Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 29: Rotten Grudges Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 29: Rotten Grudges

T - Words: 7,249 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: Accept these chapters as a late Christmas Gift to those of my readers, who celebrate this particular holiday, hopefully you had a wonderful and joyous time : ) Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
~ Chapter 29 ~
Rotten Grudges

The thoughts I'm getting from Sebastian are filtered. That's the first sign of what's happening inside the Mansion. That whatever is happening is chaotic and possibly confusing.

"It's time," Blaine says softly.

Once, Lily bends down and peers inside the basement window. It's heavily barred, but all she has to do is mutter some words under her breath. Then the bars start melting, giving off the acidic smell strong enough to even irritate Blaine's human nose. He wrinkles it slightly and then goes inside first.

We follow him one by one. Quinn and Andy stick together as rear guard. While Blaine's in the lead, with Lily a few steps behind him. I'm in the middle—well guarded. And for once I'm not complaining.

The interior of the room we are is damp and dingy. Like nobody had aired it enough or let in much sunlight. The windows near the ceiling are heavily shaded from the bushes outside, but I have a feeling that the entire Mansion is shadowed like this. It's Vampire household, so it sort of makes sense. Now that its sunny all the time.

"Lily, can you lead now?" Blaine says as we get out of the room.

"Yes," Lily answers, changing placed with him. "We'd better not clash with any other Team. The secrecy is of utmost importance, so I'll suggest that we won't speak until I say it's all right to."

Our only answer is nodding. Then she is walking ahead of us.

We wind our way through hallways and sometimes staying in rooms, waiting out whatever it is Lily feels on the outside. We trust her judgment.

Then I scent some familiar humans nearby as we hide in another room on first floor. Then I hear Sugar's voice.

My curiosity gets better of me and I crack open the door just slightly to watch. And it's horrible.

I can almost feel—when their bond breaks. I can almost see that invisible connection breaking, shattering and it makes me dizzy and I feel like screaming.

Quinn is the one who holds me back as Puck's team finished Sugar, humoring her pleas. And then I feel wetness on my cheek. Am I crying? I thought I didn't have tears? But when I touch my cheek, I see red on my fingers. I'm BLEEDING from my eyes...

I feel subconscious inquiry from Sebastian but I hide it. He mustn't know what I've witnessed, what I'm feeling after it. I compose myself just as I hear Puck's remark.

"I hated her. But I'd never wish such a lonely death on anyone. Apart from Edward...he truly deserves to die alone"

Dying alone. It wasn't something I'd feared before. Then again—after Paul, I hadn't even considered to have a family, friends or meeting Blaine. This all just happened. And now that it has—I DON'T want to die ALONE either.

"Is this what happens?" Blaine is the one who asks. He doesn't have to elaborate what.

Andy looks uncomfortable too, looking at Quinn with worry. Lily is the one who answers, looking at me. "It is. It's like tearing a soul from a body—as painful as that."

Almost as if he's scared for me, Blaine drops his Warbler exterior and stands close to me, looking as if I was about to shatter like a piece of glass. Maybe I was—but no more. I have to kill Edward. It's all that should matter to me now.

"I'm fine," I tell him. He looks slightly relieved but determined to protect me all the same. "I just never expected it to be like this. But I'm fine now. Let's go."

Lily only nods and we start walking again, giving Puck's team enough time to go ahead us. I feel Sebastian's mind probe mine again—but this time he's only checking if I'm inside or not. I let him see where I am, and nothing more. He mustn't know about what I'm feeling—he mustn't know about option Four.

We stay on the third floor the longest. It's a closet that Lily has charms on, that renders us imperceptible to everyone else in this Mansion, including Edward.

"I used to slip in here at times when Edward would bother me too much," she explains. "Chances are, he doesn't even know this place exists."

"I'm glad," Blaine says. "I have a feeling everyone else will be done sooner or later. I'd rather meet Edward in short numbers. Whatever comes next, we'll deal with it later."

I slide down next to him, too. He looks slightly constipated, I wonder if he's worried about the rest of his Warblers. "Hey, they are going to be fine."

He looks at me with a smile now. "I know they are. I taught them to fight—they will definitely be fine."

"Did you teach them to sing, too?"

He looks slightly flustered at my question. I almost think he wouldn't tell me when: "We sang a lot during work and practice. It was our own way of dealing with whatever backgrounds and pain we came from. But then we realized we harmonized well together, just as well as we worked, and we started signing for the heck of it. It's only me—who doesn't join in very often."

I've forgotten about where we are or if we have anyone with us. I've forgotten how Andy is looking sadly at his son, while Lily sits with her head down, hiding her face behind her bangs. I knew it well what he was trying to say—he had never even imagined a life where he could sing or be happy; he had only ever imagined fighting Vampires. That is—was—the mission of his life...until me.

I scoot closer and take Blaine in my arms. "How about when this is done, we all sing together and change tradition?"

He lifts up his face to me with a strange, wondering expression. I blink. For some reason, Blaine looks as if he'd aged several years in these last few days. But then he smiles, his face lighting up with same sunny, childish radiance I knew was buried deep within. "Okay, lets." And he snuggles into my embrace further, finally letting his shoulders relax.

There is silence around us next. Maybe its Lily's charm or whatever, but I can't even hear the fighting that's sure to be going on at the floor beneath us. Right now we're sneaking in while our friends are causing the diversion. That's the part of the plan—until we reach Edward wherever he's hiding. Come to think of it, it's stupid. Why would Edward hide on the top most floors? Where there's no escape. Well—not during the day time.

This gets me thinking. "Hey Aunt Lily, did you ever make something like these threads for Edward?"

"He asked me about it once or twice," Lily admits after a pause. "But I always told him it was impossible. There's really not much about saving Vampires from sunrise in general, nowhere in all the books I've consulted in my lifetime. But that April is something else, I'll say. I can see why she was able to shield Hilltown for so long like that, and the reason why Edward sought specifically her for the job. Even the Council seeks her when they need magical assistance."

"I'm glad," Blaine says, picking up on my question. "It means there's no escape for Edward as long as we get to him first."

Another pause follows. I just slide against Blaine's shoulder and close my eyes, thinking and not thinking at the same time. Sebastian seems to be doing something malicious downstairs; I can feel the vibes of hatred and worry. But I can't tell what it is he's really doing, he's still blocking my 'view.'

And that's when a long harsh scream resounds in the mansion. It's like someone's being tortured.

"What was that?" I say, looking around tensely.

Funny enough, everyone else is sitting silently, without even realizing anything happened.

"What do you mean, Kurt?" says Blaine; his eyebrow just slightly quirked in question.

"Nothing, my imagination probably." But I knew I heard it, loud and clear.

OH, of course. Sebastian's hatred. He's the one who's torturing someone. My stomach starts feeling funny as I over think the implications of what just happened. So I can't see but I've heard through Sebastian—just WHAT is he doing? Who's he torturing and what for? Surely, they couldn't have done something that wrong?

What did he do? I ask Sebastian, hoping against hope that he'd answer.

And he did, making my stomach churn with another emotion. Disbelief and red, hot anger...

"Edward's captured a school bus from outside—kindergartners," I announce softly to everyone, I watch their shock and hatred too. "He was using them as his escape plan or something. Sebastian's trying to get them out right now."

A shocked look passes over every face in front of me. Everyone looks nauseous, and then murderous.

"They'll be fine," Blaine says softly, reassuring himself more than anyone. "We just need to focus on our mission. All right, Kurt?"

This wasn't his request as my lover, I could tell. This was an order as my Warbler Leader. "Understood."

And with that, I tuned out Sebastian's thoughts and hatred, oblivious to the fights going around us.


Half an hour passed by; and nothing happened.

Blaine and Kurt were dozing off by now, leaning on to each other unconsciously. Quinn was also curled upon the floor, her head resting on Lily's knees. Andy was the only one keeping watch on his son and his sire, he often looks at Lily but she was too focused on keeping the seals hiding them up than participate in any chatter.

"I think it's over," is what Lily said after a long time. "I can't feel any presences in the mansion anymore."

"Any at all?" Andy asked in equally quieter voice.

"Well—I will know for sure where my brother is hiding once I get out of this secure room, but—we've defeated whatever army he'd erected for us. Our companions are outside now, out of harm's way and that's all we need to know."

"Should we wake them now?"

Lily sighed. "Aye we might as well. Somebody is here to escort us to Edward anyhow. He's been standing outside this room since last thirty minutes."

Andy didn't want to question her further, but he nodded and with a brush of his mind—touched Quinn's consciousness, waking her instantly. But in that moment, he also glimpsed the dream she was having. And Andy realized why his sire had been keeping him at bay. He swore to himself silently that once they were done here, he'd go out and kill that Witch called June or whatever shitty name she had.

For now, he just shook Blaine's shoulder gently, reminded of all the times he'd done when Blaine was still a child. His son was still as adorable as ever as he blinked his eyes open, and then rubbed them twice, getting his focus back.

Kurt woke up too, for just a minute, looking confused. Then he stood up so fast and fluidly that Blaine blinked in astonishment. Andy silently chuckled. His son would have to get used to the transitions once-frail Kurt had gone through. Sooner or later, Blaine would have to come to an important decision. Whatever he'd decide, Andy would do well to make peace with it. It was, after all, Blaine's happiness that mattered.

"Is it over?" Quinn asked first, not meeting Andy's silent stare. An obvious sign something was still off. "Lily?"

"Yes, we are being honored. They sent us an escort." With that Lily mumbled incantations in Greek or Latin as the seals came off, the door clicking open outwards. "Let's get this over with."

They formed up as usual, keeping Kurt between them and came out of the room. St. James stood with three hulking Vampire guards, waiting on them. There was no smile on his face, neither any other emotion that gave away the situation.

"Good, you guys came out. Let's go, he's been waiting," St. James said, and they followed him without much trouble.

But as St. James started descending the stairs, Lily felt the trickles of trouble in her chest. Why were they going—THERE?

"After you so successfully got through without appearing at any of cams, we had to rethink," St James explained as if Lily had asked aloud. "Lord Edward's not pleased. He wanted to leave with his entire household—but you've made that quiet impossible."

"So you've managed to breach that place?" Lily asked, she sounded surprised as well as apprehensive. "I thought I'd hidden it well."

"Oh, after your fantastic betrayal, Edward wanted oh so badly to KNOW what attraction that place held for you. He made it his sole purpose to unearth it. And we both know what he WANTS—" His eyes impressively skimmed to Kurt, "—he GETS."

Lily's face morphed into a frown, but she didn't ask anything further. Andy was about to question the Vampire himself when Quinn's thoughts made contact with him: He means that cellar she'd been locked away in after leaving Paul. She was cooped in there but kept up her research on Kurt's abilities, searching if she could be of help or not. If Edward really has found that place and research, Kurt's life might be in even worst danger. Because there was a possibility that Edward might realize how unstable Kurt is with his power; or that Kurt's now a Vampire as well.

Andy's chest clenched painfully, if he'd had a heart anymore, it would've been pounding. As it was, worry blossomed inside him as he prayed to spare Kurt's life, for Blaine's sake if nothing else. Then again—if he'd had to hold on Edward himself, he would. Just as long as Kurt kills that sonofabitch.

"I still don't see why he's willing to leave, though," Kurt asked suddenly, making St. James stop still. "He has a lot more hold in here than out there. Wasn't he banished or something like that?"

St. James stared at Kurt, his eyes piercing blue. Then said, "That's nothing you should concern yourself with, boy. All you have to do is kneel in Lord Edward's feet as he takes your blood. Soiled it might be—but it's the only thing useful about you."

Blaine bristled, his hand clamping tightly on his sword, but Kurt's slight touch on his wrist was enough to dissuade him from taking St. James's head right then and there.

"It is of concern to me, actually," Kurt went on, looking as if he was on a mission; and for a second Andy thought, he might be. Was it something Sebastian had put him up to? "You see I met a few people outside, they are almost desperate to take Edward's head, as much as anyone in Hilltown, if I say so myself."

At this St. James grinned. "Aye, my Lord is wanted by everyone. But once we are done here—and with you—nobody would be standing up against the might of Lord Edward."

"And YOURS, I presume?" Quinn said scathingly. "Hasn't Edward promised you a position as his second? Or is it that you want to strive for the position of his mate?"

St. James didn't even budge as he said, "I am not as filthy as some people you might hang out with. Rest assured, Lord Edward keeps his promises."

"Oh, of course," Quinn said, a smirk dancing around her lips. "Like his promise that Kurt wasn't stable enough and definitely wouldn't be able to kill anyone as long as we took care of it first. And yet, your son Jessie is dead. Edward talks bold but has he ever decided to attack anyone himself? He was always relying on the Trinity and when we left, you guys. He only came out once or twice and attacked who? Just Carole, a harmless human woman. There are a lot of things he'd said and promised, but that's not how it turned out, is it?"

And that's when Andy realized what Kurt and Quinn had been trying to do. They wanted St. James out of the picture before they reached Edward. If there was one way to dissuade Edward from whatever goal he had in mind, it was to make sure his trusted henchmen were dead before they even have to go for their Master. Riling St. James up was a best way to initiate a fight.

But the Vampire appeared stubborn and too confident. I don't think it'll work, Quinn.

It doesn't have to now, Quinn said serenely. I have made him angry, for the time being, that's enough.

Andy nodded. Leave it to Quinn to come up with outstanding ideas. Although, this one idea she wasn't making clear to him. Her mind was still censored for whatever the 'other' reason was.

Before he could even consider about it—he felt more than saw as somebody else reached them from a room at the side.


Blaine had been hoping that he'd be able to get a chance and kill St. James, but the Vampire guards were surrounding him and Kurt equally, as if knowing his ultimate plans.

He had an idea what they were about to face, and while Edward was their target, he'd rather not face him when Edward had still his subordinates alive and kicking. He thought if he could get these guards to become just a bit distracted, he'd have a chance. Surely, Kurt and Lily would also attack with him—he just needed some window of opportunity.

If he had any mind reading qualities, he'd have realized that everyone else was practically thinking the same. All they needed now was a miracle.

And never in his darkest thoughts would Blaine have guessed that the approaching people would give him just the opportunity they needed.

The minute everyone become aware of the room door opening, Blaine's eyes found that of Lily and Kurt's. Simultaneously, Kurt and Blaine took out the guards that caged them in. The other two were taken care of by Andy, even as Lily and Quinn pounced on St. James as one.

"NAHHHH!" St. James gave a roar of fury and started attacking back, catching Lily on the stomach at once.

She winced and backed away but by then, Quinn was at him, claws out, fangs bared and they both struggled in an animalist heap.

"Need help?" Cole's monotonous voice came from Kurt's left.

Blaine grinned manically. He'd never been so happy to see anyone as he was to see Cole, Sebastian and Starchild in that moment.

"We don't," he said, wiping his ashy hands on his pants. Then looked over at where Quinn and St. James were still grappling. "She might, though."

Sebastian shook his head, eyes turned on to the blurry, fighting Vampires. "It's better not to interfere just yet. I have faith in Quinn."

Meanwhile, Kurt was helping Lily to stand, examining the evil looking gash in her stomach. Lily was muttering spells under hear breath and sealing her injuries at a faster rate. Then she sat upright without Kurt's help.

"Are you all right?" said Kurt, his face morphed in worry.

Lily smiled and stroked Kurt's hair. "I am now. But we can't let ourselves be so reckless again. I have only so much spells and energy left. Let's save some for when we face Edward."

Blaine and Andy were watching Quinn's fight with their mouths slightly open. The two Vampires fought so vehemently and fast, knocking about against the narrow hallway walls, and snapping jaws at each other, dodging and re-attacking in such velocity that all that was visible was a blur. All that could be heard was the crushing of bones, tearing of flesh and animalistic, hateful and hungry snarls.

Blaine took his father's hand, realizing that Andy must be worried for the wellbeing of his sire—and the fight was so messy and blurry that they had no way of knowing what was going on. "Is she in pain?" he asked in a small voice.

But was stunned as Andy helplessly shook his head. "She still won't...let me...know."

Hearing that, Sebastian also came closer, peering at the burry mass expertly. "In that case, we need to interfere...soon."

With unspoken agreement, Sebastian and Blaine readied themselves, while Starchild and Cole stood beside Kurt and Lily, backing away from the fight that was about to become even more ferocious.

Then Andy was beside his son and Sebastian. Before either of them could protest, he gave them a look of pure despair and said, "She's my sire." And that was all they needed to understand.

Andy and Sebastian started following the ultra speedy fight with their eyes, while Blaine waited for the go-ahead. The Vampires' eyes moved and followed the fight at uncontrollable rate—and then with a sucked in a breath, Andy nodded—

And they dived in.

With blinding speed, Sebastian's clawed hand grasped a neck—while Andy's forceful arm ensnared someone's waist, and they parted just so—

That Blaine could behead the creature which Sebastian held.

With a slick, sticky sound, St. James's head came off at the mercy of Blaine's blade. Then Sebastian coughed at the burst of ash left in the wake of it all.

Andy was still trying to hold Quinn back, who had almost overlooked the intrusion, so fast as it had been. But then he forced his way inside her mind, and yelled: Quinn! STOP!

Quinn went still, stopped struggling and hung limply from Andy's hold. She was heaving uncontrollably and there were bite and claw marks all over her body. They were so numerous that her top was almost torn all the way and hanging from her shuddering, bloodied body.

Blaine watched in fear as Andy hurriedly bared his neck to offer it to Quinn, but she was so tired and bruised she could barely move. Andy looked up helplessly, meeting his son's eyes.

Without words, Blaine knelt beside them and held on to Quinn, turning her in his own arms so that her face was near Andy's neck. Andy slashed at his own throat to get the blood out. Then and only then, Quinn pounced on the offered blood with the matching animalistic instinct as during her fight.

Blaine felt more than saw the strength returning to her bruised, battered body, and was thankful that his father had not lost his sire and became somebody crazy. When she was strong enough to sit at her own, Blaine released Quinn and stepped back. He took off his jacket and folded it neatly around her torn clothes and body, hiding her modestly enough.

When Andy and Quinn were in better condition, Sebastian nodded to himself.

"Aunt Lily, is he where I think he is?"

Lily in turn also nodded. "Yes, let's go and meet him there. We only have one more obstacle in our way..."

Quinn's mouth thinned in a line, as she gulped. "My father." Then noticing everyone's glace on her she sighed, standing taller. "I'll take care of—"

"You will not," said Andy in finality. For a minute there everyone could see where Blaine had gotten his serious authoritative demeanor. "You took care of St. James. That's well enough. Let the others have some fun, too."

"Yes, please," said Starchild with a grin. He looked slightly pale but fiercer still, letting his blue eyes glow like glaciers. "I need to kill at least another bad Vampire before we let Kurt do his thing. I'm sure everyone else shares my sentiments, too."

There were decisive nods all around. Then Lily and Sebastian started leading everybody toward their destination—ignoring as Quinn tried yet again to protest—toward Edward at last.


I start to feel the panic, the pressure of what is about to happen. We walk down to the ground floor and then to what is unmistakably a cellar hidden even further down the earth than the basement.

I let myself imagine all the time my Aunt must have spent hiding down here, lost in her own world of pain and sadness, I feel the magnitude of what Edward's desire to rule have driven her—and other people—to do. It only makes my panic increase. I was up against a creature that was so purely evil there wasn't even a chance at redemption.

And after all I've been through—I think I was now a big believer of redemption. People change, simple as that. Even bad people who would one day be trying to kill you, and the next sacrifice so, SO much in order to protect you. Look at Lily, Dave or Santana. Look at Sebastian. Wasn't there always SOME redeeming chance in almost everyone? Isn't that why even law gives them a trail, a chance to prove their innocence?

So—was it really so necessary to kill Edward without even hoping that he may be able to redeem himself?

I knew what the general population would vote for. NO fucking way. Edward was evil through and through. A man like him is better off dead—and maybe—even being dead isn't the solution here. He should be worst than dead, he should be buried so deep in the earth that not even his memories remain.

But could I really do that? Could I really just kill this man because everyone voted on it? Shouldn't I—at least once—try to find an excuse to give him a second chance?

We were now entering through the door and into a tunnel deep under the ground, lighted up by a few torches here and there. It seemed a few hundred yards long ahead.

And reading my conflict, Sebastian said loud and clear, "How much more you need to know, Kurt. How much more should you suffer for him to redeem himself? Isn't it enough—hundreds of years is a long enough time, and I am not about to let him have any more. If there ever was a chance of finding goodness within Edward, it's probably too late or long gone. You'd only be wasting your and ours time (and lives) if you kept thinking like that."

And I dip my head in shame. So maybe...I was only looking for an excuse to NOT fight. What do you know, at the moment of battle, I was loosing heart. After everything that's happened, after all the lives taken—I was getting cold feet; and on a such an important day too. I have yet to know how many of my friends had survived, how many hadn't. And here I am, thinking of ways to not do what I'm supposed to do. What a warrior I am? I'm not even worthy of being a Warbler.

Blaine must be ashamed of me.

And suddenly warm fingers enclosed around my hand. I looked up in shock and saw Blaine's smile. "It only means you're kind. Even so he's a monster; you still want to forgive him. That's...admirable."

And I can't help but smile, feeling that same warmth runs down my cheek. I hear Sebastian and Quinn hiss frustratingly. And I hurriedly wipe away the blood that has started flowing through my eyes as tears. I mustn't tempt those who are weary from battle and, probably, already very thirsty.

But I squeeze my hand around Blaine's fingers. At least, he knows what I am feeling. At least, he isn't ashamed of me.

"But," I said aloud, ignoring Sebastian's frustrating signals to stop being so kind about Edward. "There are a few questions I need answers to, and only Edward can do that. Would you guys please let me have that satisfaction?"

Our group finally stops. We are at the entrance of a large cavern like space a few feet ahead. It was lightened up properly, and I can almost feel Edward standing inside, awaiting our arrival.

Lily finally gave in, a small smile gracing her lips. "FINE. Have it your way. Stubborn as always, you haven't changed, my son."

And I can't help it—albeit we are here in front of Edward, almost ready to fight—I laugh.


Blaine knew that the next moments would be decisive.

His taciturn, Warbler mind was telling him there were only two ways this would end. One: Edward attacks them at once as they entered the cavern under the ground. That way would only leave them a small room for attack, and there would be deaths. Two: Edward remains as confident as always and gives them a chance to estimate the situation first. It would buy enough time for Kurt to start talking, and ask whatever questions he had, and then manage to get close enough to kill Edward.

At least, his mind was saying only two outcomes were necessary.

What he hadn't expected was this.

"I knew I couldn't feel St. James anymore." The man in front said calmly, not a hint of remorse there. "Seems you've managed to kill him. Pity; he was useful. Although, I was able to get an interesting insight according to his last thoughts. There are werewolves with you—and no other than our very own Elliot! Isn't that just wonderful...my son?"

Blaine saw as Elliot—the brave, majestic beast called Starchild—almost shivered at the look and words directed at him.

"That's too bad," Sebastian managed to say after a pause. "You seemed to have missed the important things. I am no son of yours—not anymore."

Lily and Andy were standing close together, their manner was such as if they were having a secret conversation with each other. Quinn was standing tall and proud with Sebastian, next to Cole and Starchild himself. Blaine kept near Kurt at their middle. He watched as Kurt observed Edward, not a hint of emotion in his face, apart from the tensed gleam in his eyes.

Edward shrugged and smiled—with a barely perceptible incline of his head—he signaled.

Blaine swore, huddling around Kurt as they were suddenly surrounded on all sides. From every corner of the dark cavern, Vampires came to stand in a circle, barring their escape routes. From Edward's left, Mr Fabray came, looking silent and grim as any lawyer would—but for the dark black eyes that held no emotions, not even as he saw his own daughter standing there.

Quinn bared her fangs, her hatred for everything finally visible. Andy and Lily were done with their secret talk and joined the others in front in such a way that Blaine and Kurt were both now protected in a circle of friends.

"Oh, you still intend to resist me?" Edward said like he couldn't believe. "Here I thought this whole day would be a lesson to you. Why else would I let the filth like you rampage my home and play as you liked without interfering? I thought it was understood that I'd won and you were wrong to have challenged me so directly."

"YOU—" Quinn started to scream, while Blaine himself clenched his fist, just itching to punch that smug face.

But it was Kurt who spoke next. "You intended to have me or my blood. Right?"

Edward smirked. "Obviously. That much was certain—unless I missed to make it clear enough?"

"No, you were crystal clear," Kurt said, still being clam but for the tensed look in his eyes. "Pardon them. They are my precious friend, so obviously they intend to protect me. Even if it costs them their lives. Not that I expect you to understand what that's like. Still, I had figured as much that we would loose."

Blaine felt his mouth opening in disbelief. WHAT THE HELL WAS KURT THINKING? "Kurt...?"

"No, Blaine," Kurt said, a desperate look came in his eyes. "I need to do this by my own rights."

Blaine almost choked on his breaths. Why was Kurt?—and then he saw Sebastian's calm posture. Sebastian wasn't looking worried, which meant whatever this was, Kurt had some kind of plan up his sleeve. All he needed to do was play the concerned boyfriend.

"I can't let you do whatever you think you need to do, Kurt," Blaine said, his voice breaking from the effort of keeping still and not attacking Edward at once. "Why are you listening to that bastard?"

"Because—I'm curious," Kurt said haltingly, and met Edward's eyes. "I have to ask you one thing first. And then—I'll admit defeat, I swear."

Edward's eyebrow rose a little, maybe from the audacity of Kurt's demand or maybe from the last part of admitting defeat. Even so, Blaine was able to see that Edward himself had gotten a bit curious as well.

"Just one?" Edward asked, now looking positively excited.

"That depends on your answers," said Kurt after a pause. "There might be a few more. But for now, just one."

Quinn looked at her father, and then threw a look toward Sebastian. It was fast and fleeting but Edward caught it nonetheless.

"Yes, he's under my control," he laughed. "When he heard that I'd sent St. James to get you guys, and that his daughter was involved as well, he almost tried to persuade me to not go through with my plans. I wasn't pleased, so I had to do this. Now, he's hard wired to just kill you, dear Quinn. He won't get his sense back unless he does. I wish I could say I am sorry—but we all know I'm not." He chuckled again, amusement flickering in his eyes.

They all saw slightly as Quinn's face melted in sorrow. It was apparent that she would have to either die at her father's hand, or kill him first. Neither choices seemed acceptable.

Then he looked back at Kurt. "Well ask your question now. Sooner we do this the better."

"Why did you do all of this just to get my blood?" Kurt asked without hesitation.

Edward cocked his head, confused. "By all this you mean what exactly?"

"You know—send your dogs after me even when I was outside, attack the townspeople, and just now, putting up quite a battle. Why do all this just for my blood?"

"Surely this isn't your question, Kurt?!" Edward said, now even more confused. "You DO know your blood possesses the power of eradicating the Vampire genes. It's singular. What other reason could I have—?"

"You DIDN'T understand my question, Edward," Kurt said firmly, looking the Vampire right in the eyes. "Why go to such lengths. You could've done this simply, tricked me into giving you my blood. Like send a false doctor to get blood samples? I don't know, just asked me for blood saying that you were positive there was something wrong with me. There were so many ways you could have gotten about this—yet you chose all this madness. I'm asking WHY?"

"Why?" Edward said. "Because I can. And to answer your other suggestions, those are simply stupid and so—so human. Why would I even do it so cheaply like that?"

"So you're saying you just like dramatics, and your own sense of almightiness, is that it?"

"But I am almighty in here, Kurt. And yes, I have secret obsession with dramatics. Doing it the other ways wouldn't have guaranteed any results, you know. You could've refused."

"I could have," Kurt said, now looking mildly relaxed. Except for that gleam in his eyes. "But I also remember that when Jessie tried to take my blood, he was intending to kill me. He could've just taken a few drops, and that would have done its job; but he wanted to kill me. And just now, St. James said that you just needed my blood not me. Why?"

"Hmm—only your blood is of use to me," Edward said, now standing with his arms crossed on his chest. He was now looking quite immersed in this discussion. "Keeping you alive would mean taking you a prisoner—but I just wanted to have all your blood and keep it safe. Let's say—I didn't want anyone availing from your fine blood anymore."

"You wanted this power to be yours alone," Kurt summed it up. "I guess, that makes sense. If I had something I wanted to keep, there was a chance that I'd make sure nobody would be able to use it after I was done. That's completely understandable. Although my blood could've gone bad, you know. I know there are ways to preserve it, but how would you have made sure that it would always remain as powerful? Let's say—after a few years, it lost all its potency. What would you do then, since you couldn't really come back for me, I'd be already dead. What then, Edward?"

Now Edward was looking at Kurt with intensity. "I have to admit—that possibility never crossed my mind. I confess I have been so busy trying to get your blood, I hadn't thought much about how I would've kept it useful. Now that you mention it—I'll have to reconsider."

"That's because I just pointed it out," Kurt said, and then he grinned.

Blaine and everyone else were a little shocked that Kurt was trying to be funny in such a situation, as Edward had all but announced he would now keep Kurt as a prisoner.

"My question was, if; let's imagine I was dead and you had my blood which was now powerless, what would you do next?"

Edward nodded. "Ah, that's how you meant. Well that might be problem, I know. I'd have to search for more people like you, obviously. But I would have used some of your blood earlier and achieved my important goals first by then—afterwards searching for someone like you wouldn't be so difficult. I'm really not worried about that. My targets are, for now, limited."

"Oh—so you just want to get revenge for now," Sebastian said this time. "After that you'll become the ruler of Vampire kin—then what's your plan?"

"I'll keep that to myself—since you are no son of mine anymore."

Kurt sniffed slightly and said, "Please, answer anyway. Since my blood would be doing this all for you, the least I deserve is to know what you'll be using it for."

Edward threw his head back and laughed. "Yu want to know ALL my plans? Really, Kurt—do you really?"

"Yeah, sure," Kurt said with a shrug. Causally he walked ahead and stood in front of his companions, leaving everyone a few feet back. "Tell me all your plans. Maybe I'll like them. Or maybe—as I have pointed out before—I might find a few flaws with your plans and try to correct you. Since we started talking I have realized you aren't the great strategist everyone thinks you are, Edward. Your plans are so strictly Vampire based that you miss some vital points, and make it look so obvious. If my blood is going to help, I want to help you too, starting with your plans."

Edward had gone silent and still by the time Kurt finished. "I could kill you just now, and you won't even have time to breath."

"Again, as I said, not too clever. You kill me now, and my blood is no use, remember. Or did you overlook that little information from Lily's extensive research? She did find out that once the host—that's me—is dead; the blood looses all its power. That's why I suggested you keep me alive earlier."

Edward glared at Lily, who glared pensively back.

Everyone had caught up by now—and they were waiting for Kurt's signal. When Kurt finally had his answer—when he finally knew that there was no redemption in Edward's fate, they would take the charge.

For now—they were silent and letting Kurt take care of things.

As for Blaine and Sebastian, both of them having taught Kurt everything he knew—they were brimming with pride on the inside.

"Is that so?" Edward said finally, realizing that everyone was pensive and aware of what Kurt had just said. "I didn't review those papers all through, I admit. I had help, but apparently, my minions failed to inform me that."

"They didn't," Lily said this time. "My theory was too complicatedly written down. I doubt even the brightest of your minions would have been able to realize what it said. It's not their fault, brother dear."

"Well it appears I have to make new plans now," Edward said. "It seems that you will have to live Kurt—and of course, I don't mean with your filthy boy toy."

"I realized that," Kurt said now keeping derision clear in his voice. "I'm not as witless as you. But you haven't yet answered my question. Once my curiosity is satisfied, I'll admit defeat. Remember I mentioned it a few minutes ago? Or is that brain of your already full enough to start excluding unimportant information?"

Blaine couldn't help it. He chortled, prompting Andy and Lily to laugh as well. Usually that was a death wish to make fun of Edward. But Kurt was doing it so easily it was funny. And even those who were surrounding them were smiling slightly.

Edward was being put on the spot. Not only that—Kurt had proved Edward's way of making plans sucked. That only added to the hilarity.

"I'm waiting," Kurt said when Edward glared at everyone else. "You said the sooner we do this the better. So tell me, Ed. What are your plans?"

A hard light came to Edward's blue eyes. "My plans? I'll tell you, Kurt. Once I have become the ruler of all Vampires—I'll find others like you. Oh, yes, even if you died later of mortality, I'll find others, and I'll use them as well. 'Till I was the last Vampire on the face of earth. 'Till I was the last immortal being. And once that happens—I'll be a God. And I'll make everyone fear and worship me. That is the plan."

Everyone—even Edward's own guards—was stunned into baffled silence at that. They knew Edward was crazy but this...was a whole other level in itself.

"Oh, gosh," Kurt said. "You really are gone. There no saving you at all—at all?" he shook his head and looked back at his friends. "You guys were right. We thought—I though that if I just surrendered...yes I was planning on that, it was my Option Four point five. I thought maybe this madness will end but he intends to go crazier still. That is just—"

"Can we kill him now?" Quinn said, she sounded bored.

Kurt sighed and looked back at Edward who was still looking smug at his plans. "Sorry, but I can't admit defeat. I lied. Oh and in case you didn't know...I lied about the blood too. It doesn't loose its power, it never does. Lily found no such thing. I just wanted to test you and you failed horribly, I'm afraid. So that's the end."

"You think I'm so easily fooled?" Edward said, his voice calm. But he was looking at Kurt with clear eyes now. "You think I didn't know what questions you had? I also didn't believe about your surrender. I knew you were stalling. But—now I'm sure. You aren't—HUMAN anymore, are you Kurt?"

Blaine felt his heart stop and kick up faster again. Shit—this wasn't supposed to happen.

"I thought you seemed a bit different when you came here but now I can truly see it. You've changed. I wonder if it was Lily. No...that can't be it. Or was it you, Quinn? In that case, why stand so far from him...?"

Then Edward's eyes fell on Sebastian. And he started laughing so loudly that the whole cavern rang with his laughter.

"Oh this is beyond funny. You...are a sire now? I should've known. Why else would that good-for-nothing cocksucker turn so brave all of a sudden, so rude...just like you."

Kurt didn't look scared, which was what Blain found was odd. He looked sorry and disappointed. Had Kurt really thought he could make Edward see reason?

"But the funny one is you, Edward," Kurt said over the insane laughter of a mad creature. "You think you have it all planned but its never going to work. Trust me I know—you wouldn't believe how many plans I'd gone through since I came here and none of it worked the way I wanted it to. But you—you are just crazy. You just want to do all of this on some stupid, rotten grudge and you'll loose. One day—you'll loose."

Quinn finally had enough. "THEN LET TODAY BE THAT DAY!"

She lunged toward Edward at once—just as every other Vampire converged upon them—and Mr Fabray met her mid-lunge. The father and the daughter started grappling with each other like sworn enemies. It seemed that was their fate for now.

And Edward stood back, watching. He just laughed.


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