Hilltown Chronicles
Chapter 14: The Actual Killer Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hilltown Chronicles: Chapter 14: The Actual Killer

T - Words: 11,056 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 32/? - Created: May 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Author's Notes: A/N:A lot of sweat, hard work and sexual tension coming your way. Also, some Anderson History. For the first time, some details on the location of Hilltown.I've also designed a MAP of Hilltown. But I've got no idea how to add links here. Can someone help me out?****
~ CHAPTER 14 ~
The Actual Killer

It's with a lot of butterflies that I finish school today. As I wait by my locker for Finn or Ryder to show up, I can't help but throw a look to Brittany where she is standing by the stairs, texting on her phone.

As if she senses my eyes on her, she looks up at me and gives me tiniest of smiles. Then a scowl. I promptly look away, getting her point.

"Let's go!" Ryder says loudly, making me jump a little.

I look around once again. "And Finn?"

"Oh, he's—um—busy," Ryder says with a smile.

I roll my eyes. Of course, Finn might be in the glee club, hanging out with Rachel. We start walking down the hallway. I catch Ryder looking at Brittany with familiarity as well...and I nudge him forcefully.

"Seriously, dude, we are being obvious," I tell him.

"Yeah. Just still seems unreal, you know."

I nod. I had spent half my night thinking the same. As Puck said, my roof watchers are now back. It had been poor Mike and Rory this time. I texted Mike to see if he needs anything. He replied that No, he was fine, and insisted that I go back to bed. So I had gone to bed eventually, dreaming about Deserters hiding inside abandoned buildings, scared of the monsters outside.

We reach the Hill in silence. Ryder eyes it with some sort of trepidation. Which leads me to ask, "Have you ever...?"

"Been up there?" he finishes my query. "Yes, once. Two years ago. Weird place. Nice...but weird."

"Let's go up then?" I start walking up the tracts.

"No, wait here. Blaine said he'd send someone down here to pick you up," Ryder stops me. He checks his wristwatch. "It's time. I'm sure someone'll show up. If not, then I'll take you myself."

We don't wait long. Almost after a minute, we hear someone coming down the tracts. The person is nearly veiled due to the undergrowth and tree branches. But then I see Blaine hopping down the tracts with a serious expression on his face.

"Hi," I say, and then sneak a look at Ryder, wondering if he caught my excited tone.

Blaine's face breaks into my favorite sunshiny smile. "Hey there. Hi, Ryder. Thank you for bringing him. I'll take it from here."

"When are we supposed to pick him up?" Ryder asks as Burt had instructed both him and Finn this morning.

"Oh, you know...I'm not sure when we'll be free." Blaine checks his own watch, wrinkles on his forehead. "I think about dinner time...but I'll send one of my own brothers to take him home. How about that?"

Ryder relaxes. "Ok. Cool. I'll let Burt know. Good bye. Good luck, Kurt! Get trained and all!" He mock salutes us both and jogs out of sight, toward the Tavern.

I turn at Blaine with the same surge of nervousness in my stomach. He gives me another smile and holds out his hand.

"Come on! Lots to do today!"

He yanks me after him the moment I take his hand. My butterflies double and treble. But as we climb—very fast, because I start huffing after a while. Guess Blaine is used to this by now as he looks completely fine—I get distracted by a lot of things. The plants. Fruit trees. And the revealing view of the entire town. As we go higher, I start seeing further and further.

Blaine stops once or twice, giving me time to catch my breath and take in the scenery. Sometimes he just smiles at me. Then we are at the top, finally. It have taken us 15 minutes.

The Dalton House, which had looked like an ordinary house from down below...suddenly looms up in front of us. There's a neat stretch of green ground all around the house. A smallish warehouse of sorts stands in one corner of the lawn. Dalton House itself, is huge. Huger than the Deserters Hq.

I spot an umbrella over the roof and, under it, Trent and Cooper are standing. Trent seems to be looking through a telescope fitted by the boundary walls of the roof. He peeks over the telescope and waves, calling down, "Hey Kurt! Welcome to Dalton House!"

Cooper waves too and cups his mouth to shout, "You're in for a hell of a ride, Kurt. And I mean H.EL.L. Literally."

I give Blaine an uneasy look but he just chuckles. "Stop scaring the man, we haven't even started yet. Do you want him to run away already? Go back to your watch!" He shakes his head, mumbling, his tone fond, "Jerks."

It's when I realize that he's still holding my hand. I try to snatch it back, embarrassed all of a sudden. But Blaine's fist tightens around my hand, a spark in his eyes. And he starts walking me to the edge of the lawn.

"Behold...Hilltown!" he makes a dramatic gesture with his other hand, and let's go of me.

My mouth pops open and I walk a further ahead, till I reach the protective fence. And I look down.

Hilltown is spread out before me like a panorama. I can clearly see the square, and the Tavern; a knot of people coming in and out. I can see the Scandals Club. I spot Dad's shop and Filling Station, trying to make sense of the smallish people to see if any of them were Burt. I can see the Hospital and the Cemetery where Michael Jones Sr. was now buried. I can also see past the check post...the fields I've worked in. They look small and hazy. I can see the forest past the fields as well. And for the first time I realize that the forest seems to go around the entire town from the check post to the Old Graveyard...I see on the horizon the dark, hazy shadows of the forest.

"This is...like...WOW!" I look back at Blaine, my eyes wide. "Wait. Where's the suburbs? Where's my home? Can you see it from up here?"

"Yeah. Come on, on to the other side."

I let him take my hand again as he walks me back to the lawn, till we reach the other edge of the Hill. The fence covers this side too. I notice a small gate in the fence; it's padlocked. Another smaller, difficult trail leads down the Hill outside the gate. Like a secret exit.

Now I can see the industrial parts and the Suburbs. And yes, on the horizon there's forest again. I see the long Main Street; branching out of it are the other, smaller streets. I start counting houses, trying to make sense of the direction. And I spot my house.

"I see my house!" I exclaim and look at Blaine in ecstasy. "It looks so small!"

"It looks bigger through the scopes," Blaine says.

I remember what Finn had said, about the other large shelter of Deserters. I follow the Main Street till the end, and sure enough, there are no fields, but a vast expanse of abandoned land. It's brown and smudgy. The forest continues after a while again, but there are a handful of blackened, block-like buildings.

"What's that?" I point toward the buildings.

Blaine comes close and looks where I'm pointing. "Those are the abandoned factories mostly. Used to be another industrial setting there but business got tough. Some people left, some just gave up. See that...the bigger one right by the Fenced area? That's the second biggest hideout of the Deserters."

I squint, and see that, indeed, there's a snaky trail of fence all around the abandoned area. The buildings, abandoned factories, all lie behind that fence. I spot the largest building Blaine is talking about.

"That looks decrepit!"

Blaine nods quietly. "Yes, none of the Vamps know that the Deserters are there. As you can see there are a lot of abandoned buildings to search from. Whenever Vampires attack those buildings, the Deserters fight back. But they don't know for sure which building Deserters reside in."

"But they know now," I say, feeling a slight trickle of fear. "We told the Trinity yesterday about this."

Blaine nods again. "A chance that had to be taken. I'm not in favor but if we want to cooperate, we have to give them some information. Still I wish it could've been avoided."

We observe the town quietly for a while. Then I ask, "So that's what you guys do up here, huh? Watch over the whole town?"

Blaine smiles. "Something like that, yeah."

"I think it's cool."

I turn to him to find him still smiling at me. It's the same smile he gave me when he was drunk that night right after my Brotherhood Initiation. I blush and look away, trying to find another topic.

"So...the forest? It, like, surrounds us everywhere, doesn't it?" Wow, what an evident question. Stupid!

Blaine snorts. "Yeah. Talk about being trapped. When we first settled here, we mapped the whole forest...thinking that it was just a few miles deep, connecting us to some great city or something. It didn't. My grandfather...and father, even me, have traveled so deep in this forest on all sides and still we can't find a way out. Except for the highway road."

"How long have your family been here?" I ask, curiosity rising.

Blaine turns around and starts walking. I follow close behind.

"My Grandfather came here in the 50s. He was a teenager. The Suburbs hadn't even developed back then. The forest was much closer to this Hill. But as the population grew, people cut down the forest to accommodate the housing society. That's why the forest looks so meticulously 'round', and is fencing us all in. If some company were to come here and build more houses, they'll cut down more trees. But still, we'll be rimmed in."

He opens the front door of the Dalton House for me. I find myself in a foyer, and my mouth gape open. Its magnificent. The wooden floor, the masonry, the old paintings. It's the most beautiful house I've seen.

We next come out in a living room, and a huge, curving stairwell greets us. I gape at the beautiful skylight over head. But Blaine continues further and we enter a corridor. There are many doors here and there. He opens a door on the left and I see another set of stairs leading down.

"Grandpa Cooper came here because this was the quietest most sheltered town he'd ever seen. He wanted a sheltered life. Dad was born here. But the peace didn't last long. As you may know—the Vampires invaded. Grandpa never wanted to teach Dad hunting, but when he realized that evil had followed him even here, he had to take measures. He taught Dad, Uncle Roger and Mr Hobbleston, our housekeeper about hunting. And then Dad passed all those teachings to me, I passed it on to everyone we sheltered with us over the years—and now I'm gonna train you."

He looks back at me and smiles. We are in another, basement passage. There are only three doors here. Skipping the left and right one, he goes straight down the passage and opens the door there.

The room further is dark, but he clicks on a lot of buttons and many lights starts flickering on. Suddenly I can see. I restrain myself from doing something crazy, like cursing. Nevertheless, a gasp escapes me.

We are in a vast basement room. There are six pillars, holding the roof in place. There are gym mattresses all over the floor. And the showcases are pushed against the walls, all around, leaving the space in between. And in the shelves behind the glass doors, are weapons. A LOT of weapons. From swords, cutlasses, scimitars, bows, arrows, daggers and knives to all the modern arsenal, guns, rifles, ak47s, calibers, revolvers, dart guns, electric bows, throwing stars, stakes, clubs and what-nots.

"Well you guys sure are packing!" I say in a huff, making Blaine laugh aloud. His voice echoes in the empty room.

He closes the door behind us and takes off his shoes. I follow his example, and discard my socks as well when he does. The mattress feels soft under my feet and I find myself thankful for that. Something tells me that I'll be falling on my ass on these very mattresses shortly and repeatedly. Good to know they are soft.

I get a bit self-conscious as Blaine takes off his shirt and stands before me in a tank top. I try not to stare. He rubs his hands and looks at me, head to toe. I wrap my arms around me and catch the spark in his eyes again. It's like he liked what he saw.

"Keep your arms down," he instructs. "I want to see what you've got to offer."

I let my arms hang loose. While he makes a circle around me, I try to make small talk.

"What did you mean by 'evil following your Grandpa here'?" I ask. "You make it sound like your whole family has been hunting for a while."

"They have," he said, stopping in front of me. "My great-great-grandfather lived in Texas. You heard Santana's story about the Texas Clan yesterday, right?" I nod. "Well, Andersons have known about Vampires ever since the Civil War. He used to be in a church choir; called the Warblers. They used to travel around the whole State, and won many competitions."

He walks toward a shelf and opens it, taking out a club. I gulp in fear. He doesn't give any sign that he has noticed my reaction.

"When the news of War reached my family, they decided to fortify their town as soon as possible. Many of my great-great-grandfather's choir friends got taken to be inducted into the military. Eventually, he had to go too."

Blaine fiddles with the club, weighing it and places it back in the showcase. He takes out a sturdy looking short-sword instead.

"When he finally came back, he told wild tales of grave robberies and dead bodied coming to life. He raved about men, his companions who had died—that they come alive. At first everybody believed he had lost his head due to all the carnage of the War, but later they realized that he was telling the true events. When one of their choir friends, who had been reported dead a few months back, came back to town, looking sickly and pale, they realized the whole situation."

I frown. There have been tales of Supernatural around the War but mostly they had been discarded as psychological effect in the wake of all the deaths that occurred. Fiction has referred to it many times. The Vampire Diaries. Abraham Lincoln: the Vampire Hunter, Beautiful Creatures, and so many other books too.

"So the Vampires took advantage of the War?"

"Seems so. It was easy, turning people when they are close to dying anyways. Their friend died too, he burned into ashes in the sun. He couldn't eat food, sleep, or handle the burning in his throat. So the choir, the Warblers, realized that there were more like him out there. And following the War, there had been a lot more turned." Blaine smiles and shrugs, walking back in the middle of the room again. "So the Warblers became hunters. Whenever they got hint of something wrong, they'd go and hunt the Vampires. Thus the tradition got passed down to Grandpa Cooper. Till he got fed up, and decided to relocate here."

"Why did he got fed up?" I ask. "I can understand that it's a hard life, but why not tell your father about the real evil? Why not keep the tradition alive for security's sake at least?"

Blaine becomes grave. "That's what Dad asked Grandpa too. But the thing is, we used to be a large family. Rich family. But slowly all the Andersons started dying out. Grandpa couldn't take it anymore. He decided that it was either we completely died down, or that we survived away from all the madness." He gives a non-comical laugh. "Didn't quiet turn out that way."

"So you mean none of your family is alive anymore?" I ask in horror. "At all?"

Blaine huffs out another laugh. "Don't be alarmed! That's not what I meant! Sure there are more of us. I have an Aunt. Elsa. She lives in Kentucky. She has four sons, who have more sons. But only my elder cousins Jeremiah and Flint hunt anymore, if ever. It's different outside in the big cities. Vampires rarely show up on the radar."

"Oh, good. You had me thinking you were the only one left now!"

"So, enough chit chat!" he gives me his devilish grin. "Let's get started, huh?"

"Yay!" I punch the air, trying to be exited by the butterflies are back with the vengeance.

"So in the fields you've been trained a little," he says holding out the short-sword to me. I take it. It feels heavier than it looks. "But that's my strategy as well. I won't warn you, but I'll attack you at intervals. You have to fight back and improvise. OK?"

"OK." The idea of fighting Blaine at all is ridiculous. I mean if he's as good as everyone thinks he is, I'll be dead meat. But I HAD to get trained somehow.

"But for today, I'm just going to run you through some exercises."

The exercises included running, jumping, sit-ups and push-ups. Blaine ran, jump, sat-up and pushed-up with me. I was amazed at how easily he kept pace. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he does this on regular basis. But I was drenched in sweat and gasping after first 3 hours of this.

By the end of the third hour, we get interrupted by a loud knock. I come back to my surroundings. It had grown quiet as the rhythm built. Apart from our strained breathing and muscle pops now and then, the room was quiet. The knocking breaks the spell.

Blaine says, "Come in!"

It's Nick with a tray of lunch for us. He smiles. "Hey, Kurt. How you holding up?"

"Bhe-tur," I gasp, my mouth is very dry. Wow. Didn't realize it.

As if understanding my predicament, Nick offers me a ice-cold bottle of water. I take one long sip and its like heaven in my throat. With a few more chugs I empty the bottle completely and find Blaine and Nick's amused eyes on me. I thank my fortune that I'm already very red due to all the exertion and they can't realize that I'm furiously blushing again.

"What's the time?" I ask.

Nick checks his watch. "It's 4 o' clock in the evening. Are you supposed to go home?"

"No, just asking." I could have asked Blaine but I'm trying not to show that I want to talk to him. Because he looks really good while he's all sweaty and panting. REALLY good.

"Good. Cooper has been bullying us all into making you stay for dinner. He thinks it'll be fun to have you around."

Blaine tenses. "Well...I'm sure Kurt wants to be with his family for dinner. Cooper should know better."

Nick shoots me a look of concern. "Oh, I'm sorry. Of course. But you can stay if you like. Wes is making dinner thought, he's a better cook than any of us."

"I'll see. If it isn't too late I'll stay."

I take out my phone and text Finn. He's still with Rachel, and informs me to contact Burt. So I text my Dad and wait for his reply.

Nick has left by this time, and Blaine is sitting cross-legged on the floor. The lunch tray sits in front of him. He's looking at me when I finally turn back to him. Waiting for me, to join him.

So I sit across from him and cross my legs too. I want to wash my hands, they feel sweaty. I feel sweaty overall. My cotton shirt is sticking to my skin on various places and I start to feel an itch building up on the back of my neck. I restrain myself from scratching it.

"Shall we?" Blaine asks, being a prefect gentleman.

Thank god the lunch is rice and salad. Something I can eat with fork and spoon. I sneak a few glances at Blaine as we eat. I try not to stare at his mouth as he works the food. Or the bobbing motion of his throat when he swallows. When he drinks from his bottle, a trickle of water escapes from the corner of his lips. It clings to his stubble. I find myself wanting to reach out and wipe it away.

It takes me a few minutes to realize that Blaine is similarly observing me. We catch each other's eyes three times and look away. Maybe I should say something? Make conversation so it doesn't' feel this awkward.

"Why did you give me that sword?" I ask, pointing in the corner where I had left it before exercises began.

"I'll explain after lunch."

OK, then. "Are there any...fans down here?" I look up even as I ask. I see no one in sight. But I do see the vents on the ceiling for centralized cooling.

"Are you feeling hot?"

I only nod.

"Take your shirt off then."

I snap my eyes up to look at him, stunned. He's eating meticulously, not looking at me. His terse, frank tone had an underline of some other emotion that I can't pinpoint. It almost sounds like a challenge.

Its not that I'm ashamed to take off my shirt. It's something I do with boys on the fields all the time. But taking it off in front of Blaine, especially after our previous encounters, feels weird. And mysteriously enticing.

I internally cuss at myself as I open my buttons. My hands are trembling slightly. I shrug off my shirt so that I'm only in my black tank top. Instantly, I feel coolness against my skin as the sweat dries. I exhale in relief.

Blaine looks up and smirks. "We do have AC, in case you're wondering. But since we are nicely warmed up and still have to do more...its better not to crank it up. Don't want muscles cramps, now, do we?"

"Uh-huh." I concentrate on my food. I'm still figuring out why he smirked. And why he didn't tell me about AC before. Like, BEFORE ordering me to ditch the shirt.

When we've finished, Blaine grabs the short sword from where it lays and hands it back to me.

"I gave you the sword because I want to test what weapon you're compatible with." He grabs a full length sword from another showcase. "I'm efficient with most all the weapons in here. But I'm skilled with this blade. I can also shoot straight with a Caliber but there's something powerful in being able to wield this sword. My Father found out that I was compatible with it, and trained me with this sword for ten years."

"So everyone has different competency with weapons?"

"Yes. Nick is a pro with throwing stars. He can do it without even looking at his target—almost as if he relies on his sense of hearing than looking. He can throw the stars even in the dark." I close my open mouth. Wow, who'd have known.

"Wes, apart from being an excellent cook, is expert in blades. Smaller mostly. Knives, daggers etc. Trent is an archer, with strong arms like his. Kevin—he was an apt ak47 shooter. Justin and Hunter are capable to some degree in swords but they prefer the guns as well."

"So now we need to find out what I'm compatible with." I weigh the short-sword in my hand. "How do we test that? Are we going to fight and then see or are..."

"No. We are trusting your senses." Suddenly he is standing very close to me. My nose fills with his smell, the musky sweat and lingering scents of the salads on his breath. "How does it feel? The sword?"

I twirl the blade in my hands and frown. "Like if I'm not careful, I'll drop it or injure myself."

He yanks the sword out of my hand and goes back to the shelf. Now he takes down a lot more weapons, piling them up in my feet.

"Now if we were under attack, and you had to choose from this pile a weapon, what would it be?"

I look down at the pile and start thinking hard. All of these things look dangerous and would be absolutely useless in my hands.


"I have...I mean I could go with a knife. But—"

Blaine shakes his head impatiently. "We are under immediate attack, Kurt. Someone is at that door, beating on it viciously. Any moment it'll break and we'll be surrounded by enemies. Enemies, may I remind you, who aren't even human. They'll not wait for you decide what you're gonna pick. It's a snap decision...you'll have to lunge for a single weapon that can save your life. What would it be?"

I imagine myself in the scenario he's given me, nodding furiously. Knife. Bow. Swords. WHAT? But then I groan in agitation. "I DON'T know! I don't know what I'm compatible with yet. I can't just choose. The scenario you just describe would need expert fighters and since I'm not one...I just can't decide OK."

There's a glint in his eyes that I don't understand. Frustration, tension. God knows. But he nods very calmly. Too clam, considering my situation; I suddenly feel anxious.

"You're right. You can't decide on your first day." Blaine discards his own sword near the pile and walks back to the center of the room. "Five-hundred push-ups. I'll race you."

Even as I join him, I curse inside my head. I could almost feel he was disappointed. And there's no way I'll win this race. But I start push-ups and count in my head, going as fast as I am able.

1. 3. 5. 7...

Dave Karofsky stood near the Scandals door. One of his spies have told him that Quinn and Santana had recently visited this place. It wasn't something big, but he also knew that without Sebastian, the girls never came to this club.

He was hoping to catch them all. If they decided to come that is. But so far, nobody had.

Just as he was about to grow frustrated, he spotted two boys coming from the direction of the High School. He inhaled a gust of air and his eyes went wide. The delicious aroma of Vanilla, Yellow Rose and citrus hit his taste buds and invaded his mind. His eyes almost darkened completely, his fangs pushing out of his gums with insistent need.


Even as he decided on following Kurt and Ryder, he realized that just attacking wouldn't be a great idea. Kurt was notoriously known all over the town, for one thing. But also because Kurt was now a Sworn member of the society. Edward would have no choice but to punish Dave if he did anything.

But there was no harm in following him, was there?

Dave's curiosity got even higher when Ryder and Kurt stopped at the base of the Hill. Was Hummel visiting the Warblers? Why would he do that?

The answer presented itself to Dave and he nearly growled aloud. He hid behind a car that was idly parked by the road and observed quietly. He knew that someone was on top of the Hill, spying down. But the advantage of being so close to the Hill itself was that whoever was on watch duty, won't be able to see directly at the base of the Hill. Dave was safe, for now.

When he heard Ryder and Kurt talk about going up the Hill, his fears got confirmed. The Warblers were finally going to train Kurt.

Dave was still furious about the last time Kurt had defeated him. He hadn't expected a mere human boy to be so unpredictably strong. Now he knew that Kurt wasn't just a mere human boy.

If not attack him, Dave could at least kidnap Kurt and take him to Edward. Not only would that win Dave a place in Edward's good books, but it will also secure the possibility of Sebastian never taking Kurt for his own.

For Dave knew that Sebastian was a disgrace to the Vampire race. He was a boy who liked boys. He also knew that Sebastian have committed sodomy against boys many times. He had decided to tell Edward various times but every time he was held back by the simple fact that Edward wouldn't believe him. But if Dave could somehow prove that Sebastian wanted Kurt for his own, had rebelled against Edward solely because of Kurt...

Dave grinned evilly to himself. Yes, that would make sure of Edward's wrath.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to turn Kurt completely and make him a sex-slave for himself. Deve reasoned silently.

Dave LOVED keeping slaves. Blood-slaves. Sex-slaves. Slaves who would carryout his dirty work without the word of it getting to the authorities. And he HAD such slaves all over the town. Edward didn't know. Nobody did. But that was just as well.

There was something about the way Kurt smelled though, and the way he appeared that attracted Dave immensely. He had found himself dreaming about Kurt various times. Only in Dave's dreams, Kurt is a Vampire as well. Pale, deadly, beautiful even more than he already is. And Kurt is his slave. Pleasuring him in every which way Dave wanted.

But when Blaine came down from the Hill to meet them, Dave frowned. There was something going on there that he didn't understand. Here was a palpable scent in the air surrounding Blaine and Kurt, a discernable tension, a spark. And the way Kurt's eyes went wide and bright at the sight of Blaine's face...it was new.

More over, Blaine's reaction astounded Dave as well. He hadn't seen the Lead Warbler so happy before.

Were they best friends? Or more?

Sure enough, as Ryder disappeared from the sight, Dave watched with mute fury as Blaine took hold of Kurt's hand. He could hear Kurt's heart kicking up a noisy rhythm as their skins met. He could hear the way Blaine's breath hitched a little.

NO! Just, No. This can't be. Sebastian being attracted to Kurt was a different matter. But to know that Blaine was equally attracted to Kurt—and that Kurt was obviously smitten too!

"He's MINE," Dave rumbled under his breath. He almost touched Blaine's mind with his own, to threaten him and warn him away from what was HIS.

But it wouldn't work. He had to come up with something else. And soon.

When Kurt and Blaine were at the top of the Hill, he snuck out from behind the car and located a tree at the base of the Hill. He climbed the tree and settled there.

He'd wait for Kurt to return, and follow him again. Till he came up with something better. The evening deepened around him and he waited obstinately. Around 6 o' clock, he got a text from Lauren.

From Lauren:
Where are you? Sugar and I are hungry. Wanna hunt?

He replied her decidedly.

From Dave:
You girls go on without me. I'm already on hunt. It'll take a while.

From Lauren:
Oooh...who's it this time?

From Dave:
None of your damn business.

From Lauren:
It's Kurt, isn't it! Are you nuts?

From Dave:
I'm not going to attack him. Yet. I'm following him. He's up with the Warblers, and we all know what that means.

Lauren's reply came a bit late. Dave knew she was shocked.

From Lauren:
Should I tell Ed?

From Dave:
Not yet. At least let me be certain that I'll be able to catch him.

From Lauren:
Don't do anything stupid. And be careful. He's dangerous.

Dave rolled his eyes. And waited patiently.

I don't win. Surprise, surprise. But at least I get a grin from Blaine. He lays down on his back and catches his breath.

I'm still at 468. 470. 472. 475. 480....

"Your are not getting out of it unless you finish," he warns me, grinning again.

I ignore him and continue. 483. 487. 488...

I feel as if my arms will buckle from underneath me and I'll fall on my face—injuries are expected. But somehow I manage to go on.

I'm at 494 when I feel Blaine sitting up beside me. And then he charges at me. For a split second, I think that he's about to kiss me (because I haven't been able to think about anything else after lunch.) But then my breath whooshes out my me and pain flares in my stomach.


I look up at him in disbelief. But he stands tall and flexes his muscles. His eyes are narrow.

"Get up!" he spits out curtly. "Or I'll beat you just as you are, on your ass."

His angry tone, his naked challenge, is the only reason that I get up. Under other circumstances I'd be frightened. He lets me stand steadily and get ready.

Then he attacks again.

My scattered, tired mind tells me that he HAD warned me about this the first thing this afternoon. I should have expected this. But all the same, my previous training at the fields catch up and I'm able to dodge his punch at the last moment.

Then we are fighting like dogs. I fall three times. Once because he punches me in the gut again, then butt head against me and kicks in the ribs.

I swear I hear something crack. The third time I fall and stay on my ass for a whole minute, wheezing in pain. I almost expect him to attack me as I lay, but he is standing in a corner, poised.

I get on my knees and wobbly stand up again. Then I almost scream. He is standing still, poised—with a mace in his hand. Almost the moment I catch sight of him, he charges.

I remember the pile of the weapons still sitting a few feet away from us, and I lunge toward it to arm myself. Every single weapon crosses my field of sight and I discard a few of them almost automatically. Then I see handle of two swords, smallish, that are a pair, and I think in that split second, two swords are better against one mace.

So I garb them and turn just in time to block Blaine's heavy smack at my head. The swords are sharp. They embed in the wood of the mace a little, and I gasp out at the fact that Blaine had aimed at me with so much force.

I stagger back a step and bring my other sword up to stop his hit again. Seems he is swinging at me in rapid fire, aiming all around my torso. But somehow I manage to block each swing, using both the swords in both my hands.

But then his club catches me in the shoulder and I falter. He yanks one of the swords away and kicks me again, bringing me to my knees.

"Enough," he huffs out, backing away.

I fall on my stomach and just pant, trying to make the pain go away. Super-Human healing better kicks up now.

I feel him moving about me, and then a blast of icy wind touches my skin. Blaine has finally turned on the AC. It feels heavenly.

I'm finally able to sit up and I find him sitting in front of me. There's a smile on his face. I wonder why, he should be disappointed. Because I am disappointed in me. Compared to Blaine, everyone on the fields seems like garbage. I've never been beaten this badly, and I feel insulted.

His smile throws me off a little. "Why are you smiling at me?"

He twirls the sword in his hand. "I was guessing you'll be more of an archer or swordsman type. But—I never expected you to go for these."

I look at my own twin of the sword and frown. Something clicks in my brain. "You TRICKED me! You attacked me on purpose just so you can see what I'll go for!" I feel uncharacteristically cheated.

"Well, you never understood what I was trying before. You were thinking too much. So, yes, I attacked you precisely to give you the idea of what I was saying before. In just a split second, you'll have to chose the one weapon that would save you." And he smiles wide. "I gotta say I'm impressed."

I am still fuming. "So the twin swords? That's my weapon then?"

"They are called sai swords. Not one of my specialty, in fact, I don't think anyone here has any idea of how to use these babies." He hands me the other sword and I evaluate the matching blades in my hand. "But you fought with them almost easily. Tell me, how do they feel?"

This time I take his question seriously. The short-sword before was extremely heavy. But these sais feel like air. I don't know why I grabbed them, but being armed on both my hands felt safe somehow. On instinct, I twirled both the blades on my fingers and Blaine lets out a guffaw.

"See that's how you choose your weapon!" he exclaims. "Something that feels a part of you. That feels like an extension of your arms and limbs. Something that feels natural and easy."

"These do feel easy," I admit. "But I still hoped that you'd warn me."

"If I had, you'd have done what you did before. THINK. And thinking wouldn't have gotten you a weapon. It would have gotten you a heavy club and you'd have been a staggering mess in front of me right now." He stands up gracefully and smirks down at me. "Besides, I DID warn you the first thing. And I won't next time."

He holds out his hand and I sullenly garb it. But I don't except him to yank me up hard, and press me right against himself. My breath catches in my lungs as I feel his body heat enveloping me...my vision gets invaded by his sensual mouth and jaw.

He nuzzles the corner of my parted mouth and mumbles, "I was also impressed by you. Who'd have known you'll be even hotter when you're all sweaty and angry."

My clattered brain catches up to the fact that he has just complimented me and I blush even feverishly. "Um...thanks?"

He chuckles against my mouth and I feel the vibrations all through my body. "But please, next time...don't take off your shirt. Or else I don't know what I'll do..."

I blink rapidly, feeling stupid. "But it was...hot?"

"I'll keep the AC running then. Just don't—unless you WANT me to cross the line."

Proving his point, he presses against me hard and licks a strip from my jaw to my cheek. I shudder at the warm touch and almost say that YES, I WANT YOU TO CROSS THE LINE! I wanted him to cross ALL the lines.

"I'll...keep that in mind..." I somehow manage.

And like clock work, the footsteps sound outside the gym-room and Blaine grudgingly let goes of me. He still keeps his hand in mine.

It's Nick again, and he smiles at our joined hands. I try not to think too much on it.

"Dinner is ready. Come on." He flashes me a smile. "Looks like you are staying for dinner after all."

I hadn't realized that so much time had passed. But our push-up race and extended scuffle had taken more time than I thought. I remember suddenly that I had texted home earlier. I check my phone and find a reply from Dad.

From Burt:
Sure, son. Stay as long as you like. But don't come back alone.

I smile at Nick. "Yes, seems I am."

Blaine watched Kurt leave with a heavy heart. It was the end of second week of their training, and his fears were now confirmed.

Someone was following Kurt, regularly. A woman.

Blaine had tried to zoom in on her several times, but even so, he had no clue whatsoever who she was. She didn't even look familiar. He had tried to warn Kurt several times, but to no avail.

Over the past few days, Kurt had gotten a bit edgy. Angry. Blaine was now worried that one day he'd grow angrier.

Blaine wasn't certain why that was, or when Kurt actually began to loose his calm, cool personality. But he attributed it to his standards of training, at first. After all, his own brothers had turned furious during the time he was training them. Not just furious, but murderous. All of them. He remembered his own training years, how he had started hating his father for all those tough instructions.

But then he realized it wasn't the instructions that pissed Kurt off. It was something else.

First few days had been wonderful. He remembered the way Kurt blushed whenever they were close enough to touch. He remembered how his own heart fluttered watching Kurt move so gracefully, watching Kurt's flushed, shiny skin. He remembered the electric spark between them.

Fourth day had been the tough one. Kurt had gotten used to the routine Blaine had created for them, exercises, races, fighting, surprise attacks, more exercises and then weapon instructions. Kurt had set up his mind as to what he was aiming to achieve.

But then Blaine had thrown cautions to the air and attacked Kurt. He had pushed him against a wall and nearly devoured Kurt's mouth. Kurt had made that desperate, needy sound in the back of his throat, arching into Blaine's body as he responded with the same longing and yearning.

Blaine had never felt so good, so alive. He was aware of Kurt in every way possible. Their hearts beat as one, their breaths against each other's mouths, their frantic moaning voices. Blaine had ripped Kurt's shirt off and savored touching the soft skin underneath. He still remembered the way Kurt shuddered against his caresses.

And nobody had disrupted them that day. Nobody at all. Blaine could've gone too far with Kurt. They had gone too far—he still remembered the touch of Kurt's hands on his lower back, the way Kurt's fingers dipped under the waistband of his boxers.

Blaine still remembered how Kurt had bit his lips, softly at first, then harder. It had made him frenzied, he had liked it so much that he bit Kurt back. But then the biting had turned into something else.

Blaine only remembered the briefest moment his eyes fell open the same time as Kurt's. Usually when they made out, Kurt's eyes got this dark shade of blue with lust. But now Blaine only saw blackness in them. And as they parted, Blaine could've sworn his saw Kurt's teeth were a bit sharper than usual.

It had taken every ounce of self-control in Blaine to NOT show Kurt that he's felt the changes. He had tried very hard keeping his expression neutral, as he pulled away from the heat of Kurt's body.

"Oh my..." Kurt had gasped, before running out the door, stopping only to garb his sneakers.

Blaine remembered running after Kurt, calling his name all the while. In the time that it took Blaine to get on the roof to the scopes, to find Kurt, Kurt had run all the way down the hill and was at the front door of his house, panting and visibly flustered, from what Blaine could see through the telescopes.

It was the first instance of how DIFFERENT Kurt really was that Blaine noticed. He vaguely remembered what Burt had told them all—about moments when Kurt could get extremely fast. According to Burt, Kurt usually did that when he was tremendously sad, or in pain.

Had he noticed that I noticed him change? Blaine had questioned himself.

But he didn't got the answer until the next day when Kurt didn't show up for the training. Blaine had to call Burt to make him send Kurt up the hill in order that they could continue training as scheduled.

"He says he's sick," Burt had kept telling him. "Sure you can't give him a day off?"

"He's not sick," Blaine had informed. "I might've been a little hard on him yesterday. But please, send him here. You know how important his training is."

Kurt had shown up with Finn a few minutes later. And one look at Kurt's paler-than-usual visage had explained to Blaine all he needed to know. Kurt KNEW he had transformed a little, and hurt Blaine in the process—if a bite on the lips was categorized as 'hurt.' Blaine didn't think so, and he tried telling that to Kurt.

"I could've hurt you," was all Kurt had been able to say.

It had been the only thing that he said to Blaine since that fourth day.

Now—it was their third week of training. Kurt was quiet, admirable student. He learned everything Blaine taught him with precision that his own brothers had lacked—that he, himself, even lacked. Kurt could now handle those sai swords so well that Blaine had to turn to lowly methods to defeat him in their fights. Kurt wasn't the only one who got injured at the end of the day now.

Blaine was satisfied, as far as Kurt's training went. But he still couldn't stand the way Kurt always drew back whenever he tried to touch him other than in the fights. He couldn't stand the look of guilt on Kurt's face. He couldn't stand the fact that every time Kurt walked home—he'd been walking home alone for a few days now, as a test that whether or not he could detect someone was following him—he never even looked back in farewell.

He had seen the woman following Kurt before, twice. But Blaine wasn't sure, until now, who she could be. Name or no, he was sure that she wasn't a human being. The way she found all the right places to hide, all the shadowy corners, and the way she moved so fast and stealthily like smoke, was not human.

Blaine promptly took out his phone and texted Kurt right then. He had no expectations of answer but, at least, Kurt would be warned.

From Blaine:
You are being followed.

From Kurt:
I know.

This reply made Blaine equally happy and sad. Happy, because Kurt had realized he was being followed and had actually replied back. Sad, because it felt like days since they'd interacted in any other way than just training.

From Blaine:
What else have you noticed?

Blaine couldn't help but glance through the telescope as Kurt slowed a little and typed his reply. His follower was expediently staying in the shadows.

From Kurt:
Woman. Mid-thirties. Looks familiar. That's all.

From Blaine:
How long has she been after you?

Blaine could detect by Kurt's sure answer that Kurt had known of this follower even before himself.

From Kurt:
I first saw her the night we buried Mr Jones.

Well that explained it. Blaine had been drunk, too drunk. He remembered being close to Kurt as they walked home, he remembered his foolishness as he had almost sang his song to Kurt. And he remembered how Kurt had stopped and told Finn that he thought he saw someone. But Blaine couldn't remember the finer details.

From Blaine:
Well. Get home. I'm watching you.

Blaine glanced through the scopes again, hoping. But Kurt merely tucked his phone in his pocket and picked up his pace. Feeling sad, Blaine kept watching, true to his word.

But after Kurt was safely inside the house, he realized that there had been more than one followers. The woman, as she had before, disappeared almost immediately as the door closed on Kurt. But nearby in a clump of bushes, another shadow was hiding. Blaine had to zoom in only slightly before realizing who it was. Karofsky.

"David, do you see him?" Blaine asked aloud to David who was occupied on the other telescope, observing the other parts of town.

Turning his focus in the direction of Hummel house, David peeked through the scopes for a while. "Following a Sworn person is considered as law breaking too, right? Shall we kill him?"

"No. He's only following. But if he made any hostile moves toward Kurt, then yes, we'll kill him." Blaine sighed and abandoned his post. He had promised Cooper an explanation sometime ago, and right now seemed like a good time to explain. "We'll have to be extra careful from now on, though."

Cooper was in his room doing homework. The moment Blaine entered the room, and the boy saw his face, Cooper knew what was coming.

"Before you start talking," said Cooper wisely, "I'll like to invite Nick too. It's possible you'll need advice of somebody older than myself."

That made Blaine chuckle. "Sure, invite the wise Nick."

When Nick joined them too, after Cooper yelled his name over and over, till he came in running, his bow at the ready, Blaine launched into the story, beginning from the night he stayed with Kurt and realized he liked him.

He told them of his fears, and his discoveries. He told them about Kurt's rapidly changing attitude, how he seemed to be getting angrier each day. He told them about the followers and more fears that were taking place in his heart.

Nick and Cooper sat silently after Blaine finished, just observing him.

Then Nick said, "You love him, don't you?"

There was no denying it. "Very much," Blaine said simply.

"You love him so much that even though he literally transformed into one of them and you still don't find him—um, repulsive," Cooper elaborated.

Blaine smiled a bit. "Yes. Hypocritical of me, isn't it? My own father gets turned and I don't trust him anymore. And the boy I love is half the monster and I'd do anything for him."

"Love is a bitch," Nick mumbled.

"So yes, that's the case." Blaine sighed again, feeling tired all of a sudden. "I love him, and I want him but he won't even look at me anymore. And when he does there's this hopeless look in his eyes, as if—as if he thinks he's become a killer or something and I just can't stand it!"

"Maybe you should tell him," Cooper suggested.

Blaine almost yelled at his brother. "I—I HAVE told him! I have told him every single day that it wasn't his fault! That I don't think he's a bad person that he's just different and that he'll learn to control it but—"

"That not what he meant!" Nick inserted angrily.

Blaine blinked, looking from Cooper to Nick, trying to figure out what they were hinting at. "So...what then?"

"Tell him you love him."

Blaine stared at Nick's somber face. And he realized that Nick was right. The only way he could really make Kurt believe that he didn't think Kurt was a monster was to tell Kurt how he actually felt.

"You think it'd work?" he asked his brothers, just in case.

"It's gotta!" Cooper said. "Love conquers all and yada yada yada, you know. So if your love is true and all, yes, it's gotta work!"

Blaine grabbed Cooper's face and kissed him forcefully on the forehead, while Cooper wriggled and yelled "UGH...GET OFF! EEW!" He then hugged Nick furiously and nearly ran out the door, but Nick called him back.



"I think you should wait for him to come here tomorrow," Cooper suggested again. "Let's just sleep on it OK. Think through what you really want to explain to him first."

Blaine itched to go after Kurt right then. But Cooper was right again. This had to wait.

Each morning I wake up with a bitter taste in my mouth. It's not the fact that I have to go to school or that I have to face my enemies, and ignore the allies each day.

No, it's the fact that I have to see Blaine again. Everyday. After what I....

Every time I see him, I'm reminded of the blackness that I felt when I was kissing him. It wasn't the blackness of bliss or pleasure. No, it was the choking darkness. I felt nothing when I saw that blackness. I stopped feeling Blaine's heat when that blackness hit me. I only wanted to taste him. That blackness made me into a monster—into a Vampire.

I hurt him. I hurt the person I love the most in this world. Because I'm a monster.

That's what they are training me to become. They think I'll be good and join forces with them. But they are wrong. They aren't training me to be a soldier, a savior! No. They are teaching me how to become a killer.

Every day, Blaine tells me something new. Something amazing in the art of killing. Every day I'm forced to learn how to kill. And all the while I can think is that once I BECAME the killer, Blaine would be the person I'll end up killing.

I can't seem to forget that look on his face when he stopped kissing me. There was a sudden realization in his eyes and then blackness. Like he was building walls around himself. And why else would he build walls around himself in that moment when we were so close, then the fact that he saw what I truly was? That he realized he was fraternizing with a monster?

And then he has the audacity to tell me that IT WASN'T MY FAULT! Of course, it is my fault! I should never have gone after him. I should never have trusted him so much. I should never have kissed him! I should never have become his close-CLOSE friend!

I should never have loved him.

Because he wouldn't love me back. He would just train me to be a killer. He would keep telling me that it was NOT my fault, that we are FRIENDS!

No more. They want me to kill? Fine, I'll kill. They want me to save them? Fine. I'll even do that. But I'll never be HIS friend again. Because a monster and a man can never be friends. Or lovers.

When I get to the Dalton House today, there's something different about the way Blaine looks at me. These past days have been full of pain and regret for him. Rightly so. He regretted that he ever became close to me. He was pained that he'd let slip the pity he felt for me because I'm such a weird case.

Today, he looks like Blaine. The Blaine I know from that late night walk home. The one who cuddled with me because I needed him to.

And it hurts. Watching him look at me with the same sincere concern in his eyes hurts.

"Before we being today," says Blaine as I go through our usual tasks. Boots off, 150 push-ups to warm up, arm wrestling. "I'd like to tell you something."

I don't know why I speak. I usually just stay silent when he starts his monologue and lectures. But I just snap today, "Yes, I know! It's not my FAULT!"

Blaine flinches a little and I realize that I'd talked a lot more angrily than was required. And there I go, feeling guilty again. Didn't I have more than enough reason to feel wretched?

"That's not what I—I was going to tell you a story, actually."

I feel it in his voice. The pain. This pain is not like the regret of past days. It's new. And it makes me curious enough to ask, "What story?"

Blaine sits on the mattress and I join him. He doesn't look at me, instead, he plays with his fingers. I've seen him do this twice since I'd met him. It usually meant that he was struggling with how to proceed, or how to find the right words to say.

"It's about me. About how I was before...everything." He gestures vaguely with his hand. "I learned killing Vampires when I was 12. I wasn't prepared enough when I killed my first Vampire successfully, at 13. My father, he was at the store, cataloging his items. It used to be just me and my grandfather here. Cooper was 6 months old, he lived with Nurse Dorothea. She nursed him till he was three years old."

I am listening to him with all my heart now. I have always wondered why he became a Vampire slayer so young. And now I'll know. I almost reach out to touch his hands, he's still playing with his fingers nervously. But to touch him would mean that I'll hurt him. So I just sit listening.

He smiles sadly at me. "Just after grandpa and I made dinner, I was sent to bring Dad inside so that we can eat. I had just crossed the lawn half-way when I heard shattering. I ran back inside the house and—" Tears swim in his honey eyes and he goes still suddenly. It's like he can see all of it again and surprisingly I don't want him to finish this story.

"There was this rogue Vampire. I knew he wasn't with the Smyths because he was naked, head to toe. It's kind of a thing the rogues do. They are wild, and the worldly stuff like money, clothes doesn't matter to them. They are, in all sense, animals."

He sniffs a little and chuckles without humor. "His body was lean, I could see the chorded muscles as he crouched over my grandfather. He was pale, like a ghost. If not for the lights, I actually would have believed he was a ghost! His mouth—it was attached to grandpa's neck, and his finger nails were embedded deep in grandpa's chest. Blood gushed in streams down his mouth and neck and his hands and arms...There was a pool of it where they both stood.

"And then the Vampire realized I was there, watching. I'd never seen anything like him—he was my first Vampire, as I said. I had nightmares of his black eyes and bloody fangs for months afterwards."

"How...? How did you...?" I can't ask him the question fully but he understands.

"The dining table, it was half set already. That is what grandpa was doing when he was attacked, and the plates shattered that fell from his hands and I heard. The Anderson's family heirlooms, the silverware. Pure silver. My training wasn't complete but, I remembered this piece of information and, I grabbed a spoon and knife, as he attacked me I shoved them through his neck."

Blaine closes his eyes and says, "I still remember his screeches...I felt like my ears would bleed. That was the day I truly realized what monstrosity was. I realized the kind of enemies I was being trained to kill. When Dad and I buried grandpa that night, I swore that if I saw a monster like that again, I'd kill it. I'd be merciless and unafraid. Because killing such a monster was a good deed unto this world and if it meant I had to do it, I would."

Now he looks at me, his eyes open, pleading. "I became a killer, Kurt. No matter if they were Vampires, but they wore skins of humans. They USED to be humans. And I killed them all. When Jeff joined us, a runaway, I taught him how to be a killer as well. As they all joined us, one by one, I turned them into killers!"

"And now you're turning me..."

"NO! No, that's what I'm telling you, Kurt!" he grabs my hands forcefully and makes me look in his eyes. "I have SEEN what monsters are like. All my life it's all I have done, Kurt. I've faced monsters. I've killed them. And I know a monster when I see one. Then how could you even think for a moment that I consider you a monster, Kurt? How?!"

I try to answer him but...

"You know what I used to think before you came into my life?" he says frantically. "I used to think, let's kill Vampires. Lets see who have been a bad Vampire, and kill it. I used to be a KILLER before you came into my life, Kurt. The day I first met you, I knew you weren't normal. We'd heard tales of how townspeople had tried killing a Hummel baby all those years ago. And don't forget, it was MY Dad who helped save your mother! I KNEW your mother was a Vampire. I KNEW you would be different...and yet when I saw you, you know what I thought? All I could I think was, this poor, beautiful boy! He's lost his father! All I could think was, they'll use him and he won't even know why! I could just think that Smyths would come after you and I kept thinking that you needed to be protected!"


"No, Kurt! I kept thinking of saving you! And not once, NOT for a minute, did I ever think that you were a monster!" he nearly yells, a tears slips from his eyes. "How can you even think that I'd think of you like that again, Kurt? How can you even...Do you remember that night when I walked you home? And I told you about why your father left town...?"

I nod. "Yes ..."

"And I saw that you were confused and stunned! And I all I felt was that I needed to help you! I wanted to tell you the truth and I wanted to be your friend!" He clutches my hands tightly and leans in. "Everyone I'd ever met, I met as a teacher, a leader. A person who taught them to kill. But for once I wanted to be your friend. Just a friend. And then I started to get to know you better...I saw that you were beautiful, Kurt. Beautiful, inside and out! And I tried going away, I tried avoiding you! But I couldn't. I asked Nick and Wes every day about you. How you were? Did you get hurt on the fields? How were your fights coming along? How better you were getting?! And every time they told me that you were great, I didn't feel the satisfaction of a teacher I felt when I taught my brothers, NO! I felt proud of you! I felt Happy! Because that meant you'll be safe!"

I'm crying now. Because...he doesn't hate me! Whatever Blaine felt for me, it wasn't hate or regret or pain or pity... "Blaine..."

"And then, then you kissed me." He closes his eyes again and he smiles. I've never seen him smile like that apart from when he smiled for Cooper. "I never thought—I've never felt like that...ever. I stopped being surprised after the first night, because I expected that you would surprise me over and over again. But—I never imagined that...that I'll fall in love with you, Kurt."

My breath catches, and I feel my heart stop.

He leans even closer and whispers, "I'm in love with you Kurt Hummel. I've been for a while. And I can't stay apart from you anymore. I can't stand that you think that I think less of you! I've never thought less of you. You are everything to me, Kurt! Everything."

I don't know if it's me or him that closes the distance between us. All I know is that we are kissing again, our tears mix with each others and I taste them on my tongue.

"I love you too," I whisper before kissing him again.

Dave watched as Blaine and Kurt walked down the hill side by side. He frowned. The past days that he's been following Kurt, Blaine had never come down to see Kurt off. Strange. In fact, Dave even went as far as to guess that there was some sort of trouble going on between the two of them. He'd certainly seen Kurt walk home looking sad and desolate!

But they were smiling softly, at each other. Dave felt fury rise within him as Blaine leaned close and pressed his lips against Kurt. From this distance, he felt their heart beats synchronize and he smelled the tangible lust that hovered over the two boys.

Kurt was breathless when they parted, a beautiful flush making him smell ever more delectable. Dave had to restrain himself from attacking right then.

"I'll see you tonight?" Blaine said, never leaving Kurt's eyes.

"Yeah," Kurt was still breathless, and blissed out.

And then Kurt was walking on his own, as Blaine stared climbing back up the hill. Dave followed Kurt and waited till they were past the Filling Station. Burt would be at home already, but Finn stayed a bit late. He watched as Kurt greeted a few known members still working the night shift and yelled "Hey Finn! I'm headed home!" to Finn who was working in the office. Finn grinned widely at Kurt and waved him on, mouthing, "I'm right behind you!"

Dave decided that he'd have to be quicker than Finn somehow.

He knew that there was another person following Kurt but he didn't think much of it. He had been aware that Edward would have sent one of his elite guards to keep an eye on Kurt at all times.

That's also why he would have to be quick!

When he was sure that the other follower had momentarily hidden in the underbrush, and Kurt was just entering the Main Street, he pounced.

It felt rejuvenating! The need coursed through his veins and the speed delighted him. He had waited so long for this...too long!

A spilt second before he was on to Kurt, he saw something different. Kurt didn't shrink back or screamed as before. No. Kurt's eyes went wide, then narrowed. Instead of backing way or running, Kurt slightly crouched and flexed his fists. Kurt was ready to fight.

But Dave knew he was no match for him! Because this time, Dave wouldn't hold back.

With a furious swipe he slashed at Kurt's side with his over grown nails. Kurt groaned in pain, but retaliated by kicking Dave hard in the shins. And Dave gasped. He actually FELT the blow. It actually hurt him. In that minute, Dave realized that Kurt was, after all, half-Vampire as well.

So he had to be quick then. By now, Blaine's pals would have warned him about this. Blaine's little army would be on their way even now.

So he garbed Kurt's neck, digging his nails into his flesh till that warm, delicious blood squirted out. Dave's senses got invaded by the scent and his fangs popped out.

Kurt yelled in agony as Dave pierced his skin with his mouth and tasted him—FINALLY!

It was heavenly. More than anything he'd ever tasted. The moment Kurt's blood hit his taste buds, Dave knew that he'll drain Kurt dry. He may not even be able to stop long enough to turn Kurt. No—this blood was too delicious to leave.

And that's when he felt fire in his veins. Like somebody had injected liquid acid into him. With a gasp he let go of Kurt and fell on his knees. His vision blurred—how odd!

"DAVID!" he heard someone scream. Lauren.

What the hell was she doing here? It was Dave's last logical thought. With blurry eyes he saw Lauren pounce on Kurt as well. Kurt was too much in pain to notice or to resists, his lime colored cotton shirt was soaked in his blood, appearing black in the fading evening light.

Lauren moaned loudly in pleasure as she tasted Kurt. Then she screamed, clutching her throat.

Just as he lost consciousness, Dave saw a shadowy figure—a woman—appear in front of him and Lauren. The figure kicked Lauren forcefully till she was screaming. Then the figure...the woman...She scooped Kurt in her arms and fled, fast.

Dave knew no more.


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