Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 25: Reintroduced Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 25: Reintroduced

T - Words: 11,058 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: Please leave me a review! I'll be waiting...
~ Chapter 25 ~

Burt made the people go about their business. He needed to speak with this 'Starchild' person alone. Finn got the hint and helped clearing away everybody. Joe Hart was reluctant, but after a meaningful glance of Burt, he too, went away.

When only Burt was left, he turned toward the man and asked, "We are alone now. So you can speak freely. Tell me exactly why you are here, and how do you know my son?"

Elliot smiled. "Of course. But how about we settle down? This may take a while."

He sat cross-legged on the damp grass under the trees and smiled at Burt invitingly. The others around them also made a small circle, like in a camp. Hesitant at first, Burt finally decided to do the same.

"Well, as I said, we met Kurt while he was in Modesto," Elliot began. "But it wasn't a friendly meeting, I shall warn you. In fact, we almost tried killing each other..."


*Kurt and Sebastian were in the secluded hillside, looking for water. Kurt could hear the running creek nearby, but Sebastian's senses were sharper. So he followed the lead of his cousin silently, and observed how Sebastian tracked, hunted.

"Its right around that tree," Sebastian whispered in a low voice that could only be heard by Kurt. "But I smell something else too. It's—different than anything I've scented before."

"I know what that could mean," Kurt said and drew his sai swords.

After his training with Blaine, he'd never really gotten a chance to use these blades, what with one after another thing cropping up. Except his days outside of Hilltown have helped him in learning more from Blaine. With April's help, they'd located a weaponry nearby and made friends with some hunters. Kurt easily obtained new sai swords, and he'd taken to carrying them along wherever he went.

Sebastian also nodded and produced a smile knife. His claws and fangs were weapons enough, but in case they ran into humans, holding a knife looked less suspicious somehow.

They'd been traveling after their first week in San Francisco. April informed them about Edward's angry phone call. The ex-Mayor had realized somehow that the clouds had vanished because of the Witch's 'betrayal'. He also threatened that he'd never let Kurt awaken his powers. But he needn't worry, April had told him the truth. Kurt's powers were not awakened...she couldn't do that after trying so hard. Edward then sent trackers after them, and they thought it best to leave and stay on the road for as long as Kurt could train.

Ever since, the possibility of running into Edward's elite guard had been in the front of their minds, always. So it wasn't surprising that they were both on alert, and moved cautiously toward the creek. The running water masked the approach of enemies, as a result Sebastian made up his mind.

"I'll head back a bit," he mumbled, still low so as to only inform Kurt. "You stay here and fill the bottles."

Kurt nodded. It wasn't as if he was worried to get hurt. Blaine had been going through a lot of pain to train him lately, and this was the moment he deiced whether that training was of use or not. Moreover, he trusted Sebastian to cover him from the shadows.

Looking as innocent as he could, with his swords hiding above his sleeves, Kurt knelt down and drank a palm-full of water. He almost smiled at how cool and sweet it was. Then one by one, he started filling their water bottles, all the while on full alert in case somebody came to him.

Which is how, as he looked up and across the creek, he almost screamed in shock. There—a few yards away on the other bank, stood a man, watching him silently. The fact that Kurt had not been able to hear or scent him rattled him so much that Kurt almost blurted out, "W-Who are you?"

The man tilted his head and looked at him curiously. Then— "I am me. But who are you?"

Kurt frowned, getting annoyed. Maybe they'd been getting agitated for no reason. Maybe this was some tree-hugging weirdo who lived in the forest or something. "Well, I am also me."

The man smiled, and tilted his head again, looking up and down at Kurt. There was something really odd about him. Kurt wanted so badly to turn and call Sebastian near. Sebastian will know who this guy was—somehow.

"You smell funny," the man suddenly said, making Kurt go still.

"What did you say?"

"I said you smell funny," the man said and took a few steps closer. He wasn't threatening or anything, but he came inside the water till it was knee high and peered at Kurt, taking long, repeated whiffs through his nose. "You smell like a human but at the same time...Not." Head tilt again. "How's that even possible?"

Kurt swallowed his own saliva. This man—whoever he was—knew about those who were Not-human. There was no mistaking it. Which meant...he could be a friend.

"I'm Kurt. Hummel." Kurt figured if he tried to be honest and friendly, he would be able to ask how the man knew what he was by just taking a whiff.

The man smiled. "I'm Starchild. I live here."

Kurt blinked; weird name. Looking around he was surprised to spot a hut nearby, almost hidden behind the trees over the other side of the creek behind the man. He was also surprised to see that in the hut's window, a woman stood, looking over at them with interest.

"Oh," Kurt said. "I didn't realize we were trespassing on your property. I should leave."

"No need, Kurt Hummel. We were just wondering why you smelt of—monsters."

Kurt didn't know what to do. His heart started thudding dangerously, loud enough for anyone with sharp hearing to hear. So it was another shock when Starchild frowned and took a step back.

"Whoa there, no need to be scared." Starchild held up his hands in a reassuring gesture. "I was merely curious. If you want to keep your secrets, I understand. But I do have one question."

Kurt tried calming himself. So Starchild had been able to hear his heartbeat skyrocket at the distance of thirty or so feet. Well, that sure was interesting.

"I—What question?" Kurt surreptitiously looked behind him. Where was Sebastian?

But instead, Starchild scowled in disapproval. "You looked behind you. Does this mean you aren't alone? You are hunting with a companion?"

Kurt's mind reeled. How on earth was Starchild supposed to know he was anywhere near related to hunters or hunting? Just who the fuck was he? "We are camping nearby. I was here for some water. That's all."

At once, the man called Starchild relaxed. Behind him, the woman left the window with her shoulders visibly sagging in relief.

"That is good. Now for my question...Are you going to hurt us during your stay here?"

Now, Kurt was even more astounded if it was even possible. What ever gave Starchild the idea that he was there to hurt him? Then again, if Starchild knew that he wasn't entirely human, then that meant he knew he could be dangerous if it came to that.

Kurt also held up his hands. "I promise not to hurt you. In fact, we'll stay this side of the brook until the next few days. Then we'll be leaving. Is that acceptable?"

Starchild shook his head. "No, boy. You leave after one night. I can't allow you here any longer than that."

Now Kurt was pissed off. "You own this forest or something?"


The frank reply made Kurt even more disturbed. Of all things, he'd stumbled on a man with, apparently, weird powers to sense supernatural, and who just turned out to be highly territorial. Just great, another highlight of his day.

"I am sorry. But we are tired and we need to rest," Kurt reasoned. "We've traveled here from San Francisco. If you really do own this land, please let us stay here for a few days."

Starchild took a few steps inside the water, his face set in an angry mask. "No means no, Kurt Hummel. You must accept my offer of one night's stay or leave."

Kurt felt his heart sink. Now what? It's not like he could attack a human! And where the hell was his dear cousin? Was he perhaps watching from shadows, snickering behind his hands at how amazing Kurt's negotiations skills were? In that case, Kurt needed to be more credible. For all he knew, this might as well be another test his friends wanted to put him through.

"I see you are being unreasonable," Kurt said quietly. "I wasn't going to even say anything to my friends about you or your house." Then feeling brave and snarky, he smirked openly. "In fact, you have a nice hut there. Maybe, I can being my friends over. Hopefully you'd be hospitable to us and give us warm beds to sleep in. Seriously, sleeping bags are so not my style..."

Kurt smiled up at Starchild. Then froze in terror.

The man was crouched and glaring at Kurt with suddenly bright blue eyes that almost—glowed? A growl rippled through his teeth.

"Sebastian...!" Kurt almost yelled and had a minute under which he took out his swords and got ready for the impact.

Starchild seemed to have charged right in the water and was making his way towards him. Looking back, Kurt thought maybe Starchild was having anger issues and was forced to live in the jungle until he calmed out or something. Provoking him hadn't been so ideal after all.

In the next minute, Sebastian was beside him. "Just when it was going so good..." he commented amusedly.

"I'll deal with you later," Kurt commented right back.

Oh yes he would! How dare his dear cousin laugh at his misfortune...because that's exactly what he'd been doing, come to think of it!

Starchild was out of the water and at them. Sebastian saw it prudent to unleash his fangs and claws as Kurt lunged in with his swords.

Kurt went still mid-attack. Out of thin air, more people seemed to have materialized. They were so many, only fifteen or so, but in his frenzied state, Kurt thought them unending. They all bore same expressions of annoyance and anger as they watched on. They didn't even seem surprised to see Sebastian in all his Vampiric glory. On the contrary, they appeared as though they couldn't care less.

And then Kurt realized the there were no sounds of attack or fighting. Sebastian was in the same way frozen mid-attack, and staring at the man as if he'd seen a ghost.

Starchild, also, was staring at Sebastian like some revelation had presented itself to him. His mouth was open in staggered gape, and his anger had all but vanished.

Sebastian broke the ice first. "Eli....?"

On cue, Starchild un-froze and stood straight, staring at Sebastian with dawning joy. "Se-bastian...?"

Kurt had a moment of relief that, somehow, his cousin knew these people from somewhere. And then—along with all the others—Kurt was struck speechless as Sebastian and Starchild threw themselves at each other.

For one creepy moment, Kurt thought they had attacked each other again, but then the whole scene registered in his brain.

Starchild was wrapped closely inside Sebastian's arms and their mouths were hungrily busy kissing.

"What the—" Kurt huffed, not really understanding how things went from down to, well...downstairs...

The people around them were likewise shocked. They stared at Starchild like he'd lost his damn mind. One of the girls, with bright blue hair, came up front. She was torn between staring at Starchild and Sebastian. Then she scowled thoughtfully, staring only at Sebastian.

"Ohmigod!" she squealed. "It's Sebastian!"

She ran into the stream and wadded to throw herself on Sebastian's back, hugging aggressively. All this while, the passionate make-out session prevailed.

Kurt just stood there, feeling suddenly embarrassed. He NEVER thought he'd see Sebastian so—well, like THAT! Then again, he'd only come to really get along with Sebastian after they escaped Hilltown. Even so, of all things, this was the least expected.

At long last, the kissing stopped and the men separated with a loud smooch. Kurt was shocked to see Starchild's eyes streaming with tears. Even the girl—who was still clinging on Sebastian's back—was tearful. Sebastian's eyes also looked rather red, if he could still cry, he would be doing just that right now.

"I thought—I thought you were banished!" Starchild wailed.

"Eli, I thought I'd never see you again!" Sebastian cried.

"I thought you were never coming back to me!"

"I thought you didn't even survive that attack!"

Kurt was watching back and forth as Sebastian and Starchild (why was Sebastian calling him Eli, earlier?) explained their worries to each other.

Sebastian finally turned to the girl and looked at her with unexpected joy. "Dani! Look at you! You're all grown up!"

They hugged, still crying and Kurt finally felt the need to intervene. This was all TOO MUCH.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat and got their attention at once. "Not to be rude, but who are these guys, and how do you know them, Sebastian?"

Grinning like an idiot—truly happy in a way Kurt had never seen—Sebastian presented Starchild to him. "Kurt, this is my long lost lover, Elliot Gilbert. And this is his sister, Dani."

Kurt really didn't know what else to say. So he ended up spouting nonsense. "So does that mean we can stay with you guys?"*


Burt laughed unexpectedly. Of course, Kurt would say something like that.

"That was that, and we let them stay at our hut," Starchild finished narrating. "After that, we discussed what was the problem here, and offered our help. We then made for Albuquerque to pick up the kids Kurt and Blaine were always worrying about, we made plans and then started for here. So now you know everything!"

Burt nodded. The story was rather strange, there were obvious things that still appeared too vague for his comfort. But all that mattered was that Kurt was coming home soon.

"Thank you, Starchild—or Elliot," Burt said finally.

"Call me Starchild. I'd rather only Sebastian called me by my name." He blushed uncharacteristically. "I'm vain like that."

"Fine, Starchild," Burt chuckled. "I accept your help. And I need to ask where is it that you want to stay? There's room at the Dalton House still, now that folks are starting to ease up and return to their homes."

Starchild bit his lips and said, "Errr...you know what. Kurt was all about how we should stay as his secret squad or something. I guess the best course of action would be for us to stay right here in the forest. We are used to camping and living in these conditions so we'll practically feel at home. You don't have to bother with boarding us or anything like that."

"If you say so," Burt agreed. "Though you should know that this is Old Graveyard and Edward's Vamps are occasionally seen here. I'd be on guard if I were you."

"Leave it to us, Burt. And go away, shoo! You need to be there when Kurt comes back home!"

"And when is that, exactly?"

Starchild raised an eyebrow elegantly. "He's with the Vampires. When do you think is that gonna be, huh?"

Burt shook his head. "I'm going senile."

"Nope. You are an absolutely attractive older guy, take it from me," Starchild said with a grin.

Burt shook his head again. His reign as the new Mayor sure was full of shocks and surprises, if he said so himself. "See ya, Starchild. Rest up."

Starchild mock-saluted him. As Burt turned to leave, he didn't see the almost painful, sad expression on Starchild's face.


"I want to eat something!" Clay whined.

"You will once we are at the Tavern," Sebastian muttered shortly.

"I want to eat NOW!"

Kurt laughed in the front at something Blaine said. Sebastian made sure to throw an angry glare at the boy. He even flashed his blackened eyes, to no avail.

Ever since they'd traveled to Albuquerque with Starchild and his pack of weirdoes, these kids had one way or another, found out that these people were not human. And instead of being sacred, they thought it was the best thing ever! Yippee!

It pissed Sebastian off. He was very happy knowing that he scared these kids, thank you very much. He hated that they were being (evilly) cute in return and trying hard to get on his nerves. His nerves, that were already suffering because Eli wasn't here!

Sebastian muttered under his breath mutinously. The kid was still glaring at him. He sighed, well, no other way is it? "Fine, I'll ask Kurt if those sandwiches are left or not."

Clay gave a winning smile and went back to his brothers. Out of thirteen, only five kids had agreed to come with them. The others—after much persuasion on Brittany and Blaine's part—had agreed to go to the orphanages and adaptation houses. It hadn't been pretty. Though, Sebastian was glad they only had to handle five of these monsters. Any more, and he'd go berserk.

Kurt was reading aloud from a little joke book he'd gotten back on the road somewhere to Blaine, who laughed accordingly at the appropriate times.

"Listen to this," Kurt said happily. "Once there was an ugly girl in need of marriage. There was also a boy with eyes that didn't work much. Their families met up and the decision was made. Boy didn't know the girl was ugly, the girl didn't care as long as she was wedded. Now, that's what you call a marriage of convenience."

Blaine chuckled. Then noticed a silently fuming Sebastian standing there, glaring at the innocent joke book for some reason. "Hey, Seb, what's up? Did something happen back there? You look pissed."

Sebastian spat, "Clay wants food."

Kurt laughed shortly. "Here this is an extra lunchbox I took with me, just in case. Aren't I a lifesaver, huh?"

Sebastian's only reply was a growl.

Blaine laughed aloud. "Don't tease him, Kurt. He's missing his Starbaby!"

On cue, Sebastian spluttered. It was weird seeing a Vampire spluttering in embarrassment—even more so if he happed to be Sebastian-freaking-Smyth! Kurt chuckled, watching Sebastian retreat as fast as possible in the cramped RV.

"I'm glad he found Starchild," Kurt said softly to Blaine. "He was so lonely."

Blaine nodded. "Yeah, it's good for him. Maybe, he'd be able to get that stick out of his ass." Then we a suggestive smirk, Blaine added, "And replace it with something better."

Kurt spluttered too and looked away. "Jeez, Blaine we have kids with us!"

"Who don't have super hearing..." Blaine pointed out. ("But I do!" Sebastian growled at them from the depths of RV.) "And I'm sure they wouldn't even know what exactly we are referring to."

"Blaine, shut up and drive!"

Blaine's face split into a manic grin and he burst out in a rendition of 'shut up and drive' by Rihanna, much to Kurt's chagrin.

Looking back at Sebastian, who was busy feeding Clay a sandwich properly, Kurt smiled. These past days have really been life-changing, and no jokes.


*They booked hotel rooms this time around. A roadside settlement did a roaring business as more than twenty guests walked in and asked for rooms and food.

It's been 3 days since they met up with Starchild, Dani and the group. And it already felt as if they were closer than brothers. Kurt especially was happy to realize that Starchild turned out as good a teacher as Blaine. Where Blaine was strong with weapons, Elliot taught Kurt about fist-fighting, camouflage and locating things by reading stars; it opened a whole new world of possibilities. To say that Kurt got stronger still wasn't off mark. He only wondered if it were of any use. He'd lost control twice now. Once when his house was attacked, and the second time at April's. What if he went out of control again during these training sessions? What if he hurt his friends, and most of all, Blaine? Now more than ever, he was certain how fragile his control was.

After dinner, they'd taken rooms in pairs of four. Kurt, Blaine, Elliot and Sebastian got in one room. April, Santana, Brittany and Dani in one, the others equally distributed to their liking as well.

It was the middle of the night when Sebastian heard movements. Starchild had gotten up and was staring at the window. Something was bugging him, Sebastian could tell, even in the darkness.

"Hey, what is it?" He held Starchild's arm in his, yanking him back on bed.

Starchild looked at him. "I sense somebody close by. Its not one of us."

Instantly, Blaine and Kurt were awake. Sebastian looked at them and realized they'd come to the same conclusion.

"Edward's trackers!"

Barely a minute passed as they got dressed that their door burst open. In it stood a wildly grinning Jessie St. James Jr.

Kurt went rigid. No, this was not OK.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was to track you?" Jessie said matter of fact. "Across states, if I might add. And only under the cover of night too! Well, let's get it done with, huh?"

And after him charged in dozen of Edward's personal guard. For a moment, nothing registered.

And then Blaine was next to him, his sword drawn and a rifle in the other hand. Sebastian was fully transformed and took the first of the guard out with a speed of striking cobra. Starchild was standing still in a corner, observing—his eyes glinting in the dark, angry beyond belief.

Then it snapped back—his control. Kurt fumbled under his pillow and drew his swords, and with Blaine at his side, he attacked too.

"Star!" Kurt yelled. "Take Jessie!"

Belatedly he realized that Starchild had no idea who Jessie was. But seeing as he made for Jessie at once, he guessed Starchild understood fine who he meant.

The wild battle raged on, and when after six dead guards and insane racket of dying shrieks, nobody came up to them—Kurt realized that there were more guards fighting others somewhere too. He could almost hear the thuds and crashes in the room across the hallway, where the girls were.

Jessie screamed in the night. Starchild's hand was buried in his gut. With a yell of fury, Starchild wrenched his hand out, spilling Jessie's cold innards on the floor.

Kurt looked away and charged for the Vampire who was taking advantage of Blaine's lack of attention to attack from behind. Skewering him in the heart with his sword, Kurt toppled off his head with a slash of his other sword. He winced at the shriek.

How many were they?

In the small room with two beds, it was hard to stay organized. Even as they fought, their back brushed other enemies and it was hard enough to maintain the order in which to kill.

It wasn't until Dani and April charged inside with bloody weapons that Kurt relaxed. It was fine. They were fine and Jessie was dead.

They escaped that hotel in the next twenty minutes. The hotel owners stared at them with fearful eyes, shaking in their boots. The again, anyone would if they saw the bloody spectacle they made. Thankfully, April and Brittany used spells to erase most of the human's memories. They would only remember an extremely violet gang showdown.

They came next in a small clearing they found outside a suburb. Nobody would disturb them until morning traffic. It was more than enough time to clean up and make new plans.

"That was—interesting," Starchild said as they washed up in a small pond.

Blaine blinked at him. "Interesting? Well, glad to know you will enjoy life at Hilltown, then. It'll be VERY interesting."

"On daily basis," Santana added.

Kurt caught Sebastian's eye and they burst out laughing. Starchild' face was priceless and Kurt was giddy in knowing that they'd survived. He threw his arms around Blaine and kissed him.

"Relax," he murmured, eyes shining in amusement. "He's a weird one, remember?"

Blaine speared another staggered glance to Starchild, and them shook his head in amazement. "Kurt, I swear if they came again, I'll—DAMN, just as I was getting used to all the peace and quiet!"

Kurt laughed and kissed Blaine again. This time, Blaine melted in his embrace and kissed back.

A few feet behind Sebastian and Starchild were busy in the same fashion.

"Cut it out," April gagged. "Its hard enough to ignore what you guys THINK all the time. Now I have to SEE you?"

They humored her, and helped others with cleaning up. In the end, the made camp right there and caught up on some sleep before sun rose in a few hours.*


"Here we are!" Blaine says and parks the RV near the Hilltown road. "Man, it looks awesome!"

I see where he is. And yes, it really did. The new road to Hilltown is blackened charcoal colored, with a few dirty tire tracks marring its newness. The new signpost was metal yellow with bold letterings announcing Hilltown's existence.

—Population 2,000—

"It's certainly inviting!" a voice says from the car in front of us, I recognize it as Santana's. Somehow, she didn't sound too happy about it.

Then again, she is used to remain under shadows, now that Hilltown was exposed, more humans will come and it didn't bode well for the Vampire population. I know I should feel the same reservations—but I don't. I had a lifetime of experience staying with population, being hidden always rattled me. The only reason I'd survived Hilltown is because I managed to have a family and friends—and Blaine.

"Three hours till sundown," Blaine says after checking the clock. "Maybe we should send the kids ahead with April? Saves time and they look tired."

Sebastian grunted. "We could. But I am not yet ready to believe my father's backed down. We've encountered his spies three times on the road already. I'm not keen on sending these kids to danger."

Blaine chewed his lips. "I suppose you are right. Three times is enough already."

And as I expected, his eyes are filled with guilt as they skimmed over me. A blush of mortification appears on his cheeks and he looks away. I sigh; how long was he going to blame himself? I was just as guilty as he was. Just how long would it take me to assure him that I was fine—adjusting.

Looking at his face, I realized it'd take too long.

I feel Sebastian's eyes on me and I meet his sympathetic gaze. He understood it better than anyone. In light of his story regarding Starchild, and in the light of the actions he had taken with regards to me. He was easily the best person who understood what Blaine was going through, and how long it can take for the regret and guilt to wash away.

"I guess I should stay with the kids then," I say and retreat into the depth of the RV. I'm hoping that Sebastian will talk Blaine out of his guilt somehow.


*A scream woke them up. Kurt—entangled in Blaine's arms as he was—almost stumbled out of the sleeping bag. Blaine's hand was already on his sword. He couldn't see well in the dark, but Kurt knew at once what had caused the noise.

"They've caught up with us!" Kurt yelled for the benefit of others.

Turned out, they already knew. As their camp scrambled for weapons, the rest of Jessie's crew was on them. Kurt regretted having to camp so close. Of course, they were found! Of course, it was a bad idea. And now—looking up at the sky—it was almost sunup. A time when sun rose through its hiding place and showed its face to the world. A time when Vampires died.

"We should find shelter!" Santana yelled, thinking along the same lines as Kurt, even as she charged for the guard.

Sebastian was already moving ahead in the trees, and located an outhouse in a backyard of a house in the suburb. It wasn't much. But it was enough.

"This way!" he yelled. "Inside, NOW!"

Kurt grabbed Blaine and Dani's hand as he ran out of the tree covers. Sebastian was holding the door open, but as they reached him, he gave the command to Blaine.

"Stay here and make sure they all get inside! I'm going for them."

Blaine tried to protest that within minutes sun will be up and he would be in danger—but Sebastian was already speeding away.

"That fucktard!" Blaine cussed. "Get in, Kurt. Board up any crevice or windows you find!"

Kurt wanted to stay and watch who came back. But he reasoned Blaine's worries were valid. So with Dani's help, he found stashes of old newspapers that he used to stuff into holes between the wooden boards. The window was already boarded up, but cracks between the boards were too large.

"Here!" Dani said, finding old mops. "We can use these."

They got to work.*


*Outside, Sebastian took Brittany's hand and ran her through the trees. She had gotten injured. Her attention was on a spell she tried to evoke, but a Vampire got her in the back. Santana was busy fighting with three guards at once—Starchild had her back, his hands swinging with punches and legs flying with kicks. Sebastian's gaze lingered on Starchild's graceful fighting for an instant, but he rushed to Santana's side and herded her away. Distractedly, he checked the time. Two minutes.

"Faster!" he yelled and Santana obliged.

Luckily, Elliot could stay in the sun. Sebastian looked at him...conveying his feelings.

"Go ahead!" Starchild said.

Blaine was waiting with the door open, he threw a hand forward and yanked Santana inside. Sebastian was in next—and Blaine shut the door close.

But it faced the east. And there were still holes in the door.

"Uh, Kurt...a little help here!"

Dani and Kurt came rushing forward and with few jerky movements, they blocked the holes. In the darkness now the Vampires were panting. Not because they were tired, but because they'd have to out run the sunlight. A task impossible in itself.

"Everyone OK?" Kurt asked.

"Y-Yeah," Brittany's voice sounded from somewhere. "My back's healing already. So no worries. What about the others?"

"Eli's friends can stay in the sunlight," Sebastian provided. "I asked him to keep the guards busy. The minute the sun—"

A cacophony of shrieks rose from the outside. The sun was finally up. And by the sounds of it, they were dying.

The music of death continued for the next whole minute. Kurt was surprised the humans in nearby house weren't out investigating the hellish cries. Just as he thought this—the door of the backyard opened and an old man came out, bearing a gun.

"Who's there?!" he yelled, cocking the gun barrel readily.

Kurt was glad that Starchild was staying within the trees. They waited silently for something to happen.

"What is it, Grandpa?" a boy came out after the man. "Was it some kind of animal?"

"Maybe it was," the man said, now sounding pacified. "But looks like it's gone back to the trees. Let's go inside. We'll call the animal control later."

They waited till the door closed. The man could still be keeping watch through the windows. So they hoped that Starchild will not come out before waiting a while. True to their hopes, Starchild didn't come after at least thirty minuets were passed. However as he couldn't get inside the outhouse yet, lest he endangered the Vampires, he spoke through the door.

"It's me, Starchild. We are staying at the camp. But I've sent Harry and Cole to bring us our rides back. It may take a while."

Blaine hummed thoughtfully. "Take all you want. We can't let them out before sunset as it is. But first things first, bring back the RV from the hotel parking lot. It's important to get the Vamps safe"

"I'll do that," Starchild said and disappeared.

Kurt found himself a place beside Sebastian and Brittany. He was also feeling a slight pricking in his skin due to the sun rise. He always had, what with his skin condition. But somehow, this felt more. It could have been the result of his transformation after Dave's bite. Although, thinking back, he remembered he wasn't affected much on the drive to San Francisco. Maybe, it had something to do with the exterminations he faced at April's hand.

Nevertheless he knew it was worst for the full Vampires. "Does it hurt much?" he asked aloud.

"Feels like inferno," Santana said bitterly. "Have you ever brunt your skin, Kurt?"

"Yes. I grabbed a hot pan once."

"Imagine feeling the same pain all over your skin—on your entire body at once."

Kurt exhaled. "That's too painful."

"It is," Sebastian agreed quietly. "And I hope to god you never have to find out this kind of pain."

Kurt went silent. Brittany found his hand in the dark. Kurt squeezed back, feeling his eyes prick.

"I'm sorry, Kurt," Brittany mumbled. "I'm sorry I wasn't right."

Kurt remembered back on the five days with April. Five days trying to get the potions to work, trying to get his powers running. And failures—one after another failure. He'd known somehow that option three wouldn't work. Someone else would have though of it—if it ever did. He knew it was a long shot.

More and more, he came down to two options. Either he turned, or he fed Edward his own blood. And as Sebastian just said, Turning wasn't something he—and his friends—wanted to do.

"It's fine," he said at last. "We tired. That's got to count for something. And moreover, we are going to Hilltown with April because she thinks that underground old library will have some answers. We shouldn't give up hope entirely. Not yet."

Kurt felt Blaine coming closer, and Sebastian scooting away to make room. Kurt let himself be hugged by Blaine, as his boyfriend pressed soft kisses to his hair. He knew whatever he decided in the end, his friends stood by him. And that was more than anything he'd ever hoped for.

It all came down to whether or not April could find something in Hilltown's Library. But seeing as how Brittany knew that library well enough, it was still a high speculation. And then again, they had another trump card; another person they could surely rely on. Lily.*


"Sundown!" Sebastian announces, throwing off the heavy coverings.

"Let's get going then," I agree. Clay and Evan were both curled to my side, sleeping like the small kids they were. "But let's be quiet."

Blaine starts the RV and drives into the Hilltown's road, and a few yards in, he stops again at the newly erected check post.

"Felix!" Blaine grins, rolling down his window. "The road looks great, man!"

Felix Bosky peers up and then smiles. "Good to see you, Anderson. Wait till you go further in. Kurt here with you?"

"Here," I say waving through the window.

"That's good to see. Half of the town still suspects you're dead. This'd put their beards in a twist, just you wait!" Waving his hand forward, he says, "Let her in! Drive straight down to Tavern. Mayor Burt's set up a fine party for you."

Blaine salutes. "Aye."

Clay wakes up promptly and inquires. "Party? We are having a party?"

I giggled. If I knew any better, I'd say Clay was a food-destroying monster. He never stopped or refused any kind of food as long as it was there. "Yes, my father has prepared a fine welcome. Or so I heard."


At his enthusiasm, Evan, Zack, Tom and Julie also wake up. I smile at them and make my way to the front. Sebastian is sitting with Blaine now, and I can tell they had a talk while I dozed with the kids.

Blaine looks up at me and smiles shyly. "Hey, love. How are you?"

"Rested," I comment. "You?"

He smiles again. "Good now. Sorry about before." When he sees the look on my face, he shakes his head at once. "Er—no, I mean, not sorry. I just, um, it won't happen again. That."

I lean down and kiss his cheek. "I know. Let's just try and face what comes next, huh? I assume we'll have a lot to explain to my Dad. A LOT."

And I detect the familiar looks of panic on Sebastian and Blaine's face. Yes, this would be a difficult homecoming. I just hope Starchild hadn't ruined—and this is the most sarcastic way I refer to it as—our 'surprise.'


*Clay and Evan threw themselves at Brittany and Blaine the minute they came to the warehouse. Kurt, for his part, was happy to know the Vampires hadn't tracked them here. After another day of traveling, they'd found this place again.

"Kids?" Starchild whined. "Don't get me wrong. I love kids. But, so many?"

"I have to agree with Sebastard's bitch here," Santana added. "We can't take them all with us. In fact, we shouldn't take them with us. Period."

"Its not like I can let them alone," Kurt said. "Not with that beacon attracting the entire Vampire guard here." And he pointed to the BMW that still stood, gathering dust, in the confines of the warehouse.

"Oh what-ever, Lady Hummel," Santana grumbled. "But don't come crying to me when these kids are yelling at us after they find out exactly what we are."

Kurt looked torn. True, he wanted to save these kids. He was certain that they will be safe in the Dalton House. But, could he really do this? And what if Santana was right? How would they trust him and his friends after they found out the truth?

"Let's just sleep on it," Blaine said, watching Kurt's expression. "We all need rest. And plans before we go back home. This place is shaded and vast, we can train here easily."

There was silence for a while. Then...

"Fine," Santana said. "Let's rest first. Worry later."*


*They stayed with the kids for the next week. And contrary to Santana's worries, the kids picked up on their weirdness quickly. And after they attacked Sebastian into fessing up—they thought it was pretty cool that they were 'good' Vampires.

Kurt found himself busier than ever. Blaine was a relentless teacher—they came to breaking up several times. But in the end, Kurt realized that Blaine was hard on him in order to train him better. So he endured and was secretly happy that he was getting better and better.

On the third day of their stay, Starchild invited Kurt for a fight. At first it was mainly an exchanging of blows. But then, Kurt started getting flustered and competitive. Soon enough, they had an audience. Blaine, kids, everyone, was gathered around them, making a circle as they fought.

"Kurt avoid his nails!" Blaine kept throwing helpful tips his way. Kurt remembered to thank him later. "And don't let him crowd you. Take wider swings!"

Kurt found that Starchild was crowding him on purpose, so he pushed back, running his elbow in Starchild's stomach, making him grunt in pain. And he gained more fighting ground, making Starchild re-think his strategy.

Kurt was also glad that—even though he could side with Starchild—Sebastian was cheering for him. "Kurt don't let him get you in headlock. That's dangerous!" he also shouted helpfully.

"They are so fast!" Julie said in awe, her thin voice stuttering.

"They're so awesome!" Evan decided. "But Kurt is the best!"

Kurt grinned. He wasn't much for fighting and winning. He preferred surviving. But with this playful match turning fierce, he was feeling exceptionally delighted to be winning. He'd seen Starchild fight before, and knew what insane strength he had. To be winning against him like this, it was definitely getting to his head.

At once, he detected an opening. Kurt kicked out, connecting Starchild's flank. Starchild fell and grunted in pain. But he didn't get up.

"Lady Hummel wins," Santana announced at last.

Kurt stood heaving and looked up as everyone cheered him. Did he just—win against Starchild? Tall, muscled, lethal Starchild?

And then Blaine was pulling him close, kissing him senseless. "You were magnificent," he whispered in Kurt's ear. "Goddamn hot and sexy."

Kurt laughed, kissing Blaine again, and again, till April pulled them apart, grumbling about "keep it in your pants" and "poor kids were watching."

That night, Blaine and Kurt were curled in the cot in the RV under the warehouse. They exchanged soft kisses and touched each other under their shirts. Almost at the edge of a brink.

Kurt felt so happy. Not only had he defeated Starchild, he also had somehow kept himself under control. This fight wasn't anything like the fight when his house burned down. It was testament that he was getting stronger at his control. Testament that he could...possibly do more.

Thinking on it, he realized that ever since at Dalton House, he'd never taken Blaine's blood.

"Blaine," he said between kisses. "There's something I want to try."

"Yeah, like what?"

Silently, Kurt traced his fingers on the patch of Blaine's exposed neck, right where he'd bitten him first. Blaine shuddered above him, understanding at once what Kurt meant.

"Go ahead. Please."

The look in Blaine's darkened eyes, the trust that Kurt saw in his smile, almost made him choke with happiness. But Blaine's blood wasn't all that he wanted.

"Blaine, I was," Kurt gulped. It was so much harder to say it because Blaine was kissing his neck. "Not just that. I also, think that—I'm ready."

"What do you mean, love? Ready for what?"

Kurt blushed furiously. "You know—for more."

It took Blaine a whole minute to realize what Kurt meant. "Oh." His eyes went wide, eyebrows shooting up in the hairline.

Kurt nodded in confirmation.

"K-Kurt," Blaine's voice was suddenly hoarse, belying the fact how much he also wanted it. "As much as I'd love to do it right now. We have a large amount of audience. In case you forgot."

"I know. But I promise, we'd be oh so quiet."

Blaine smiled shyly. "Even so. I think they'd smell it...us, I mean..."

Kurt smiled dazedly. "I know that too, Blaine."

"And Santana would never let us live it down. She'd tease us for as long as we lived. Just so you know."

Kurt raised his eyebrow. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to talk me out of this."

Blaine's mouth dropped open. And he fought back laughter. "Oh, no. I am not. I'm just telling you the consequences if we got caught or—"

"Blaine Anderson shut up and make love to me!" Kurt hissed, shutting up Blaine by pulling him in for a deep, hard kiss.

And Blaine did just that.*


*The next morning, true to Blaine's prediction, everyone looked at them funny.

Santana grinned evilly and said, "Good morning, Fuckers. I got something in my bag for the soreness, just so you know."

Kurt tried hard to fight down his blush. TRIED, being the functional word. Blaine was looking purposely at the floor as he ate his breakfast, but everyone could see the dopey, ecstatic smile on his face that somehow never left even after hours.

"Santana Auntie said a bad word," Evan said in a hushed voice to Sebastian. "I thought we wasn't supposed to say the F-word in front of kids."

Sebastian was also tying hard not to laugh. "Well, looks like Santana Auntie doesn't know her manners."

Evan was flabbergasted. "I'll teach her. Later."

"Good boy."

If Kurt hoped that it deterred her he was oh so wrong. For the rest of the day, Santana slipped in innuendoes and hints between regular conversations, which reminded everyone of what happened, which made Kurt even more embarrassed than he already felt. He was a hero till yesterday. Now, he was the talk of the town...literally. Maybe he should've taken Blaine's warnings seriously.

But thinking of Blaine brought back memories of their 'deeds' last night and he blushed harder. Well, warnings aside, it had felt absolutely amazing, being connected to Blaine that way. And Kurt would do it all over again in a winkling. In fact, as he caught Blaine's admiring gaze across the warehouse, he shuddered with unrestrained desire—nope, he'd do it again this very night if he got a chance.

"Is this how it feels?" Kurt inquired from Sebastian who sat close by, sharpening their swords and knives.

He looked up with a smirk. "With normal sex partners? No. With your chosen ones, or soul mates? Absolutely."

"Does it feel the same with Starchild?" Kurt couldn't help but ask.

He was rewarded with a true smile from Sebastian, a rare sight indeed. "I think you have an idea now. It feels wonderful."

"Yeah, it does," Kurt said dazedly. "I totally understand why people get er, sex addictions. If it feels like it did, I'd get it too."

"Oh you will," Sebastian said as a matter of fact, ignoring Kurt's shocked face. "As half-Vampire, you will feel addiction to Blaine's intimacy. It's how it works for soul mates. I thought I already explained that."

"Yeah. But that was before I knew how damned great it felt!"

Before Sebastian could come up with his own retort, Dani stood up suddenly, looking at the closed warehouse door. The Vampires also went still, high on alert. Something was headed this way.

"They are here," Brittany confirmed.

Sebastian tossed the knives and swords to their owners as everyone got ready. But Kurt was rotted on spot.

"No," he whispered. "The kids..."

Only then did everyone else realize the danger the kids were in.

"I'll take them," Kurt said, snapping out of his horror. "Clay, grab your brothers and sister! We need to hide. NOW!"

The kids responded at once, running toward the RV. Kurt also wanted to go to the RV because he'd left his sai swords there. If they were going to fight, he needed his swords nearby.

"Clay stay in here, stay down," Kurt instructed as he fumbled for his swords. "Bad Vampires are coming. So you all need to stay quiet. We will take them out."

As he tried to leave, Evan grabbed Kurt's arm. "Please. Be safe, big brother Kurt."

Kurt's eyes filled with tears. "I will. Promise."*


*What Kurt expected was more Vampire guards, more fighting. What he hadn't expected was the sight the greeted him when he got outside.

In the warehouse doorway stood three Vampires. Two were the guards he recognized from the battle at the back of the suburbs. And in the middle was Jessie St. James Jr. He looked like hell, still bloodied and battered. His stomach was nothing but a hole, lightly patched with scabs. Kurt vividly remembered how Starchild had run his whole hand through it.

At once, his eyes zeroed in on Kurt. An evil smile lit up his face.

"I was to take you to Edward...alive." Jessie spat, voice wheezing as if in pain. "But all he needs is your blood. I suppose, I can work that in the equation easily."

Saying that, he yelled, clenching his fists and closing his eyes. He didn't attack, or moved, but gnashed his jaw—like he was concentrating on something.

"No," Santana said, backing away. "Find cover. Everyone—NOW!"

The next minute, a harsh burst of power was released from Jessie's body itself. Everything went cold, fast. Blink, and Kurt realized he was out in the open.

From Jessie's hands, shards of ice projectiles were being shot, icicles so sharp and thin they'd pierced even iron. Now he knew what Santana meant about taking cover. But too late.

An icicle flew and buried itself in Kurt's shoulder, making him yell. He dropped one of his sword and fell on his knee. The pain, it was unbearable. The icicle had pierced through his shoulder, jutting out from his back. The cold ice only made it worst.

"KURT!" Blaine yelled somewhere.

But he couldn't listen. He was in pain. And in the open. Above him, Jessie's icicles flew unhindered.

Then a shape flew out of the confines and charged at Kurt. It was Harry, one of Starchild's friends. Harry was stabbed at once, several times, but he hovered over Kurt. Protecting him.

"Kurt you have to move," Harry gasped. "I can't hold it much longer."

Kurt found the last of his willpower, realized how hard it must be for Harry to get pierced so many times, he started crawling toward where Blaine was. Harry moved with him, still sheltering him. Still getting pierced by the icicles.

Kurt's eyes welled up. No, why was Harry dying for his sake? What happened to the boy who'd defeated Starchild yesterday? Where was his strength now?

But then he was finally near enough for Blaine to pull him to safety. Kurt looked back with tears streaming from his eyes. Harry fell the minute Kurt was safe. His back was a display of embedded icicles, like a weird ice porcupine.

"No," Kurt moaned in pain.

Why? Why was Harry dead? Why for him? First Mr Jones, and now Harry? And not to mention the countless people who were in the battle—while he ran away!

And why was Jessie being this way? Didn't Starchild kill him? Why was he alive? If anyone deserved death, it was Jessie.

Anger bubbled up within Kurt, the likes of which he'd never felt before. Sitting up straight, he yanked out the icicle from his shoulder. His blood gushed out in rivulets. Taking his remaining sword, he bathed it in his blood till the blade gleamed red.

Jessie St. James will pay for this. He will pay for taking away Harry, a person Kurt hasn't even gotten to know well yet. Taking a lid of trashcan nearby, Kurt used it as his shield.

"Kurt?" Blaine realized Kurt was moving. "What are you—where are you going?!"

But Kurt had already charged into the deluge of icicles. Blaine's heart almost stopped as Kurt disappeared, wielding the lid as cover.

Blaine didn't know what else to do but scream for help. And he only thought of one person.


Across the warehouse, under the piled wooden logs where Sebastian hid, he heard this plea. Peeking over the logs, Sebastian felt his world tilt as he saw Kurt making his way toward Jessie. Alone. Under the shower of icicles.

Without thinking, Sebastian dashed behind him, and grabbed the nearest thing he had. Santana's BMW. Using all his strength, he lifted the car up—aimed for Jessie. And threw.

It hit home. Jessie screamed as he fell, his concentration breaking as the icicle rain stopped. At once, everybody charged out of their hiding places and made for the Vampire guards who were trying to revive Jessie again.

"NO, YOU DON'T!!" Kurt yelled and threw himself at the first guard.

Blaine wasn't far behind him. He reached for his help in the blink of an eye. But something inside Kurt was different. His eyes were feral, wild. Cruel, even.

Kurt pushed Blaine away. "NO! He's mine to kill!"

Blaine stumbled on the icy floor. "Kurt...?"

However Kurt, gone crazed with anger as he was, didn't stop and attacked the Vampire again. But even Blaine could see Kurt was weak. Slow. And the Vampire was too fast.

This was the time for ignoring Kurt's orders and doing what was needed. Blaine hurried forward and punched Kurt on the head—once, decidedly. Kurt swooned and fell in heap. Before the Vampire could attack him, Blaine swung his sword once and beheaded the monster.

"I'm sorry, Kurt," Blaine said as he kneeled before his boyfriend. "I had to."

Dazed, Kurt looked at Blaine in anger. Then tears came. "He killed Harry..."

Blaine fought against is own tears. "I know, love. I know. But you are hurt. Let me—let me help you."

Kurt held out his hand. "Fine. Just let me up."

Blaine did as he was asked. He looked over his shoulder. The second Vampire guard was brutal. He also seemed to have some sort of power. But Blaine couldn't do anything. He needed to get Kurt to safety, needed to patch Kurt up as fast as he could.*


*Starchild cursed. "DIE ALREADY!"

But of course, this Vampire was too stubborn, just standing there, doing nothing.

As soon as Sebastian stopped Jessie's attack, they had charged for Vampire no. 2. Kurt was already taking care of the other one. But before they could do anything, they were met by an invisible force—a barrier of sorts.

Behind the barrier, Vampire no. 2 and Jessie were safe. Jessie was stirring underneath the BMW heaped on top of him. Soon enough, he'll get up and attack again.

"Why isn't that son of a bitch dead?" Starchild cursed in the air.

Sebastian replied, "His body has high regenerative quality, ten percent more than an average Vampire. And his skills with Ice are legendary. He only uses it when needed most. And if he attacked again...we will die."

Starchild loved Sebastian. He really did. But right now he wanted to kill him for explaining about Jessie's powers in such an impressed voice. So what if his skills were cool? That fucker needed to die. End of story.

Right now they were all busy in battering against the invisible forcefield. April and Brittany were starting to create a spell to break the resistance. They were murmuring under their breaths, with their hands on the forcefield. So far, nothing happened.

"You are dead!" Santana muttered, her nostril almost smoking like an angry bull .she fell on her knees and touched the earth right where the forcefield was. "Everyone, brace yourselves!"

That was all the warning they had.

"Yaah!" Santana punched the ground, and a ripple wave of earthquake besieged the warehouse.

Everyone fell, trying to stay balanced. Even the Vampire. His f forcefield. wavered, then shattered, too late for him to get it up again. Santana stopped touching the ground, and the world became normal again. But the deed was already done.

"Perfect. And by the way, I'll Fucking Kill You!" Starchild said, angry at Harry's death as he lunged at the Vampire.

But the Vampire started blocking their attacks by throwing up small forcefields—resisting barriers that stopped their attacks just inches away from his skin.

Sebastian gave a frustrated yell and did something crazy. Something wonderful. Something that made Starchild hot and sweaty. Sebastian used his mind force to knock the Vampire unconscious. But as it always did, this took toll on him and he fell on his knees. "Damn, I hate using this one," he murmured, kneading his forehead.

Dani and Santana did the honors by beheading the freak.

Starchild went straight to the BMW. He needed to finish what he didn't last time. With a kick, he flew the BMW across the warehouse. But Jessie wasn't underneath it.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" he yelled and looked back at the RV, where Blaine had taken Kurt a few minutes ago.*


"DAD!" I say and run to hug him.

"Kurt," Dad says warmly and hugs back

"Where are Finn and Carole?"

"Kurt!" Carole was right there. She looks healthy and all healed. I hug her close, kissing her cheek. "I'm so glad you are OK!"

"Kurt guess what? I proposed Rachel and she said Yes!" Finn explains, grinning broadly and I take him in my arms, he's so big.

"That's awesome, Finn! I'm so happy for you. I wish I saw that."

Finn shrugged shyly. "Yeah, me too."

Blaine is at the other table, meeting his brothers and Andy. Everyone looks happy to see me. And they all look more confident somehow—strong. Then again, I had yet to know exactly what happed at the battle. Something like this was sure to make them strong.

Just as it made me strong.

"Dad, these are the newest members of Hilltown family," I say as I spot Clay and the others. "Clay, Evan, Julie, Zack and Tom. I was wondering if they could stay at Dalton?"

Dad chuckled gruffly. "Sure. But is it wise?"

Quietly, I say, "They know about Vampires Dad. It was not something we could hide."

Dad's eyebrows twitched. "That Starchild person told me a bit about the troubles you faced on the road. After the party is over, I'll call a meeting and I expect you to tell me everything."

"As I expect you to tell me everything, too."

Dad hugs me again. "Sure thing, son. Let's eat now!"


After the party, when the kids go to sleep, we make our way up to the Dalton House.

As promised, Dad calls in a meeting. And within a few minutes, we gather at the Dalton Library—temporary Mayor's office—and I hear the details about Edward's attack.

Blaine sits beside me and takes my hand in his, squeezing gently as we hear the gruesome details of the attack. More than 30 people dead...even more injured. Quinn and Nick's incidents and all things that transpired afterwards.

I am impressed at how fast Dad acted and took control. Then again, being a leader was in his blood. I still remember his story about Grandfather and his candidacy as Mayor.

"Now you know everything, son" Dad says at last. "It's your turn now. But first things first. Sebastian here told me that you were working on your talents. So, are you now able to use your powers?"

I look at Blaine, then Sebastian. "More or less. But—yes, I can use my power now."

Dad's face splits into a smile. "That's a relief. It makes our fight against Edward all the more easier."

"But before we begin, Starchild needs to be here. He is my ally and I want him to feel that we trust him," I explain. I cloud already feel Starchild's party climbing the hill. "I mean, I trust him. But I want you all to trust him too."

There were murmurs of protest, but then Finn stands up. "If Kurt trusts the man, I do too."

Slowly, everybody agrees. And we wait till Starchild is also with us, along with his friends.

"And now, for my story..." I begin, and tell them everything.


*Blaine gently laid Kurt in the cot of RV. Clay and Zack came out of the hiding spot and looked at Kurt with shocked faces.

"What happened to him?" Zack asked. "What was that noise? Like hailstorm just now?'

"Hush, Zack. Go back to hide," Blaine murmured, getting out the first-aid kit. "Hide now. We shouldn't attract any attention to us."

Clay looked like he'd refuse, but looking at Kurt's bloody shirt, he grimaced. "OK, Blaine. Just—make sure Kurt's OK."

"I will."

Blaine took Kurt's shirt and sliced it in half, using his sword. Kurt chuckled, wincing in pain.

"What?" asked Blaine, trying to find bandages.

"Just—we were doing something—VERY different on this cot just last night," Kurt murmured, smiling softly. "And now—I feel like I'm dying."

Blaine chuckled darkly. "No, you aren't. Not if I have anything to do about that. Stay still."

Kurt hissed sharply as the tincture touched his wounds, but stayed put while Blaine worked on his wound. After the first layer of blood came off, Blaine smiled.

"Hey it's closing up on it's own."

"Good thing I'm a half-Vampire, then."

Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurt's forehead. "Yeah, good thing. But you are done for. There's no way I'm letting you fight, or move for at least a few days."

Kurt pouted. "Does this mean we can't have sex again?"

Blaine blinked in shock. Then chuckled shortly. Kurt making jokes in this condition was definitely a good sign. "Yeah, no sex. The horror!"

Blaine dabbed the wet cotton on Kurt's wounds, making him hiss. "Sorry," Blaine said. "I'll be done in a minute." As he tried to wet the cotton with more drug, the whole RV shivered, the bottle wobbled in Blaine's hand dangerously. "What's happening?"

"San-tana," Kurt gritted out.

Blaine hummed in agreement. He had seen her use this power once, back at April's. it was terrifying, especially to anyone 500 kilometer radius: the circle in which Santana could cause an earthquake.

"She's terrifying," Blaine mumbled. "I always knew, but now I'm sure."

"Blainey-waney's beeeing a coward," Kurt said in a slurring voice. He was so tired for some reason.

Blaine chuckled. "No, I'm just worried about you." The ground stopped shaking then. "Oh, thank God. I can work in peace now."

Kurt thought he faintly heard the RV door open but he wasn't sure. The background noise of the fight outside was too loud. He must be imagining things. But as Blaine bent lower on his wound, Kurt had a clear view of the door—and Jessie who stood there, swaying slightly and looking angry beyond belief.

Kurt pushed Blaine away—hard. Blaine crushed on the back of the RV, out of the harm's way. He moaned slightly in pain, but Kurt's calculation had been correct. Blaine collapsed in a daze, unmoving.

And then, Jessie was on to Kurt, looming and grinning manically. "Well, I should get your blood now," he said, producing a vial from his pocket. "Thank goodness it didn't break, huh? You are healing quite rapidly, I see. We'll have to remedy that."

Before Kurt could move, Jessie plunged his claws through his heart. Kurt's whole body thrashed, a soundless scream leaving his gaping mouth. Jessie filled the vial with Kurt's blood to brim and then pulled out his hand—making the blood gush out.

"Good bye, Kurt," he said. "May I never see you again."

Kurt's last image of the living world was the RV door opening again, and Starchild and Sebastian lunging for Jessie. His last memory of sound was Blaine's tormented scream of "NOOO! KURT, NO!" as he came to. And his last thought was that he never got a chance to say goodbye to his Dad.*


*Sebastian and Starchild made a short work of Jessie St. James Jr.—this time making certain that he died and became ash.

When Sebastian looked at Kurt, he felt his world disintegrate for a minute. These past few days, Kurt had come to trust and accept him like a family member. He had come to rely on Sebastian, and for the first time, he felt like he could be important to someone, like someone needed him. And Kurt became his responsibility, because Burt had told him to take care of his son. And now—he had failed in protecting Kurt.

Blaine was already trying to revive Kurt. His both wrists were cut and bleeding. He was trying to make Kurt drink and heal but—Kurt wasn't moving, or breathing. He just stared at the RV roof with unseeing eyes.

"KURT!" Blaine yelled. "Please, drink from me! Please! Kurt—you have to wake up! Please, Now!" He shook Kurt's listless body, trying to get a response. But nothing happened. "KURT! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!"

Sebastian made his way toward them like he was in a nightmare. He WAS. And all he could do was watch Kurt—watch the hole where his heart was supposed to be, blood and a rapidly cooling body. All he saw was Blaine, hysterically trying to make Kurt drink his blood.

"SEBASTIAN!" Blaine turned to him. "Tell him to wake up! He'll listen to you! Please, tell him to get up!"

Sebastian saw Blaine's tear streaked face, his pleading eyes and the utter expression of heart break. He didn't know why Blaine thought he could revive Kurt. He couldn't.



Blaine's face went vacant. A face of a man who was nearing the b4raeking point, but barely holding on. His eyes still leaking but then his face cleared, like he knew what he needed to do now.

"Turn him." Blaine's voice was a chocked whimper.

Sebastian did a double take. "What? Are you insane?"

Blaine growled and yanked Sebastian by the collar and brought him down by Kurt's side. "TURN HIM! NOW!"

"Do you really want that to happen? Do you really think that's what Kurt would want?" Sebastian yelled right back.

Blaine started sobbing in earnest. "I DON'T KNOW! All I know is—is that this is the only way I know of which could save him. Please, Sebastian, I'm begging you. Don't let him die. I will never ever ask anything from you again. Please save him."

Sebastian looked at the door. Everyone was there now, Eli was there. He thought, if Eli hadn't comeback to him like this, would he had been able to survive? Simply—no. He saw the kids who came out of the back of the RV, looking at Kurt with horrified glances. He saw how Brittany was sobbing and Santana looked like somebody had died. Well—Kurt WAS dead now.

And suddenly, Sebastian knew what this was. Fate had a funny way of making herself known. And this was just what he wanted—to be able to MEAN something to someone. And here was his chance. Only, he never wanted it to be like this—so painful like this.

Without further protest, he slashed his wrist by his teeth. And forced Kurt's head in his left hand. Exposing Kurt's neck, he bit down, injecting him with his venomous teeth but careful to not drink Kurt's curative blood. He then sucked his own blood in his mouth and opened Kurt's rapidly cooling lips.

He kissed Kurt—a kiss of death—connecting their mouths as he force-fed him the blood. But deep down, a part of him was scared. What if Kurt was already gone? But no. He was betting that Kurt's half-Vampire status will somehow help this process. He HAD to hope—otherwise it was all over.

When he finally emptied his blood into Kurt's mouth, he backed away. Now, they needed to wait. Wait for Kurt to—

Kurt's neckline moved. Blaine inhaled sharply. Kurt had just swallowed Sebastian's blood.

"Is he—is he turning?" Santana asked from the doorway, her eyes were wide. "I'd never heard of a human turning when he died before getting the blood."

"He wasn't entirely human," Blaine explained, watching Kurt's face earnestly. Like he was afraid Kurt would disappear if he blinked. "He was already half-Vampire."

For a few long minutes nothing happened. But everyone saw as Kurt's chest began to heal—much, much faster than before. And after that, Kurt's whole body convulsed, arching upwards and he—Screamed.

It was a high pitched, unrelenting scream. It wasn't a human scream, it matched those Vampires Blaine had killed for years and years. Long, piercing, wailing screech. The whole RV shook with its force. The Vampires had to plug their ears. Starchild winced, gnashing his teeth. The kids whimpered, backing away. And Blaine watched on with bated breath, his eyes wide and tearful.

Only Sebastian was unmoving; a minute later he smiled. "He's in pain."

Blaine looked at him in worry. "What does that mean?"

"It means...its working."*


I sit down. I ignore the stare of pure horror on my Dad's face. I ignore Finn's confusion and Andy's sympathetic face.

I only look to Blaine. His face is again that mask of guilt that he was trying hard to hide. And failing. Looking back at everyone he says, "It's my fault. When I saw he was dead I couldn't...I am the reason that—"

"Hush, it's all right," I say, stroking his hand as he looks away from my Dad's horrified face. I then stand up. "Now you know. I don't expect you to be happy or anything. I know it's too much. But, I am loyal to your cause still. My power is workable, and I'd appreciate that this whole conversation never leaves this council. To hide this fact is our top priority." I met my Dad's gaze again. Horror. Nothing else. "Well, after all is done and Edward is dead, I will leave, if that's what you wish."

I take Blaine's hand and we go up to my room. And I sob all night in Blaine's arms.


About time I reintroduce myself.

My name is Kurt Elizabeth Hummel.

I am son of Elizabeth and Burt; brought up by Paul and Lily. I am sworn by the Hummel family name.

The man that I love is an excellent hunter and a Vampire assassin, Blaine Anderson.

I am now, a fully turned Vampire.

My sire is my cousin brother, Sebastian Smyth.

My power is to erase the Vampirism by using a single thought of my mind.

I have finally found my true purpose, my place in Hilltown. In world.


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