July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 9
Quinn woke up the next morning and sighed it was her last day here and to be honest she really didn't want to go especially the way Blaine is right now, Quinn was determined to spend as much time with Blaine as she possibly can before she needed to leave.
"Blainey" Quinn said shacking Blaine to wake up and once again she called him Blainey she sighed thank god he was in deep sleep and didn't hear her "Blaine she said again placing her hand on his shoulder.
"Mmm what sleepy" Blaine mumbled into the pillow.
"Well it's my last day don't tell me you want to spend all day in bed on my last say" Quinn said smiling.
Blaine ran out of bed fast and went into the bathroom to get ready "It's your last day it must be perfect after all you have done for me." Blaine said.
Quinn laughed "You act like a child sometime you know that"
"You love it" Blaine said grinning
"I guess I do" Quinn said chuckling.
When Blaine and Quinn were finally ready they got into Quinn's car and drove to the Lima Bean they parked outside and went in ordered there coffee's and sat down.
"So what are we going to do today?" Quinn said looking at Blaine who had come back from the bathroom.
"I don't know what time do you have to leave?" Blaine said a little upset that he was going to be lonely now.
"I have to leave here by noon" Quinn said sighing if only she was friends with Blaine when she was still at school.
"Alright" Blaine said looking down.
"You're coming to the airport right" Quinn said trying to keep conversations going"
"Of course I will I'm not missing that for the world" Blaine said forcing a smile.
"Okay good" Quinn said smiling at Blaine
For the rest of the day they went to the movies, drove around Lima, talked and much more. Quinn had finished packing her suitcase and went down stairs, Blaine was at the bottom of the steps with his belongings in his arms.
They both went into Quinn's car which Blaine would take back to her house after, Quinn had left her car here not like she needed it when she brought another one in New Haven with the money she was supposed to buy an apartment with she didn't mind sleeping in the dorms.
Kurt woke up on the couch and looked around his head was sore, he must of fallen asleep on the couch after crying his eyes out. He really did miss Blaine but he couldn't be with Blaine when the first thing that comes to his mind about Blaine is cheater.
"Hey your awake" Rachel said coming out of her bedroom yawning.
"Yeah I am" Kurt said blankly.
"How do you feel today?"
"I don't really know Rachel you need to get ready for NAYADA don't worry about me trying to change the subject, I'll go to work then go hang with Ray I'll be fine." Kurt totally forgot she didn't know who Ray was.
"Wait whose Ray?" Rachel said confused.
"Oh he's my um boyfriend" Kurt was nervous he did want Rachel to think that he's moved on to quickly.
"Oh really since when? What about Bla-" Rachel regrated what she has about to say and shut her mouth.
"What about Blaine and it been a few days now" Kurt said a little annoyed that she bring Blaine up she wouldn't like it if I brought Finn up.
Rachel got ready after talking a little more about Ray with Kurt and left before she was running late. Kurt decided to call Finn while walking to work he hadn't talked to him even since he tried to leave in the middle of the night without saying goodbye to Rachel.
Finn was throwing a ball against the wall that rebound back to him when his phone rang. He grabbed his phone and saw Kurt was calling and smiled.
"Hey little bro" Finn said smiling again.
"Finn how many times I need to tell you I'm older then you" Kurt wasn't in the mood for Finn's jokes.
Finn just laughed "So what's up?"
"Nothing just walking to work and decided I might as well call you"
"Awesome I'm glad you did" Finn said.
"Well what's on your gender today?" Finn heard Kurt say from the speaker and then someone blow there horn.
"Assholes" Kurt mumbled to himself "Sorry continue".
"Nah its fine I was going to say goodbye to Quinn but she's probably gone by now"
"You can always call her" Kurt said
"Yeah but ever since she became friends with -" Finn stopped what he was saying.
"Finn.. ever since she become friends with who?" Kurt stoped walking to listen to Finn.
"Blaine..I'm sorry" Finn said "Didn't mean to bring it up."
"Since when did they become friends?" Kurt said walking into Vogue.
"More like best friends well Quinn said they bumped into each other at McKinley and started talking I don't know man."
Best friends huh Kurt sighed "Okay well I need to go take care Finn."
"By-" Kurt had already end the call.
Kurt laid back in his seat Blaine and Quinn friends wow didn't see that coming.
Earlier That Day
Quinn sighed and turned around before getting on the plane "I'm really going to miss you Blaine come here."
Blaine was standing with his head down tears in his eyes but went up to hug her anyway "What will I do now"
Quinn held it in and kissed his check "It's only going to be a few months then I'll be back for Christmas"
Blaine didn't say anything straight away "That's only for a few days then you be gone again."
Quinn turned around and she knew she really needed to go if she was going to catch her flight.
"Blaine I have to go I'm sorry"
"Alright, thank you for everything Quinn" Blaine said hugging Quinn again.
Quinn couldn't hold it anymore the tears started to fall "See you really soon B" Quinn ran to her plane just in time before they shut the doors.
Blaine started crying as he ran out of the airport and into Quinn's car, Quinn was the one that distracted him from the break up and now that she's gone Kurt will be in his mind. He drove Quinn's car back to her place grabbed the car keys and went up to knock on the door.
Judy came seconds later and opened the door. "Oh hello Blaine is there something wrong with Quinn" judging by his face she knew something was wrong.
"No I just came by to give you her keys" He said sniffing.
"Do you want to come in?" Judy said before Blaine spoke again.
"No thank you Ms Fabray I got to get going thank you for letting me stay over"
"No problem Honey" she knew Blaine had no transport home "Do you want a ride home?"
Judy dropped off Blaine exactly where he directed her to "You have a lovely home" Judy said smiling.
"Thank you and thanks for the ride" Blaine said bluntly. He got out slowly and ran to his front porch and knocked on the door lightly waiting for his mom to answer.
A Couple Months Later
Quinn got off the plane and decided to call Blaine to see if he could pick her up. Ever since there last goodbye they hadn't talked Quinn was so busy getting things done so she was free for Christmas. She had a few days here and she was going to see if her mother would want to spend it with the Anderson's. Quinn got her phone out and called Blaine but it was switched off, Quinn sighed and decided to call Finn.
"Hey Quinn it's been like forever how have you been"
"I've been okay I'm actually back in Lima for a couple of days for Christmas and I was wondering if it's not too much trouble if you could pick me up Blaine's not picking up his phone so I thought maybe you could come get me."
"Yeah I know" Finn said sadly
"Why where is he is he hurt?" Quinn was starting to get worried.
"I'll explain everything when I get there are you at the front of the airport?"
"Alright I'll see you soon" Finn said
Finn ended the call and rushed down stairs "Mom I'm going to go pick up Quinn she's back for Christmas I'll be home straight after I promise." Finn was out the door before Carole could say something.
He drove toward the airport and sighed how was he going to tell Quinn about what happened with Blaine.
To Be Continued
Please Review and I'm sorry if there's not a lot of punctuation I'm not really good at it and I'm really tired so I wanted to get this up as quick as I could. I'm sorry for the cliff hanger I had to.