July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 23
Kurt parked at the front of the airport tapping his hands against the steering wheel scanning the crowd for Santana. Santana walked around the car and got in without Kurt knowing.
“AHH” Kurt screeched when he saw Santana sitting there next to him.
“I know right what the hell are you wearing?” Santana said eyes Kurt’s robe and slippers.
“Well if you noticed Satan you called me at 2:00 in the morning when I was still sleeping so obviously im going to be in my pyjamas because once we get to my place im going to go back to sleep and you can do whatever.”
“You could go to sleep naked and that would look better than what you’re wearing now.” Santana said slipping her hair behind her shoulder.
“Okay Santana thank you for your input but no” Kurt drove off and was back in no time.
“So how are you and Britney?” Kurt asked yawning.
“How would I know ask Sam” Santana said rolling her eyes.
“I’m sorry San I didn’t mean to-” Kurt tired but was interrupted.
“Don’t worry about it Lady Lips I’ll get her one day”
As Santana finished her sentence she realised they were parked outside a bulding which Santana knew was there apartment.
“Where’s Berry?” Santana said walking up the stairs to there door.
“It’s 3:30 she’s sleeping and that was I’m supposed to be doing so if you excuse me I’m going back to sleep be free to get anything from the fridge and keep the volume on the TV down.” Kurt mumbled going to his bedroom.
“That’s not how you treat your guests Hummel” Santana said.
“Not my fault you came this early” Kurt said loud enough for Santana to hear.
“I told you I was going to be here last night but the plane was delayed.” Santana said.
“So I’ve been told” Kurt mumbled into the pillow before falling asleep.
The next morning Kurt got up a few hours later than usual thanks to Santana, he got dressed and left his room.
“I’m being serious Berry you look Wanky as hell” Santana said drinking her coffee.
“Thanks Santana how long are you staying?” Rachel said making her own coffee.
“I’m here for as long as I want” Santana said looking at Kurt walking in.
“What about collage?” Rachel asked.
“What about it?” Santana asked.
Rachel was about to answer but Kurt beat her to it.
“Good morning ladies” Kurt said walking into the kitchen in his robe.
“Ugh what have I said to you about wearing that robe it’s horrible.” Santana said.
“I’m fine how are you?” Kurt said rolling his eyes.
“Aw don’t be like that, my favourite dwarf wouldn’t want you to be like that when we go see him.” Santana said winking.
Rachel cleared her throat which made Santana roll her eyes.
“Gay Dwarf” Santana said correcting herself.
“Wait your coming to?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah don’t you like me Hummel” Santana said acting sad.
“Yeah I do but you’re going to embarrass me” Kurt said sighing.
“No I won’t come on” Santana said pulling Kurt by the sleave while Rachel followed from behind.
“Santana, Blaine doesn’t start work for another 20 minutes” Kurt said trying to get away from Santana’s grip.
“Okay Twinkle Toes go get changed, you take ages anyway so when you’re ready we can go” Santana said sitting down on the couch grabbing a magazine and reading it.
Kurt rolled his eyes and stomped his way into his bedroom to get ready.
30 Minutes Later
Blaine came out of the change rooms pinching the back of his swim trunks seriously were they getting smaller or something because these felt a lot tighter than usual.
“Looking good Anderson” Santana called out which made Blaine jump up in surprise.
“Santana what are you doing here” Blaine said smiling.
“Nothing much you’re gay and I decided to come see you” Santana said struggling.
“Excuse me Santana how could you forget about me that is rude and I’m hurt” Rachel said glaring at Santana before storming off to go find Kurt who was getting drinks.
Santana rolled her eyes “What a drama queen”.
Blaine just chuckled “Well I have to go do my job I’ll see you guys later”
“I’ll make sure to push Hummel in so you can rescue him” Santana called out to Blaine.
“I heard that Santana” Kurt said walking back and giving Santana her can of coke.
“You heard nothing” Santana said smiling before taking a sip.
“Santana I’m going to forgive you” Rachel said before walking into the change rooms dragging Kurt with her.
“That girl I swear where’s Quinn when you need her to knock some sense into her.” Santana mumbled to herself.
Blaine leaned against the wall being bored just like every other day but his day got a whole lot better when Kurt walked out of the change room with his purple bored shorts and a towel wrapped around himself covering his upper body before Rachel tugged it and it came off.
“Give it back” Kurt said trying to cover his body with his hands but gave up.
“Kurt” Rachel said walking up to Kurt with his towel on her shoulder.
“No Rachel I’m not getting into the water” Kurt said tilting his head upwards and crossing his arms.
“Yes you are but that’s not what I was going to say, Blaine giving you the sex eyes” Rachel said holding in a slight giggle.
“No he’s not he’s not even look- oh god yes he is give me the towel back I feel naked” Kurt said trying to grab the towel but failed.
“Wanky” Santana said winking.
Kurt finally got into the pool later that day just to shut up Rachel and Santana up.
Kurt swam to the other side of the pool where Blaine was bending down on the edge waiting for Kurt looking happy that hi shift was over.
“Enjoying yourself in there?” Blaine said chuckling at the fact Kurt was trying very hard not to wet his hair but still swim.
“Not as much as you are” Kurt said pointing towards Blaine’s crotch.
“I..I..um ah it’s not my fault it’s yours”
“But there’s school tomorrow and it’s too early for clubbing?” Kurt stated trying really hard to get out of this and spend some time with Blaine..alone”
“Don’t lie to me Hummel I might be hot but I’m certainly not dumb tomorrow it Sunday there’s no school”
“It is wow geez I didn’t realise but the answer is still no” Kurt asked turning back to Blaine.
“Anyways I have to get home and keep Quinn company so I can’t sorry” Blaine said trying to help Kurt out.
“No need for that Quinn said she’s going to meet us there I texted her the address” Rachel said walking out of the change rooms and towards Santana.
“So it’s settled then we are all going and your excuses suck both of you especially Blaine need to keep Quinn company since when you’re usually pinning Kurt against the wall and doing the dirty deed” Santana said smiling at Kurt and Blaine.
Everyone looked at Kurt and Blaine and both blushed, but Santana was on the floor laughing from people’s reactions.
They were out of the building’s half an hour later and heading back to Kurt and Rachel’s place to wasting time before leaving.
“I don’t have anything to wear I’ll go back and met you guys there” Blaine said scratching the back of his neck.
“Don’t be silly B you can wear something of mine” Kurt said staring at him like if I’m going you’re going.
To Be Continued.
Ok I’m sorry this chapter was boring don’t know what else to write also don’t worry we still got the whole Finn, Quinn and Rachel plot still going and also we can’t forget about Ray can we lol.
Please Review :)
It was a good chapter. So happy to have another one its been quite some time. Update soon. :D
I'm glad you like it, I'm sorry it took a while I didn't know what to write but i'll try and update soon :)