July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 25
“Let’s cut to the chase ok I need you to do something for me or you will never see Quinn again got it” Ray said putting his legs on the coffee table.
“What did you do to her you asshole” Finn said standing up from the couch, grabbing Ray by his t-shirt and pulling him up.
“Look like I said do something for me or you will regret it if you really love Quinn you will have no problem doing it don’t worry you won’t need to do anything illegal” Ray said pushing Finn off of him.
“What do you want?” Finn said running his hand through his hair.
“Good girl now I’m going to need you to say to Kurt that Blaine did cheat on him because he told me right after he did it and lied and make it believable you’re dumb sure but you can handle this I’m sure” Ray said grinning.
“Don’t push it I swear to god” Finn said about to attack him but restrained himself.
“Why are you doing this Ray?” Finn said more calm now.
“You don’t need to know you’re going to call him now and tell him in front of me.
“No that’s fine I can tell him face to face” Finn said quickly.
“Do I look like an idiot to you you’re going to call him now”
Kurt woke up by the sound of his phone going off he ignored it and went back to sleep. His phone rang again 2 minutes later but this time Kurt decided to picked it up looking at the name before answering.
“Hello Finn” Kurt said yawning moving out of Blaine’s arms trying not to wake him.
“I uh hey Bro” Finn said feeling really guilty for doing this but Quinn’s lift was more important than a relationship, he really didn’t want to hurt Blaine but he’ll explain to them both after Quinn is safe.
“What’s wrong Finn?” Kurt said moving to the edge to the bed trying to get dress with the phone between his shoulder and head.
“It’s about Blaine” Finn said trying to swallow the lump in his throat.
“What about him?” Kurt got up from bed and left the room not noticing Blaine waking up.
“There’s something I need to tell you before you get hurt..again” Finn felt like crying but he held it back.
“What are you on about Finn?” Kurt said getting really scared “What could Blaine have said to hurt him the only thing he could think of was-” he was interrupted from his thoughts when Finn started explaining.
“In Lima, Blaine came to me crying saying he felt so bad for cheating on you and that the only way he was going to get you back is to lie and say he never cheated on you so you would be with him again..I’m so sorry Kurt.” Finn closed his eyes to stop the tears from coming out.
“What..no your lying he would never lie to me especially something this serious.” Kurt said crying silently now.
“Have I ever lied to you Kurt I’m being honest at the start I wasn’t going to say anything but I started to get guilty and I had to.”
“You did the right thing” Kurt said ending the call he threw his phone against the wall and walked back into his bedroom.
“Baby what wrong?” Blaine said sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes.
“Get out” Kurt said calmly closing his eyes.
“What?” Blaine asked confused.
“Get out please” Kurt said
“Get the fuck out Blaine” Kurt raised his voice at him when Blaine didn’t move.
“Baby what’s wrong what did I do Kurt..” Blaine said hurt in his voice.
“Don’t give me that you know what you did I should have never believed you get out now you have 5 minutes.
Kurt walked out of his room grabbed his keys and left leaving a very confused and hurt Blaine in his bed.
Finn took the phone away from his ear and turned around to face Ray.
“Happy now where’s Quinn?” Finn said crossing his arms.
“I’ll let her go you don’t need to worry now get lost” Ray said scratching his head.
“I’m not leaving here without Quinn” Finn said getting more angry.
“Oh yes you will leave here now” Ray said pointing the gun at Finn.
Finn didn’t argue anymore and left quickly as possible to tell Kurt the truth.
“Blaine Hun what’s going on did you have a fight with Kurt?” Rachel said as Blaine left Kurt’s room all dressed his hair still messy.
“I actually don’t know what did I do?” Blaine said tears coming down his face.
“I don’t know Kurt left before I could ask him I don’t think he notice me at all to begin with, now tell me what did he say to you before he left?” Rachel said pulling Blaine towards the couch.
“He came in looking upset and told me to get out I ask what was wrong and what I did but he got angrier and said something about not believing me and that’s when he left.” Blaine said sniffing and drying his tears away.
“What was he doing before that and believe what?” Rachel asked.
“I..um I think he was on the phone and I know I’m so confused Rachel” Blaine said.
“I’m calling him” Rachel said getting up.
“N-” Blaine tried.
“Shut Up Blaine” Rachel said pulling her phone to her ear.
Single Ladies started playing and Rachel followed the sound towards the wall where Kurt’s phone was laying his screen cracked.
Rachel ended the call and picked Kurt’s phone up and saw he had a miss call from Finn.
“He has a miss call from Finn from about an hour ago” Rachel said showing Blaine the screen.
“About the same time everything..happened” Blaine said taking a deep breath.
“Do you think Finn said something?” Rachel asked.
“What no Finn wouldn’t do that he’s not like that besides I didn’t do anything wrong that I can remember at least” Blaine said frustrated.
“Look when Kurt comes home we’ll talk about it okay go get some rest” Rachel said rubbing Blaine’s back.
“I’m not really in the mood to sleep..you should have seen Kurt’s face last time I saw that face was-” Blaine was interrupted when he heard a knock on the door a loud one.
Thinking it was Kurt Blaine and Rachel both walked quickly towards the door opening it.
“Where’s Kurt?” Finn said rushing into the apartment.
“What are you doing here?” Rachel said.
“Where is he?” Finn said to Blaine this time ignoring Rachel’s question.
“He’s out” Rachel said before Blaine could answer.
“Shit can I use your phone mines dead” Finn asked Rachel.
“He’s phone isn’t with him it’s here he didn’t bring it with him” Rachel said walking away to put her mug in the sink.
“I’m going to go find him” Finn said leaving followed by Blaine who was determined to ask Finn what was going on.
10 Minutes Later
“Fuck love seriously I knew this would happen again” Kurt said to himself as he walked down the streets of New York crying “How can Blaine do this to me”.
Kurt felt emotionally drained he had lost his voice and he knew he would catch a cold from the rain that was threatening to burst any second now.
Kurt started to cross the street in front of him when everything went black and the last thing he remembers was hearing a horn.
To Be Continued.
I know I know it’s been ages but it’s not like a lot of people read the story anyway but for the people who do thank you heaps if you have any ideas let me know.
Please Review :)