsa had probably asked him thinking that Cooper might be a safe bet to release just yet. Her fault.
As soon as John had his back on Cooper, he found himself forced down and grabbed in a chokehold, Cooper's knife at his throat.
"Alright, Auntie Elsa. I'll count to three, or watch your boy die."
Aunt Elsa growled in anger, and raised her short sword, ready to kill Andy. Blaine started towards them, his mouth dropping open in scream. The sword fell, and blood drops flew.
Everything stopped.
Kurt had waited outside in the park where Blaine had asked to meet. For twenty minutes.
At first the doubts started flowing through his heart. What if he isn't okay still? What if he is sick? What if... he was standing me up?
He shook his head. No way would Blaine stand him up! Which meant... Then a final thought came. What if he's in danger. Seriously, with the profession that Blaine had, and the kind of town this was, it wasn't even an impossible thought. Kurt looked up at the hill, Dalton House should be lightening up by Now, the sun was setting. Yet there was light only in the living room. And as he looked closer, he realized that the skylight which usually shone in the sun, was not shining. Rather, skylight wasn't there anymore.
Is mind went still, every fiber screaming DANGER! He located his sire... and was certain something was wrong. Sebastian was wounded.
Sebastian had no right to be here. But when he'd head about Kurt's date with Blaine, he'd come here just to be brotherly enough, deliver the usual don't-hurt-him-ever speech when he'd sensed something amiss. The skylight was gone. He looked up and frowned.
Straining his ears, he heard the intense confrontation going on inside. Looked like the Warblers needed help. He had to let them know, but HOW? He grabbed the thorny rose by the side of the door, and let his blood permeate the air. Inside, he felt Andy figure out his presence. Then, he rang the doorbell. From what he could hear, the confronters were also humans, it was safe to distract them this way. For now.
He scanned the side of the house, climbing up with nimble moves. He looked down the skylight. He saw spiraling staircase, and just a smidge of the foyer. There was no sign of the confronters here. Which meant, they were all in the living room. Idiots. And they called themselves hunters?
He heard more. A woman was talking. "Like Edward is dead. Like vampires turned good and help overthrow Ed's regime."
The news had traveled faster than expected. Sebastian knew he had to do something fast. He had half a mind to warn Kurt, but then he thought of that many Hunters besides the Warblers and changed his mind. No need to put his brother in danger. He jumped off the house and rang the doorbell again. Inside, Cooper trapped a guy. Sebastian smirked, a bit proud of the little guy.
Then Blaine screamed.
Sebastian moved faster than light, faster than he thought possible and was just in time to take the blade in his arm, saving Andy.
His blood flew, like rain, and everyone in the room froze. Sebastian hissed, it hurt a lot more than he thought it could.
At least his sudden entrance was fruitful. The moment of distraction was all that the Warblers needed. They broke free of their captors and launched an attack on their fellow Hunters.
Sebastian felt as Kurt realized about his injury, and groaned. Don't come here!
As usual, Kurt didn't listen.