July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 8
Kurt was put on the spot he didn't know what to say, say no Kurt you can be single there's nothing wrong with that but he didn't want to hurt his feelings "Sure" Kurt said without thinking forcing a smile. The thing is him and Blaine hadn't really broken up officially yet and he really needed to tell Blaine that there over because if he didn't it wouldn't feel right.
"Um Ray can you excuse me for a second" Kurt said getting up and going to the back of the shop.
"Sure" Ray said to himself as he took another sip of his coffee.
Kurt dialled Blaine's number and let it ring.
Blaine was still waiting for Quinn to return from his house when his phone rang he thought it was Quinn and looked at his phone which said Kurt. Blaine answered it as quickly as he could smiling.
"Hello" Blaine said tearing up he missed Kurt's voice and he was so happy to hear it again.
"Blaine.." Kurt said softly I need to tell you something.
"Can I say something first please Kurt" Blaine begged about to tell Kurt the truth about the cheating.
"No I need to go let me just tell you this quickly" Kurt said softly.
"Okay what is it Kurt you can tell me anything" Blaine said with hoping nothing bad.
"We..we haven't officially broken up yet I'm sorry Blaine I can't do this anymore you hurt me too much I will always love you but we are done."
Blaine couldn't speak just a squeak came out as he fell onto the floor holding the tears.
"Goodbye Blaine" Kurt said hanging up the phone
Blaine started crying as he punched the floor it was too late Kurt hanged up before Blaine could tell him.
Kurt sighed as he shut his phone this wasn't his fault he did love Blaine he was his first but Blaine should of thought about that before he cheated on him.
"Hey you okay Kurt?" Ray said standing up and waiting at the door.
"Yeah just it's nothing" Kurt said looking down at the floor.
"Okay well do you want to go see a movie?" Ray said smiling and Kurt.
"I have to do a few things today before I got to bed I'm sorry Ray I'll call you tomorrow okay" Kurt said rushing out and running back home to talk to Rachel.
Quinn walked into her room half an hour later with a whole bunch of clothes for Blaine and a bottle of gel from his bathroom. "Blaine? What's wrong what happened" Quinn said getting onto the floor dropping everything to hold Blaine as he cried.
"He..Kurt called me and told me we were over officially" Blaine said clinging onto Quinn. "Please don't leave me" Blaine begged Quinn.
Quinn sighed as she pulled him up and hugged him kissing his forehead "I have to I'll be back just promise me you won't do anything to harm yourself in any way please for me" Quinn said softly.
"I already have" Blaine said whimpering.
"What do you mean?" Quinn asked looking at Blaine.
Blaine sighed and lifted his tank top up and turned to his side, he had a scar on his side.
"Oh my god Blaine" Quinn said her hand over her mouth she never seen it before but it wasn't very noticeable unless you're looking for the scar.
"I did it the night I came back from New York after confessing to Kurt a lie" Blaine said pulling his tank top back down.
"I..I why Blaine you have so much to live for, I can't trust you alone what happens if you decide to cut yourself again and there's no one there to help you" Quinn said tearing up.
"I won't do it again trust me Quinn I was just testing it to see how it felt I won't do it again I promise" Blaine sniffed.
Quinn sighed "alright well what now" Quinn asked Blaine.
Blaine took a deep breath "I don't know Quinn I think I might get changed" he got up and walked to the bathroom picking up a random t-shirt and sweat.
Quinn took her phone out of her pocket and decided to call Finn and apologise she didn't want to leave on a bad note.
"Hello Quinn I'm sorry Quinn I really didn't mean anything I understand if you want to punch me" he said sighing.
"Just relax Finn" Quinn said strongly.
"Okay" Finn said mumbling to himself.
"I accept you apology and I'm sorry to" Quinn said.
"It's not your fault I shouldn't have brought it up"
Blaine walked out of the bathroom changed and sat on Quinn's bed waiting for Quinn to finish talking.
Quinn looked at Blaine "Um Finn I have to go I'll talk to you later okay"
"That's fine Quinn I'll see you soon I guess" Finn seemed sad she was leaving tomorrow.
"Was that Finn?" Blaine said looking through his phone of pictures of him and Kurt.
"Yeah" we are good now no need to worry I don't know if I'll see him again until I come back to visit.
Rachel came home from NAYADA to see Kurt sitting down on the couch reading the latest Vogue Magazine.
"Hi" Rachel said walking in slowly.
"Rachel..Hey can we talk about the fight I'm really sorry" Kurt said getting up and hugging Rachel.
"It's fine Kurt I know how you feel don't worry" Rachel said smiling hanging her coat up.
"I broke up with Blaine today" Kurt said sitting back down.
"What really I'm sorry Kurt I didn't see that coming what happened" Rachel said sitting down next to Kurt.
"Well I decided to call Blaine to tell him we were over instead of him guessing if we were together and I told him and he went into shock" Kurt sighed.
"Wait how do you know?" Rachel said thinking how horrible Blaine must be right now.
"Well judging by the noises he made after I told him yeah it seem like he did" Kurt shook his head.
"Kurt I find it strange that this doesn't bother you, you just broke up with Blaine and your sitting here calm like you don't care I saw how hurt you were Kurt when you found out"
"I do care Rach but how am I supposed to act be all depressed and do nothing I wish I could just forgive him and jump right back into his arms but I can't I can't" Kurt said breaking down and crying he had kept his emotions in for so long and he agreed to become Ray's boyfriend.
Kurt leaned on Rachel as he drained all the energy out of himself.
Blaine laid in bed while Quinn was sleeping on his chest unaware he can do this he messed everything up with Kurt this was his fault and now he was going to spend his last day with Quinn before she has to go back to New Haven. He had his whole life to cry about Kurt but once Quinn left he would be alone again and become depressed, there was something that Quinn did to him that made him feel happy and the only person so far who has done that was Kurt. When he was with Quinn he forgot about his problems until they were either brought up or something reminded him about it. If Blaine wasn't gay and he didn't love Kurt so much he probably would have had a crush on Quinn.
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