Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 24: Life After Battle: Story of Days Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 24: Life After Battle: Story of Days

T - Words: 6,400 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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~ Chapter 24 ~
Life After Battle: Story of Days

Day 1

Burt Hummel met the families, each one who was taking refuge with the Warblers. It astounded him to know that quiet a lot of teenagers were indignant and careless. It had resulted in more injuries and deaths then they could handle.

It took him quite a while to calm things down.

"Burt, Neil is here to talk to you," Lily said, as she found him in the library along with Cooper and Puck, researching on something or other.

"I'll see him then," Burt got up. "Cooper, I trust you can tell Puck about anything he can't understand?"

"Of course!" chirped Cooper.

While Puck's muttered "I'm not stupid, you know," went unheard.

Neil was sitting in the living room, along with others lounging there. Burt took the man to the only place he could to talk in secret: the basement weapon room/training area.

The training area wasn't empty. Thad, Justin and a few teenagers from town were training full force; their shouts and clangs of metal against metal was a good cover to discuss something of privacy. Burt led Neil aside and they sat on the floor against the glass doors of shelves full of weapons.

"It's about the high school," Neil began without any ado. "We still haven't contacted Andy or Quinn. I'm afraid they might be, well, not in a condition to survive."

This was troubling. Andy was not only Burt's once combat partner, but also Blaine's father. Since Kurt and Blaine were on their way to become a serious couple (if they weren't already) it was quiet upsetting if anything further happened to Andy. It was also the fact that Burt considered it his responsibility to make sure things worked out well and without any more losses. Being a sudden Mayor of a town full of chaos wasn't an easy job.

"And what about Edward?" Burt asked instead.

"My patrols have scoured most of the warehouses and the forest. There's no sign of him. Which leaves us to check out his Mansion. And that requires a lot of manpower."

"But that alone could be a slaughter. We've lost enough people already as it is," Burt finished Neil's sentence, fully understanding the situation.

Since last night, when according to his broadcast, people started gathering to the hill, Burt had to hear a lot of bad news. Deaths after deaths, and one missing person after another. He wasn't sure how he could take anymore of this bloodbath.

His only relief was that Kurt was out of harm's way. But it was small grace, indeed, when so many others were harmed.

"Also, Sheriff Motta has resurfaced and is trying to gather people under himself. His strategy seems to be the obvious disappearance of Kurt. People have started suspecting that Kurt may indeed be dead, and that we lied."

"Damn it!" Burt muttered. He's thought something like this could happen. Kurt should have been here, but since he had no control over his own powers—yet—it would be problematic to have him in the middle of this anyway. "I suppose there's no placating them on this matter, huh?"

"I suppose not," Neil said with a nod. "We've also checked the banks. Edward does seem to have taken a lot of money out, including the taxes we've paid over the years. If he's thinking about fleeing, I can arrange for circumstances that our money stays here."

"Do that," Burt said instantly. "People should have their money back, at the very least."

"And what about the funeral?"

Burt looked away, observing as the Warblers and teenagers sparred amongst themselves. There was obvious difference there. Where the Warblers were fully trained and unhesitant in going for the killing blows, the other boys were extremely sacred, and not sure how to keep their cool.

Burt sighed. "Have we gathered all the dead yet?"

Neil shook his head. "We've missing teenagers, five of them. And two kids were taken from hospital. Sue's furious and suspects Terry Maverick has something to do with it."

"Are these kids dead or just—missing?"

"Missing," Neil confirmed. "The thirty people we lost have all been accounted for. Their families are asking if we should start the funeral ceremonies."

"Let's have their mass funeral this evening," Burt decided at last.

Neil left, his orders taken. Burt stopped Thad in his fight and asked, "Can you tell me where I can find Trent?"

"He's in the smithy," Thad replied. "Is something the matter?"

"Yes, your brothers and father, with Quinn were supposed to be back from high school," Burt confided in a soft voice. "I think I should send somebody to check after them, just in case."

"Should I go as well??"

"No, stay here. People need you to train them. I'll send some reliable people with Trent, don't worry."

Thad nodded with good grace. He, along with the rest of the Warblers, has accepted Burt's leadership without any complaints. "Good luck then."

In the end, Trent, Joe and Jake were the only ones who were free enough to leave. Mike would've gone but Tina had started having her birth pains already, it was about time the baby came. Besides, everybody knew this pregnancy was hard on her, what with the sudden attack and the treacherous trek up the hill that Tina had to endure.

"It's just a search mission," Burt explained clearly. "I am afraid this wouldn't be easy. Its more than 12 hours by now and they have failed to contact us. It would mean that something bad has happened already. If that's the case, I need you all to leave immediately and report to me"

"And if we find someone?" asked Joe.

"I want you to rescue each and everyone you CAN find. But I'd rather not loose anyone anymore."

The group nodded readily and left. Their job was going to be tough.


At the high school parking lot, Trent divided them up. It was the only way they could infiltrate without attracting notice of any hostile entities.

"I'll take the left entrance," Trent said. "Joe, you will take the front door. I trust you are skilled with using a bow. It should be easy to take out anyone upon encounter...?"

Joe readily bound his dreadlocks in a messy pony to not be disturbed and strung an arrow in his bow. "I'll be fine."

"Jake, you will take the kitchen entrance. I have a feeling if any of the students survived, they'd be hungry by now and would most certainly go for the kitchens. Try to evacuate them without anyone's notice. You are not to engage in a fight, at all."

Jake colored angrily. "I can fight fine!"

"No," Trent said firmly. "If, in case, you don't see anyone in kitchen or cafeteria, you will hide and wait for one of us to show up. You will wait precisely an hour, if we don't return you will leave silently and report back to Burt. Whatever his orders are next, we'll deal with it."

As much he hated being left out of the action, Jake agreed to Trent's plan solely because it was a good plan.

"Let's go then?" Trent asked his comrades.

In answer, they split up.


Joe slammed open the front door, loud echoes of metal against wall were heard. If anyone was nearby, they'd surely come running. The lights were all out and the school was eerily silent. Joe whispered a silent prayer for his friends' success at this trial. He prayed for the poor souls that were trapped here because of these monsters.

Rogues, five of them, were suddenly in the darkened hallway. They were too still for wild animals. Joe didn't miss a beat and took out the first two Rogues instantly, his arrows piercing cleanly through their hearts. The arrows dipped in holy water and made of pure wood did their job undoubtedly. There were two puffs of ash as the Rogues fell.

The three that were left sprung into action. Joe shot another arrow at one, and missed, as it embedded into Rogue's shoulder instead of heart. But it was enough to slow it down. The other two were upon him. He shot another arrow right between the eyes of one and the next one he kicked with full power. It was only a second in which he grabbed another arrow and cleaned off the one he'd hit in the eye.

By that time, the Rogue with the arrow in his shoulder and the one he kicked were on their feet and charging again. This time Joe didn't miss and knocked two arrows at once, both skewering plainly through the hearts of Rogues. They both perished, uttering their last miserable shrieks.

"Ashes to ashes," Joe murmured.

He sighed, revolving his arms that ached due to moving them so fast. And then, at the end of the hallway, two more Rogues and five Vampires (Edward's guard by the looks of them) appeared. Joe reached back and counted the arrows in his pack. Twenty or some arrows were left.

"That's not enough," he murmured to himself. "Well, dear Jesus, looks like I'd have to use them scarcely and engage them in hand to hand battle."

But then again, he was determined to go through. Quinn was somewhere inside and he had to do something about it. Burt's orders were good and all, but he couldn't leave now that he knew Quinn was in trouble.

With a grim smile, he got ready to meet the new enemies that decided to jump at him in that minute.


Trent heard the echoing slam of front door opening and smiled. Joe was going to attract a lot of straggling enemies out. Which let an easy way in for Trent to search for everyone.

He was fully aware of the orders Burt had given him. But he couldn't just NOT help Andy. Andy was a father to him, like for every other Warbler, Andy was the only person who'd taken him in and gotten them sworn under his name. They would all be nothing without Andy. Andy—who'd given up life itself, who'd given up death as well, just so he could help his kids.

There was no way in hell Trent could leave without Andy.

As expected, he encountered two Vampires in the first hallway he came to. But before he could attack them, or they could notice him, a dying screech of a Rogue was heard from the direction where Joe was busy fighting. The Vampires exchanged a glance, and went to look for what the trouble was.

In his dark corner, Trent smiled. This was going to be easy.


Andy sat on the floor; his hands were on Quinn's chest where a large amount of blood was leaking. He'd been in this position since last night. But her wounds were not closing up. They SHOULD be closing up—but they weren't.

Around him a motley group of fifty or so high school students was huddled. They were all silent and scared, looking at him and Quinn with fearful eyes.

It wasn't surprising that, like most people in town, these children also had no idea that these Trinity girls were not normal human girls. Even if they did know, they'd never seen Quinn Fabray so angry or dangerous. When last night they'd come to rescue the students and charged at the Vampires, more than one student had recoiled in fear at their brute strength and wild, animalistic appearance during the fight.

Nick, Wes and David had been extremely busy already battling tons of Vampires. Only Jeff had seen them come, and he'd hailed them with a smile.

But even after fighting all night, they weren't close to killing all the Vampires as they'd hoped. Then Nick had made an interesting, yet horrifying discovery. A few of the Vampires were newly made, the students.

That had been a shock. It turned ugly very fast then.

In the end, Nick and Wes gathered all the human students and escaped down here in the basement. During their escape, Quinn had gotten injured.

The blade went through her cleanly and she'd almost screamed. But what scared Andy the most was the fact that she fainted at once. They'd carried her here next and tried waking her, Andy even gave her a lot of his own blood. But to no avail. She wasn't healing, her bleeding wasn't stopping and neither was she turning to ash and dying. It was all too baffling.

So Andy had staunched the blood flow in hopes she'd suddenly start healing on her own. She hadn't.

"The blade," David realized after they'd successfully escaped here and barred the door. "That blade was poisoned or something. It'd explain why she's faint and not healing at all."

Andy could only nod and apply more pressure on Quinn's rapidly bleeding chest. She was his sire, and if she died there was a good chance of Andy going crazy and dying, or becoming a Rogue. Both options were out of question as he intended to survive and help bring peace to Hilltown for his sons' sake.

They'd spent the night thus. While Wes inquired the kids about what happened and tried cell phones, it was discovered that All communications to the outside world had been destroyed. Burt had been scared of it. Seemed like Edward was trying to cut them off from the world. The Warblers possessed a radio phone that could be used in emergency but they'd never thought about taking it with them yesterday. The landlines were in the offices on the first floor. Going there was another hazard.

Which brought them back to now.

A few hours ago Nick and Jeff had gone to the kitchens to bring food for the starving teens. David was standing guard at the door while Wes was attending a few boys who'd gotten injured last night. The students seemed to trust the Warblers as they were human. They were ignoring Andy and Quinn for most part, except for the terrified glances they threw at them.

"They are late..." David said to himself.

Andy heard him loud and clear and his chest tightened in more worry. If Nick and Jeff got hurt he'd be upset. To watch his sire and his sons die in front of him was the cruelest torture he could ever face. All he could do was hope that a miracle occurred and they would be saved.

And in a few more hours...a miracle appeared.

David perked up suddenly and whispered, knowing well that Andy will hear him. "I hear footsteps. Someone is coming down here."

Andy could hear too. Upon further notice, he realized that it was just one person. He heard one set of feet and a steadily beating heart. But he also heard the graceful, collected way the person moved. Next, he recognized the scent.

"David, it's Trent," Andy announced.

Sure enough, as they opened the door, Trent stood there. After the shock wore off, Trent smiled widely and said, "Hey Andy, David, Wes! You guys look like shit!"


"Jake?" Jeff almost dropped the cans of food he was holding in his shirt, which he'd taken off.

Jake, who'd just entered the kitchen stealthy, was equally stunned. But then he smiled. "We came to rescue you!"

Jeff whooped, and was silenced at the glare by Nick. "Oh, yeah. Right, secret scavenging for food. I remember..."

Nick huffed in annoyance. Not only was Jeff being an (adorable) idiot but was also half-naked, looking all (sexy) sweaty and injured. "Jake, what do you mean 'we'?"

Jake explained in short words what was happening. All the while, Jeff and Nick searched for more food. They encountered a few trays covered with packed sandwiches, but decided not to take them as the aroma would lead the Vampires down to the basement, which, miraculously, they still haven't checked.

It wasn't surprising. McKinley High School's basement was mostly used as paper storage room, on account of its being small. That wasn't all, the door to the basement led through the janitor's closet. The reason Nick had been able to find it was because Andy had pointed it out. Apparently, in his high school days, Andy used to be a prefect, and occasionally was sent into the paper storage room by teachers.

That the Vampires have yet to locate them, even if their scents were noticeable, was a miracle indeed. Or maybe...But Nick wasn't trying to think of the OTHER alternative. It was too confounding.

"But are you insane! There were more than an hundred Vampire's here!" Nick almost shouted...almost.

"More than half of which we killed all night..." Jeff pointed out crossly.

"And also lost twenty students while doing that..." Nick retorted.

"Did you guys hear me...?" Jake interfered with an eye roll. "Joe Hart also came with us."

Nick's eyes got rather cross as he thought. Sure they'd had to fight a few of the Rogues on their way here, and dispose of the bodies. But... "That loud slamming of front door...? Was it Joe?"

Jake merely smirked. "So what now?"

"Jake, help us! Pick this carton of chips!" Jeff said resentfully when Jake just stood there.

"I can't. I'm supposed to evacuate you guys."

Nick frowned. That wasn't a bad idea. And with Joe taking the Vamps out, it could almost work. Viewing that, Nick deposited the food down and said, "Jeff, put it away. Let's evacuate the students first."

"Are you nuts?" Jeff inquired, deathly serious.

Nick ignored him and led Jake the same way they'd come. As long as Joe kept the Vamps busy, they could make it. He just hoped the students were brave enough for this.

But the minute they were out the caf� door, they were encountered with the rest of the Vamps. Edward's elite guard.

"What the fuck is this?" Jeff asked no one in particular.

But the Vampire in the lead answered anyway. "The purge."

Nick felt his mind reel. So...looked like it WAS what he thought it was. These Vampires still hadn't followed the students in the basement was because they were waiting for them to starve first, and then turn them all.

"This isn't good," Nick said at last, and they prepared to fight.

Jake smiled devilishly. "I suppose Trent's master plan has to be abandoned. I would have to fight now. Can't be helped really."

They charged.


Day 3

Nick was in critical condition. Their run in with the Vamps hadn't gone as they'd hoped. In the end, out of fifty students, they lost more than half to the Vamps. By now those students were already Turned and with Edward.

Jeff hadn't felt so wretched in his life. Maybe if he'd paid more attention to the fact how tired and injured Nick already was, he could've saved him in time. Maybe if he'd stopped gloating too much about his own kills, he could've noticed as the Vampire charged for Nick from behind and bit out a chunk of his neck. Maybe...

But it was too late now. Nick was in ICU unit at Hilltown Memorial. Quinn was in another bed nearby. They still hadn't woken. And there was no telling when they will.

Thank god for Lily, who'd spent more than half of her life between books and had some expertise as a Vampire Doctor. She was still searching for a cure for Quinn's poison. But time was running out. Any day now, Quinn would be lost.

All they could do was hope.

But hope had been returned to Hilltown in form of Sunlight. When Burt had greeted the weary, injured raiders from high school, he was shocked to see that from east, a red globe was materializing. It was the sun and not a single speck of dusty cloud on the sky.

Last night while they waited for Andy's return, Burt had received a call from a place unknown. He'd spoken to Kurt and calmed his worries. But then a strange woman had spoken some nonsense, admonished to not contact Kurt again and hung up.

But when Burt saw the sun, he couldn't help by be overjoyed. And instantly worried as he started rounding up Warblers and called each of the friendly Vampires a warning. Needles to say, Edward's Vampires had perished a lot before they sought refuge somewhere and the friendly Vampires were also safely ensconced at Dalton House.

Within Hours, humans took charge of their town in full force.

Even as Nick and Quinn healed, Puck, along with David and Lauren was overseeing the construction of a road. A forest road that would connect Hilltown to the civilization properly.

Burt figured, it was tome to erase the benefits through which Edward had chosen to wreak havoc on this little town. Hilltown must come out to the world; it must be opened for outsiders. Edward couldn't hide this little jewel for long, not if Burt had anything to with it.


Day 12

Cooper and Finn made the final touches to the small map of a house.

"Do you think it's fine?" Cooper asked, slightly worried.

"Its awesome, dude. I know Dad'll love it!" Finn said in reply.

And he did. Burt accepted the map without any problems. And said, "It's all fine. But I can't impose on anyone just yet. First, we build the town."

Cooper nodded in understanding. He then went to his room and safely tucked away the map in his drawer. The heading on the map said, Hummel's House—revamped!

As he again went back, he stopped in the middle of the hallway and stared at the closed door. Blaine's room.

Opening the door, Cooper went inside and stared at the messy bed covers and slightly open window. The piano was almost hidden under the music sheets and new notes that Blaine always scribbled in free time.

It had been a week already. Blaine and Kurt were still not home. He knew from Burt that they were safe, and busy working on Kurt's condition. But he missed his brother and hoped they'd be back soon.


That night, in the Hill Tavern, Finn was waiting for Rachel. The shattered windows were all replaced and the business was picking up with a force of a whirlpool.

He kept fumbling with something in his pocket, and his friends were looking at him with amusement. Nobody knew what he was doing. Well, nobody except his best friend, Puck.

Puck was on a date with Lauren, and he was also looking at Finn with little encouraging smiles. Lauren knew somewhat what was going on, but chose to ignore it. Puck looked too fidgety and tried to engage her in conversation twice, and failed. She didn't mind. She knew Puck was only nervous for his friend.

When Rachel entered the Tavern, Puck turned in his seat and whispered excitedly to Lauren. "This is it!" She only rolled her eyes. Her boyfriend was an idiot.

Finn was sweating with nerves, a thing Rachel picked up on instantly. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah..." Finn gasped, and taking something out from his pocket he blurted, "Rachel, will you marry me?"

His voice was too hoarse and breathy. Rachel almost didn't realize what he was saying. But as she looked at the little box in his hands, opened and presented to her, a small diamond ring glittering in the folds of silk, she felt as her heart almost stopped.

"Finn..." she whispered, her eyes started tearing up.

At that moment, an extremely happy looking Mike charged through the doors. Everybody turned to him with a startle. Rosa almost dropped the hot pan at his sudden entrance.

"IT'S A GIRL!" Mike yelled.

There was a beat of silence, then everyone descended upon Mike to congratulate him. Finally, after a week of pains and hopelessness, Tina had given a successful birth to a cheerful, bouncing baby girl.

"Hey, Mike," Puck yelled from the table. "What are you going to name her?"

At first Mike was too busy wiping tears of joy. Then he said, "With Mayor Hummel's permission, I'd like to name her Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth Chang?!" echoed Ryder. Then beamed. "Nice!"

During this happy chaos, Rachel leaned up and kissed Finn, surprising him greatly. Against his lips, she whispered, "Yes."

Finn took her hand and slid on the ring, it was a prefect fit. But as he turned to announce the happy news, he saw Mike being lifted on Ryder, Jake and Rory's shoulders, people cheering for him; he decided against it.

Instead, he grabbed Rachel in another kiss and hugged her close. For the first time in his life, he was happy. And all he could think was that he whished Kurt was here with him. He just knew his brother would understand his happiness best of all.


Day 15

The last of the injured person was finally released from Hilltown Memorial, much to Sue's delight. She hated the days she'd been practically staying in the hospital.

In good news, at least her house was spared during all the confusions. Her housemates had taken good care of the property, while both her daughters were safe at the Dalton House. But she had this feeling her relief wouldn't last long.

The sense of peace in Hilltown was always ephemeral. Sooner or later, stuff will start happening. All she could hope was to do best.

That's when she ran into Lily.

"You goin' home?" asked Sue.

"No, I still have to check in on Nick and Quinn."

Sue didn't really like Lily, but as she was sister-in-law to Elizabeth once, she tolerated. Besides, Lily had proven to be quiet a valuable asset during the hard times in hospital. And considering how she was supposedly Edward's sister...well, Sue was quiet impressed, to cut it short.

"Is there any improvement?"

Lily smiled a bit. "Yeah, Nick woke up just for a few minutes last night. He was disoriented and still thought he was in the middle of a fight. It took me a while to make him see he was safe. And when he finally believed me, he went to sleep. I am hoping this time around he'd wake up better."

"That's a relief," Sue muttered. "I don't know how long I can afford to watch over all these little shits."

"This is me," Lily said when the elevator dinged open. "I'll head home after my round in ICU. Bye."

"See ya!" Sue waved and went down to the ground floor.

As she was leaving the hospital grounds, an ambulance came in, loudly announcing another victim.

"Seriously, is there no end to all of this?" she muttered again angrily and got into her Ford. She'd have drove off if not for catching sight of a familiar face. "What the hell is Puck doing in that ambulance?"

Curious, she got off her car and ran to where the ambulance was unloading. "What's going on, Puck?!"

Then she caught sight of the figure in the gurney. Riley...

Puck, looking disheveled and worried out of his mind, came toward Sue. His eyes were wet and pleading. "I dunno! Sue, he went for a walk and didn't come back. The next thing I know Rory is calling me to come over because Riley was attacked and bleeding in an alley!"

Sue nodded. Looked like she'd stay in the hospital for some time still. Maybe. She'd catch Lily too and get this Old 'trash' Riley going again?


"Who was it?" Burt asked at last.

Neil and Finn, who had spent the entire night investigating into Riley's attack, looked tired but determined.

"Everyone's accounted for as far as I calculated," Finn started explaining.

"But there's one person who's been off grid since the attack at the high school."

Burt's heart sank. He knew what was coming. "And...?"

"It's Garret."

Burt clutched his head. "So, Riley's suspicions were right after all. Garret's been a mole this entire time."

Finn was quiet at first, then he said, "Remember the meeting we had with Trinity the first time around? Quinn said something about how Garret was Turned accidentally, and Edward let him live for some reason. What if this was the reason? What if Edward had been using Garret as a spy all along...?"

"And he worked at the Station too," Neil added unhelpfully.

Burt grunted. "And Riley had been determined to take Garret out since the meeting."

"What do we do now?" Finn asked after a length of silence.

"We need to see the attack area again. I need to know if Garret is dead, or alive. If he is alive, that means he willingly harmed Riley and fled to Edward. That would lead us to where Edward might be hiding...if not at his mansion."

Neil and Finn nodded and got up to leave.

"Finn, wait," Burt called. Finn stopped in the doorway. "I heard about your proposal to Rachel. And I wanted to say congratulations, son. I'm proud of you."

Finn smiled dopily. "Gee—Thanks Dad! That means much to me." With a shy smile, he left.

Burt was alone again in the Dalton Library, which had sort of become his Mayor's office these days. He felt the sudden need to drink vodka. But stomped the thirst down thinking of how Carole and Kurt would bring the ceiling down on him.

But he wasn't to blame. What could he do when so many things were going wrong?

"Where are you, Kurt. I miss you..."


Day 19

Edward stood in front of what was left of his men. He was furious.

He'd spent these long, sunny days in his mansion, thinking over how his plans were going to a ruin. And he'd decided to make his next move. His final move... If only he could decide what that move was. If only he could have one hint...

"Are we sure Kurt isn't in town?" asked Russell Fabray.

"Yes, there have been no sightings or any movements. The Warblers and Puckpeople are staying very quiet about this." Jessie St. James explained. "If I had to guess, I'd say that during the distraction of the battle, Kurt was transported out of the town."

"And that would also mean the news our guards told of seeing Santana's BMW leaving the town was also correct," said Mr Karofsky.

"But they never told us if Kurt was in the car," Sugar pointed out.

Edward looked up now. "He was. It would appear that my son had fled town with our enemies. But since we've had no outside invasions—YET—they certainly didn't leave to get help."

It was quiet a corundum. Edward had puzzled and puzzled about this for a long while. Nothing made sense. There's no way the police authorities would help some kids who were telling tales of Vampires. Even if Sebastian showed them his true form, they'd only assume the kids belonged to some obsessive cult.

Then why had they left town...?

The door opened and another person entered their conference.

Garret. He was panting and grinning like something great had happened. "Damn, it's hot out!"

Edward glared. "Where were you?"

"Oh, patrolling, as you said. And there's been nothing going on. Or at least, nothing I know of."

"Whose fault is that?" Edward demanded. "Had you stayed in cover and not attacked their Old man, you'd still be included in their discussions and help us out accordingly."

Garret glared back. "You know that they don't always include me in their plans. I'm just a worker at the Filling Station. All I gather is because of what I hear Finn or Burt discussing at work."

"So you are useless as always," Sugar mocked.

Garret threw her a sharp glare. "I still do more than you, bitch! I came to tell you that the newborns we Turned at the high school are ready for battle. Just say the word."

But Edward again had descended deep into his thoughts. If he could just figure out what Sebastian was up to. His good-for-nothing son had already made it clear that he wasn't after Edward's rule. He wasn't even after anything Edward had...he was just after his freedom. Much as he liked to keep his authority, Edward was disgusted about Sebastian's freedom. That is, Sebastian's freedom to 'love' anyone he wanted.

Fucking faggots, he cursed. If I could just find out why Kurt left town, again...

And what the hell happened to the deal he made that damned Witch! Why was there a sun in their sky now...?

Edward suddenly stood up, eyes bulging. "NO..." he said, staring at the far wall. "SHE WOULDN'T!"

Sugar and Garret flinched at the outburst and stared at their leader. Mr Karofsky and St. James sat still, knowing well that Edward was finally on to something. Mr Fabray, on the other hand was busy reading a report on his daughter. She was still unconscious...

"April Rhodes you traitorous bitch..." Edward whispered poisonously. "I know what's going on! Kurt's trying to activate his powers!"


Day 21

Jeff sat beside Nick's bed, threading his fingers through Nick's hair.

"You need a bath..."

Nick glared at him. "Are you saying I stink?"

Jeff laughed. "Right now, yeah. But usually...I love the way you smell."

"Oh, so it's come to this, huh? You're in love with my soap. Jeff Sterling, you asshole!"

Jeff erased Nick's scowl with a kiss to his forehead, then his lips. Nick smiled, blushing cutely.

"I love you, Nick..."


Jeff snorted indignantly. "You're supposed to say it back, idiot!"

"First say that I don't stink. Then I'll say if I loved you or not."

"You're a mean bastard you know."

Before Nick could say anything else, a sudden beeping sound from the bed beside them sounded. They started, looking at each other then at the next bed.

Quinn was shuddering violently, like experiencing a seizure.

"NURSE!" Jeff was out of the room in a flash. While Nick was stabbing the red button on his remote controller with a vengeance.

In the next minute, two nurse, Hiram and Lily was charging in. Jeff right behind them, but one of the nurse shut the glass door in his face. Nick could see him yelling bad names, but then his attention was on Lily. She looked nervous and afraid as she snapped orders at her attendants.

The curtain was thrown between the beds, and all Nick could see was the violent thrashing of a Quinn-shaped silhouette.

"Where's daddy Andy when you need him..." he said to himself. And whispered to God Quinn was all right. He didn't want Andy to go crazy if she died.


Three hours later, Lily came outside to find Andy, Jeff and Mercedes in the hallway.

"I was visiting Riley, Tina and little Eliza when I heard about Quinn," Mercedes said, looking worried. "Is she gonna be all right?"

Andy was also looking worried but he didn't repeat Mercedes' question. He only waited with expectant eyes.

Lily looked at Andy with a tired smiled. "Quinn's awake, and healing. But she needs the blood of her prot�g�e."

Andy was inside the room without any complaints. He'd given Quinn his blood, he could do it again.


Day 32

Burt was having his meeting with Neil and Noah Puckerman when Wes charged in.

"There's some intruder activity going on in the Old Graveyard. We don't think it's— well, that it's the usual kind of activity."

Burt frowned. "What do you mean?"

Wes said with great force. "I think we're being invaded by some entirely new visitors."


When Burt reached the Old Graveyard with his entourage of Warblers and Puckpeople, he knew one thing. The visitors were not Vampires as they stood under sunrays without any mind.

But they were definitely not the people he'd seen before.

Their clothing was glitzy, dirty and ragged. It was as if they were travelers. They were 16-17 in number and of varying ages between 15 to 35. All of them were either tattooed or pierced on some or other visible part of their skins. And the few girls in the lot had their hair dyed in all types of weird, neon colors.

Before Burt could ask their business in his town, a young man stepped forth.

He was tall, six feet seven maybe, and had slight scruff on his fair but dirty face. He wore a nose pin and had two to three piercings in each his ear. His eyes were very blue.

"Which one of you is Burt Hummel?"

Burt could detect the hint of leadership and command in his young, husky voice.

"That would be me. May I ask why you have encroached upon our town through forest and not the road like honorable visitors, and without permission at that?"

"Oh, I had permission," he said, smiling charmingly. "Well, sort of."

Puck uttered a angry noise. "Don't fuck with us! Why are you here? Are you with Edward?"

The boy scowled thoughtfully. "Uhm, I don't know who Edward is, but I was sent here by your son, Mr Hummel. Kurt told me there are a few very bad Vampires that needed to be kept in check here. Am I right?"

Burt felt himself shake a little. A shiver went down his spin as the boy said 'Vampires' and 'keeping in check.' There was something sinister about how easily he said it.

And then he caught on his whole sentence. "You've met Kurt?"

The boy laughed agreeably. "Yep. Three days ago near Modesto. He was busy in some sort of practicing—whatever that is. I also met with some of my very old friends and, my lover." A dreamy look came over him, then he shook his head. "Ah, that's not the point. I am here to help. Me and my friends, that is; if you'll have us."

"What about Kurt?" Finn interjected. "This is the first news we've had of him since he left. Where is he?"

"He's safe. And appeared all right last I saw him, actually. I honestly shuddered just meeting him, he had this—strange power about him." The boy smirked at their clueless looks. "Oh, he will be back. We just came on ahead of him."

"When will he be back?" Burt demanded.

"They are driving over here, with a few kids with them, so obviously it'll take a while."

Joe Hart stepped forward, readying his bow and pointing it straight at the boy. "That's all good, but you still haven't told us who you are exactly!"

The boy's eyes went wide. "I didn't...? Oh, Jeez, I'm so sorry. Where are my manners?!"

He held out his hand to Burt and smiled. "I'm Starchild. Nice to meet you."


While Burt was talking to his mysterious visitors, in the outskirts of the Hilltown, an RV, a battered BMW and a motorbike was reaching the newly constructed road.

In the head was the motorbike, on which sat a woman with flowing golden hair, she was grinning wildly and looking about with insane interest. She was a witch.

In the BMW (with its newly mended windshield) sat two women, one blonde, and one Hispanic brunette. They were lovers and Vampires.

In the RV, sat five kids between the ages of 8 and 13. They were currently being told off by a pissed off Vampire by the name of Sebastian. Driving the RV was an olive toned boy, with beautiful eyes and curly dark hair. He was signing aloud to the radio and smiling happily, brighter as the sun shining outside.

Beside him, under the cool shade sat a pale boy with chestnut hair, he sneaked glances at the curly-haired boy and smiled softly at him, occasionally rolling his eyes as an exasperated sigh which came form the Vampire in the background.

The little entourage made its way down the main highway that was a few hours away form the sign post that read HILLTOWN: 2 MILES.

They were finally going home.


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