Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 16: Take Me The Way I Am Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 16: Take Me The Way I Am

T - Words: 9,671 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
261 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey you guys, I'm back with another update. And for me to know that at SOMEONE likes my story, please review, if to just let me know how the story is going so far? I'd be humbled.To anybody who've been confused about this...First-person narrative = Kurt. Third-person narrative = Everybody else.The title of this chapter was taken from Ingrid Michelson's song "The Way I Am"****
~ CHAPTER 16 ~
Take Me The Way I Am

I stay in the Headquarter for the next 3 days. It was really irritating, actually. And it was a wonder that Finn could endure Rachel so easily. She went from a sweet caretaker to an over-protective nurse in the short amount of time. I don't mean to say that I hate her for taking care of me, but when she started coddling me like I was a kid; I wanted to do something to her. Something harmful. In fact, Blaine's training would come in handy a lot sooner than I'd expected—that is, if I have to endure one more half-burnt egg and salad from Rachel.


My BOYFRIEND, Blaine. He is the only reason I'm still hanging on. He comes to visit me everyday. He doesn't tell me what's going on, even so, I can tell that he's weary most of the time.

From what I've gathered via eavesdropping (apparently if I try hard enough I can listen to what people are discussing in hushed voices out in the hallway or a few rooms next to me) the things in town have gotten worst. There's always talk regarding Karofsky and Lauren—something about monitoring them. So I guess they are in Headquarters too. Why they'd be here? I had no idea. Maybe they are prisoners? But that is where I start to get irritated. I've also been hearing a lot about Sebastian. But the surprising thing is that they don't talk of him as enemy anymore. He's become sort of intriguing all of a sudden. I wonder why that is.

I have tried talking to Blaine about these things, explicitly hinting that I've heard people talking, but he refuses to tell me anything. I even went as low as to suggest that they were betraying me by keeping things from me. Blaine had smiled at me so sadly that I regretted saying it at once.

"Once you are recovered, I'll personally brief you on everything that's been going on, OK?" he said to me sincerely, before kissing me sweetly that I was left with short breaths and a muddled-up brain for the few minutes.

I love kissing Blaine. It's addictive. But I also try to hold myself back. Even if he had told me that he doesn't care anymore and I was different, I have to slow down. I can't bring myself to hurt Blaine like before. He still has the scar on his lips where I bit him that day. Every time I see it, a twisted, guilty knot forms in my stomach and I can't seem to forgive myself for scarring Blaine's prefect lips that way. There's just no excuse for doing something so abominable. I can tell that he notices these guilty mood swings within me, and he always smiles brightly telling me that he loves me. I tell him that I love him, too. But I can't help feeling that one day I'll end up hurting him worst. Then I grudgingly remind myself that he's the leader of the Warblers. He can take care of himself. He can most certainly defeat me if I (god forbid) turned evil somehow.

Thankfully, Rachel tells me that I'll be out of here tonight. And the first order of business is to find out what has been going on the past three days to have changed Hilltown so drastically.


3 Days Ago

Blaine sat outside Kurt's room. It was the infirmary, strictly speaking, but everyone referred to it as Kurt's room now so that's what it was. Kurt was sleeping a lot ever since he woke up the last time. Which, in Rachel's 'quack' experience, was a good thing. Only, Blaine wasn't sure he should leave Kurt sleeping like that. And, no, Rachel was not convincing him when she said that she'd be here 24/7 keeping an eye on Kurt.

No thank you, Rachel. He's my boyfriend I'll stay with him. Blaine thought for the millionth time.

But then things changed when Puck came hurtling in the hallway, looking for all the world as if Edward was at his heals.

"You need to come with me, bro." When Blaine kept staring at him questioningly, Puck growled and grabbed the Warbler by his arm forcefully, dragging him away. "Now. Sue says its urgent."

They ran to the other part of the house Headquarters, walking past the faces of many people who looked inquisitive and thrilled for some reason. Blaine found out why, just as he entered the impromptu infirmary set up here.

Dave Karofsky and Lauren Zizes were sitting in the infirmary beds, looking around confusedly as Hiram, Shelby and Sue argued with each other in low voices.

"There he is!" Sue exclaimed when he saw Blaine. "Come here and explain this to me!" And she pointed at Dave and Lauren, looking at Blaine in accusation.

"Uh—what exactly am I supposed to explain?" he asked, trying to NOT attack the Vampires in front of him.

"Oh for the love of—DO YOU NOT SEE THE OBVIOUS! Can't you see them hooked with ECGs? Can't you bloody see that they suddenly have heartbeats?!!"

Blaine blinked and, indeed, Dave and Lauren were hooked to monitors, with no flat lines on the screen. They had heartbeat.

Blaine remembered only too well the fiasco Sue had created a few hours ago when Dave and Lauren were brought in. How she'd checked and found pulses in the nearly dying Vampires. But he would never have guessed that they'd survive—or be alive for that matter. With fucking heartbeats.

"They are—turned into humans?" Blaine guessed aloud—because nothing else seemed to make sense.

"Yes." Sue looked pale and gulped before continuing. "I questioned them and they said that the only thing they remember is drinking some of Kurt's blood."


"It's true," Dave spoke up suddenly, looking haggard and surprisingly docile. "We drank his blood. The next thing we know we feel like we're being burnt alive. We ran and fell in the forest. Then I'm guessing that you people found us and brought us here. Because we opened our eyes and here we are and we feel—alive."

Blaine had to be sure. So he grabbed Karofsky's wrist and barely contained the gasp of surprise. Dave had body heat, and yep, there was a pulse.

Lauren held out her hand too, looking fucked up as she sneered, "Check me too. I'm a bloody human and I'm craving a fucking cheeseburger."

Blaine looked at the doctors. They shrugged back, looking as hopeless as he felt.

"Does Burt know?" he asked at last.

"No, he went home," Hiram confided. "Actually, we sent him home because we feared something like this. When Mike came to us with news that you were bringing in Kurt and we should get ready, he also told about these two attacking Kurt and passing out for some reason. I thought there might be some connection there. And now that we see it with out own eyes, I'm a 100% certain of it."

Blaine dared ask, "Certain of what? What connection?"

"This is Kurt's power. Not his ability to be like a half-Vampire, no. But this. His blood—it can cure vampirism. It can turn the Vampires back to their human selves. That's why Edward wants him. Kurt is a perfect weapon for precisely that reason."

Blaine felt as if someone had kicked him on shin, for his legs gave way and he flopped on the floor, staring at a spot near Hiram's head.

Kurt's blood. It was a cure. Edward wasn't keen on having Kurt because of what he could do physically. No, he wanted Kurt for what his BLOOD could do.

"We can't let him have Kurt," Blaine whispered in misery. "We can't."

"Of course, not!" Sue declared readily. "When these two drank Porcelain's blood he nearly died of the pain. If Edward got Kurt and let anyone drink his blood, the boy would certainly be killed."

Blaine nodded shortly. "Call a meeting. Now. Burt as well. We have to plan on this."

"What about us?" Lauren piped up.

"You are staying here," Shelby said, sounding like a doctor suddenly. "You are still weak. I don't care whose side you are on, as my patients I can't let you guys leave till I'm satisfied with your condition. And seeing as how much blood you've lost and need sustenance, there's no way I'm letting you two out for a few weeks at least."

Dave shrugged. "Fine. We are not on anyone's side anyways. When my father realizes that I'm no longer a Vampire he'll kill me with his own hands. So I'm not leaving here anyhow."

"Me too," Lauren added. "I'm a loner. Don't got no family. And Ed is not gonna want me now that I'm useless. So I'll take my chances with you guys."

"Then we'll put you to some use," Blaine decided. "You will be in the meeting too. And I want you to spill everything about Edward. Or I'm gonna throw you two out and let Edward's guards do whatever they want with you."

"OK, OK, Geez," Dave said readily. "We are not going out to them again. So yeah, we might as well help you guys."

"Oh, and if you even think of coming close to Kurt," Blaine added as a precaution, "I'll kill you. No matter even if you are human now. He's mine, and I don't want you anywhere near him."

Dave only nodded to that, glaring back at Blaine as he left.


Santana usually didn't pant. Heck, she never panted. But she was thirsty and have been running far too long already. No, nobody was after her, per say. But the find-Sebastian-before-Edward-does plan was a little over the top. Like, what could that bitter angry Vampire do for the pesky humans that they, the Trinity, couldn't? He'd be a dead-weight if nothing else.

But at the same time, Santana agreed that the more allies—non-human, Vampire allies—they had the more easier it'd be to take down Edward. In fact, Sebastian may be so furious after realizing what Edward had in store for him that he just might finish off his own 'father' just for the revenge.

Yes, Santana liked that plan.

She slammed against a tree and slid down at the forest floor. OK, now she was really tired. And thirsty. If only she'd taken care of it before starting this stupid chase after someone who has hidden himself so well that there almost seem no hope of finding him.

"He'll be there," Santana recalled Quinn's words in a mimicking tone. "That cabin is one place he goes to whenever he's hiding!"

But finding that cabin was proving to be far more difficult than she'd anticipated. Quinn had given her a rough direction toward it, but Santana had almost circled the entire area more than 10 times already. Still, no sign of a cabin. Either there wasn't one, or it was so well structured and hidden that even her senses couldn't pick it up.

She fished out her phone when it vibrated against her hip.


"It's me," said Quinn's worried voice. "There's been a development with Dave and Lauren. Blaine's called a meeting. You have to come back."

"Huh. Well, I'm not getting lucky here anyways. This cabin—doesn't exist."

Quinn was silent on the other end. "It's there. But I was there once, when I was a child. Maybe, I've forgotten. But that's not the priority anymore. You have to get here now."

Santana could figure out by the tone of Quinn's voice that something huge had happened. So she quickly started running out of the area she'd been combing for past many hours.

Then an idea hit her out of the blue. It was risky, in case any of Edward's people were around, but still workable.

"SEBASTIAN!" she yelled, cupping her hands. "YOU HERE?"

She listened as the forests descended into sudden silence at her yell. The chirping birds and other wildlife creatures had all been stunned into silence as they realized there was someone else here. She could have sworn she heard a whooshing sound, as if a Vampire had suddenly disappeared behind something.

"I came in peace," she said softly, knowing for some reason that he'll hear. "We need you. So please, talk to me."

She waited five more minutes. The sounds in forest slowly picked up again. But she never saw anyone.

Shrugging she mumbled, "Well, I did what I could. I'll be back. Hopefully you'll talk then."

Then, she ran out of the forest and toward Sue's fugly-ole'-house.

From behind a tree not very far from where she'd been a moment ago, Sebastian peered out at her retreating form. There was a slight concentrated expression on his face and he chewed on his bottom lip thoughtfully. He then decided to go back to his lair.


As the time for meeting drew near, Quinn and Andy sought reasons, excuses to leave the Smyth Manor but came up blank. They'd noticed how Edward had quiet subtly barred their escape routes by giving them various tasks. It was not really conspicuous, but both of them couldn't quiet overlook the fact that they were being followed, and kept under watch by Edward's guard throughout the Manor.

They know we've been up to something suspicious, Quinn finally concluded. It made it even more difficult for them to leave for the meeting.

Blaine had called Andy a few hours ago. He sounded rather tense and frustrated and had insisted they make it on time. But by the looks of things, it was quiet possible they won't be able to attend this urgent meeting.

"I should call him," Andy said casually as they both sipped blood bags in the infirmary.

Quinn shook her head. "We'll make it. It sounded important."

"But its risky and we haven't even accomplished anything yet. Apart from Kurt healing fast."

She had to admit he had a point. But all the same. Her instincts told her that this was quiet big than what they've been planning. She was still uncertain, though. They have to be careful in order to fool Edward.

"What do you think it could be?" Andy suddenly asked.

"I don't know. I think I have a few ideas but they seem equally likely so its hard to say for sure." Andy patiently waited for her to elaborate more. "I mean, the obvious reason would be Kurt. He's top priority for us all. Anything regarding him is worth Blaine's distress. Secondly, it could be about Dave or Lauren. Maybe they've woken up and are creating problems. Regardless, both problems demand our presence so I can't rule either one out just like that."

"Then we'll go," Andy said decisively, drawing the last of blood through the straw before dumping the empty bag into the bin. "I am going now. Ed-er-Master wanted me to help out in the re-cataloguing of this years' tax records. After that, it'll almost be time and we'll leave."

Quinn just nodded, staring at the table, still looking thoughtful as to what this urgent call for meeting could be. She didn't even notice when Andy left.

She hoped it wasn't anything to do with Kurt, Dave or Lauren. Not yet, at least. Now that Edward was on to them, it would be dangerous if anything important were to happen regarding those three. Discretion was needed now, as Edward has become suspicious. Of his Trinity, to say the least. The prospects weren't looking too good, and she sighed for she felt things were going to get more—problematic.


Andy was on his way to the records room when he heard voices from around the stairwell. He knew he was being followed, thus he knew that for a moment his follower was busy hiding from him. Taking advantage of that fact, he moved closer to the stairwell, till he heard the voices clearly, and bent down in pretext of retying his shoe laces. An old trick, he admitted, but useful. He sensed his follower hesitate and retreat further. He almost smiled, and focused on the conversation he was overhearing.

With each sentence that he heard, his brow furrowed in worry. Maybe Quinn's qualms about keeping things low profile were necessary. If what anything Edward was almost shouting at his servant was to amount.

"...rom right under our noses! I know I'm being betrayed!" Edward yelled at Mr Karofsky. "Somebody told Sebastian that he wasn't my son! And the only people I can suspect are the ones who've been with me ever since I was expelled from Vampire Council!"

"Surely you don't suspect me, my Lord?" Karofsky said; a hint of fear in his voice.

Edward growled, "No. I don't. But from what I've heard of your son's 'activities' through the town, despite my laws, I might have no choice but to suspect you. Sure, I admire Dave's bloodthirsty ways and aggression, but when he uses that against my orders, I can't exactly ignore it." There was a shuffling of feet. "Speaking of, where is your damned bastard of a son, anyways? Is he M.I.A. like my stupid son as well?"

"It would seem so. Although, I have confidence he'll be back. It's what he does; ignorers duty and spends his time chasing meals. But I'll call him again, my Lord, just in case."

"See that you do. And I want reports from guards on how Sebastian's hunt is going. I need him found and killed as soon as possible! Then I want another report regarding our preparations about the Hummels, as well!"

The voices were near now. Andy hastily stood up and started to leave.

"...more about Quinn and Andy..." Edward was saying, in a low voice now. "They are staying together too much for my liking. I know she's his sire, but he serves me and should stay around me..."

Andy picked up his pace and reached the record room, starting on his job without further ado. All the while he kept thinking about what he'd heard. Dave's absence had been noticed. But at least Mr Karofsky was being careless for now about this situation. He'd have to mention this at the meeting.

He had finished half of his work when one of Ed's servants came to fetch him. "Master requires your presence immediately."

He had no choice by to follow the girl to Edward's office. He entered after a knock to find Edward sitting deep in thought.

He looked up. "Oh, Anderson. Glad you came. I wanted to ask how the preparations for attack on the Dalton House are coming along."

Andy and Quinn had rehearsed this story last night as they left the Headquarters, so Andy had no hesitation in repeating it calmly.

"I intend to do it soon, Master. I've been visiting the hill discreetly to check for any kind of extra measures my sons must have taken in order to prevent me from returning. I've checked all the secret entrances into the house and they are closed off to me. It would take time, but eventually I'll be able to inconspicuously breach one of the wards and then I intended to lead a few soldiers with me to finish the business."

Edward nodded, looking impressed despite the fact that suspicion was clear in his eyes. He stared hard at Andy's calm facade for a moment longer, before he appeared satisfied that he was telling the truth.

"Good. The sooner those assassins are gone the better I can set my plan in motion. Oh, and I've heard that your sons are in town a lot often now. Is it so?"

"Yes, Master," said Andy readily. "But I see it as opportune. If they stayed away from Dalton House more it'll be easy for me to breach their wards. Admittedly, they always leave someone to secure the house against any penetration, but still, a few children are better than the whole lot of them."

"I understand, Anderson," said Ed, looking a bit annoyed. "But at the same time townspeople are becoming more trusting of those kids. The whole image of the Warblers as 'weird killers up on the hill' can be destroyed if the people started seeing them about and looking normal all the time. It would be difficult for us to tag them as enemies and erase them if that happened. So I suggest you breach their defenses soon before things get out of control."

"Yes, Master."

"Now leave. I have more things to worry about. You just do your job."

Andy left, and hurriedly (after checking for his followers) he made his way to Quinn where she sat pouring over a book in the library. His expression—and their bond as sire and heir—made it clear for her that something big had occurred. She nodded readily and they both left the Manor inconspicuously to make their way to the meeting together. Quinn called Santana in the way, for her to join them too.


Burt sat staring at the table top, deep in thoughts.

All around him people were clamoring. Angry and amazed voices joining to create uproar. But then again, the things they've heard and witnessed were enough to drive anyone insane. It was incredible. It was maddening.

Sue looked pale and kept snapping at people, her hand clasping her pistol protectively in case she needed to use it. The Doctors just sat looking tensed after repeating their findings to the gathered people.

Mike and Tina held each other close as they observed their fellow classmates and Puckpeople arguing and discussing. Rory and Joe were the only teens who sat silently and didn't participate in the goings on.

Finally, Blaine (who also had been sitting through this with his head in his hands) stood up and used Sue's tactics by firing at the ceiling by the handgun he'd snatched from Jeff's belt.


The silence was immediate.

"I understand," he said, striving to be clam and controlled, "that this is a lot to take in. But please, behave yourselves. This isn't the time for arguing. We need to plan it carefully in order to ensure not only ours, but Kurt and this whole town's safety."

Riley grumbled. "I agree. This is far beyond anything we've imagined but now we should focus more on how we're supposed to fix this."

As one, they all looked at Burt. He was still staring at the table. But feeling their gazes on him, he slowly roused himself from his thoughts.

He looked haggard and worried, but there was a clam coldness about him that made everyone doubly attentive to what he had to say.

"I am happy that my Kurt isn't the monster Edward was aiming he'd be. I'm thankful that whatever makes him different is something good and miraculous." He looked at them all in turn now. His eyes spoke of sadness and urgency. "But that also means he'll be yet in more danger than what we've anticipated so far."

Quinn now spoke from her chair. "Before coming here, I was hoping that it was something regarding Kurt, Dave or Lauren that required this urgent meeting. But never in my wildest dreams had I realized that it would be true and all the more worst than we thought." She took a deep breath before continuing. "And looking at Edward's past, his disposition, we can imagine how dangerous it'll be if he were to use Kurt to set his plans into motion. His plans on attacking the Dalton House, and thus eradicating the only base of Vampire Assassin's anywhere close to us; his plans on purging the town; and his plans on revenge against Texas clan—they'll all become extremely easy with Kurt as his weapon."

The people around all drew shuddering breaths. When she put it that way, it was easy to see that she was right. Edward would become unstoppable if Kurt joined him.

They argued upon many theories, ideas regarding this situation for the next few hours. But none were good enough. The only options left were to either throw cautions to the winds or engage Edward in open battle at once, at the price of many lives; OR... to kill Kurt.

This idea was stamped on by both Burt and Blaine so vehemently and immediately that they all agreed to explore other possible options.

So far none of them had been able to come up with anything worthwhile.

Artie suddenly stuck his hand in the air to gain attention. He pushed his glasses up his nose as the gathered people looked at him expectantly. "I've been thinking—while I trust Dr Berry's judgment and observations—what exactly is the proof of Kurt's power again? I mean, how can we say with certainty that only his blood was able to cure two Vampires of their Vampirism? How can we be exactly sure of what happened last night?"

This threw everyone off. Even Blaine looked troubled. True, after his first awakening, Kurt hadn't regained consciousness yet. And they had to know his side of the story, as well. It was highly possible that something else might have happened last night to cause such a phenomenal thing.

"Kurt is still sleeping," Burt said. "But you might be right Artie. We can't jump to conclusions about what happened without hearing his story. Until then, we'll have to plan on how we are going to keep this quiet so that Edward doesn't get a wind of it."

The persons present in this meeting were only the Warblers, Trinity and Andy, Deserter Leaders Sue, Neil and the Puckpeople. Each and everyone were trustworthy. But still, it was a delicate matter so they all formally pledged not to reveal anything until they had the whole story.

"Before we leave," Brittany said unexpectedly, "I'll like to see Dave and Lauren with my own eyes just once to confirm the changes as well."

Everyone who've not seen the ex-Vampires as of yet agreed that they'd like that too. So Sue led them all to the infirmary beds where the ex-Vampires were. Due to their slow recovery they'd been unable to attend the meeting in the first place. As expected, the Trinity admitted that they were, indeed, no longer Vampires.

Dave and Lauren were nothing short of astounded to see that Edward's most trusted girls had betrayed him to the Deserters. They tried to ask them many questions but the girls ignored them.

Brittany, however, asked Dave, "What happened last night? I need you to repeat the whole story without excluding any detail."

Her manner was stern and to the point. It was unusual to see her so focused and determined when she spent half her time smiling dizzily and talking weird. But everyone noticed that she's been this way ever since the meeting started. Only Santana, who knew Brittany well, realized that the blonde must be on to something.

Dave reported the whole tale again. Everyone heard first-hand, how Kurt had tried to defend himself and how his blood had affected the Vampires, with renewed excitement.

"Are you sure nothing else happened?" Blaine asked relentlessly.

Dave matched his sneer equally as he said, "No, that's all—"

"Wait," Lauren suddenly said. "Dave—there was someone there too. Someone attacked me, remember?"

Dave frowned and then his eyes widened. "Yes. There was. I can't believe I almost forgot. Just as I was blacking out, I distinctly saw someone come up behind Lauren and knock her out, before taking Kurt away."

This was met with stunned expressions.

"That surely explains why we found him so far away from the site of the incident," Burt murmured, looking at Dave and Lauren sternly.

Blaine looked a bit shaken. There was just a hint of eagerness in his voice as he demanded, "Who was it? How did they look like?"

"It was a female," Dave said. "I saw her long hair. But she was not a girl, per say—a woman, I think."

Blaine looked close to manic as he rounded on Burt. "A woman. I've seen her! She's been following Kurt around for a while now. Even Kurt knew she was after him."

Dave exhaled loudly in comprehension. "Oh, so that's who it was. I noticed that someone else was after him but I thought that was one of Edward's guards. He keeps tails on you guys from time to time so I didn't think much of it, naturally."

Santana shared a meaningful look with Quinn then Blaine. "And that unfamiliar scent we picked up near the crime scene, we almost traced it back to the Manor. Its possible that it must have been one of Edward's elite guard."

"But then why they'd take Kurt away from us?" Lauren demanded. "If they were with our team then they'd have helped us instead of escaping with Kurt."

"And they also left him safely hidden away in that warehouse," Finn chimed in helpfully.

"All the more reason to hear Kurt's story before deciding something," Riley said. "Hiram, how long till he wakes up?"

"I think we should give him a few days to recuperate first," Hiram replied uncertainly. "I still have to observe him for any other major changes that might've occurred in result to him being bitten by two Vampires at once. It's possible that he may gain even more powers due to that, in addition to those that he already posses due to being a half-Vampire, I mean."

Riley clasped him on the shoulder loudly in finality. "Sure Doc. Do your juju. And we'll gather again after he recovers!"

Brittany looked at Riley strangely and quirked her eyebrow. "Did you just say 'Juju'?"

Riley gave his gruff belly laugh as the only answer to her, as they all disappeared to their work again, the meeting officially coming to a close.

"Oh, and Blaine?" Dave called after them. "My father's been calling my cell phone for a while now. What should I do?"

"Ignore it," Blaine said with conclusiveness. "Unless...you wanna go back to him?"

Dave simply shook his head, expression pensive.

Burt visited Kurt with Blaine for a while before leaving for home. "Carole must be worrying. I need to tell her of everything. Goodbye, son!"

Blaine smiled softly. "See ya later, Burt."

He looked at Kurt's sleeping form, his smile widening. But then slowly, his smile faded. He was scared of what Kurt might say at waking up. He was scared that his lover was in even more danger now and they had no clue how to keep him safe.

He leaned in and kissed Kurt's unresponsive lips gently. "Please...wake up, Kurt. We need to know what happened. Please, be fine soon, love." And then he decided to snuggle against his boyfriend for the remainder of the evening.


Present Day

I throw my hands up and cry, "FREEDOM!"

Blaine and Burt both burst out laughing. I know they are more relived of my discharge from er—hospital?—than I am myself. But it feels good to be home. One more day at the HQ and I would officially have lost my mind.

As is not usual, my 'family' does nothing but keeps me clam and happy. These past days they have crossed every line whether it came to my health, my relationship with Blaine, or my extremely heightened senses and mood-swings—they've tolerated me with smiles and acceptance on their faces.

I wonder if this is what they wanted. What they'd been inevitably waiting for? For me to become...well...more.

But even I can guess they are giving me time and space to adjust. I can see it in Dad's eyes as he keeps glancing at me now and then with worry. Blaine's bright smile never falters, even if I can detect a slight trace of tears in his shiny eyes. They are hiding something. Again. And though I believe them to tell me everything from now on, I also realize they'd not divulge anything as of yet. They wanted me to 'get stable' first.

Yeah...I've overheard what Doctor Berrys sometime discussed in their office close to my room. They were always worried for my 'stableness.'

I FEEL stable enough. I mean, I'm happy I wasn't killed by Dave and thus leaving my loved ones sad. I feel active. Energetic. More than I've ever felt. But there are still some things that perturb me.

Like the fact that I was wearing sunglasses. Because as soon as we'd left the Headquarters, my eyes had stung with unbearable pain due to sunlight. Sam had been standing close by; he hurried over and gave me his glasses at once.

Not only this, I've been hearing a lot of things during the car ride home. Like each and every CLINK in the car's machinery individually. Like the voices from people or cars we crossed by clearly. Like a strange rushing sound and regulars thuds that occur rhythmically. I had to pay very close attention for that one, prior to I realizing that I was hearing, not only the heartbeats of Finn, Blaine and my Dad, but also the rush of their blood through their veins. Which explain why my shirt was half soaked in vomit—the mere idea of me 'transitioning' into a Vampire somehow (Blaine keeps insisting that I'm still HALF-Vampire) is nauseating.

These changes haven't gone unnoticed by my family. This explains their false smiles and sad eyes.

"Kurt!" Mercedes rushes out of the den to greet me. "I'm so glad you're OK!"

Carole is right behind her. Her face tears into a thankful smile and she sobs. "Kurt! Oh my God, I'm so happy you're back!"

Both the women engulf me in their warm hugs. I can't believe how much I'd missed them both. My best friend and my step-Mom.

"I'm glad to be home."

And that's when their scent hits me. I bite my lips in order to NOT scream or push them away at once. But as civilly as I can, I manage to free myself of their embrace with a smile.

"I'm starving! What's there to eat, Aunty Carole?" My voice is high in falsity. Just brilliant.

And this makes them both giggle and they lead me inside the house. I throw a look over my shoulder and catch Finn and Blaine share a glance. A very sad, meaningful glance. Huh, so they noticed me flinch then.

Great, I can't wait till they actually confront me about all this. I have...things...I need to discuss, and tell.

The lunch is sumptuous. And though I know I shouldn't be eating too much, if I have to keep my figure in check, I just can't help it. I mean a few days of eating Rachel's cooking would do that to a person. And did I mention that Carole is an awesome cook? I didn't, well she is.

Although they don't know it, I keep noticing the expressions on my family's faces as the lunch progresses into dessert and then leisure sitting/talking-around-the-table period afterwards. They slowly relax, I think because of my happy disposition. But it was just too hard to ignore the painful glances thrown my way continuously.

When Mercedes and Carole finally get up and clear the table to wash dishes, I grab my Dad's attention by saying, "So...did I pass?"

Blaine squawks suddenly and Finn swears, "Oohfuck!"

Only Dad stays in control. He looks at me straight and smiles warmly. "Yes, you did. Brilliantly."

"Great. So can we please drop this act now? I know you want to talk to me. I'm ready...so just do it, please."

Dad chuckles warmly again. "You are so much like Lizzie, it's astonishing. The mere fact that you knew about our 'act' is the proof of it." He turns serious. "But for the same reason, I need to know beforehand that, like your mother, you'll be brave, no matter what we say or ask of you."

As I guessed, it's something important. And exactly what they've been waiting for. "You can count on me, Dad...to be brave and in control about whatever happens."

"Also keep in mind that I love you regardless of what may come," he says, taking my hand.

I squeeze back and nod. "I know. I love you, too."

Finn lets out a huge breath that he'd been holding. Then he gives me a shy smile. "Me too, bro. I'm here for you, OK."

"Thanks, Finn." I now look at Blaine. "You too Blaine. You can count on me."

He just smiles sadly and says, "I'm so proud of you Kurt. And I love you so much. Thank you for trusting us."

Dad starts the narrative. He tells me about everything that happened since the attack. I listen calmly, a bit annoyed about the involvement of Dave...but otherwise I stay silent. I'm just slightly surprised about the tale regarding my Doctors. What they've monitored, these changes in me, I've already been experiencing them. They are huge, but still...after what Dad has told me about my past, it is hardly surprising anymore. He also tells about Edward's new plans, and it kind of freaks me. Edward Smyth's a madman, and no one can tell me otherwise.

"That's all...for now," Dad finishes grudgingly. "There are a few more details that you should know, but only after we've heard your part."

"My part?" I am rather taken aback now. My part matched what they've already said.

"We need to know the details of the attack from you too, son, before we can conclude the actual events."

"Well, it's exactly what Dave told you," I tell them readily. "He came after me, I realized a few seconds before he was on me. I got ready to fight back. I punched him, and this time he actually faltered. But then his hand slashed in from nowhere and...well, he slashed at my throat. Then he was drinking from me. I—I never realized that the actual bite would hurt that much... Then I—I passed out. That's all..."

"You never told about Lauren's attack, Kurt," Blaine says slowly, as if reminding me.

OK, this really shocks me. "Who—Lauren? She—she was there?"

"Wait...you mean to say that you passed out right after Dave's bite?" Finn suddenly asks.

"I—Yeah, that's what happened. I don't recall seeing Lauren. At all."

Dad heaved a sigh. "Well according to Dave, and yes, Lauren, they both attacked you, nearly draining you dry. Then they started to feel funny; woozy. Before they passed out themselves they saw a woman. You remember anything like that, son?"

A woman...? Wait a minute... "A wom—Oh my God! No way! She—I know about her!" They look at me with sudden ferocity, totally attentive now. "I mean, I know she's been after me for a while. I just—don't know why or, in fact, WHO she even is. But yeah, what else did Dave say about her?"

"We—do you know where we found you Kurt?" Dad asks me skeptically, and I shake my head. "In a deserted warehouse near the High School. According to Dave, the woman scooped you up, and ran away from there."

"And, she isn't just any woman, man, like she is Vampire too," Finn adds, looking a little afraid. "We had Blaine track you guys to that warehouse. And Trinity says that she may be one of Edward's people. Like, they traced her scent back to the Mayor's mansion or something."

"The first night I saw her, she disappeared pretty fast," I think back on that night. Yes, she had been really fast. "So I guess, she really is a Vampire. But why would she take me away from there? And seeing as how I'm alive and better now, it obvious she didn't harm me in any way. What could she be trying to do?"

In all this muddled mess there was another thing, another important fact, that's bugging me. But I can't quiet put my finger on it yet. Its all just too damn complicated!

"More specifically, who she could be?" Blaine says, tangling his fingers together. "And if she really works with Edward, why didn't she take you to him in your weakened condition, which would've been so easy."

An intense stretch of silence follows. I can hear the clanking of dishes from behind me. Mercedes and Carole stay silent; I know they are listening in.

"So what now?" I ask finally. "This is all I remember...what now?"

Dad and Blaine share a worried look now.

"Son, this is serious," he says. "Your bl—Dave and Lauren they drank your blood and fainted...don't you think that's a bit...weird?"

I gasp. That's it! That was what's been bugging me. "It's—yeah, it's really weird! Did Dr Hiram say anything about that? I mean, why'd they faint?"

Then Dad tells me about Dave and Lauren's condition. I feel like throwing up. It's just—impossible to believe. I grab my face in my hands and try to breathe easily—it's not working.

Blaine is by my side, dropping his own chair back in his hurry. He folds me in his arms, rubbing a hand down my back reassuringly, murmuring, "It's OK. Kurt, it'll be fine. Relax...you're fine, everything's Ok."

"Son," Dad's near too. "I know this is a lot to believe. We can take you to Dave and Lauren, you can see for yourself. But please, Kurt. You promised to be brave."

And I focus on that promise. It's true, I'm a freak. I'm a half-human freak whose blood is kind of a cure to Vampirism. But this is not the time to loose it. Not when my family depends on me so much, when they trust and love me so much. I inhale and exhale deeply, calming myself. There's a lump in my throat still, but at least I am able to sit up and mach their gazes with a reassuring smile.

"I'm OK. It's just—I got shocked. I'm Ok, now."

"Dude, of course, you are shocked," Finn says with a shy smile. "But still—it's pretty cool when you think about it, huh?"

Gosh, I love my step-brother. He's so uncontaminated and innocent, so positive all the time. And absolutely right, too. It is pretty good when you think about it on bigger scope.

I HAVE MAGICAL, HEALING BLOOD! Like, how sick is that!

Soon, we are smiling again. Blaine mostly looks relived that's I've clamed down. Burt looks like a proud papa. Finn looks enthusiastic. Carole and Mercedes come up behind me and both kiss me on my cheek at once, making me giggle.

For now I am glad. I have my family, my boyfriend, trust and support of so many others with me. I realize that (in regards to Santana's earlier warning and Edward's plans) I am in danger, even more so than before. But it's all worth it if it means I get to have the love and trust of my family. I have to get strong, train hard. Because it's no longer just personal. I can become a weapon in hands of a madman (or madVamp in this case) if I'm not careful.


It takes me a few weeks to become "stable."

That first night, after Carole goes to sleep and Mercedes leaves for her house, I went through some major "yucky" experiences. Yes, I meant, bloody. I've started to tolerate the scents emanating so hotly from my family, Blaine and everybody else that I meet. But tolerance is as far as I go. Now—DRINKING the blood, that part I'm not so sure about. Its yucky to just think about it. Dad says to think of it as red-grapes juice—and I say bullshit. I KNOW its blood, why the hell would I think of it as grapes?

Anyways, to make it certain that I was still a HALF-Vampire, my Dad and boyfriend gave me this (abominable) idea. To TASTE some blood, and then think on if I like it or not. I hate it even before drinking it, thanks very much. But, of course, to make it definite that I wasn't going to attack Carole or Dad in their sleep, I had to go through this test.

Blaine and Dad watch me as I take my first sip out of the cup. All I taste is salt and iron-ish tang that explodes in my mouth. And the warmth. It's like tasting extremely velvety, flawlessly salty lemonade with an iron-like aftertaste. Then next second, I hate myself.

I like it. I bloody like the BLOOD!

My face tells everything because Blaine and Dad don't ask any more questions. The fact that they are tolerating me and my newly erupted life shames to a sheer extent. I can't even look at their faces.

"So, apparently, you are good with eating food," Dad says at last. "Good with blood too. Hence, you are a Half-Vampire. And its possible for you to survive either way. Of course, the choice will be yours, what you want to eat or drink. Just let us know whenever you...desire blood."

My eyes go wide at that. Did they just— "The FUCK! I'm not drinking any of your blood! Don't even dare try and tell me that you'd—"

"Kurt, you misread!" Blaine intervenes, taking my hand comfortingly. "What Burt meant was that we can ask from the Trinity to supply the blood bags for you whenever you feel like drinking blood."

"Oh...I thought..."

"We weren't propositioning you to drink from us, son." Dad smiles as if he knows how much it hurts me. "But we are at your disposal, if you want."

"Never," it comes out as a whisper.

No way. Never ever am I going to drink from a person. I'll never do that. Heck, I couldn't even dare to harm an animal. Be that as it may, I'm scared. I'm scared of the things I feel. Of these cravings I'm having. I'm scared of MYSELF.

After a few days, I also go to visit Dave and Lauren. And even so I hate him for attacking me, I can't hate him for what he's become now. As a person, as a human, Dave seems to be a fine man. The Deserters have by now given them lodgings in the HQ and assigned various chores as well. Though people seem vary still, Dave and Lauren have managed to acquire a few friends within the Deserters.

My own meeting with Dave also is life-changing.

"I'm sorry," he says to me when Blaine and I visit his room. "For everything. I know it's not enough and doesn't erase my deeds. But it's all I've got to offer. So, I'm sorry, Kurt."

And all my anger leaves me. All I can do was smile and say, "It's OK. You are forgiven. And I'm glad we have now a chance to be friends at least."

Dave then tells me of all the crimes he'd committed. He told me of all the people he'd killed and how he regretted taking lives now that his own had become mortal again. He told me about his slaves, scattered all over Hilltown even now.

"I'm worried for them," he admits softly, concern evident in his voice. "Before, my approach was to only feed from them and use them for my own pleasure—but now, I feel responsible for them. I wish there was a way I could meet them again. I wish I could bring them here to help with you guys."

I smile at his worry. "You really like it here, I guess."

Dave nods excitedly. "I do. It's refreshing, actually. All my life—long, meaningless life—I'd lived in luxury and cruelty. But the most exciting part of my life here is the freedom. I had to answer to my Dad all the time, and Dad was Ed's pawn, nothing more. Now, I'm free. I don't answer to anyone. Sue watches over everything, that's true, but she doesn't own us. She gives us choices and we are free to choose whatever we like. This part, I love very much."

We also talk about what was to do next. It went without saying that Dave and Lauren couldn't go out where any of Ed's men could see them. They'd suddenly realize they weren't Vampires any longer and then my secret would be out. So with Sue's go-ahead, we decided that Dave and Lauren will only work inside HQ.

"I'm fine with it, really," Dave assured us. "I just worry about my Vampires. Those that I sired."

Blaine had been silent during our conversation, giving us time to exchange life stories. I sometimes catch him smiling at me, and I smile back softly to him. But now he looks attentively toward Dave.

"I can go check on these Vamps for you," Blaine offers, sounding serious. "Besides, I know that you also turned Amanda, Nick's little sister. I'd like to bring her here too for Nick's sake."

Dave nods. "Amanda, yes, I know Amanda. I can give you directions to where her hideout is. She's a good kid."

So I watch silently now as Dave and Blaine make a list of seven vampires who had been sired by Dave. Blaine notes down all their hideouts and promises that he'd be gentle and bring these people in so that we could help them co-exist with the Deserters.

Taking our leave, Blaine and I walk back to my house. It's a long walk, but just being near Blaine like this makes me happy (and thirsty) but I push back the thought hastily.

"It was a kind thing you did there," I tell him, leaning close to him as we slowly walk instead.

Taking me in his arms and nuzzling my hair, Blaine laughs. "Not much than what you did. You forgave him even though he tried taking your life twice."

This makes me less cheerful. Thing is, ever since Dave started taking abbot his victims and the people he turned, I felt uneasy. The way he talked of bloodlust, emptiness and no regard for life, it sounded—well—familiar. It was almost like the things I was feeling now. The overpowering scent, the unquenchable need and desire bursting into my veins like liquid fire, the complete electrical surge in my bones to attack and take what was mine. These things...these feelings...they are always at the back of my head now. Always.

Walking here beside Blaine. Its agony. He smells like heaven. And I can't touch him THAT way. I can't. Its hard enough to kiss him recently. All I can think about is to NOT devour him alive during kissing.

But, being him, he sees my discomfort at once. "Hey, what's wrong? Kurt, look at me. What's wrong?"

I smile at him sadly. "I think I forgave him because I understand now. I understand what he felt back when he was a Vampire. I feel the same, all the time. Even, now."

Blaine tightens his arm around me. "But you aren't a Vampire, Kurt. You are still half-human. That makes a world of difference, love. That sets you apart."

"But I can't keep on living like this Blaine," I whisper, feeling terrified to show him my inner most fears. "I can't stop thinking about how would YOU taste like, if I just—if I just took ONE drop. I keep thinking of ways I want to taste you and—and I'm scared."

Blaine stops and turns me around to face him. Cupping my cheek he kisses my forehead, my nose, and when I close my eyes at his touch, my eye lids.

"Kurt—have you drink any blood since that night when your first tasted it?"

There is no revulsion or hatred in his voice. Somehow, that makes me sicker. Blaine, who is a hunter, a Vampire killer—he is now forced to live with a half-monster like myself; he is forced into accepting me. I hate myself.

"Kurt. Love. Tell me, please." And he kisses my lips softly.

It's day out, we are in the street and he is kissing me. We have stopped caring of the way people will react. Blaine had stopped caring after he almost lost me after that attack. We have vowed to officially start a life as boyfriends—and maybe one day—as more.

"No," I tell him finally, opening my eyes. "I haven't. I wanted to ask Dad, but somehow, I can't say "want" and "blood" in a same sentence."

Blaine, my beautiful Blaine, smiles in the light of mid afternoon. Gosh, just his beauty makes me THIRTSY. But not just for blood.

"Kurt, you just did. You said both in the same sentence."

And I giggle helplessly. Who wouldn't when he was being like this, always happy, always optimistic?

"I meant in front of Dad, you dork!"

This time he kisses me full of mouth for several seconds. My heart flutters. My face flushes. And I'm reminded of being a human more than I'm craving his blood. He is right after all; my humanness makes all the difference. Its up to me to choose what I become, just as Dave chose to serve his Dad and then rebel by turning people for his own use.

Breaking apart, Blaine says, "Give it try. Drink some blood. Maybe then, you wouldn't feel like attacking people. When you'll feel fewer carvings, I'm sure you'll be fine."

I smile again as we start to walk. "It's too weird, Blaine. Talking with you about how to be a nice vamp—OK, OK, half-vampire."

Blaine looks abashed. "Well—I've been having some discussions with my father. He's been telling me some useful things on how I can help you deal with all these changes."

"Things going better, with your Dad?"

"Amazingly, yes. He's been in and out of Dalton to inform us of things happening at the Smyth Mansion. He keeps up this pretext of coming uphill to spy on us but, well—if it wasn't for the fact that he no longer lives there, I almost feel as if things are back to the way they were before. Us brothers and dinner with Andy some nights. It's become pretty normal."

"I'm glad for you," I admit, nudging his shoulder playfully. "I'm glad—to BE with you." His answering laughter is dear to me.

We are now at the town square, and I feel like going for Rosa's paratha rolls. I start dragging Blaine hurriedly and he gives me amused, questioning look but complies silently, a chuckle escaping him when he
realizes where I'm leading him.

We push open the door, the chimes overhead signal our appearance. The scent of humanity hits me and I become dazed, for just a millisecond. Then Blaine and I find a familiar pair of faces looking at us.

Jeff and Nick are sitting at a table, snuggled so close its scandalous to look at. But they appear to be in complete bliss. We make our way toward them.

"Hey, love birds," Jeff says and winks playfully. "Come to grope each other's neither regions under the table like we are?"

Nick blushes and snaps, "Shut it, Jeff! And stop poking my tummy."

"But it makes you laugh," Jeff mumbles, sounding actually hurt at rejection.

Blaine shakes his head, smiling fondly at his brothers as we settle in the seats across from them.

"So—what brings you here?" Nick asks seriously, still fidgeting as he tries to evade Jeff's hand under the table.

"We just visited Dave and Lauren," I say, looking around to check if there are any vampires in vicinity. But as Hill Tavern is fairly human territory—or sort of a Puckpeople Headquarter—I see none. "We had quiet an interesting chat."

So while Blaine explains the details of our visit, I walk to the counter to Marley who is taking orders inside for Rosa. She, being one of my girl pals in school like Mercedes, eyes me naughtily.

"So are you guys on a date?" she says, loudly and openly looking at Blaine.

I'm blushing at her open announcement. "Shut up, Mar! We were at the HQ, its not—not a date!" I hiss, red-faced.

Marley reads the underlying meaning and frowns. "You mean that since your official boyfriend announcement he still hasn't asked you out on a proper date?"

I roll my eyes. But I actually feel sad. Truth is, I have been wondering about it for a while. Since coming out to Dad and rest of the Puckpeople too, we haven't gone out on normal date. I feel like asking Blaine on one—but then I wonder if he wants to ask me. Except he hasn't. And that automatically makes me wonder if it's because I'm changed now? Does he not want to be romantic with me—apart from kissing me now and then while we are alone and in our houses?

"Hey," Marley nudges me. I blink up at her, trying to fake-smile. "Shall Mercedes and I intervene? Do you need someone to push Blaine into asking you? I can totally ask 'cedes to force Sam into hinting Blaine that you—OHMYGOD! I totally forgot! Did you know Sam is hanging out with Mercedes a lot at school these days?!"

This bit of squeal-y gossip attracts my sudden interest. True I haven't been to school in last two weeks. Dad had decided that till I was certain of my control, I should stay at home. Mercedes haven't come around either after my discharge from HQ.

"Tell me everything," I command Marley seriously.

Apparently, after my attack, Mercedes had been worried sick. She had been crying in a classroom thinking of her Dad's death and my attack and wondering if I'd die too when Sam found her. He had comforted her and told her about my recovery. They had started meeting each other afterwards, sometimes to discuss about my recovery but mostly just keeping each other company. Slowly, it became a habit. And people have started noticing.

"I swear, if she's acting all oblivious because she doesn't want to try it, I'll kill Mercedes!" Marley says, gushing. "You should see the way Sam looks at her though, it's like—like how Blaine's looking at you right now!"

I promptly turn back around and catch Blaine staring at me. Even from this distance, I can hear the accelerated heartbeat that belongs to him. I can smell the scent of arousal coursing through Blaine's body and it makes me blush to think that I'M causing it. (Moments like these I really find my newly heightened sense useful.)

I duck my head and ignore the way Marley is giggling at the two of us.

"He was so checking out your ass," she mumbles and runs off to give my order to Rosa before I can berate her over it.

I can't help but laugh too. I was just too happy. Blaine was mine. Everybody knew it now. Yes, we got stares and disapproving comments get thrown our way—who cares? All that matters is that I love him. And he loves me. And WANTS me, apparently.

I look back at him again, deciding to give him a chance to calm down before I join him. And I catch him licking his lips. Ugh, Blaine are you TRYING to kill me?!

Seeing me face he starts to laugh. Nick and Jeff, who've been extremely busy staring into each other's eyes and whispering things into ears, look at Blaine's laughing face, then my red one, and they laugh too.

This is beyond embarrassing. In a good way; because all I feel (apart from embarrassment) is happiness. I am happy with Blaine. He loves me—even though I'm becoming this weird half-creature. Life is good.

Or that's what I think before the door opens again and in walks the person I least want to see just now: Sebastian Smyth.


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